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For Want of a Child
For Want of a Child
For Want of a Child
Ebook69 pages49 minutes

For Want of a Child

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This book is about a long, sad, relentless journey to become a parent. The  journey is not something I would wish for anyone; but, unfortunately, lots of people go through  it. However, seeing the rainbow at the end of the journey is what I wish for everyone who

Release dateJan 10, 2024
For Want of a Child

Lily Starbright

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Lily Starbright was born in New York in the late forties. Her family moved to Florida when she was eight years old. She grew up and attended school in South Miami and attended Dade Community College majoring in Criminology and minored in English Literature. She also attended Broward Community College, in Broward County, Florida. At the age of ten she began writing poetry. Writing comes naturally to her. She has several poems published in The National Library of Poetry books and is currently divorced, living in Florida and has two children.

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    For Want of a Child - Lily Starbright

    Copyright © 2023 Lily Starbright

    Paperback: 978-1-962256-79-7

    eBook: 978-1-962256-84-1

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023921682

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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    Printed in the United States of America


    To Alexander and Laisea who have made all of my dreams come true, I love you both. You have given me a reason to be on this earth and you are why I wake up each morning and thank the Lord for giving me another day here. I hope I will be around for a long time so I can enjoy as much time as possible with both of you.



    For Want of a Child















    To My Unborn Child

    The End of Waiting

    A Son of Our Own

    My Precious Child

    We Are Adoptimg a Baby

    New Mother

    The Wait

    The Christmas Present

    Turning Forty

    So Thankful

    The Chosen One

    We Have Options

    My Wish

    The Wait Is Over



    Going for the Gold

    Realizing Our Dream

    Your Angelic Face

    Two Women


    This book was written for a special group of people. Only someone who has gone through what we all have been through could possibly understand our anxieties, frustrations and anger.

    I am so tired of hearing things like Don’t try so hard, Abstain for two weeks, Drink some wine or Relax and enjoy. To add more insult to injury, people would constantly say to me I have a friend or relative who had a miscarriage and now they have a beautiful child or Adopt and you will definitely get pregnant or they tell me to pray. To the people who say I should adopt, you have no idea how long the process can take. I went to an adoption agency and the wait was four years.

    I began writing this book in the early 1980s. Fortunately, there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. This is my story, along with poems I wrote during my experience. I hope this lightens your load and gives you hope as you share my journey in accomplishing to become a parent.

    For Want of a Child

    The light at the end of the tunnel is not necessarily a train.

    Because there is a black cloud over you doesn’t really mean that it will rain.

    It has been said that nobody dies from infertility;

    But, only we infertiles know how wrong that saying can be.

    A little bit of us dies each month as our cycle comes to an end.

    We hope to achieve a pregnancy but, we have to round another bend.

    I can’t comprehend child abuse, what could these people be thinking of?

    There are so many of us who want children so much; someone to nurture and to love.

    Fertile people can have lots of babies, but there is one thing we know for sure.

    Giving birth does not make one a good parent; we know that it takes a lot more.

    When we finally become parents and have our child to love;

    We feel guilty if we complain or yell; we ask for forgiveness from above.

    Being infertile doesn’t make us less human and the truth of the matter is we want control over our destiny because this is a difficult way to live.

    Just imagine not having your children; or, if your parents could not conceive you.

    The world would be a much sadder place and we all believe that is true.

    We’re not asking for the stars or the moon, we just want some guidance from above.

    A child, a family, is what we wish for; so that we can share all of our love.

    – Written by Lily Starbright on 7/23/1990


    I was brought up to believe that you graduate

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