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The hidden power in all of us.: The friend in us and the danger
The hidden power in all of us.: The friend in us and the danger
The hidden power in all of us.: The friend in us and the danger
Ebook31 pages26 minutes

The hidden power in all of us.: The friend in us and the danger

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The book delves deeply into the concept of hidden power that exists within each of us but often goes untapped. It takes the reader on a fascinating journey of self-discovery and knowledge. It emphasizes that we as individuals have an inner power that goes far beyond what we usually perceive and use.

The hidden power that lies dormant within us manifests itself on different levels of our being. On a mental level, we learn how we can expand our mental abilities through conscious thought control and visualization. Our thoughts have the power to shape our reality and steer our lives in the direction we desire.

Hidden power also plays a crucial role on an emotional level. By understanding, accepting and learning to control our emotions, we can positively influence not only ourselves but also others. The ability to manage our emotions and use them for our personal growth allows us to live fulfilling and authentic lives.

Another dimension of hidden power lies in our intuition. Hidden deep within us lies an intuitive knowledge and inner wisdom that can support us in making decisions and solving problems. By listening to and trusting our intuition, we can make better decisions and find the paths that are right for us.

We also experience the effects of hidden power on a physical level. Our body is capable of healing and regenerating itself. Through conscious breathing, a healthy diet, regular exercise and careful treatment of our body, we can activate its self-healing powers and increase our physical well-being.

It is important to emphasize that the hidden power within us is not a supernatural or magical ability, but rather a deep connection to our inner self and our essence as human beings. It requires self-reflection, self-knowledge and continuous work on ourselves to unleash this hidden power and use it for the good of all.

Overall, recognizing and harnessing the hidden power within us provides a rich source for personal growth, self-realization and the development of our full potential. It is an invitation to recognize and embrace our inner strength and use it for the benefit of all.
Release dateFeb 10, 2024
The hidden power in all of us.: The friend in us and the danger

Sami Duymaz

Name: Sami Duymaz Beruf/Tätigkeit: Autor, Sportexperte, CEO von LMJ Mentalzentrum Expertise: Mentale Stärke, Sportliche Leistungsoptimierung, Jugendförderung, Nothilfe Erfahrung: Über 30 Jahre Erfahrung in der Sportbranche, als Trainer, Berater und Autor. Veröffentlichung von 23 Büchern zu Themen wie mentale Stärke, Motivation und sportlicher Erfolg. Arbeit mit Athleten aus verschiedenen Disziplinen und Altersgruppen. Gründer und CEO des LMJ Mentalzentrums, das Jugendliche Straftäter unterstützt, Nothilfe leistet und Aufklärung sowie sportlichen Erfolg fördert. Interessen: Sportentwicklung, Jugendförderung, soziales Engagement, persönliche Entwicklung Ausbildung: Beschäftigt sich mit der Sportwissenschaften mit Schwerpunkt Sportpsychologie und ist Mentaltrainer Publikationen: Autor von 12 Büchern, darunter "Das Kraftwerk mentale Stärke, Lebenshilfe für Jugendliche Straftäter etc." Referenzen/Testimonials: - "Sami ist ein Experte auf seinem Gebiet und seine Bücher helfen die mentalen Fähigkeiten als Sportler zu verbessern. Seine Arbeit im LMJ Mentalzentrum zeigt sein großes Engagement für die Jugendförderung und den sportlichen Erfolg." - "Sami Duymaz ist ein Visionär. Seine Arbeit mit Jugendlichen Straftätern und seine Bemühungen um sozialen Wandel durch den Sport sind inspirierend. Er hat einen positiven Einfluss auf die Leben vieler Menschen." Michaela Franz Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch (Muttersprache) Kontaktinformationen: E-Mail: Website: LinkedIn:

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    Book preview

    The hidden power in all of us. - Sami Duymaz


    Dear readers,

    I am very pleased to present you this book about the hidden power within us and the importance of better understanding our emotions to be able to present. My name is Sami Duymaz and I am a mental coach, athlete and aspiring author. My goal is to help people develop their mental strength and achieve personal success.

    As an experienced athlete, I know firsthand how important the mental component is to peak performance. This insight inspired me to delve intensively into the topics of mental training and emotional resilience and to further my knowledge.


    Especially during challenging times During the corona pandemic I realized that Young people, especially criminals, neglect were relaxed and urgent support need. That's why I'm working on concepts to help them have a mind-altering experience and their

    to positively change living conditions.

    In my work as a mental trainer and Athletes are particularly close to my heart, to convey youthful willpower and self-control. Through sport you can they learn to control their emotions and to develop their mental strength. This work has already helped many young people to discover your inner strength and your life skills to improve circumstances.

    In addition to my practical work, I also Written books in which I share my knowledge and share my findings. These books offer practical instructions, exercises and inspiring stories to help readers to develop their mental strength and promote personal growth.

    However, I firmly believe that such an ambitious project cannot be accomplished alone. I warmly invite you to join this effort and make a difference together.

    By offering young people in difficult life situations a perspective and helping them to discover their hidden power, we can give them a better future.

    I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your interest my work. My wish is that this book will not only help you understand yourself better and develop your emotional intelligence, but also inspire you to actively participate in this project. Together we can help young people develop their inner strength and change their lives.

    to change situations positively.

    With kind regards,

    Sami Duymaz

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    The hidden

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