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The Instinct: An Alp Thriller
The Instinct: An Alp Thriller
The Instinct: An Alp Thriller
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The Instinct: An Alp Thriller

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Alp's closest friends betray him and choose him as a victim for a crime he did not commit.
After a while, his friends call him and just ask him for help, but they don't tell him why.
Alp becomes suspicious and starts calling his friends to help.
When he finds them, the chain begins to open, he leaves the grave of death and emerges into the light, and the dark traces of the past begin to follow him even in the light...


- I read it in the published book and liked it very much. Your pen is great, definitely keep it up. I wish you continued success. -Polat

Like your other books, this one is absolutely amazing. I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel. M.A.



Release dateFeb 8, 2024
The Instinct: An Alp Thriller

C. Buğra ESER

C. Buğra Eser wurde 1998 im Bezirk Sarıkaya von Yozgat geboren. Nach seinem Schulabschluss in Sarıkaya ging er nach Yozgat, um dort zu studieren. C. Buğra, der sein Studium für das Lehramt der türkischen Sprache abgeschlossen hat, widmet sich nun den Genres Krimi, Mystery, emotionale Fiktion und Intrige; er schreibt weiterhin Bücher voller dramatischer Lebensgeschichten, die sich mit den grausamen Seiten des Lebens und der tiefen Psychologie der Menschen befassen. Die Autorin beschränkt sich nicht auf ein einziges Genre und bietet ihren Lesern die Möglichkeit, eine neue Generation von Romanen zu lesen. Im Krimi-Genre befasst er sich mit dem schmerzhaften Privatleben gewöhnlicher Menschen.

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    The Instinct - C. Buğra ESER



    7 December 1998

    He was standing in front of that door again...

    The blue-eyed man was doubtful. His instincts were shuttling between his brain and his heart...

    He took a deep breath and grabbed the door handle, opening it slowly. He was looking into the hospital room. There was a woman who had just given birth, her eyes were closed, she must have been asleep. She was very thin, with a body stripped of flesh and only bones left. Her eye sockets were sunken in. She would have looked even thinner without his hospital clothes and the blanket

    The blue-eyed man came in and closed the door behind him, making a little squeaking sound. The woman slowly opened her eyes, blinked several times, and looked at him. Did you bring it? she asked.

    The blue-eyed man just nodded. "Do what you have to do, please.

    I don't want to wait any more, she said. Her voice was very lifeless. The blue-eyed man approached her and sat down. His legs and hands were trembling, sweat had begun to bubble on his forehead. He moved the syringe in his shaking hands closer to the serum connected to the woman's arm. The woman suddenly grabbed his arm. It was as if his holding hand was not there, only the sensation of skin. The woman handed him the crumpled paper she kept behind her leg and said, Give it to him when the time is right." The woman closed her eyes slowly. The blue-eyed man picked up the paper. This was a letter. There was also something rattling in it. He quickly put the letter in his jacket pocket.

    His eyes were starting to fill with tears, he had never done anything like this before. Trembling, he slowly inserted the syringe into the serum. He closed his wet eyes and slowly poured the liquid from the syringe into the serum. The clear liquid in the serum gradually turned a dark color. It was as if the sun had turned against the earth and condemned people to darkness. Then the only sound he heard was the ever-increasing beeping of the device...


    AGAIN, THOSE FAMILIAR feelings were inside  me. My instincts were starting to work, but

    the sound of metal music coming from my headphones was enough to suppress it a little.

    I was on the bus, sitting in the café with my friends, going to my friends' house because of a message I received on my phone. They were calling me. I didn't know why; they hadn't told me. Okay, it wasn't a computer game, I suppose. I thought so, but my feelings were telling me the opposite, that something very bad was going to happen. No matter how much I tried to suppress it, no matter how much I increased the volume of the music, it didn't work.

    Something bad was going to happen.

    I got off the bus and walked towards the apartment building where my friends lived, whose houses were close to each other. I came to the doorstep. My heart was already starting to thump. It was not unusual to feel something like this in front of this door, which I had been to dozens of times.

    I took a deep breath and rang the bell. After waiting for a while, my university friends of many years invited me home. I took off my shoes and went inside.

    The sequels went like this: Alperen and Deniz, two people I knew as friends, two people with whom I had years of friendship, had accused me, who was innocent, because of some nonsense they were involved in. It was really ridiculous; I didn't know if they had done it or if it was someone else. The matter was absurd, but if there was a consequence, it would jeopardize their university and future lives. They would be recorded, fined and expelled from the university. Because of their circle of friends, they chose me as the victim and accused me, thinking that I could not prove anything. If I brought all the sides together, I would solve the issue very easily, but they were not in favor of it. Deniz even pulled a knife on me. He had threatened her with death. I was also offended that a person I knew as a friend would change in a day and do it for his own interests rather than trusting me and helping me solve the issue. After two and a half hours of insulting my mother and threatening death and torture, the other housemates, Umut, who were unaware of all these events, came and acted as if he knew about the incident but did not. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye and passed me without even saying hello.

    It was a terrible feeling. I was smoking the cigarette I now hated and never liked, collapsing under a closed gazebo and feeling nothing. I questioned why and how for an hour in my brain, but

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