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The Next Generation
The Next Generation
The Next Generation
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The Next Generation

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Despite Toni’s legendary brilliance, even she could not stop the march of time. After learning her daughter, Joy, and Joy’s two best friends, Pepper and Alina, attempted to deceive the senior agents in The Organization with a bogus Spring Break cover story, she convinces her wife it’s time to let the Next Generation take over.
The last thing Pepper Maggio expects after agreeing to lead a mission is literally running into the woman she’s followed for years. Not only is Grace Turner beautiful, but she’s a passionate crusader for the same innocents that The Organization vows to protect. Along with her two best friends, the three young women embark on an adventure to save the day. But the mission quickly gets out of hand as the human traffickers target not only Grace and her film crew, but also the young Mexican woman who managed to catch Alina’s eye. Maria might be the bravest of the bunch as a survivor of one of the Mexican mines, but she’s a sitting duck if they don’t intervene. They might be the Next Generation, but they’ll need the full support of The Organization, including Pepper’s lethal mother, Val, to get out of Mexico alive.

Release dateMar 1, 2024
The Next Generation

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    The Next Generation - Annette Mori


    March, 2043

    The lanky middle-aged woman with fine silver strands woven inside her long dark hair leaned back in her chair and declared, That’s my girl!

    Seriously, Toni, you’re proud of what Joy did? Char rubbed her eyes, clearly half-asleep after her nap, but she sounded pissed. That was never a good thing.

    Toni glanced at her wife of over twenty-five years. She was still a stunning woman with lustrous red hair that only contained a hint of gray, unlike Toni’s, where the silver stood out more because her natural color was so dark. The fine lines around Char’s keen green eyes did not reduce her beauty. All the original agents in The Organization kept in shape, but Char had added yoga during her pregnancy with Joy, keeping her especially limber. In combination with Sophie’s martial arts classes, Char was as fit as when she and Toni had first met, even though she was now in her fifties.

    The advertisement to join AARP that had come in an electronic communication reminded Toni that the original agents needed to consider retirement. Perhaps they all, including herself and her wife, still had more tread on their tires. However, the advertisement from AARP was a giant neon sign telling her they needed to have the conversation. For fuck’s sake, Char already took naps in the middle of the day like an old person in retirement, but Toni would never have the guts to highlight that little factoid in her argument.

    Aw, come on, Char, aren’t you? We sent Val, so what’s the big deal? Our baby girl nearly outmaneuvered me with tech she built all on her own. Not only does the device track intelligence traffic as effectively as mine, but her black box also tried to hack me to block any interference. She wasn’t successful with the second part because I’m still the best, but that’s impressive. We’re going to have to let go at some point. I know you didn’t want this for Joy. And Bernie, Mila, Gina, and Val aren’t too crazy about the idea, either. But these young women are the next generation, whether we like it or not.

    Char seemed to settle and sighed. I suppose you’re right. But you aren’t correct about her building it all on her own. Every chance Joy got, she was in your lab, working side by side with you. She built that under your mentorship.

    They’ve all received gifts from us, whether they’re genetic or simply heeding our teachings, including some of our biggest mistakes. I know we’re still too young to fully retire, but having a succession plan isn’t the worst idea, Toni argued. Pepper’s been ready for several years, and Val knows it. The only reason we’re hesitant is that they’re all so close, and where one goes, the rest follow. Alina is young, but I trust Pepper and Joy to keep her safe, just like Maggie kept you and Val safe. It’s a family business, with us bringing in other members to add to our family.

    Char leaned in to kiss her wife. You’re a wonderful mother and the cool aunt.

    You are, too. Love you, hon.

    Back atcha. Char winked.

    Toni’s eyes traveled to her monitor as a new alert rolled across the screen. Well, shit.

    What now?

    It looks like the Russians and the Chinese are teaming up again. I think the fuckwad our kid was tracking is a minor cog in the wheel, but it’s a start, Toni said.

    It never ends, does it? Char groaned.

    No. It never does. Good thing the next generation caught this, huh? Toni grinned.

    The Next Generation? Is that what we’re calling our kids now? How utterly retro of you, my lovely nerd, Char teased.

    Nothing wrong with a little retro. How about we do a little retro bedroom calisthenics while the Next Generation and Val do their thing?

    Char held out her hand. If you can drag yourself away from your monitor, lead the way.

    Chapter One

    In the twenty years Pepper Maggio had lived among the women in The Organization, a lot had changed. She was the spitting image of her birth mother, Gina, with dark curly hair, a heart-shaped face, and full red lips. The only trait she’d received from her Russian father was his cool, gray eyes. Because they were so similar to her other mother’s, everyone could pretend she’d received that biological trait from Val. It wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. Pepper often imagined that her brilliant Aunt Toni had found a way to combine the genetics of her two moms in her lab, and the result was Pepper. Of course, that wasn’t true, but the fairytale remained a part of the story she told herself until she overheard the truth one night.

    Since Pepper also shared the dispassionate way Val, Mamma V—or MV for short—viewed the world, it was an easy lie to believe. No one thought MV was dispassionate about everything because her family and fellow sisters in The Organization meant the world to her. Val would die for any of them and protect them with her last dying breath. MV had special fighting skills unparalleled by any of the agents in The Organization. No one dared to give an official name to her mother’s specialty.

    After taking over for Maggie, who had passed away last year, Char was their competent leader. Toni and Dani were The Organization’s tech gurus; Ronda, their munitions expert; Cindy, all things medical; and Kim, their master of disguises. Everyone else, including Sophie, who handled most of the training, was simply a badass agent and totally cool human being.

     The Organization had found a way to live more openly in the world rather than hiding out in the fortified tunnels of their primary hub. Taking a page from Char, all the agents had developed alter egos, complete with backstories cleverly created by Toni. They still lived together, but now their residence was topside, as they liked to call it, in a sprawling complex purchased from funds not necessarily obtained in the most conventional manner. In fact, they procured most of their money illegally.

     For Pepper and all the others associated with The Organization, how they ran their operation created absolutely no moral ambiguity for any of them. That included the instances when they sent her mother, Val, to eliminate a particularly deplorable member of society. After all, it was always a last resort. Justifying their actions always came down to the fact that they were the good guys and gals. Although most agents were women, Char had branched out and employed a few good men.

    Pepper relaxed in the media room, listening to the news. Stretched out on the anti-gravity chair with a pint of ice cream in her lap, her eyes never left the one-hundred-inch monitor. Her focus remained on Grace Turner, the youngest person to win a Nobel Peace Prize. She beat out Malala Yousafzai, who had won the prize over twenty years ago for her tireless work on education for women and girls. Pepper listened intently as Grace Turner spoke passionately about the mining industry. She explained that materials such as nickel, manganese, and cobalt incentivized modern-day slavery, human trafficking, and child labor. An outcome of the world’s ever-increasing appetite for technology powered by batteries, comprised of these precious materials, was taking the world in a deplorable direction: politicians and corporate greed turned a blind eye to the conditions of the mines and the health and safety dangers of working with these minerals.

    Not only was Grace beautiful, but she was also a social activist who couldn’t care less whose toes she stepped on. Unfortunately, her influence on the world stage made her a target for many powerful men who could not care less about anything but profit. Some asshat had already made two attempts on her life. Grace had shrugged off both attacks as the price of getting her message across to the world.

    Pepper dropped her spoon when Joy, Char and Toni’s daughter, interrupted her intense focus.

    Ooh, watching your girlfriend again? Joy teased before gracefully settling her lanky body into one of the theater seats. She reached for the built-in storage unit next to the chair and pulled out a bag of chips.

    She’s not my girlfriend, Pepper huffed. I’ve never even met her. Besides, who has time for a girlfriend? It’s not like you and Alina would ever let me have one. It would interfere too much with our plan to get the moms to let us join The Organization. Who else is going to keep you two in line?

    Speaking of that, I have a plan to get them to rethink their stance. We can use spring break as the perfect cover. I’ve been tracking this guy who could lead us to the big fish. Joy pulled apart the top of the bag of chips and dug inside.

    Really? You finally got that toy of yours working?

    Joy grinned. I did.

    Pepper narrowed her eyes. How are you gonna keep Aunt Toni off our asses? You know she has eyes in the back of her head, or more accurately, on her fancy equipment. She’s like a goddess. She practically knows whenever we’re even thinking about going rogue.

    Ha. My box will scramble Mamma T’s fancy code. No way will she know what we’re doing this time. Joy shoved a chip in her mouth.

    That’s what you said last time, Pepper noted.

    I fixed it, she said while chewing her snack.

    Hey, what’s going on? Alina, the third spoke in their tight wheel, asked. Wearing baggy jeans and a crop top, she was stroking her bald head.

    Holy shit, Alina? You shaved your head. Total badass. I love it, Joy exclaimed. What did the moms say?

    Alina laughed and rubbed her head again. Two arched eyebrows, but then they pretended not to notice. I think their new parenting thing is ignoring what they don’t like. They read some old book about not rewarding inappropriate behavior with a reaction. Or something like that. I only had a chance to skim it. 

    How do you know they referenced some old book on parenting? Joy asked.

    I snuck into their bedroom looking for their stash of sex toys. Alina plopped into an empty chair.

    How the hell do you get more action than the two of us combined? Pepper asked.

    Alina shrugged. I don’t know. I just see someone I like and go for it. What’s the worst that can happen? She says ‘no.’ So what? There’s always someone else to, ya know…

    No, I don’t. I may look like Mamma C, but I’m one hundred percent nerd like Mamma T. I can’t even get past hello. Joy sighed. Anyway, I have exciting news. I talked the moms into letting us go to Mexico for Spring Break.

    Bitchin’. Fun in the sun with girls in skimpy bikinis. I’m in, Alina declared.

    Well, um, it was sort of a pretense for what we’re really going to be doing, Joy answered.

    And what’s that? Alina asked.

    Tracking this dude who is the head trafficking guy, providing a continuous flow of free labor for the mines. There are a lot of poor families in Mexico, and he preys on their misfortune. Joy frowned.

    Bastard, Alina and Pepper said simultaneously.

    I guess this was something that happened all the time in Africa with cobalt. Although it sure took enough time for the world to take notice, Joy huffed. When it got too much bad press, they simply moved to manganese and nickel. Like that would solve anything. Unfortunately, there’s still an abundance of poor countries to prey on.

    That’s exactly what Grace Turner was saying, Pepper exclaimed. I really admire her, Pepper added wistfully.

    Oh, yeah, Pepper’s big crush, Alina joked.

    Not you, too. Can’t a woman admire someone for doing something other than puckering up to the camera, making silly faces, and doing a stupid dance move? Pepper huffed.

    Bet you’d like to pucker up to Grace. Joy giggled.

    I could teach you a few moves, Alina added.

    Shut it, you two.

    Grace pushed a lock of her auburn hair behind her ear and tried not to grimace as the blowhard producer for her documentary, Tim something, continued trying to impress her. He sat across from her, shoveling eggs Benedict into his mouth as the golden yolks escaped down his chin. His beady eyes stared at her in a way that made her shift uncomfortably in her chair. With Tim’s hawkish nose, squinty mud-brown eyes, non-existent chin, and thinning hair he tried to comb over unsuccessfully, he was the epitome of nearly every powerful man who used his money and influence to get what he wanted. Even if she wasn’t a lesbian, a man like Tim would never catch her eye, and that wasn’t merely because of his unattractive looks. It had more to do with his obnoxious character, or lack thereof.

    She knew playing this game was the price of getting her message across on the world stage, but she resented the reason for her success. Grace had been told how beautiful she was all her life, as if that was the most essential thing to possess. Pushing against the patriarchy, she’d done everything in her power to play down her looks and accentuate her intelligence. She never wore a lick of makeup, but that didn’t matter because Grace needed nothing for her impossibly long lashes, peaches-and-cream skin, and naturally red lips. She wore baggy clothes to hide her figure, including the rattiest T-shirts she could find, and hadn’t even owned a bathing suit until age twenty.

    However, she soon learned that if she wanted anyone to take her seriously, she needed to play their game. It rankled her, but she did it because her message was so important. She let her mother help her when Grace entered high school, which paid off. Unfortunately, she also received unwanted attention from most of the boys. She feigned being too busy with her causes to date, and that had mainly worked for her. Then she’d gotten her big break when CNN caught her speech at the rally she’d organized in front of a lithium battery manufacturer. From that point, it was a whirlwind of press conferences and events leading to her Nobel Peace Prize.

    Sorry, can you repeat that, please? Grace asked her companion.

    Oh, I was just saying you have to try the plantains. They’re like little bananas. So delicious, Tim remarked.

    Grace absently nodded, then attempted to bring the conversation back to her documentary. I was thinking we could visit that village that’s lost so many of their young girls and boys. Possibly interview the parents. It’s not too far from here. Isn’t that why you brought me to this resort?

    Yes, right, right. Your documentary. Well, we haven’t yet worked out all the details. I’m still looking for the right director. Tim picked up his mimosa and took a large sip. He motioned for the waiter to bring another. Are you sure you don’t want one of these? He lifted the empty glass in the air.

    No thanks, Tim. What about Nora Franks? Grace suggested. I’ve worked with her before. Plus, she just directed that amazing documentary on overfishing in Alaska, which has decimated the salmon population. That documentary earned her an Oscar. I don’t feel comfortable staying in Mexico at this expensive resort if we aren’t going to film a segment.

    I thought we could get to know one another. Tim leaned closer, and his wolfish look turned Grace’s stomach.

    She needed a way to redirect him without jeopardizing the entire project. What would you like to know about my vision for the film? I’ve spoken with Nora before. Would you like me to contact her to see if she’s available? We might be able to get her here within a day or two and still salvage the expense you’ve already gone to. Grace smiled, hoping to charm him and get the damn project started.

    Tim’s disappointment was apparent, but he seemed to realize that he might not get exactly what he wanted from Grace, yet he still had a day or two to continue trying. Yes, that would be helpful, my dear. Tim laid his hand on top of Grace’s, and she left it there for a moment before slyly removing it and placing her hands in her lap. Please, tell me about your vision.

    Chapter Two

    A few puffy white clouds dotted the sky, and when the plane touched down in Mexico, it was already a pleasant seventy-nine degrees. Pepper was glad that Mila and Bernie had let Alina come to Mexico. She was almost eighteen, and Pepper had thought it would be a harder sell. But Alina assured Pepper and Joy that the plan would work, stating, Mamma B is a pushover. She acts all tough, but I can usually get my way with her, especially after I divide and conquer and get Mamma M on board first. Although, I almost think Mamma M suspects something, but fortunately she hasn’t said a word.

    The three friends took a shuttle to their resort and received VIP treatment at check-in. Joy’s mother, Toni, had made all the arrangements after researching nearly every resort in Acapulco. The moms had preferred they go to Cancun or an area safer than Acapulco, but the trio had insisted Acapulco was their preferred destination, stating the weather was better in the more southern west coast region. Although they had arrived in the morning, the resort allowed them to check into their room early. Alina, never one for patience, had decided to go for a swim while Joy set up her equipment.

    The enormous suite had two bedrooms and a central area that was large enough to host a wild party. The three young women had no interest in parties or the pretentious antics of the uber-rich, with the exception of Alina and her penchant for entertaining young women in a strictly one-on-one situation. While the three had grown up in luxury, unlike their peers, none had taken part in the inane pranks of their schoolmates. Pepper and Joy were both well out of high school, but Alina still had to endure the immaturity and superficial relationship bonds of her private school acquaintances.

    Pepper grabbed the remote and settled on the bed to channel surf while her two friends occupied themselves with other activities. She had to talk to the moms when they called, telling them everything was copacetic, and Alina went for a swim while Joy took a nap. Toni had joked about inserting a permanent bot into all three of them if they didn’t behave. It wasn’t the first time she’d made that empty threat. The first time she warned them, Joy had whispered to Pepper that she would just scramble the signal or insert a worm into one of her mother’s favorite programs. Still, Pepper was a little worried by the call, thinking the moms might actually know what the three of them were really doing in Mexico. Toni was that good.

    After ninety minutes, and Alina hadn’t returned to the suite, Pepper’s concern reached a new high. Since she was the group’s oldest and self-proclaimed protector, she directed Joy to find Alina, hoping nothing bad had happened. Mila and Bernie would kill her if she didn’t ensure everyone stayed safe. When Joy’s device started beeping, that settled her decision to search for the two younger women.

    Locking the door, Pepper ran down the stairs, squinting in the bright light of the noonday sun. She turned the corner and spied Alina and Joy talking a few feet from one of the crystal blue pools. Alina tugged on her baggy, board shorts as her eyes met Pepper’s.

    Oh good, you found her. Your device is beeping, Joy, Pepper said.

    Awesome. That means we got a hit. Come on, Joy grabbed Pepper and Alina’s hands, and the three of them ran down the path until they reached the set of stairs in building four. The worn cement in the stairwell was a stark contrast to the luxury of the resort.

    Pepper heard Alina chant, 4302, 4302, 4302.

    Pepper turned her head around and furrowed her brow. What are you doing?

    Repeating the room number. Making sure I don’t forget it again, Alina answered. I can’t wait to get this douche. The moms will have to let us in once we prove ourselves.

    Unless Mamma T finds out what we’re doing, and they send Aunt Val to collect our sorry asses, Joy grumbled. She passed her smartphone in front of the door, and the three friends entered the room.

    Not gonna happen. I have faith in you, Joy. Aunt Toni is a genius, but you’re just as smart as her and know all her tricks. Besides, even if they send MV, I’ll be able to talk our way out of trouble, Pepper reasoned. Aunt Char already said I could start learning more about The Organization. I found out she started about the same age as you, Alina. And I know for a fact MV joined at a much earlier age. She plopped into a chair across from the desk where the device sat, a blinking light pulsating on top.

    I don’t understand why they’re so reluctant to have us go on missions, Alina grumbled as she jumped on the bed and put her hands behind her head.

    I think it’s because they don’t want us in danger. Joy took a seat on the rolling chair at the desk. Grabbing her phone, she began to type in commands. Besides, I get the feeling they’ve only reluctantly offered training, more as a means of self-defense versus official instruction offered to permanent agents.

    Alina sat up in the bed and asked. What do you have, Joy?

    The dude’s location, Joy answered.

    All three phones buzzed at the same time. Each of them glanced at their phones, and a combined shit added to the beeping sound on Joy’s device.

    We’re busted, Pepper exclaimed.

    All three eyes turned to the loud knock on the door.

    Don’t make me bust down this door, Val called from the other side.

    Pepper shrugged and opened the door. Hi, Mom.

    Did you really think we didn’t know what you three had in mind? You may think you outwitted Toni, but don’t ever count her out. Now, what do we have? Do any of you have a plan, or were you just going to fly by the seat of your pants?

    We sort of had a plan, Joy argued. How mad are my moms?

    Val ignored Joy’s question and shook her head. I’m taking the lead.

    All three bobbed their heads, expressed various declarations of yes, and threw their fists in the air in response to Pepper’s mother’s command. Pepper knew this was Val and the rest of the moms’ subtle message they were in. Every single one of them was Pepper’s heroine.

    Val wasn’t sure if it was the best idea to send her to try to talk sense into the girls. She knew they were young women now, but she and her fellow sisters still thought of the trio as

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