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NOWHERE TO RUN: Heirs of Gods Book One
NOWHERE TO RUN: Heirs of Gods Book One
NOWHERE TO RUN: Heirs of Gods Book One
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NOWHERE TO RUN: Heirs of Gods Book One

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Princess Suhayla Dembele had basked in the lavish luxury of her kingdom's sheltered walls, indulging in a life untouched by restraint. However, that reality shifted unexpectedly when an arranged marriage takes her away from familiarity, tethering her to Prince Alek Perrault.

Alek, with his suave allure, appeared an ideal match.

PublisherDeb B. Salko
Release dateMar 9, 2024
NOWHERE TO RUN: Heirs of Gods Book One


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    Book preview

    NOWHERE TO RUN - Deb B Salko

    Chapter 1

    If I don’t get off this ship, I’ll have to start rationing my sanity. And the last thing I need is someone trying to reason with me, as to why I need to go through with this needless alliance. I am getting off this boat.

    Did I intentionally wait till the crew fell asleep so I can make my escape? Yes. Did I think through how I would accomplish this ? Well, I’m still working out the details.

    I should have known some of them would still be up, but I was willing to take that chance. Alasanne Dembele, Chief of Mala—my father has another thing coming if he thinks I am going to just be sent off and get married to some stranger across the Frothy Bay.

    My heart raced as I moved cautiously, my steps light and calculated. The sleeping guard was a stroke of luck, albeit a temporary one. Slipping past him was just the first step in a plan that was still hazy at best. The night enveloped the ship, and the hushed whispers of the ocean became my only solace.

    I knew I had to act swiftly. Determined, I noted a few crew members still lingering on the deck, their silhouettes barely visible in the moonlight.

    The sound of lapping waves provided cover for my movements as I inched closer to the lifeboats. It was a risky gamble, relying on chance and instinct to guide me. Was I worried about getting caught? Never. What could they possibly say to Princess Suhayla Dembele? ‘Stop’? ‘You can’t do that’? Even if I did get caught, I would deny everything. I would deny escaping, before confronting the truth.

    Swiftly, I darted towards one of the boats, mindful of every creaking step. With a sense of urgency, I removed a tarp-covered boat, preparing to slip away unnoticed. Just as I began lower myself in, I heard a creak.

    My head jerked upward to see a man leaning against the side of a wall.

    Leaving so soon? His voice was laced with amusement, and I was frozen to where I stood.

    I straightened, trying to maintain composure despite the sinking feeling in my stomach. Just getting some fresh air, I replied, attempting nonchalance.

    He arched an eyebrow, the smirk growing more obvious. Fresh air in the dead of night, with a boat ready for a voyage? You’re either a dedicated stargazer or a terrible liar.

    I scrambled for words, my mind racing to concoct a plausible excuse. But before I could respond, he chuckled, his demeanor surprisingly relaxed. No need to explain. Secrets are best kept when they’re shared, you know.

    His cryptic remark puzzled me, and I hesitated, unsure whether I can trust how easy he’s going or maybe I should just make a run for it. As he stood there, his presence seemed to carve out a space of its own. My eyes tore him a part. His bronzed complexion held a story of sun-kissed journeys, etched with a life lived under vast skies. Those sharp features, chiseled with precision, contrasted against the soft night, making his gaze even more arresting.

    It was the way his eyes looked, pools of a profound darkness, holding depths that hinted at hidden wisdom. A tight bun held back strands of his dark brown hair, framing his face. The ink of a tattoo, wrapped around his neck, as it whispered tales of its significance, a mark of something deeper.

    Despite the aura of intimidation he exuded, there was something more, something buried beneath those layers.

    So this is what princesses like you do in their spare time?

    Princesses like me? I raised a brow.

    He chuckled softly, warmth making its way into his voice. Yes, ones who prefer moonlit excursions over the comfort of their cabin.

    His words caught me off guard, making my palms sweat with anxiety. I tried to hide the nervous flutter in my chest. And what about men like you? Do you spend your nights lurking in the shadows, waiting to catch lost princesses? I retorted, attempting to deflect his probing.

    He leaned forward slightly, the moonlight casting a looming glow upon his features. Men like me? I’m just here to make sure you stay safe, he replied as a matter-of-fact, his eyes holding mine in a silent challenge. I don’t care what you do, I’m just here for the ride.

    What game was he playing here? If I jumped right now, would he really follow after me?

    If you leave now, I’m sure the storm would get you. And something tells me you’re not much of a swimmer.

    I flushed at the insult.

    I can swim! I shouted in a whisper. Just maybe not in a storm.

    See, now what would you do if I wasn’t here to advise you? My eyes went into slits, irritated to the point that I did want to go back to my cabin. How did he do that?

    I don’t like you, I stated firmly.

    He chuckled again. "No, you don’t like what I’m saying to you."

    The arrogance. His nonchalant attitude grated on my nerves and I’m sure it was starting to show. Fine, then I don’t like what you’re saying, I shot back, trying to regain control of the situation.

    His chuckle persisted, aggravating me further. Words can’t always be your shield, Princess.

    With an exasperated sigh, I narrowed my eyes. What exactly do you want from me? I demanded, my voice laced with defiance.

    Nothing, really. Just to ensure you don’t do something you’ll regret.

    And who appointed you as my guardian? I huffed as I crossed my arms over my chest.

    The King of Aeris, he replied casually, his gaze unwavering. And whether you like it or not, as long as we’re on the same boat, I’m not going anywhere.

    His words lingered in the air, leaving an unsettling weight between us. Despite my reluctance to admit it, he was right. As much as I resented him getting in my way and his presumptuous protectiveness, a part of me knew there was no way off this ship.

    With a resigned sigh, I scanned the ship’s deck, seeing how impractical my escape really was. The stormy horizon painted a daunting picture, dissuading any thoughts of navigating the tempestuous waters alone.

    Fine, I conceded begrudgingly, casting a sidelong glance at the man beside me. He was big and there was no way I was going to fight my way out of this one. Don’t think for a second that I need your protection.

    He offered a half-smile, a glint in his brown eyes. Wouldn’t dream of it, Princess.

    You’re insufferable, you know that?

    Comes with the title, he replied with a smirk, his gaze holding a glimmer I couldn’t quite place. However, as we stepped into my cabin, the atmosphere shifted, the air thick, as a strange sensation coursed through me.Besides, you’re not just some princess as you pretend to be, he remarked, his tone oddly softer than before.

    He stepped closer, our gazes locked in a silent conversation that spoke volumes. He was just so close I could just…

    But, suddenly a call from the deck shattered the fleeting moment. The distant shout about the impending storm shattered the instance, scattering the tension like leaves in the wind.

    I have to go, he said, his voice tinged with pressure as he glanced towards the door.

    Before I could gather my thoughts or offer a reply, he was gone, leaving me standing there, feeling a strange void in his absence. The storm’s incoming fury became palpable, the ship trembling beneath its might as it battled the raging sea.

    I tried to make my way to the deck, to catch another glimpse of him, but the turbulent waves and the crew’s frantic movements kept me confined to my cabin. My mind wrestled with conflicting emotions, my feelings a tumultuous sea mirroring the storm outside.

    Days blurred into nights as the rain raged on, each passing moment amplifying my restlessness. The need to escape, battled against the unexplained pull I felt towards the man who crossed my path.

    I couldn’t shake the thought, nor could I quell the inexplicable rise of emotions that disrupted the rational thoughts that usually governed my mind. His assertiveness lingered like an echo. Unwanted sensations I could no way address or explain, as I clenched my thighs. Who was he?

    Chapter 2

    Iwas destined to be the bride to the future King of Aeris.

    The only thing distracting me now was the beauty of the throne hall. If I was going to spend the rest of my natural born life inside these stonewalls, then I might as well enjoy even the small detailing. There were ten alabaster columns lighting the lower levels of the room in a brilliant glimmer. The countless gems on the tilted ceiling danced in the flickering light while carved images looked down upon the stone floor. As I walked down the crimson rug, I noticed ribbon banners embellished with lace that covered parts of the walls.

    Between each banner hung a lantern; many of them had been lit and in turn illuminated the statuettes of the gods. Thick, tinted glass windows shrouded by veils were colored the same crimson as the rug.

    And before me was a great throne of stone within a gate of gilded wood. Upon the throne sat his royal highness, his queen to his left. And his head guard to his right. As I approached, I bowed my head and greeted the King of Aeris.

    The king had a charmingly aged face, to say the least, but his eyes were cold with unspoken truths. I could feel my feelings creeping against his but sensed a wall that clouded his emotions. I couldn’t read him at all.

    Please rise, the king bellowed. Princess Suhayla Dembele of Mala. Daughter of my long time friend, and chief of his people, Alassane. I am so happy you could join us this evening. I hope the trip wasn’t too exhausting. I, myself, am not fond of ships. However, they are quite nice. I pondered the thought as I stood before him, however he hardly seemed like the forceful King people claimed. King Emil Perreault was a force to be reckoned with, one who sought out power while instilling fear amongst the masses. I knew the king to be ruthless, someone who liked to make examples of his subjects; being as he ruled most of the realms, defying him hardly made sense. He had the largest armies, and no one dared to rise against him.

    However, here we were casually discussing ships, like we were old friends. However, we weren’t old friends. I’ve only spent time with his highness once, before my father decided to marry off his only daughter, heir to Mala’s throne, to the highest bidder. Since that arrangement, King Emil visited quite often, and every single time, I was off either at the Blue Lagoon or in Pelamantou. I never wanted to greet or see that man off.

    I wasn’t entirely sure why he liked Mala so much, but seeing how good friends with my father he was, it is not all that surprising. Maybe it was the way we looked from our dark coils for hair and deep brown copper skin. Maybe it was our warm amber pools for eyes, surrounded by rare gold rings. What I was sure of, was that he couldn’t wait to get his hands on the Malan Princess.

    Here I was, having traveled a long distance, being announced with long winded titles to meet and greet a prince who seemed to be absent. However, I gave him a simple nod. My eyes immediately went to the brooding man who was still. This couldn’t have been the same man who essentially stopped me from jumping over board. This man was far more strict, his eyes filled with a certain seriousness, that could bring mountains to their knees.

    Seeing him again I couldn’t help but blush at the thought. Has it really been three days since I last saw him? Since the storm I didn’t dare leave my cabin. I wouldn’t be the first to admit, I get sea sick. By the time I walked off board, he was no where to be found. I was immediately brought to my chamber. However, there was something about the very instance we met. I wasn’t sure if he could feel the attraction that I radiated. But it had a lot to do with how my people could feel deeply; a level of emotion that connected us with the earth, bestowed by our goddess, Ala.

    From the minute I saw him, my Urges awoke. Urges my mother warned me about would come to taunt me; a gnawing power in search of fulfillment. Proof enough that as an heir, there was a power surging, biding its time.

    I had to admit, one could say it was a strength, but it always left me feeling weak. My feelings were often a pile of mess in the face of the unfortunate truth. When my heart wanted something, I had to have it. There was never a balance between my emotions and desires. It was always all or nothing.

    I quickly looked away and met the queen’s gaze. Beautiful couldn’t even begin to describe her. She had platinum blonde hair, braided in an intricate crown. Her lips were painted a deep red that matched the maroon gown she had been wearing. The look on her face made her seem kind but skeptical, as if she were waiting for something to happen. This is my wife, Queen Claira. And I’m sure you’ve already met Noa, my right hand.

    I wondered why the king chose a Fahalan as his hand and not someone of his own. He seemed to be held in some high regard, but what has he done to get there?

    Your highness, I bowed again. Then I looked to Noa, who’s eyes locked with mine.

    We haven’t formally met. I was already aboard the ship while he spoke with my father. That was true. The arrangement was so quick that I didn’t really say goodbye. However, the night of the storm wasn’t the first I spoke to him. We spoke earlier that day actually. And while it was brief, there were no introductions.

    Honestly, Noa, my boy, greet the princess, the king teased.

    Noa bowed and raised his head slightly. His eyes held mine as he affirmed, Noa Benali, commander of the King’s Guard. Your Highness. My heart was pounding in my ears at the sound of his baritone voice.

    It was as if it were able to caress the inner parts of my soul. He must have known, because I noticed a small twinge pulling at the corner of his mouth. Was that a smile?

    Now that you are acquainted, we are now wait— Immediately the grand doors to the hall flung open. I caught sight of a man whose hair was a platinum hue of blond pushed back with an undercut. He strode over, cutting the king off mid-sentence. I could tell the king was immediately irritated by the gentleman who must have been late. I couldn’t help but look him over and notice his herculean stature. I stared at the under dressed man in a sleeveless tunic that covered his toned biceps. His dark breeches fleshed against his skin like he had been dressing in a hurry. He had been slightly taller than Noa, which was increasingly looming against my shortness. These Aerisians started to make me feel small. I was only about five-two, while everyone towered above me at six feet. And yet, I was a little more plumped at the hips with features that were just all around fuller. In Mala, I would be considered average. But here, I knew I’d be striking to the eyes.

    Father, I’m surprised you started without me, said the man grinning from ear to ear. As he made his way down the aisle, he stopped just before the throne, having to do a double take as he stared at me with awe. Well, well, well, what do we have here? Am I not standing in the presence of a beautiful Malan? I immediately started to blush. He gracefully knelt on one knee, looking at me with his blue pools for eyes, so deep I could drown in them. I’m Prince Alek Perreault, he grinned as he kissed my hand. I am so pleased to meet your acquaintance. I started to blush again, unsure of what to say.

    The king cleared his throat, and I snapped my head back to see them all staring. The look of annoyance plastered on all their faces, but the prince didn’t care. Son, nice of you to join us. Now that you are here it is about time we had this discussion. You are twenty-eight and unwed, which is quite unusual for your age. However, the only reason I hadn’t married you off was because of Princess Suhayla. In reaching our agreed upon marital age, you should not be surprised that we are having this conversation. A grandeur alliance that is deeply encouraged in part of your duties. I didn’t understand. Did he never tell Alek that he would be married to me someday? I tried my best not to grimace as I waited for him to answer.

    But you already have the alliance, why do I have to marry her? Alek questioned abruptly.

    Do I really have to explain? the king chided.

    No, Alek said simply. However, father, as beautiful as she is, I will not be getting married. Or at least not anytime soon. I caught the tick in the king’s jaw. It was brief but still apparent.

    And why not?

    Because she barely knows me. Why would you even suggest such a thing when she clearly doesn’t even want to be here right now? He was right about that. I felt flushed, but the gorgeous silver haired man continued. "Besides, it’s not like you’re planning on dying anytime soon that you’d need to be worried about my heirs."

    I had to stop myself from almost smiling. Whoever Alek was, I liked him. I wasn’t ready to be married off either. Traditionally, back in Mala, women chose their husbands. We did a lot of things ourselves, even trained for battle. Women and men were seen as equals. And yet my father decided it’d be best to marry me off to make babies. There were three other realms where I’m sure the king could have found anyone else to marry his son.

    How do you feel about this, my dear? Do you want to marry my son? the queen then asked me directly. I was shocked because she hadn’t said a word before.

    Oh, it would be an honor, your highness.

    The queen chuckled. "I see. Maybe you just need to spend some time with my son, so he can better acquaint himself with you. I am sure you would be better company for him." I realized it must have been because of how disheveled he looked upon arrival. My eyes closed in at his neck, kiss stains peeking through his tunic. He was blushing as he quickly looked away, avoiding any more eye contact.

    That is a splendid idea, the king marveled. "You can acquaint yourself with the princess, if you must. But a wedding will be happening."

    Alek huffed his chest out in aggravation as I watched him roll his eyes. As for you, Princess Suhayla, Noa will be accompanying you from now on. I want you to be able to feel comfortable roaming the castle at your leisure, and I don’t trust anyone better than him to do this job. For the evening, the queen and I will be returning to our quarters. You are all dismissed. Soon after, both Noa and Alek escorted me out of the throne room.

    Well Princess, it seems your stuck with us, Alek chimed. Don’t worry, Noa and I have some history. There is a soft cub somewhere underneath that menacing exterior.

    Noa snorted. I hadn’t realized before, but he had been staring at me. Alek walked ahead, talking about absolutely nothing.

    Is there something on my face? I asked. It sounded more sharp than I intended, causing Alek to whirl around and stare between Noa and I with a raised brow.

    No, of course not, he muttered under his breath.

    What’s this? Alek said with a sly grin. Don’t tell me Noa here has a gentle fancy on my fiancé. I could feel Noa radiating with heat.

    I am here to do my job. Don’t you have somewhere to be, your highness? Noa bit out.

    Now, now. I think Suhayla here needs some attention.

    I didn’t know what to say other than, Ayla. You can call me Ayla.

    Alek quickly grabbed my hand and held it for a moment. Okay Ayla, I know it’s a lot being away from home, but I am here if you need anything. I had to admit he was quite charming. Please take care of her. She clearly needs some peace after dealing with my father.

    Noa just kept his face still. He seemed so stoic, I wondered what made him that way. He had a quiet and serious demeanor, but that didn’t change how I felt. As I stared into those warm eyes, my heart was set ablaze, drawn in by the mystery. I was curious if he ever socialized

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