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I Rise 2020
I Rise 2020
I Rise 2020
Ebook209 pages1 hour

I Rise 2020

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About this ebook

GRF is a humanitarian service-oriented organisation whose pillars stand in love, compassion, understanding, tolerance and i rise selfless service to humanity in its advocacy for the inclusive approaches of Persons with Disabilities. It militates for the human rights and inclusion of the PWDs.

I Rise captures the essence of Global Rainbow Foundation in its tireless, humane and humble march towards inclusivity of the Persons with Disabilities. In this life book, the narrators express their challenges with mixed emotions. They inspire in how their disabilities turned into blessings. They, not only overcome their limitations, rather defy and turn them into their strengths.

Each story is unique in its context to overcome particular disabilities. This compilation is the voice of Persons with Disabilities who are now equipped to face life and their challenges. Each narrator is a winner and defeats his and her disabilities.

Release dateFeb 10, 2024
I Rise 2020

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    I Rise 2020 - Dr. Armoogum Parsuramen

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    I Rise 2020


    Dr. Armoogum Parsuramen

    For more books

    Table of Contents




    AHNAS- Paraplegia - A promise of Inspiration

    ASHFAAQ- Cerebral Palsy - The Journey with the Quran!

    CURTIS- Nursing - The Phoenix!

    GERARD- Diabetic Retinopathy - Today is God’s Gift!

    HURRY - Phocomelia - The Poet

    JANE - ‘A Travers Vos Yeux’ - The Born Singer

    RICARDO - Apiculture - Dream Project!

    KIRTI - Cerebral Palsy - ‘Ability Only’

    BRANDY - Handisports – An International Promise

    STEPHAN- CP - An example to Follow

    MAURICE - The Laughing Guru

    YAASEEN- The Challenged Graduate - A Success Story!

    NITISH- Trust - investment in Ability

    YAJNA- The Phoenix Blooms

    AH TCHEE - Amputate - Life is a battlefield

    ANISHAL- Cerebral Palsy - Outshine!

    VERENA- Retinitis Pigmentosa – Gifted Hands

    AMEEGAH - Cerebral Palsy – Empowered Woman

    SHIKSHA- Cerebral Palsy – The Youngest Politician

    AMAAYE- 109 Years - The Temple Mouse

    GRF is a humanitarian service-oriented organisation whose pillars stand in love, compassion, understanding, tolerance and      i rise selfless service to humanity in its advocacy for the inclusive approaches of Persons with Disabilities. It militates for the human rights and inclusion of the PWDs. I Rise captures the essence of Global Rainbow Foundation in its tireless, humane and humble march towards inclusivity of the Persons with Disabilities. In this life book, the narrators express their challenges with mixed emotions. They inspire in how their disabilities turned into blessings. They, not only overcome their limitations, rather defy and turn them into their strengths. Each story is unique in its context to overcome particular disabilities. This compilation is the voice of Persons with Disabilities who are now equipped to face life and their challenges. Each narrator is a winner and defeats his and her disabilities.


    all the Persons with Disabilities who, by their courage and their will power are our inspiration to guide and humanise us every day.

    Hold my hand and walk with me.

    We must break the back of social inequity;

    We must empower every individual with a disability

    To live with dignity in an inclusive society.

    William E. Lightbourne


    Blessing from the Universe


    Fragrance to humankind


    Dissolve egos


    Eraser of borders,


    Selfless venture towards the World

    Walk hand in hand,

    Soldiers marching forth

    in humanity


    Inclusion for our –


    Beings with abilities,

    Challenge to Disabilities.

    Dr Shyama Ramsamy


    "I rise

    I rise

    I rise."

    Maya Angelou, Still I Rise

    The Divine conspired and chose me to read the first two life stories of two Persons with Disabilities, sent by Dr Armoogum Parsuramen, the Founder- President of Global Rainbow Foundation, Mauritius. When Mr. Parsuramen sent me these two stories – Abdool Careem Mohammad Ahnas Hyderali and Ah Tchee Ha Tack Shin, I was deeply touched by the veracity of their optimism, joie de vivre and motivation to defy the odds. They exemplify the passion to live, to succeed and to give a humane touch to their abilities. Ahnas and Ha Tack Shin set the ball rolling, and the remaining 15 stories were sent for editing. When I was first requested to write the Foreword to this book, I was humbly honoured. I should admit – as delightful as I was in this humanising venture of our differently-abled friends, I was confused about how to give justice to the Rise & Shine humane endeavour. Am I capable of transcribing their experiences through my words? What if I hurt the sensitivity of the disabled with the wrong choice of words? Surely, I am a novice. Mr. Parsuramen’s trust and belief in me and each single life story boosted my motivation. I was – I am touched by their zeal to live life to its fullest. And, the feelings poured out.

    For a copyeditor, editing short documents is a feast. Nevertheless, for me, each story was not a mere word document; each individual’s lived experiences moved me that I slowed down the pace of my reading. I was each one of them; I lived each life story. I screened each sentence and, I could feel their lives perceptively. I started to be in their shoes and, I was living their lives for brief moments yet empathetically empowering. Finally, the 20 life tales endorsed with social and human values, love and compassion also bear some strong moments of angst, bully and marginalisation. Yet, all the 20 narrators are uplifted souls and epitomes of positive energies.

    A real ambassador, spiritually tuned with an indomitable faith in the Divine, Mr. Armoogum dedicates his life to uplift, empower and celebrate our ‘challenged’ people. His devotion to humanity

    I firmly believe that our friends are assets in our lives. It is urgent and crucial to raise awareness about the PWDs and sensitise an end to bullying, dehumansation, objectification and rejection


    is the pillar of the Global Rainbow Foundation. He embarked on the mission to rethink and reenact the real essence of service to Society and Humanity. His human militancy towards the human rights, visibility, equality, acceptance and employability of our physically disabled friends is escalated on an international platform along with Mauritius. GRF is recharting the Voice of the PWDs, in a selfless attempt to demarginalise them. GRF is their amplified voice; they, no longer remain silenced and unheard. GRF is a blessed haven for the physically-abled persons who enjoy social integrity to its maximum

    GRF’s Rise & Shine mission reminds us that our physically challenged people need us. Given the opportunity, they excel. They all are talented in their unique ways. They nullify their physical incapacity to exemplify capacity and ability. They are the real heroes who show us that nothing is impossible. They are promises of abilities. I believe that the welfare of a society lies in its people. We need to invest in our people and stand ‘As One Nation; As One People’ in honour of our Mauritian National Anthem. It is time to put back the ‘human’ in HUMANITY. The PWD citizens are the heartbeats of our success. They are undeniably our unseen selves and the balancing presences of our global village.

    inflicted towards them. They are the rightful citizens of our world, and they deserve to enjoy their human rights. It is the call of the day – Invest in our disabled, and let them bloom. Being born with a disability is destiny’s plan to redirect them to their real journeys. They are our brave soldiers of life. I end with the humble request to join us in walking together in GRF’s inspiring voyage. We celebrate our PWDs with a smile.

    I thank Mr. Parsuramen for giving this opportunity to be part of this mission. I wish GRF and our friends all the best in humanising us.

    Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

    George Bernard Shaw

    Dr Shyama Ramsamy

    PhD in English

    Educator, Poet & Copyeditor

    04th November 2019

    Compiling this life booklet has been an enriching and rewarding journey for Global Rainbow Foundation. None of this would have concretised without the support, assistance, generosity and presence of some people and organisations. We seize this opportunity to solemnly convey our special thanks to them.

    GRF is delighted to extend our heartfelt thanks to Florent Beusse, CEO Atoba and Team with a special thanks to Miss Linda Low, our Senior Graphic Designer, for her valuable advice, patience and ongoing support till the completion of I Rise.

    We are indebted to Mr Nelson Navin, GRF’s Photographer from the Reunion Island, for his mesmerising photos for the life book. We duly acknowledge his priceless suggestions and advices about the designs, his patience and wonderful photography work done within the short span of time.

    GRF extends its gratitude to Mr Yashvin Hassamal for his timely technical assistance and for his constructive advice and suggestions towards the printing of I Rise. We also wish to thank him in his collaboration towards our Bookshare venture in Mauritius.

    We express our deepest thanks to Dr Shyama Ramsamy, Writer-cum-Editor at GRF, for her writing, proofreading and editorial acumen. We also thank her for her patience and kind suggestions till the completion of the life book. Her keen insight and ongoing support have been helpful for this life book. A special thanks to Pamela K. Patel, who has successfully interviewed and collected the personal stories of each narrator. She has also contributed to the photographs.

    We extend our appreciation to Annsha Puddoo Taukoordass, GRF Specialist in Capacity Building and Organisational Development who keenly helped us in the interviews and collection of stories from the beneficiaries.

    Our Project Officer – Hope Initiative, Sookriti Seenarain has provided us with her constant assistance and her coordination has been of great help in this venture. We, therefore convey our gratitude to her.

    We would like to thank Kanden Patenaderin, our Project Officer, who has tirelessly assisted in completing multiple tasks related to the book

    compilation. We recognise his sincere efforts towards GRF’s book venture.

    Writing and publishing a book is not a one man’s task. In our GRF’s journey into I Rise, we have successfully been associated with our sponsors to whom we extend our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for their generosity, kind support and contribution. We therefore are indebted to:

    The Jade Group

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