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Too Soon To Die: Extra Short Stories Bundle
Too Soon To Die: Extra Short Stories Bundle
Too Soon To Die: Extra Short Stories Bundle
Ebook152 pages2 hours

Too Soon To Die: Extra Short Stories Bundle

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This is a steamy collection of sexy short stories that will leave you wanting more. The book explores the deep, secret Sex passions with Manga Style...

PublisherAmanda Banks
Release dateFeb 17, 2024
Too Soon To Die: Extra Short Stories Bundle

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    Too Soon To Die - Sakura Sensu

    *-*-*  The Geisha's Secret

    In the heart of ancient Kyoto, where the cherry blossoms bloomed and the streets were filled with the sounds of laughter and music, Hiroshi, the famed Ronin, found himself in a world he never knew existed. He had been invited to a lavish feast, hosted by a wealthy merchant, and as he walked through the doors, he couldn't help but feel out of place.

    But as he looked around the room, his eyes were drawn to a woman who stood out from the rest. She was a Geisha, dressed in a stunning kimono of silk and lace, her long black hair cascading down her back in waves. Her name was Yumi, and Hiroshi couldn't take his eyes off of her.

    They shared forbidden looks and secret smiles throughout the night, and as the feast came to an end, Hiroshi found himself unable to resist the pull he felt towards her. And as fate would have it, they found themselves alone under the soft glow of the moon, unable to resist their desires.

    Their passionate encounters revealed a connection that transcended societal norms, and as they lay in each other's arms, Hiroshi couldn't believe the depth of his feelings for Yumi. He had never felt this way before, and he knew that their love was forbidden, but he couldn't help himself.

    Just as Hiroshi was about to leave Kyoto, Yumi revealed her secret - she was not a Geisha, but a noblewoman disguised as one, running from an arranged marriage. The twist left Hiroshi stunned, but it also brought them closer than ever before. He knew that their love was doomed, but he couldn't help but ignite a love that knew no bounds.

    Yumi, why did you not tell me sooner? Hiroshi asked, as they sat in a quiet corner of a garden.

    I was afraid, Yumi replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Afraid that you would leave me, just as everyone else has.

    Hiroshi took her hand in his and brought it to his lips. I am not everyone else, Yumi. I will never leave you.

    Yumi looked into Hiroshi's eyes, and she knew that he spoke the truth. She had never felt this way before, and she knew that she couldn't let him go.

    Then take me with you, Yumi said, a hint of pleading in her voice. I cannot bear the thought of being without you.

    Hiroshi hesitated for a moment, but he knew that he couldn't deny Yumi. He would take her with him, and they would leave Kyoto behind, and all the troubles that came with it.

    As they rode off into the sunset, Hiroshi and Yumi knew that they were embarking on a journey that would change their lives forever. They knew that their love was forbidden, but they couldn't help themselves. They were in love, and nothing else mattered.

    Their passionate encounters would continue, but now they were free to express their love without the fear of being discovered. They would travel the lands, experiencing new things, and making new memories, all the while knowing that they had each other.

    And as they looked into each other's eyes, they knew that their love would stand the test of time. They would defy societal norms, and they would be happy, no matter what.

    Their love story was one of passion, desire, and secrecy, but above all, it was a love story that transcended time and space. Hiroshi and Yumi were in love, and nothing else mattered.

    As they rode off into the sunset, Hiroshi looked at Yumi and said, I will love you until the end of time, Yumi.

    Yumi smiled, and replied, And I will love you, Hiroshi, forever and always.

    And with that, they rode off into the sunset, leaving their old lives behind, and embarking on a new journey, filled with passion, desire, and forbidden love.

    As Hiroshi and Yumi rode off into the sunset, their bodies still buzzing with the intensity of their forbidden love, they knew that they had to find a place to satisfy their burning desires. They couldn't wait any longer.

    Hiroshi pulled Yumi close, their bodies pressing together as they galloped through the tall grass. Yumi let out a soft moan as she felt Hiroshi's manhood grow hard against her. She couldn't resist the temptation any longer.

    Hiroshi, I need you now, she whispered in his ear.

    Hiroshi didn't need to be asked twice. He pulled on the reins, guiding the horse to a secluded grove of trees. Once they were hidden from view, he jumped down from the horse, pulling Yumi down with him.

    Their lips met in a passionate kiss as they tore at each other's clothes, desperate to feel each other's skin. Yumi's creamy breasts spilled out of her robe, and Hiroshi couldn't resist taking one into his mouth, teasing the nipple with his tongue.

    Oh, Hiroshi, yes, Yumi moaned, running her fingers through his hair.

    Hiroshi continued to tease Yumi's nipples, moving from one to the other as she writhed beneath him. He could feel her wetness seeping through her silky undergarments, and he couldn't wait any longer.

    He pulled Yumi's undergarments to the side, revealing her swollen lips. He slid his fingers inside her, feeling her warmth surround him. Yumi moaned loudly as he explored her depths, her hips bucking against his hand.

    I need you inside me, Hiroshi, Yumi begged.

    Hiroshi didn't need any more encouragement. He positioned himself at her entrance, teasing her with the tip of his manhood. Yumi wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him inside her.

    They both let out a moan as Hiroshi filled her up, his manhood throbbing with desire. He began to move inside her, slowly at first, but quickly building up speed as Yumi begged for more.

    Their bodies moved together in a rhythm as old as time, the trees around them swaying in the breeze as they reached for the heavens. Yumi's breasts bounced with each thrust, her nipples hard and erect.

    Hiroshi reached down, teasing her sensitive bud with his fingers. Yumi let out a loud moan as she came undone, her orgasm ripping through her body like a tidal wave.

    Hiroshi couldn't hold back any longer. He felt himself on the brink of release, and he let go, filling Yumi with his seed.

    As they lay there, spent and satisfied, Yumi looked up at Hiroshi and laughed.

    Well, that was unexpected, she said, grinning.

    Hiroshi chuckled, rolling over onto his back. I guess it was. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

    They lay there for a few more minutes, catching their breath and basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking. But all too soon, it was time to get back on the horse and continue their journey.

    As they rode off into the sunset, they knew that their love would stand the test of time. No matter what obstacles they faced, they would face them together.

    And they knew that their love story was one that would be remembered for generations to come. Their forbidden love had defied societal norms, and they had come out on top, stronger than ever.

    I will love you until the end of time, Yumi, Hiroshi said, looking over at Yumi as they rode.

    Yumi smiled, taking Hiroshi's hand in hers. And I will love you, Hiroshi, forever and always.

    And with that, they rode off into the sunset, ready to face whatever the future held, knowing that they had each other.

    As Hiroshi and Yumi rode off into the sunset, they were filled with a sense of euphoria. The intense lovemaking session had left them feeling invigorated and alive. Hiroshi couldn't keep his hands off of Yumi, and she didn't seem to mind.

    Suddenly, they heard a rustling in the bushes behind them. They turned around to see a group of bandits emerging from the foliage, their swords drawn.

    Oh no, not again, Yumi groaned, rolling her eyes.

    Hiroshi quickly drew his sword, ready to protect his lover.

    We don't want any trouble, he said, his voice steady.

    The leader of the bandits sneered. Hand over your valuables, and maybe we'll let you live.

    Just as they were about to attack, a voice boomed from above. Leave them alone!

    A group of samurai warriors appeared on the scene, swords drawn. They quickly dispatched the bandits, leaving Hiroshi and Yumi in awe.

    The leader of the samurai bowed to Hiroshi and Yumi. We are at your service. We have been tracking these bandits for days. Thank you for distracting them, but you should not have taken such a risk.

    Hiroshi and Yumi exchanged a sheepish glance, before bursting into laughter.

    I guess we got a bit carried away, Hiroshi said, grinning.

    The samurai leader raised an eyebrow. Indeed. But we will not let that distract us from our mission. Please, allow us to escort you to the next village.

    As they rode together, Hiroshi and Yumi couldn't help but feel grateful for this unexpected twist of fate. They had faced danger together, and had come out stronger because of it. And as they looked into each other's eyes, they knew that their love would continue to defy all obstacles.

    Thank you, Yumi whispered to Hiroshi, her voice filled with emotion.

    For what? he asked, smiling.

    For everything. For being by my side, no matter what.

    Hiroshi leaned in and kissed her tenderly. Always, my love. Always.

    As they continued their journey, they knew that their love would continue to be an adventure, full of unexpected twists and turns. But as long as they had each other, they could face anything that came their way.


    *-*-*  The Moonlight and the Sakura

    In feudal Japan, a young samurai named Taro embarked on a perilous mission to avenge his master’s death. As he traversed through the countryside, his heart heavy with vengeance, he stumbled upon a serene shrine nestled beneath the breathtaking bloom of sakura trees. It was a sight to behold, and Taro couldn’t help but be entranced by its ethereal beauty.

    As he approached the shrine, Taro noticed a figure clad in a white kimono, her long black hair cascading down her back like a waterfall. She was the shrine maiden, Hana, and she was tending to the offering box with a gentle grace that took Taro’s breath away.

    Greetings, traveler, Hana said softly, her voice like a melody. What brings you to this sacred place?

    Taro hesitated for a moment before replying, I am Taro, a samurai on a mission to avenge my master’s death. I was drawn to this shrine by its beauty and serenity.

    Hana looked at him with a gentle smile. I see. Well, may the gods grant you success in your quest.

    As the days passed, Taro found himself returning to the shrine, drawn to Hana’s beauty and grace. He would sit under the sakura trees, watching as she went about her duties,

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