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Hook-Up or Date? A Modern Romance
Hook-Up or Date? A Modern Romance
Hook-Up or Date? A Modern Romance
Ebook227 pages2 hours

Hook-Up or Date? A Modern Romance

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Warning: this book contains dark humour, sex, banter, blunt language, and environmental ideologies.

Environmental scientist Rose Hawthorne is saving the world one worm farm at a time. But it is her love life that needs rescuing from landfill.

She's not short on options when she tries the world of online dating... and boy, aren't the men on there... special.

Can she stop thinking about the sexy barista, Mark, from the cafe long enough to give someone else a chance? And possibly find love?

Or will Rose and Mark be real with each other?

PublisherApril Klasen
Release dateFeb 10, 2024
Hook-Up or Date? A Modern Romance

April Klasen

Indie author. BL and fanfic whore. Artist. April Klasen lives in regional Australia. You find more of her work at or on social media as @defiantdame

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    Hook-Up or Date? A Modern Romance - April Klasen

    Copyright © 2020 April Klasen

    All rights reserved

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    ISBN 978-0-9944659-7-9

    Hook-up Or Date?

    A modern romance

    by April Klasen


    Rose Hawthorne!

    Startled awake, Rose lifted her head, a piece of note paper sticking to the side of her face as she did. Huh? groggily, she turned to her supervisor.

    Erwin looked unimpressed. Or that could’ve been his normal face. She wasn’t at all that sure while still half-asleep. Step away from the lab reports, go outside and be a human for an hour. Maybe eat something.

    Rose stretched her arms above her head, the taut pull of muscles out of shape was a welcome feeling of delight. Rose whined. Nah, I’m good. Just had to rest my eyes for a moment, that’s all. She shot him a toothy grin. Do you have the results for today’s waste audit?

    Erwin, without answering, moved behind her rolling desk chair and took hold of the back of it.

    Rose swivelled her head from side to side in quick jerky movements. What’s he doing?

    He began to push.

    Rose lifted her feet off the floor, so they didn’t drag or get caught up in the wheels. Um, Erwin?

    He guided her away from her desk scattered with printouts, notes, and her sleeping computer and out of the office, down the short corridor to the big double glass entrance doors with the company name emblazoned on them... that were propped open with a stack of books.

    Out. He tilted the seat.

    Rose stumbled to stand as she chuckled. Very funny. Come on, she spoke dismissively.

    Erwin retrieved the books and stacked them onto the vacant chair. No, Hawthorne.

    What if I promise to go home on time today? she started to feel panic creep into her chest. Was he really kicking her out?

    You will, he promised. And you’ll go out right now and you won’t return for an hour.

    Rose glared.

    Erwin calmly stared back.

    Gah! throwing her hands into the air, she turned on her heel started to walk away. Fine! she growled. I’ll go out for ten minutes.

    He remained silent.

    Suspicion made her hesitate. Why wasn’t he arguing over the ten minutes she’d just mentioned? He was always insistent.

    The doors closed behind her.


    Spinning, she reached for the handle and jerked. In large letters, Waste Reduction Management blocked her view of Erwin’s smug face.


    Haha, she tried to laugh it off. Real funny, Erwin.

    One hour, Hawthorne. The door will be locked for one hour.

    I could pick the lock, she threw back.

    Erwin rolled his eyes. Go and eat some food. You’re acting like I’m being unreasonable.

    A dramatic sigh, she finally conceded and left. It had absolutely nothing to do with her body responding to the mention of lunch. Nope. It was just the most practical thing to do.

    Her stomach gurgled, acids bubbling away in a void.

    Stepping into the blinding light, she looked across the street at the new café.

    For the past week, Erwin had been dragging her there. Each time he looked at the stack of plastic straws on the front counter and would murmur, Potential client. Today was going to be her first time in without the supervisor and his plotting of world eco domination.

    No, she could do that while eating. Rose grinned at her thoughts. Already she was itching to get intimate with the secrets they were discarding without a care. Learn all that she could and then get them to change! Reduce what they were throwing out, compost what they could, create good purchasing habits.

    Ohhh, she shivered in anticipation.

    Once across the street and near the doors, she acknowledged it as being a nice place with a hum. It had a relaxing atmosphere; the cash register and display of baked goods was right at the front of the store, turn left and it led down the length of the building with several different sized tables and booths.

    They served loose leaf tea, which added to their appeal. In cute little tea pots. Had all day breakfast. And the barista was attractively grumpy.

    Who was also working the counter; bonus.

    Rose pushed through the shop doors and straight away inhaled deeply. Residual caffeine in the air hit the back of her throat. Yes, that’s the good stuff. Maybe a nice coffee this time round, help perk me up and get me through the afternoon, hell if I’m lively enough, I could probably do some over time while I’m at it.

    Erwin couldn’t possibly send me home if I’m extra productive.

    She stepped up to the counter, a toothy grin in place and ready to be friendly, if not a little flirty. What else are you meant to do with a cute barista? Ignore his cute nose that contradicted his constant scowl? Pay no attention to his nice broad shoulders, tight waist, and perky butt?

    Plus, if he has potential for being a client, she had to be nice and let him know he could trust her.

    The barista pushed a tray forward. English breakfast. Black. Like your soul, he droned out.

    Rose froze.

    She hadn’t ordered.

    Hadn’t paid the man.

    Hadn’t made her lame joke about the colour of her tea.

    Yet, he had it ready and waiting as if he’d been expecting her to come in and order the same thing she did the past week.

    Oi, he snapped. Stop staring and take your damn tea.

    Her heart clenched. She reacted on impulse, moving towards the corner of the counter and rounded it.

    Hey! No customers behind the counter, he growled.

    She grinned.

    He was the one.

    Down on bended knee, Rose looked up to him. Barista, you have made me so incandescently happy today, so much so, I am realising that you are husband material. Will you marry me and make tea for me for the rest of our lives?

    His scowl disappeared. The fuck?

    Rose’s heart was pounding. She meant it. Completely. Even though she was being dramatic and could easily brush off any rejection as part of the joke, she’d happily marry this man if he agreed to it.

    Get the fuck off the floor, Frankenstein!

    Frankenstein? she remained on the floor. Why are you calling me a monster?

    Because you’re in a lab coat, he stated.

    She looked down and realised, yes, she had worn her lab coat out in public. Oops. Then I’d be the mad scientist, what’s his name? She searched her memory for the pop culture reference.

    The barista’s frown deepened. Frankenstein was the mad scientist.

    No, in the movies he was the monster. The assistant was Igor.



    The barista looked over his shoulder.

    Rose noticed customers were waiting to be served and watching them.

    Read the book, he instructed. Victor Frankenstein was the scientist who brought to life the creature.

    Rose reached for her pocket. Who’s the author? Pulling out her phone, she quickly opened her book app.

    Marry Shelly… What are you doing?

    Looking for the e-book.

    Get off the floor.

    Hmm? Oh! she chuckled as she climbed to her feet. Oops.

    The barista jerked his thumb over his shoulder. Find a table, I’ll bring over the tea.

    And a sandwich too? Please?

    Tch, he clicked his teeth together. Fine.

    Rose grinned. What’s your name? I’m Rose, by the way. Rose Hawthorne.


    Nice to meet you Mark, my future husband.

    He glared. Go sit your ass down, Frankenstein.

    An hour and a half later…

    Rose stumbled through the glass doors and down the hall to her desk.

    I’m surprised, Erwin admitted.


    You’re half an hour late. I expected you back in ten minutes, scratching at the door.

    Rose rolled her eyes at her supervisor. I was reading.

    He frowned. Did you hide notes in your pockets?

    No, not reading for work. Reading for pleasure. I downloaded a book onto my phone, she flashed the device at him for effect. Frankenstein.

    Why that one?

    Mark thinks I’m uncultured because I only know the pop culture reference of Frankenstein. At least that’s the vibe I was getting when I was in the café. Sinking down onto her chair, she woke up her computer and started to reorientate herself with where she was up to with everything.

    Oh, and Hawthorne, Erwin threw in.


    You’re finishing on time, too.

    But I was late back from lunch.

    Erwin sighed. You missed morning tea break.

    I fell asleep at my desk. Surely that should equal some leniency for working overtime.

    You have no life outside of work, he spoke frankly.

    Rose gawked at him. That’s a little dramatic. I have a home to go to every night.

    And people? Do you have anyone you interact with who isn’t work related?

    I did just propose.

    What? Erwin gasped in shock. To whom?

    Mark, the barista. Her body temperature started to rise as she thought about him… and not in embarrassment.

    Erwin chuckled. And what act did he perform to bring on a proposal?

    Made me tea without me asking.

    That’s because I called i the order before sending you out.

    … oh… Now she felt the embarrassment.

    Chapter one

    Truthfully, being single is fucking lonely, Rose confessed as they walked by a little old couple. The couple were slow moving, shuffling more than walking, but they were holding hands as if they were teenagers; fingers threaded and everything.

    Marie bumped shoulders with Rose. You’ll find someone.

    Says the woman who’s been with the same guy for ten years and have an adorable three-year-old and easy banter and plans to marry the shit out of each other, Rose said. Sorry. Just feeling like shit.

    Don’t apologise, Marie reassured. We just have to find you someone. Do you want to explain the real reason why you won’t try online dating?

    Rose pouted. The real reason?

    That’s what I asked about.

    Probably, she sighed. Because I don’t want to give up hope. Like, if I go online and all I find are the same douche bags that are out here IRL… then I’d have to give up on ever finding someone. And I’ll know for sure, she mentally added, that I am an unlovable mess who is destined to be alone and die alone.

    Pushing open the glass door, they entered the café and were banged by the smell of coffee. The coffee machine hissed loudly behind the counter. Under huge painted canvases, customers sat further down the back of the shop, out of hearing range of their conversation.

    I wish I could set you up, Marie looked at Rose before turning and lifting her chin to check out the menu board.

    Rose smiled, genuinely happy that her best friend actually gave a shit. I would trust your judgement. Too bad you know no single men of quality.

    Frowning, Marie spoke. I’ve been thinking of setting up a dating profile for you just to get you laid.

    Ha! What’s sex again?

    Eyes narrowed and focused on Rose.

    Rose swallowed in fear.

    You need to get this sexual tension out of your system. If you can’t find someone you want to have babies with, you need to find someone to make you cum.

    No one-night stands, Rose wrinkled her nose at the concept.

    You’re talking to a relationship girl. You can do a one-night-stand in a relationship. You date for a little bit, fuck, and then pretend it never happened and you guys never met. Best if you’re with someone you don’t really want to be with.

    Simple, Rose teased.

    Out of the two one-night-stands I’ve had, one was a random guy I dated; we got it out of our system and then never spoke again. The other was with a friend and we were completely upfront about it being a one-time thing. Having delivered her speech, Marie took the remaining steps up to the counter.

    Rose followed slowly, pondering the idea of dating in order to get laid. I don’t hate the idea.

    The grumpy barista turned from the coffee machine and without a smile stepped up to the cash register, ready to take their order.

    Hey Mark, Rose popped the top button of her blouse and slapped her hands onto the counter as she leant her weight forward. The effect; cleavage down the barrel. Want to go on a couple of dates to build trust and rapport so we can have sex? She tried not to laugh out loud at how stupid it sounded coming from her lips.

    No, he deadpanned.

    Even though she’d done it in a dramatic joking way, it still stung for him to turn her down completely. Not even playing along. Awe, she pouted, quickly shoving aside the rejection. I’d do it for you if you asked.

    You’d call me a creep and throat punch me.

    True, she acknowledged. That would certainly be how she would react to being used for sex.

    Mark waited.

    Sighing, Rose explained the whole thing. I’m lonely and horny.

    Then just hook-up.

    You don’t understand, she rolled her eyes. I need a sense of security, even just a ‘false’ one, from a relationship. Otherwise, I can’t seem to pry my legs apart.

    Then date someone.

    Rose grumbled. Are you intentionally being dense?

    Mark glared back. Are you trying to make everything complicated?


    Marie made a T sign with her raised hands. Time out from flirting, you two. Or perhaps you should have sex together and get all of this, she waved her hands over the both of them. Out of your system.

    Huh? Mark frowned up at Marie.

    Rose cringed. She means there’s sexual tension in our banter.

    Mark pinched the bridge of his nose. None of my other customers give me this much shit.

    That’s because they don’t give two shits? Rose teased.

    For fucks sake! Order! he snapped.

    Okay, okay, she chuckled. Breaking Mark was always a fun past time.

    Not you, he told her. I know your order. Turning back to Marie. What do you want?

    An iced coffee, she requested with smirk.

    Anything to eat?


    Paying separately?


    Money was exchanged. Rose’s fingers brushed her smart phone as she slipped her wallet back into her bag. Grimacing at the bile gurgling in her guts, she took out the device. Here, she shoved it at Marie.

    What’s this for? Marie asked as she turned to look for a free table.

    I trust you to find me a man.

    I think you have a man right there, she quietly said as they took a seat away from the

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