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The Seductive Rockstar: Seductions Series, #1
The Seductive Rockstar: Seductions Series, #1
The Seductive Rockstar: Seductions Series, #1
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The Seductive Rockstar: Seductions Series, #1

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Jake Sable:

The man!

The myth!

The rockstar!

The unrelenting flirt!

The one that got away!


When Sawyer Bakker's boss sends him to interview the latest rock sensation, and lead singer, Jake Sable, he knows he can't say no. He tried, and his boss was having none of it. Apparently his history with Sawyer Bakker was serving him up a cold dish of karma.


So, as he sits in the quiet of the small boardroom waiting, he repeats the mantra: it's just another job. Jake Sable is just another rockstar, with an ego to fit.


Unfortunately, he didn't really consider how his body, and heart might react to actually seeing the man in the flesh. His heart skips a few beats, and then it almost stops when he recognises the man walking beside him.


Jake's steps falter as he recognises the last journalist for the day, Sawyer Bakker. The guy who spilled all of his secrets in high school, to save his own ass.


His feet aren't the only things to falter either. He's pretty sure his heart stops for a few seconds, only to stutter back to life in a weird rhythm.


He wanted Sawyer back then, and he still wants him now. In his bed, and in his life, forever.


Jake has two months to make Sawyer see that they belong together. Always have, and always will.


Can the rockstar and the journalist make it work, or will their past be too much to let go?


***NOTE**** The Seductive Rockstar was previously published as Seducing Sawyer in the Rock My World Anthology. This version has been added to, and that short story was slightly rewritten!

Release dateJun 2, 2024
The Seductive Rockstar: Seductions Series, #1

Chelle Pimblott

Chelle Pimblott lives in Regional Melbourne, Australia with her husband, two teenage sons, and their Irish Wolfhound, Sarge. She started reading romance novels back in the 80’s, when she found her grandmother’s Mills & Boon stash, and she hasn’t looked back since! Although, she didn't actually start writing romance novels until her mid 40’s, well after her beloved grandmother’s death, she’s pretty damned sure her grandmother would be proud as punch of her pursuits today. Chelle’s stories are very steamy, but even so, she knows her grandmother would love them! Chelle started writing after sharing a quickie that she’d written with her friends one day, and they encouraged her to continue the story. That same group of friends still stand behind her today, and that first quickie became ‘Sneaky’, her first published novel.  

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    Book preview

    The Seductive Rockstar - Chelle Pimblott

    1.  JAKE

    For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to be a rockstar. As I come off the stage, the roaring, chanting crowd left behind me in the arena, I know I don’t want to do anything else. Or be anywhere else.

    So, about having a social media manager-

    Sof, I just got off the stage, I haven’t even managed to have a drink yet!

    I know, but I figured if I caught you in an unguarded moment, you'd sign off on it, she says with a smile so disarming, it would be scary if I didn't know her as well as I do.

    You know, Sofie, you're a scary individual!

    It makes me great at my job, and my job right now is to take some pressure off myself, as well as you.

    If I agree, will you go away?

    Well, that’s a bit rude, Jake!

    Well, Sofie, I think it’s a bit rude that you’ve followed me all the way into the bathroom, I chuckle at the horrified look on her face when realises where she is. So, unless you'd like to see me in all my glory, you might want to leave.

    Sorry, Jake. I chuckle again, as she hurries out the door, closing it behind her.

    I do my business, wash my hands, and make my way back to the stage.

    It’s a rare occurrence when I need to duck off the stage to relieve my bladder, to put it politely, but sometimes, I just can’t wait.

    The band always keeps the music pumping, and by the time I quickly hit the stage again, I doubt too many of the fans have even noticed that I pissed off – pun intended!

    I launch into the next song, and we play on like nothing ever happened. Another concert, another packed out stadium, another success!

    That was amazing guys! Miles walks in, clapping his hands together, a huge smile on his face.

    Of course it was! Crows our always cocky as fuck drummer, Miller, and the rest of the guys agree very loudly, and enthusiastically with him.

    We’re all still high on the adrenaline of performing. Everyone is loud, and perhaps even a little obnoxious at this point.

    Where are we off to next, Sof? I ask, as she enters the room, ignoring pretty much everyone in the room.

    Sofie has seen everything. Some things, no-one should have had to bear witness to, but she loves us, warts, and all!

    At least, I'm pretty sure she does. She’s hung around too long if she doesn’t love us!

    Onto the next stop, Jake. So, pack up your things, and let’s get moving! She demands, and disappears back out the door.

    That woman is as hot as the fires of hell!

    Don’t even go there, Mac, you know better than that! I say without looking up from the pile of shit I need to throw into a bag before Sofie pitches a fit about ruining her tight as a duck’s asshole schedule.

    Oh yeah, we’ve had that discussion before, with that exact terminology used, and not by me!

    I don’t know how you can even have that thought process man, she's like everyone’s little sister around here. Flip, the lead guitarist of Sable’s Seduction says, as he shivers to make his point.

    "You might see her that way, Flip, but I don’t think everyone on the crew does."

    Well, they’d better, or I’ll have to start smashing some heads in. Flip shouts back at Mac, just as Sofie re-joins us.

    "There will be no smashing of heads, do you hear me Fillip?" she asks, sending him a look that any parent would be proud of.

    I can't promise that, Sof, and you damned well know it! Flip responds with a scowl of his own. If anyone hurts you, they’ll have all of us to answer to, crew member or not.

    Thank you for the vote of confidence, Fillip, and while I appreciate you wanting to protect me, I can hold my own, I promise. I wouldn’t have lasted any length of time in this business if I couldn’t, and you know that better than most.

    The two of them share a silent conversation for a minute, then give each other a barely noticeable nod.

    Right, with that sorted, let’s get going fellas. We have buses to get onto, and a highway to move down.

    The whole room fills with mumbled complaints, and groans. Mostly because we’re all tired, and could do with a day or two off, but also because we can't let Sofie think we enjoy touring every day, otherwise we’d never get rest days.

    Usually, I wait until everyone else is out of the room before I head to my bus, but tonight, I'm in need of some quiet time, so I head out first.

    Miller is close on my heels.

    Hey, Jake, slow down man. I do as he asks, and he catches me in a few long strides. Are you OK?

    Yeah, of course, man. Why do you ask?

    Because you just shot out of the green room like your ass was on fire, he laughs, but in the dim light of the car park, I can see there's not much amusement on his face.

    I'm just ready for the peace, and quiet of my bus tonight, I say with what I hope is a warm smile.

    The truth, usually the adrenaline after a show keeps all of us going, and in party mode for the next few hours, but tonight, for whatever reason, I'm just not feeling it.

    So, you're not joining us?

    I'm sorry man, not tonight. I regret saying no the minute we reach the door of my bus, and I can see his face in the glaring light. I think I might be coming down with something, and I don’t want to give it to the rest of you, and I’ll need to rest.

    Oh fuck! Miller takes a few steps back.

    Yeah, I say, as I step up onto the bus. And don’t tell Sof, yeah? I don’t want her to stress out if there's nothing to worry about. I could just need to rest my vocal chords for the night.

    I won't be the one to tell her that you might be sick, do you think I've got a fucking death wish? I can't help laughing at his comment. Get some rest, we’ll catch up in the morning. We’ve got a hotel on the next stop, right?

    Fuck I hope so, I say, dreaming of a proper shower, and not a claustrophobic cubicle on a moving bus. It would be nice to sleep in a bed that isn’t on wheels for a few nights too!

    Yup. Is miller’s only reply, and it’s almost lost in the night, because he’s already turned away, and walking towards his own bus.

    I say hi to Bill, my driver.

    Hey Jake, you’ve got about fifteen minutes before we go wheels up, according to Sofie’s schedules.

    Thanks, Bill. He gives me a sharp nod, and heads to the front of the bus to do his last minute checks.

    Fifteen minutes gives me enough time for a shower that isn’t moving. I can tell you from experience, that it’s the weirdest sensation to be having a shower, while it’s speeding along the highway!

    I throw my bag on the bed, strip out of my sweaty clothes, and jump right in the shower without skipping a beat. I will not waste even a second with sorting any of my other shit.

    Once I'm done, I pull on a pair of clean sweat pants, just in time for Bill’s voice to come over the intercom that we are wheels up in less than a minute.

    I smile to myself, how is that for perfect fucking timing!

    Still smirking as the bus lurches forward, I walk into the kitchen area, and almost have a heart attack when a feminine voice speaks. Thankfully, I recognise her voice after the mini heart attack recedes.

    You know Jake, you really should put on more clothes.

    Why would I Sofie? I thought I’d be alone. You should be damned grateful I didn't walk out of here naked for fuck’s sake!

    "Oh, believe me Jake, I am very grateful you decided to at least put on some clothes, but seeing as how we’ve been sharing the bus on this leg of the tour, I don’t know why the hell you wouldn’t be fully clothed?" she asks, finally looking up from the papers on the table.

    What have you got there? I ask, deciding to just leave that conversation alone.

    Flip is one hundred percent correct, Sofie is like my little sister, but also, she's the best PR and on the road manager I’ve ever met, and I have no intention of giving her a reason to leave us.

    Applications for your media manager that I've already vetted. Her smile is genuine, but it has an underlying warning. This is happening so I best make a choice or she will.

    OK, hand them over, I say as I sit across from her at the table.

    Keep an open mind, please, Jake?

    I promise, I smile at her, then start reading through the first couple of applicants.

    My entire body freezes when I get the last one, and I can feel the air leave my lungs.

    No, under no circumstances, ever! I say, at the same time as Sofie speaks.

    Oh yes, I left my pick for last. A scowl forms on her face, as she takes in what I said. What do you mean, no? He’s perfect, Jake. He's over qualified if anything, but he wants a change, and he wants to work with a band for a while.

    Does he know which band he’ll be working with? I ask, after taking a few deep breaths to calm myself down.

    No, none of them have been told exactly which band they’d be working with. We didn't want anyone to be biased, or make choices based on their personal preferences of music, and perceived personalities.

    Kingston Symonds isn’t in the running, Sofie. Not now, not ever. Do you understand me? I get up from the table, and start pacing as much as I can in the small space. "Kingston Symonds is not a fucking option!"

    I don’t understand why, Jake? He’s absolutely perfect. I met him a few days ago-

    You met him? Where, when? Did he see me? Does he know the job is for Sable’s Seduction?

    I just told you, he has no idea which band he’d be working with, and no, he didn't see you, Sofie sighs, but doesn’t stand up. I don’t understand Jake, what's the problem? I can't help you if I don’t know what the problem is.

    "Kingston Symonds is not fucking working for me! In fact, he’s not to come anywhere near me, do you understand me? I don’t want him near me!" I yell, before storming off to my bedroom, and closing the door, locking it behind me.

    Jake? Sofie’s muffled voice says my name, and I can hear the worry in it, but I don’t want to talk about it or him.

    That name belongs in my past, and that’s where it’s going to fucking stay!

    2.  SAWYER

    I 'm so glad we could catch up today, Sawyer. My brother, Finn, says from across the table. No, truly Sawyer, I'm really enjoying myself. I mean, at least I know I'm listening to me!

    What? Oh, yes, I'm glad we could catch up too. I mumble, and Finn cracks up.

    "If only you were actually here with me, little brother." His laugh is louder this time, or maybe I'm just tuning in more.

    I'm sitting right here, Finn!

    Physically, yeah, but your brain is somewhere else, he stops talking to look over his shoulder at the TV I've been staring at. "Or on someone else, for at least the last few minutes." He chuckles again, as he takes a bite of his burger.

    I'm not watching it, I protest lamely.

    "You mean him. You're not watching him. I drag my eyes from the screen, to look at my brother, who just so happens to be studying my face. Look, I can't say I blame you. He’s definitely one sexy motherfucker, and if I liked guys, he’d definitely be on my radar."

    But? I ask, just as someone slides into the seat beside me.

    But what? Whose buttocks are we talking about, hmm?

    Good afternoon to you too, Cheri. How are you today? Finn asks our cousin, who is more like a little sister to both of us, as he nods his head towards the TV.

    Oh, I see now.

    You see nothing, Cheri, I grumble.

    "What I see, Sawyer, my sweet, sweet darling, is the hunk of a rockstar on that screen that you can barely tear your eyes away from, giving a performance that shows his stamina. She nudges me gently in the side, which I try to move away from, but don’t succeed. The school band geek boy, who made it big, huh? I think we all knew he would," she says, stealing a bite out of my burger.

    Get your own, I snap, but she knows I'm not angry. I'm never angry with Cheri.

    The geeky band boy, and the newspaper geek. Now look at you both! He's a rockstar, and you're a respected journalist. Cheri bumps my shoulder with hers. She likes to think she could knock me off my seat, but even if I wasn’t concentrating on my surroundings, she couldn’t budge me. I'm going to order lunch.

    Don’t hurry back. Finn calls out, only to be on the receiving end of a very mature Cheri poking her tongue at him.

    So mature you two! I say, simply because I know they expect it, and if I don’t say something, they’ll both ask me what's wrong.

    Nothing is wrong, not really.

    So, do you hate seeing him on the screen? I'm going to assume you haven’t seen him perform live. It’s not a question, and he is wrong.

    I have definitely seen Jake Sable perform live, and he is electric on that stage. He’s always had that quality about him.

    It’s fine, Finn.

    Your first crush. That not quite unrequited love, and then you blew it up. Are you really going to tell me that you're fine with seeing him, and all that sexiness on billboards, buses, and interviews? He raises an eyebrow at me in question.

    I'm used to it, Finn. It’s fine.

    Isn't he the reason you got into the newspaper in the first place?

    No, Finn.

    Sometimes I really hate that my brother knows me so well.

    Hey, now that I think about it, how come you’ve never interviewed the man yourself?

    I’ve never been asked to.

    I'm surprised not one of your editors in chief has worked out the connection, honestly. Cheri pipes up, as she joins us again.

    Took you long enough to order, Shortstuff!

    They were busy, Buttface.

    While the two of them are bickering as usual, I zone out and think back to where everything started.

    Deciding to join the school newspaper was my way of getting out of joining a sports team. Finn was the sporty one, not me. He was damned good at it too until he got injured.

    I hear my colleagues talking about always having this drive to get into journalism, but it was never that kind of unrelenting passion for me. I love my job, don’t get me wrong, but it wasn’t what I saw myself doing after high school. Don’t ask me what I saw myself doing though, because I have no damned clue whatsoever.

    We were still a team of sorts in the newsroom, even though there was a lot of competition, and stupid rivalry at the time. Some people take school newspapers a little too seriously. I guess those are my colleagues who have always known this is what they wanted to do.

    That being said, using the term, ‘newspaper’ for what we were doing when I first started, is taking liberties with the word. It was more of a gossip pamphlet, but we were teenagers on a mission, and we were deadly serious about it.

    Unfortunately, in the process of writing, and eventually running said newspaper, I lost friends, because everyone thinks you're only friends with them to get dirt for the paper. It rarely mattered if I made it perfectly clear that private meant private.

    Especially when someone, somehow found out a secret, and it was exposed at some point. Friends suddenly didn't trust me anymore.

    Jake Sable being one such case.

    I was quite open with my attraction to other guys, and in our small town that wasn’t ‘normal’. Which made me an easy target for the assholes that wanted to show how big, and strong there were. Lucky for me, things never got physical, other than a few black eyes here and there. Still, those bullies had a field day picking on the kid who was different from everyone else.

    One bully in particular, enjoyed making not just my life hell, but everyone in our class’s life miserable.

    Kingston Symonds.

    The biggest asshole you’re ever likely to meet!

    He somehow found out about my crush on Jake, and that was the end of any kind of happiness I could have found.

    Unfortunately, somehow in the mix of Kingston, and his cronies giving me a hell of a time, I managed to out Jake as into girls, and guys.

    We had a budding friendship that I was hoping might lead to more, right up until I opened my big fat mouth.

    In my defence, it was literally in my defence.

    Luckily, it was in my final year, and it went fast. So, instead of mooning after a guy, or giving in to the bullying, I concentrated on the so-called paper, and made it a success.

    It became more than just a pamphlet of rumour, and gossip. It became something important, and not just to me. That paper, The Gauntlet, still exists today.

    While it may never win any prizes, it’s actually one of my proudest achievements. My legacy at that school isn’t all about the one who was targeted by the mean kid of the day, or even that he fell in lust with another guy in the school band. No, my legacy is making that paper great, and giving kids like me a start in journalism.

    Jake Sable doesn’t mean a thing to me anymore, and as long as I keep telling myself that, I might start believing it.

    If I can continue forward with my career while convincing every boss who has tried to give me the assignment of interviewing the up and coming Jake Sable, back in the day, or the sexiest rockstar alive, these days, he will remain in the past.

    Jake Sable means nothing to me!

    Damn it! Even I don’t believe that bullshit I keep telling myself.

    3.  JAKE

    J ake, all I'm asking is that you give Kingston a chance-

    No. I bite out.


    "Don’t you Jake, me, Sofie. I spin around to face her, and she almost stumbles into my chest, but she stops just in time. I told you two days ago, that he wasn’t to be anywhere I was, and you fucking set up an interview with the guy anyway!"


    "No, Sofie. You're not sweet talking me into this one. I. Do. Not. Want. Kingston. Symonds, anywhere near me, or my band. This is non-negotiable, Sof, and I won't apologise for it."

    It’s OK, Sofie, I knew as soon as you told me who the band was, that I didn’t have the job. My head snaps up, and they meet the eyes of the boy who made my late high school years a living hell! It’s OK, Jake, I understand.

    You had him meet us here, even though I told you no? I growl at Sofie. "I trusted you. I trust you, Sofie. I need to trust you more than I trust myself, and you went against my very explicit instructions."

    He's the best, Jake, and you won't tell me why you won't work with him! What the hell did you want me to do?

    "Listen to me, Sofie! I wanted you to listen to me, and accept that there was a reason for my very strong feelings about the situation. I want to yell at her, but I don’t. Not because I don’t want to give this man any ammunition to use against me, but because I try my very best to keep my cool in every situation. I wanted you to trust me, like I always trust you."

    You really know how to hit a girl where it hurts, you know that Sable? she says in a whisper so quiet, I'm not even sure I heard it. People change you know, Jake.

    You really know how to hit a guy where it hurts, Sofie. She knows me all too well.

    She knows that I like to give people more chances than most are willing to give. That I understand, more than most, that sometimes we just screw shit up. That sometimes we just need someone to give us an opportunity to redeem ourselves.

    For fucks sake, Sofie. I watch as the start of a small smile spreads across her lips.

    She knows. She knows she won the fight with one fucking sentence.

    We all grow up, and realise we made mistakes, Jake.

    Fuck! I mutter, placing my hands on my hips, and dropping my gaze to my shoes. Fine! I’ll sit through this stupid fucking interview, but if he even fucks up one simple question, we’re done. Do you hear me, Sofie?

    He won't, I've already interviewed him twice, Jake.

    Do you understand, Sofie? One question. Just one answer that I deem to be unacceptable, and he is done.

    I understand, Jake, but I don’t think you're going to regret this. Sofie says, ushering Kingston into a seat across from where I'm sitting.

    Can I say something before we start? Please? It won't take long I promise. I simply nod for him to continue. I don’t trust myself to speak right now. First up, thank you, Sofie, I appreciate you going to bat for me.

    You wouldn’t be here without her, Symonds. I warn

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