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Holiday Surprise: Unwrapped: Tungsten Protective Services
Holiday Surprise: Unwrapped: Tungsten Protective Services
Holiday Surprise: Unwrapped: Tungsten Protective Services
Ebook102 pages1 hour

Holiday Surprise: Unwrapped: Tungsten Protective Services

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About this ebook

Kassia Green finds herself in Massachusetts—the last place she wants to be—to housesit for her cousin over Christmas. Not a fan of snow or cold, she would much rather be home, or even in the Caribbean. Little does she know returning from shopping one day will bring her face-to-face with a naked man in that very house.
Heath Dixon, former Army, takes his friend up on an offer to stay at his place, where he meets, Kassia. Despite their rocky start, she has him forgetting about his injury and thinking of all the ways they could keep warm at night.
As Christmas gets closer, they discover more about one another and Heath realizes he has no wish to lose her. Can he make her understand that sometimes the best holiday surprise can be unwrapped when you first discover it?

Release dateFeb 17, 2024
Holiday Surprise: Unwrapped: Tungsten Protective Services

Aliyah Burke

Aliyah Burke is a USA Today Bestselling Author who’s an avid reader and never far from pen and paper (or the computer). She is happily married to a career military man. They are owned by three Borzoi. She spends her days at the day job, writing, and working with her dogs. She loves to hear from her readers and can be reached here. If you would like to be kept abreast of what's going on in the world of Aliyah, please join her newsletter: and/or cozy newsletter: Other places to find her on social media are: Amazon Author Page - Book Bub - Goodreads - Website - Facebook -  Facebook Author Page - Pinterest - Twitter - Instagram -

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    Holiday Surprise - Aliyah Burke


    Kassia Green slogged through the park’s icy snow toward the street. Her bags hit her legs with each shuffled step. Somewhere deep within her she had hopes of snagging a much-needed taxi, faded though they may be. The afternoon was in its last legs and most people were on their way home. She’d been gone far too long and her mood…not a good one. This time of the year taxi’s were hard to come by, despite there being so many on the streets. With her luck they just drove around not really wanting to pick up a fare. What the hell did she know? This wasn’t her city and it sure as hell wasn’t her state.

    "Probably get shoved to the ground by some prick who just absolutely has to have my taxi. That’s of course, assuming I can flag one down to use, she muttered right before her foot sank into a puddle of freezing water. Her shoe filled immediately with cold and her foot attacked by biting pain, sending chills through her already cold body. Shit! I am really hating this time of year. This…this is what I get for agreeing to housesit."

    She’d given up her warm house, sunny days and comfort to come up here, somewhere past the north of sanity in order to keep the house for her cousin, Balt. Apartment really, but he hadn’t wanted it left empty during this cold spell. And that man had some hot ass woman he was taking to the Caribbean this year so he wouldn’t be home over the holidays. And Balt had called her asking for a favor.

    So despite all her common sense, she got on a plane, braved all that damn de-icing they had to do on the wings at some airports and flew up to Massachusetts. They just happened to be having one of their hardest, coldest winters on record. Yeah, it worked out so well for her.

    Ignoring the intense need to cry out in frustration, she shook off the water best she could and continued on her trek. At least she could see the street and some of the little vehicles which could—if they stopped—deliver her to her warm abode. The day had been horrible dealing with people who sucked the cheer out of the holidays. She wasn’t a nice person when she wasn’t comfortable and cold—didn’t make her comfortable. Ergo, her own temper had been kicked up a bit. Didn’t always lead to the best situations.

    It was a tossup of what to call this time of the year. There were so many different religions it was insanely easy to offend someone, but what she didn’t understand was why this supposed cheerful season turned people into such assholes. Pulling her wool coat tighter to help ward off the chill in the air, she continued on, hoping her foot wouldn’t freeze.

    What I wouldn’t give for some warm sand under my feet and a good drink in my hand.

    At the curb, she waved for a ride and expelled a groan of relief when one taxi finally stopped in front of her. 2607 North Lexington, she said as her body slid across the surprisingly undamaged leather seat. Her bags sat beside her on the seat.

    A nod was all she got from the driver and Kassia sank against the backrest and let the welcomed heat sink in. The entire ride was silent which worked for her, given the state of her body, exhausted. To top it all off, she didn’t handle the cold very well.

    But then that’s why I live in Texas along the Gulf Coast. Because it’s warm there, year-round. All damn year. Which is what I like. Warmth. Sun. Not, snow, ice and cold. The staple for here.

    Here you are, Miss. The voice brought her back to awareness.

    Paying her fare, Kassia took a deep breath, gritted her teeth against the cold she knew was coming and opened the door, bags in hand. Thank you, she tossed to the driver as she bolted for the front door of the apartment. The wind whipped around her, stabbing her with piercing needles on her skin where it hit her wet clothing. Even the wool coat didn’t seem to be extremely effecting in stopping the onslaught of winter’s bite.

    Cursing under her breath when her fingers didn’t work fast enough with the keys and juggling her purchases, she finally got the lock undone and pushed into the warm apartment. Kassia sagged against the door, dropped her purse and bags on the floor, then reached for the uncomfortable foot to tug off her drenched shoe. Although, to be fair, it wasn’t so much drenched anymore as it was frozen. Much like her foot.

    Muttering continuously about the weather along with how much she hated the cold, she headed for the laundry room. Tossing her wet and damaged shoe onto the tiled floor, she spun around and hobbled back toward the bedroom shedding her outer clothes on the way. A long hot shower was in order. A very long, very hot shower to banish the chills, which had taken up residence in her body far, far away. It was colder than a witches tit out there and only going to get worse. More snow had begun to fall by the time she arrived at the house. At this rate, she’d never be warm again.

    "I hate the north, I hate the snow, I hate the cold, and goddamn it, I hate holidays that make people act like asses!" she hollered as she entered the master bedroom to retrieve her book she’d left in here this morning as she walked through as she did every day.

    I hate people who come screaming into a room and wake someone up! a deep voice retaliated her statement.

    A wail of terror rushed out of her throat filling the room. Ahhhh! Scrambling back out of the room nearly tripping over her own feet, Kassia began searching for her cell phone. Call the cops. That phrase ran like a litany through her head. I’m calling the cops! she yelled as she dashed for the phone.

    Someone jerked the handset out of her hand before she could even complete dialing. Pathetic really considering it was only three lousy numbers she had to hit. Well, one of them the same one twice and she still couldn’t pull it off. Now, she would most likely die.

    Who the hell are you? A masculine tone demanded as the intruder spun her toward him.

    Kassia gulped, speechless, as she stared at the man before her. Her gaze was met by a solid muscular torso. Bruised but muscular. Holy hell. Can I have one of him wrapped up for Christmas? She gawked at the man holding the phone tight in one large fist. He stood tall, about six-three. Sandy-brown hair covered his head, the style, cut short in the back and on the sides giving him a delightfully sexy, messy look. Slate eyes glared at her from below bushy brows.

    Her eyes moved lower only to see again that bared chest. Kassia swallowed trying desperately to get moisture in her mouth. Calling the cops ceased to even be a memory. A wall of tanned skin faced her. A wall she suddenly had this urge to touch, repeatedly. Looking south she ogled over the lightly haired tanned torso, marred by numerous dark purple and green bruises. Who the hell managed to

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