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I Met The Lord On My Knees On The Prison Floor
I Met The Lord On My Knees On The Prison Floor
I Met The Lord On My Knees On The Prison Floor
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I Met The Lord On My Knees On The Prison Floor

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About the Book
Alan R. Livingston's life of crime resulted in over 45 years of incarceration. Over decades, supportive inmates inside the walls lead Alan to the Lord, which changed his life forever.
Since his release, Livingston's life has been blessed with a steady job and a loving church. Livingston hopes that if readers have not found the Lord, they will seek Him as he learned to do, as recounted in I Met The Lord On My Knees On The Prison Floor.
About the Author
Born in August, 1949, Alan entered the Helena State Training School for White Boys in Helena, Oklahoma at the age of 10. Experiencing an in-and-out public school education, Alan’s last year of school was in 1965. Held back in public school year after year and returned repeatedly to Helena, Alan was 16 years old when he left middle school. That year, he began to be prosecuted for his crimes as an adult. From that time forward, Alan was incarcerated and lived inside Oklahoma, Colorado and Texas prisons for 48 years. When released from the Oklahoma State Penitentiary at McAlester, Oklahoma in 2015, Alan was 66 years old. It has been a labor of love to write his stories, and with his never-give-up attitude and with the help of his friends, Alan has done just that.

PublisherRoseDog Books
Release dateJan 5, 2024
I Met The Lord On My Knees On The Prison Floor

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    I Met The Lord On My Knees On The Prison Floor - Alan R. Livingston

    Red Wagon

    I had a half sister. She never could go to school. I don’t know how ole she was really. She was a couple lower an me. We play together when we growin’ up as kids. She was slow, an her an me would play all the time together an we really didn’t have no friends. My Mom tried to put her in school but she didn’t act right. She would mess her pants an somethin’ an thay would send her home. So thay jest took her out a school an she played with dolls all her life.

    I loved her an after a little while I didn’t see her much. I also had a brother. My brother was five years older an me. We was around at the same time. We never played together when we were kids. I really jest play by myself if my sister was not around.

    I would see my brother come in our driveway on he’s bicycle an four or five kids with him. One time my brother an he’s friends come were I was. An he went in the house an come out with some rags an I ask, What are you doin’? My brother tole me, We are wipin’ the fingerprint. Then thay take the bike to an ole pond an put it in the water. Thay always tole me to go back home, an sometimes thay throw rocks at me.

    One time my brother’s friends come to the house an thay were talkin’. I didn’t hear what thay were talkin’ about, so I jest went back playin’ an then thay was walkin’ off. So I was followin’ them an thay saw me an tole me to go back home. I ack like I did. When thay got were thay were goin’, I stay an watch to see what thay were doin’. Thay come out a house with a lot a things. I didn’t know what all thay had. When thay were gone I went up to the house an I got a little red wagon, an I was puttin’ toys in it an I was goin’ home with all the toys. A policeman pull up an ask me were I was goin’ an I tole him, Home. He said, Let me help you, an he put the toys an red wagon in the back sit an we went to the police station. Got there an thay take me to a room an thay kep askin’ me, Were did I put the other things? I tole them, The toys is all I got!

    I was in there a long time. An later my Mom come an got me.


    I had a good Dad an Mom. I never really seen any love in our house. My Dad was a car mechanic. He work five an a half days a week. An Sunday he would go fishin’ an he’d be drunk ever day. My Mom was a real nice lady. She never did work. She stay at home. I never seen my Mom an Dad fight. We lived on a dead end. A ice cream truck come down our street an my brother would jump on the back a the truck an throw ice cream out a the back door.

    I follow them sometimes, an this time I follow them agin. We walk a long way an I stay back an thay come to the big buildin’. I see them go in a window an the lest one went in. I come up to it an had a hard time. I was small. But I got in it. Was a firecracker werhouse. I could hear them but not see them, my brother an them. I come up on a box an it had the little round ones in it that you throw on the ground. I was walkin’ up an down the aisles throwin’ them. An then some man was hollerin’ about it all. I see my brother an he’s friends got out the window. I got out an thay didn’t know I was in there with them. I lost them that night.

    I knew were their clubhouse was. Their clubhouse was a buildin’ for, I don’t know what it’s for. My brother an he’s friends stayed in it. One day I was there an no one was there. Thay had a five gallon bucket. It was to keep a fire in it to keep worn. I took a bunch a their firecrackers an put them in the bucket. Thay were mad.

    Can’t Spell

    We had to start back to school an I was 11 or so. An my Mom, her took me up to the school. She rode me in an it was okay. But I couldn’t spell, read or ride. The teacher would have me to git up in front a the class an read an the kids would be laughin’ at me.

    So one day I skip school an went downtown, an on First Street there was a joke shop. You could buy anythin’ there. I bought some skunk pee an it was jest like the real thing. The next day I went to school an when the teacher was ridin’ on the chalkboard, I throwed the pee on her. The kids was jumpin’ out the window! The teacher had to go home an change close. I was kicked out a school for four days.

    Thay use to be a empty house next door to us. An my brother, he five years ole-er an me an thay would always go in there an thay used to shoot up that dope with the needle in thay veins. Thay call it v-a-l-o or something like that. Dope with the needle in thay veins. Thay was also a nose inhaler, an you put a little water in it. Was speed. Get you high.

    An my first shot of dope, maybe five or six of them in there. I was still small. I was off sittin’ on a old mattress, an thay asked me, All you want to get high? An I said, Yeah, an thay gave me a shot. An thay ask me if I got to cough, then cough. An I said no, I don’t have ta cough. An then thay gave me that inhaler. An then all at once I had another cough, and I went out an got on my bike an I was ridin’ down the street. I thought I was ridin’ on clouds! Thay all thought that was funny, but thay didn’t do it too much.

    I was jest runnin’ around, an it was bad for me. All I was doin’ is lookin’ for somethin’ to still. One a those days, I was walkin’ by a market an I saw a bicycle. I look around an didn’t see no one, so I got on it an take off. I didn’t see no one, but someone saw me. I went home thankin’ I had another bicycle. The police come to the house an said thay would like to talk to me. Not here but at the police station to see what is goin’ on.

    All I could see is all a my Mom’s tears runnin’ down her cheeks. I hurt my Mom so many times. The judge tole me if he see me in he’s court room one more time, I was goin’ to the Helena Boy’s

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