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Despair: Alexandra Drummond Thriller Series, #5
Despair: Alexandra Drummond Thriller Series, #5
Despair: Alexandra Drummond Thriller Series, #5
Ebook232 pages3 hours

Despair: Alexandra Drummond Thriller Series, #5

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In the riveting fifth instalment of the Alexandra Drummond Thriller series, "Despair," Alexandra finds herself on the run, forced to flee the looming terror threats that could spell death and destruction for her friends if she remains in the UK.

New York City, a place she has always cherished, offers Alexandra a refuge from the relentless danger that haunts her every step. As she roams the familiar streets, the city's vibrant energy is a stark contrast to the shadows of her past.

However, her journey takes an unexpected turn when she visits the filming of the next blockbuster in the series that made her late husband famous. Surrounded by the echoes of his legacy, Alexandra grapples with her emotions as she navigates the hallowed ground of the film set.

A seemingly minor problem on the set thrusts Alexandra into an unexpected role when the film director appeals to her for assistance. Relaxed and surrounded by old friends, she agrees to lend a hand, momentarily finding solace in the world she once shared with her husband.

But as she becomes entangled in the production, doubts nag at the edges of her consciousness. Could those who sought to end her life in the UK have successfully evaded the authorities and followed her across the Atlantic? The threat of danger looms ever closer, casting a sinister shadow over the newfound sanctuary she thought she had discovered.

In "Despair," Alexandra Drummond's resilience is tested to its limits as she grapples with a web of secrets, uncertainty, and the ever-present spectre of violence. Will she find the strength to confront the ruthless adversaries who relentlessly pursue her, even on foreign shores?

Join Alexandra as she races against time in the bustling streets of New York City, navigating the intricate labyrinth of her past and present. "Despair" is a gripping thriller that will keep you enthralled from the very first page, as Alexandra Drummond faces the ultimate challenge, confronting her deepest fears and striving to outwit those who would see her silenced forever.

Release dateFeb 17, 2024
Despair: Alexandra Drummond Thriller Series, #5

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    Book preview

    Despair - T M Goble


    Asif sat alone in his caravan in the tourist park in Norfolk focusing on a group of youngsters running along the beach despite the cold wind blowing in from the North Sea. He missed the constant chatter from Min who had gone to London to help the brotherhood with an important mission. Life had changed from those early days in the dilapidated garage in Paddington. Closing his eyes and relaxing his shoulders, a smile hovered on his lips, as the past months had been kind to him.

    He had become friends with Oumar, although thirty years separated them. Sought by the police for armed robbery and murder, they had hidden in a coastal village that tended to the needs of tourists. Each of them had rented a caravan. Part of the plan involved not to meet up as a threesome in case someone was watching. With the weekly influx, as the previous week’s visitors left, no one had shown any interest in their presence.

    Oumar had supplied money and they had evaded the police. For the first time, he had a regular girlfriend. They had met while walking on the beach. Apart from the threat of capture and imprisonment hanging over him, it was the best time in his life.

    His mundane existence before becoming involved with Oumar had been destined to be browbeaten and intimidated by his father and uncles. A rash inept raid on a Post Office security van had brought Oumar into his life. The times had been heavy at first, but Oumar had become the father-figure he had always wanted. The only slightest tinge of regret came as he had now become an international terrorist, but with the thrill of the exciting life he had never stepped back.

    His smile disappeared as he opened his laptop and stared at the image of the woman who haunted him. Alexandra Drummond had killed his lifelong friend who he had met at primary school. She had also killed Oumar’s son and his best friend. Asif could never forgive her and would hunt her down to his dying day, but he had taken Oumar’s advice and would be patient until the right opportunity surfaced. So, as to never forget his mission in life, he had posted a picture on his laptop computer of the woman he wanted to kill. He hated her. On every occasion that he’d come into contact with her she had wreaked havoc. She killed without a second thought.

    The sun streamed into the caravan, raising the temperature. He opened the windows as he considered his plan for the day. Chloe would visit him when she finished work, then they could spend the rest of the day together. With a frown he slammed his laptop shut. The evil woman could be shut out of his mind until they chose to attack and annihilate her.

    A brief knock on the door captured his attention. In response his hand slipped behind the cushion on the bench seat and rested on the gun. Oumar opened the door and stepped inside. Asif relaxed and stood to greet his friend. Out of public view, they grasped hands, touched fists and hugged. As they parted, Oumar grinned, which was rare.

    ‘What has made you happy, my friend.’

    ‘Good news for our pursuit of that dreadful woman.’

    Asif opened his eyes wide. ‘Tell me. I want to see her dead.’

    ‘She has appeared in the news in America. A mutual friend from the brotherhood scans the internet to find whenever her name appears. Until now there has been no references to her. The next film in the series in which her husband had starred is being shot. The report published the details of Alexandra’s emotional appearance on the set as another actor has replaced her dead husband.’

    Asif opened his eyes wide and stared at his older friend as anticipation surfaced that they would be able to exterminate that woman soon.

    Oumar made the clenched fist sign, ‘Yes, my friend, I killed him. The famous film star Matthew Drummond. Adored by his fans. It was a great pleasure to exterminate his handsome face from the world as we were richly paid.’

    He nodded his appreciation at the openness from Oumar. ‘Her location is disappointing as I was hoping we could track her down in this country.’

    ‘It doesn’t matter as we can test our new passports.’

    Asif’s eyes lit up and excitement welled up inside him, ‘I’ve never been to America.’

    ‘It will be a good test. Flying directly to New York could be problematic because the detailed scrutiny that is given to new people visiting the US, so we will fly to Canada. Then after several stops, we will cross the border to the US. The passports will give little concern that way, but as we need a reason for a multi-hop trip, we will pose as businessmen, so we need a new wardrobe. Alexandra will be with the film company. On their sets there are many people who are anonymous or temporary workers so no one will notice us in whatever disguise we choose. With a legitimate reason to be there, she will pay us no attention, as she has never had a clear view of our faces. Our task will be easy providing we plan our escape beforehand. Success is achievable if we ensure that every detail is anticipated.’

    A slight tap came on the caravan door and blonde-haired Chloe with her slim figure stepped into the lounge area. Grinning at Asif, she waved a hand, ‘Hi, Oumar, it’s a gorgeous sunny day.’

    The indulgent smile from Oumar made Asif proud. Kissing Asif on the lips, Chloe hugged him, but despite the welcomed greeting his eyes focused on Oumar to determine whether serious business needed to be discussed. While loving Chloe, she would have to be patient as they could meet later. Oumar dropped on to the seat. ‘You are a wonderful pair and it forces me to reminisce about my youth.’

    Chloe giggled, as she relaxed in Asif’s arms. ‘Please tell us about your youth and chatting to young girls. Asif tells me you come from Iraq.’

    ‘I do. The streets of Bagdad were different to England, a different culture but fun could be found.’

    ‘What about your romances? I want to know about the girls that intrigued you.’ Oumar dipped his head. Chloe squealed. ‘You can’t go quiet on me. Who was your first girlfriend?’

    The caravan door burst open and a large bald man with a beer gut forced his way through the small opening. The men jumped to their feet. Oumar’s hand moved to the inside of his jacket.

    Chloe’s face whitened. ‘Dad, what are you doing here?’

    With his face reddening, ‘I told you many times that I don’t want you seeing him. He’s a foreigner.’

    ‘You employed him at the shop.’

    ‘Only until I found that you wanted to date him.’

    She shuffled closer to Asif and caught his hand. ‘I’m over eighteen so you cannot decide my boyfriend.’

    Oumar stared at the entrant, ‘They are a good match and treat people with respect. You are rude barging into Asif’s caravan without an invitation.’

    ‘You can shut up as you are another bloody foreigner. Get out of my way, I will take my daughter home.’

    Oumar stepped across to block his approach as he stretched out to grab hold of his daughter. Although he shoved and pushed with his shoulder, Oumar held his ground. The large man raised his fist. Asif guessed what would happen. Grabbing Chloe, he pulled her away to the far side of the space. The two men matched in height, but Oumar’s slim body contrasted with the overweight frame of the intruder.

    Oumar grabbed the threatening fist and spun. Chloe’s dad lost his balance. Twisting again, he rammed him face first into the caravan wall. The man groaned as Oumar grabbed his hair, wrenched his head back and smashed his face into the wall again. Chloe squealed as her father collapsed onto the floor. Oumar had not released the fist, which had splayed. He grabbed the outstretched fingers and twisted viciously. ‘Never speak to me like that. The next time you will be dead. Now get out.’

    Asif and Chloe cowered in the corner of the caravan. Oumar hauled the man to his feet by his fingers. Yelping in pain, ‘Let go of me.’

    ‘Get out and never trouble this couple again.’ Her father’s bravado had gone as he turned pale. ‘I’ll break your fingers next time.’

    He staggered, rubbing his arm. He turned. Oumar adopted a defensive pose, but Chloe’s father backed towards the door.

    ‘This is your last chance, Chloe. Come now, never date that foreigner again or you will be barred from the house.’

    ‘Dad, don’t be so unreasonable. He’s the best boyfriend I’ve ever had.’

    ‘Girl, I mean what I say. Make up your mind. You’ve only ten seconds to decide.’ He raised his fist, but Oumar steadily approached him.

    Asif grabbed Chloe’s hand as tears ran down her face. They stepped to each other and he wrapped his arms around her in a protective gesture. Asif searched Oumar’s face. Without taking his eyes from her father, he gave a slight nod.

    Asif’s voice faltered. ‘Please stay, Chloe.’

    Struggling with her tears she inhaled deeply in an attempt to control her emotions, ‘I’m fed up with your bullying dad. You are despicably violent. I fear for my life with you, so I’ll take a chance with Asif and Oumar as they are my friends.’

    Oumar moved towards the man. ‘There, you have your answer. Now get out but remember if you harm either of these two young people, I shall come for you and wreak revenge that you would never believe.’ The chilling echo of Oumar’s words resonated in the caravan as the man staggered out and slammed the door.

    Oumar gave a placatory gesture with his hands and sank into the seat. Asif hugged Chloe, who sobbed. ‘It’s over Chloe, you and Asif can be together.’

    In between the sobs, ‘You don’t understand my father. He is persistent and will not let it rest. It would be typical of him to bring his friends to harm Asif, who wouldn’t be able to defend himself against a group. Perhaps I’d better return home as I do not want him injured.’

    Asif grasped Chloe’s hand and stared intently at Oumar. What would his reaction be to the threats and the possible future violence?

    Oumar gave a gentle nod of understanding. Asif waited to hear his words as he would not be intimidated. ‘Rest assured, Chloe. Your father will never trouble you or Asif again. I will follow him and explain in no uncertain terms what will happen to him, his business, and his friends if they come anywhere near you. By the end of our conversation, he will be terrified to talk to you. If his business does not exist in the morning, you will know that he didn’t take me seriously.’


    Alex huddled close to the wall on the glass fragments. The sun rose over the opposite building in the street, lighting the room. She gulped. It would allow her assailant the chance of illuminating his target. The reception area of the financial business had been emptied by arrangement with the film company so there was no one nearby to help. The dust rose and swirled in the sun’s beam, but the large expanse remained eerily quiet. The loneliness of the seconds ticked away as she waited.

    A third shot burst through the window above her head, showering glass over her. Her rational thought returned. It was idiotic to wait for the gunman to arrive and pull the trigger. Despite blood pouring down her leg from landing on the broken glass, she sprinted across the reception to force an exit into the main building. Ramming her shoulder into the door had no effect. The lock wouldn’t yield. There was nowhere to hide. Only a few stainless-steel chairs and low coffee tables filled the area. The glass reception desk provided no shelter. Shouts came from the street and a fracas of noise erupted, but no further gunfire. At the back of reception, she cowered as best she could. Gritting her teeth, she scowled at her own foolishness. Why hadn’t she sprinted around the side of the building to take cover?

    She was unarmed. If a gunman entered the door, she would be in the direct line of sight. Keeping low and rushing back to the front of the reception area, she flattened herself against the wall behind two rubber plants. Wrenching one from its pot, she would use the pottery as it was the only possible weapon. Breathing rapidly, the blood continued to trickle down her leg, but she focused on the door. The shouting in the street became louder.

    The megaphone from Clint reverberated between the buildings. ‘The Head of Security, Desmond, is going to Alex. All armed security guards give cover and watch for aimed weapons.’ The surreal situation struck her. The director was issuing orders, not for a film but a real-life drama. Flat against the wall, she could glance along the street to where she had started her walk. The expected terrorist team had not attacked. The time of surprise had passed. The area was deserted, as the crew had taken cover behind cars and lighting trolleys. Movement came from a camera man who appeared to be filming. With luck he would have captured the scene, which would provide evidence for the police.

    A large blacked skinned man wearing dark blue security coveralls sprinted along the street keeping low behind the parked cars. He ducked lower and stopped outside the next building. Alex waited as the sweat trickled down her spine. Who was shooting at her? Vince had made elaborate protection arrangements for her to leave London under her Algerian passport. The name of Alksandara Drumund Saidi would not stand out even if her pursuers could scan the passenger lists. If not the terrorists from London, then who else wanted her dead? Clint’s voice again dominated. ‘Everyone remain undercover until we have rescued Alex. Then stay where you are, the police will be on the set within minutes.’

    Tears ran down her cheeks. The chance of freedom from fear had evaporated within a minute. ‘Alex, this is Clint. If you can hear me, security will enter the building through the smashed door to protect you.’

    ‘Yes, I can hear you.’ Clint would not be able to hear her response, but the security man outside would. It had been a longer gap this time between the shots. Perhaps the gunman had taken a chance to escape.

    A voice nearby in the street bellowed, ‘Security coming to protect you, ma’am. Stand away from the door.’ The dark blue coveralls crashed at speed through the unbroken glass door, took two paces to the side, dropped to one knee with his pistol in both hands stretched in front of him. ‘You are behind me, ma’am. Stay there, while I ensure this is a safe haven.’ With intense scrutiny, he scanned the room. Dipping his chin to his radio microphone, ‘Jack and Lee from security join me in protection, approach fast and low. We will secure the space.’

    Two more blue coveralls darted through the door. One spun and dropped to his knee, facing the door with his gun raised. ‘Clint has focused a remote camera on the door and will report any unusual movement.’

    For the first time Desmond faced her. He gave a brief smile. ‘Keep low and move to the far wall. Understanding the reasoning, she scuttled across reception. ‘Jack and I will cover you. Tuck yourself low into the corner.’ They knelt facing away from her with their guns raised.

    The megaphone droned in the street, ‘This is the police. Remain where you are. We are arriving in numbers and will secure the film set and surrounding buildings before movement is permitted.’

    Desmond glanced back at her and the blood running down her leg. ‘Were you hit?’

    She regained her voice. ‘No, nothing serious. Glass injuries.’

    ‘Clint, the lady has glass injuries to her leg, so needs a medic as soon as the police can escort one.’

    With a small shake of her head she muttered, ‘It is unnecessary.’ But Desmond oversaw this operation and would decide what needed to be completed.

    She was close to him and could hear his radio, ‘Medic under police guard will progress to your building.’

    ‘Security protecting the victim. This is Captain Montague from NYPD. Armed officers will enter your building in ten seconds. Please holster your guns. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five.’

    Desmond barked, ‘Holster guns.’

    The NYPD officers crashed through what remained of the doors. Desmond sunk to the ground, as did his two security guards. The leading police officer bellowed, ‘How many present? Six officers with guns surveyed the space.

    ‘Three security officers from the film set plus the victim, a female.’

    The police examined the room in meticulous detail. Alex wilted against the wall and slid to the floor near to Desmond. The police interviews would be time-consuming, but no different

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