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Spiritual Lessons from Life Experiences
Spiritual Lessons from Life Experiences
Spiritual Lessons from Life Experiences
Ebook188 pages2 hours

Spiritual Lessons from Life Experiences

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About this ebook

In this book, the author discloses experiences in his life when he was making and relying on his own personal decisions prior to his commitment to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is his desire that these stories will enlighten us, to show us how ineffective our own thoughts and decisions can be without the Holy Spirit as our guide. His desire is to encourage us to allow the Holy Spirit to come into our lives by having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ to guide our thoughts and intentions.

The author, formerly of Rochester, New York, lives in Kingston, New York, with his wife, Jacqueline (Jacquie). They attend King’s Fire Church in nearby Lake Katrine, New York.

His spiritual journey comprised various ministries, including the prison ministry that took in three correctional facilities. He also served in leadership in his local church and led a small-group Bible study in his home.

His present ministry is a monthly letter that includes a Prophetic Word, followed by “A Closer Look” at the Word.

Release dateFeb 8, 2024
Spiritual Lessons from Life Experiences

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    Spiritual Lessons from Life Experiences - Lewis G. Proper


    Spiritual Lessons from Life Experiences

    Lewis G. Proper

    ISBN 979-8-88832-614-5 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88832-615-2 (digital)

    Copyright © 2024 by Lewis G. Proper

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    It is with deep gratitude that I dedicate this book to my wife, Jacqueline, who, seeing its value, consistently encouraged me to have it published. She worked closely with me and the publisher through the entire editing of this manuscript.


    They saw what appeared to be tongues of fire.—Acts 2:3

    Be filled with love and patience.—Titus 2:2

    Oh the joys of those who help the poor.—Psalm 41:1

    Apply your heart to instruction.—Proverbs 23:12

    Desire to live honestly in every way.—Hebrews 13:18

    Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.—Ephesians 4:23

    God's kindness is intended to lead to repentance.—Romans 2:4

    I have come to set the captives free.—Luke 4:18

    Pay attention and use good judgment.—Proverbs 2:2

    The Lord is my Fortress, Protecting me from Danger.—Psalm 27:1

    For where your treasure is, your heart will be also.—Luke 12:34

    Be kind and compassionate to one another.—Ephesians 4:32

    May I never forget the good things He does for me.—Psalm 103:2

    The wise man is glad to be instructed.—Proverbs 10:8

    Athletes train to receive a prize that will fade away, we do it for an eternal one.—1 Corinthians 9:25

    How blest are you when people mock you and persecute you for my sake.—Matthew 5:6

    God sent Him to die in our place.—Romans 3:25

    You were running the race so well.—Galatians 5:7

    Do not retaliate with insult when people insult you.—Peter 3:9

    Rejoice with Me, I have found My lost sheep.—Luke 15:6

    The Lord fills my life with good things.—Psalm 103:5

    I was a stranger and you took me in your home.—Matthew 25:35

    Take heed that no man deceive you.—Matthew 24:4

    You of little faith, why are you so afraid?—Matthew 8:26

    Be patient with each other bearing with one another in love.—Ephesians 4:2

    Unexpectedly, like a thief in the night.—Thessalonians 5:1–2

    I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice, and opens the door, I will come in.—Revelation 3:20

    And behold your name is graven in the palm of My hand.—Isaiah 49:16

    For You have been a shelter from the storm.—Isaiah 25:4

    Be calm and do nothing rashly.—Acts 19:36

    He who scorns instruction asks for trouble.—Proverbs 13:13

    Don't store up treasures for yourself here on earth.—Matthew 6:19

    For everyone who asks receives.—Matthew 7:8 NIV

    Remember His marvelous works which he has done.—1 Chronicles 16:12

    Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers.—Hebrews 13:2

    The sound of bells could be heard.—Exodus 28:35

    By the Word of their Testimony.—Revelation 12:11

    Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.—Hebrews 12:1–2

    Filled with the Holy Spirit they spoke the Word of God boldly.—Acts 4:31

    Be prepared in and out of season.—2 Timothy 4:2

    I am the Lord who heals you.—Exodus 15:26

    No servant can serve two masters.—Matthew 6:24

    Give thanks in all circumstances.—1 Thessalonians 5:18

    You must be ready all the time.—Luke 12:40

    Bring Me two doves and two pigeons.—Genesis 15:9

    Your old men will dream dreams.—Joel 2:28

    My Father is always at His work, and I too am working.—John 5:17

    My Spiritual Journey

    It is with deep gratitude that I dedicate this book to my wife, Jacqueline, who, seeing its value, consistently encouraged me to have it published. She worked closely with me and the publisher through the entire editing of this manuscript.


    It is often the case, through our lack of awareness, that God, knowing His future plan for our lives, is working, teaching, and preparing us through our natural experiences, including our mistakes.

    In this manuscript, which I began writing in 2017, I have disclosed experiences in my life that even though I considered myself a Christian, I was making and relying on my own personal decisions before I made the choice to follow God's leading me by my personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

    It is my desire that these stories will bring to light how ineffective our own decisions can be without the Holy Spirit as our guide, through Jesus Christ, and encourage us to allow the Lord to guide our thoughts and intentions.

    They saw what appeared to be tongues of fire.—Acts 2:3


    After taking an early retirement in 1986 and had ample free time during the day, I thought it befitting, since Jean was still working, that I prepare the supper meal to have ready when she arrived home from work. One eventful experience of my meal preparations lingers in my memories.


    At this particular time, I had decided that french fried potatoes would be a part of the evening meal. However, the cooking oil that had been previously used and stored in the refrigerator had solidified and had to be melted into liquid form. Knowing that the melting process would take some time, I decided that in the meantime, I would go into the family room and listen to a new CD I had purchased, Light the Fire Again. Therefore, I put the solidified oil into the cooking pan, turned the burner on high, and left the kitchen. I would be back by the time the oil had liquefied.

    While listening to the CD, I became so intensely absorbed in the worship music that I became oblivious of time until the smell of smoke entered my nostrils. Thereupon, I immediately peered through the hand-through opening to the kitchen to see flames soaring up from the pan of oil to the oak cabinets above the stove. In terror, I ran into the kitchen and took hold of the inflamed pan. In doing so, burning oil spilled on to the floor, igniting the linoleum. With flames spreading rapidly, there was no time to call the fire department. In panic, I ran upstairs, pulled the comforter off our bed, then returned to the kitchen and smothered the fire in the pan. Then I began beating the burning cabinets. I beat the flames relentlessly until the fire was finally extinguished. Then completely exhausted, I sat down and viewed the damage. Jean would soon be home, and I thought of how she would react when she walked in and saw the damage to her kitchen.

    Within a short time, the sound of a door opening was heard. Jean had arrived home. I braced myself for her reaction. However, to my surprise, after entering the kitchen and surveying the badly charred oak cabinets and linoleum floor, she was amazingly calm. Her calmness ceased, though, when she spotted her comforter.

    My comforter, it's ruined! she shrieked.

    From this experience, some important lessons were learned: never leave the stove with a burner on high, and use a fire extinguisher instead of a comforter.

    A Closer Look

    There is a fire, unlike the fire in my story, that needs to be fanned rather than extinguished. The fire I'm referring to is the fire of the Holy Spirit that is kindled in the heart of every person who surrenders their life to Christ.

    You know, there's something magical about a campfire. As the initial spark turns into a roaring fire, it's able to draw people around it with laughter, stories, and great times of fellowship. The heat and light from the fire radiates throughout the campsite. However, as time passes, the flames tend to die down, so someone needs to restack the fire with more wood; and once again, the fire is blazing, radiating its heat and light once more.

    Actually, our Christian lives are a bit like a campfire. We can be on fire for God, radiating Christ to those around us, but over time, if we don't rekindle the fire or keep it blazing, the fire within us can flicker and die. Our desire to serve God can wane. Our desire to follow Christ can waver. Other things will take priority, and before we know it, the fire is out, and we've lost our way.

    How is your spiritual fire? Is it burning bright and strong or flickering? Does it need rekindling or fanning? Restack your fire with the Word of God, prayer, and spiritual participation so that it will blaze again.

    Be filled with love and patience.—Titus 2:2


    At the same time as the Digital Revolution explosion came self-service technology, which radically changed the way people choose to purchase and pay for their products and services. This service, which reduced help and provided faster service, was quickly enveloped by almost every type of business globally. One of the services was the self-service gasoline pump that began with the remote-access service. This service allowed the attendant to dispense gasoline from inside the building to the pumps outside. After the customer filled his tank, payment was made in the building. In the 1980s, this service advanced to the more sophisticated pay-at-the-pump service.

    The following story is my first experience at a pay-at-the-pump gas station.


    Our month in Florida seemed to fly by. The weather had been mostly sunny, with temperatures in the eighties almost every day, and the sandy beach of Daytona Beach Shores had been a pleasant everyday experience. But now the four weeks had passed, and we were on our way home. When departing our motel, we had told the proprietors that we hoped to be back next April.

    At the end of the first day and about the halfway point, we stayed overnight in a motel. After an early-morning rise, we would continue on with the rest of our trip. But first, because the gas gauge was getting low, I needed to fill the tank at the nearby gas station. I pulled in at the pumps, departed the car, detached the gas cap, and set it on the top of the pump, which appeared unfamiliar and complicated. The pump required a credit card and indicated instructions. I inserted and withdrew my card and followed instructions, with no results. After attempting a number of times, I became frustrated. Was it me or the pump?

    Then I caught sight of another gas station across the highway. In anguish, I slammed the nozzle down, entered the car, and headed to the other station. Though the traffic was heavy, I managed to make it across the highway to the other gas station. But after arriving at the pumps, I soon discovered that my gas cap was missing. I must have left it on the pump back at the other station. I had to go back and retrieve my gas cap, so I started walking back. The traffic was almost bumper-to-bumper and moving fast. As I stood waiting for a break, my eye caught glimpse of a small round object that appeared like a gas cap in the middle of the road. But the traffic was so dense and moving so quickly that I could only catch a glance. I was certain that it was my gas cap. It must have fallen off as I crossed the road. I was determined to get that gas cap!

    The first break in the traffic came; I started.

    Whoa. I jumped back. That was close. Soon came another break, and I started again. Oops. Another close one. Again I tried. A driver laid on his horn, and I jumped back. Wow! That was even closer. I kept trying but to no avail. Finally came what appeared to be an adequate break in the traffic. I dashed for the gas cap, picked it up, and ran back, barely making it.

    Hey, buddy, you want to get yourself killed! yelled a driver.

    I just want my gas cap, and by golly, I got it! Narrowly, I said under my breath.

    Joyfully relieved over my gas-cap retrieval, I went back to my car by the pumps and attempted to screw on the cap. Oh no! To my dismay, it wasn't my gas cap. I had, for certain, left mine on the pump at the other station. Sorely disappointed, I went into the station building and asked the attendant if he, by any chance, had any gas caps. He left for a moment and came back with a box of left-behind gas caps. I randomly selected three of them, hoping one would fit my tank, and fortunately, one of them did. What a break!

    This pump was a pump where the gas was dispensed by the attendant in the building, so I was able to fill my tank without a problem. With a gas cap and a full tank, we were on our way. But what an experience! And it started with my impatience at the

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