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Doors Of The Church Are Open (Restoration)
Doors Of The Church Are Open (Restoration)
Doors Of The Church Are Open (Restoration)
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Doors Of The Church Are Open (Restoration)

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After Jacobs and his son's death, his grandson John has strayed away from God. Yet, Jesus is not finish with Him. As God takes him on a journey of restoration

PublisherRobert Goins
Release dateJan 27, 2024
Doors Of The Church Are Open (Restoration)

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    Doors Of The Church Are Open (Restoration) - Robert Goins



    Doors of the Church are Open (Restoration)

    - Robert Goins

    Copyright © 2021

    All rights reserved. This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit.

    First Edition, First Printing

    Printed in the United States of America

    ISBN- 979-8-8691-5150-6


    Author Contact Information:



    CH. 2 - PRODICAL

    CH. 3 - SARAH



    CH. 6 – LITTLE J.



    CH. 9 – FACE TO FACE


    Where is God now. Ed says as he aims the gun at Jacob. Ask him to forgive me for this too.

    He shoots Jacob twice and looks and sees John standing at the back door. He then turns and runs out. John runs over to where his father and grandfather lay. Jacob looks at him as tears run down John's face. John you must increase. It's your turn, don't give up on God. Teach them how to love. Jacob said as he breathed his last breath. John screams for them to wake up, but soon curls up next to Jacob until the police come.

    Years later, sitting in a diner, John Jones, thinks back to how he started out with so much confusion in his life. How could this be now? How blessed he considered his life to be. Through all the hardship he is far better. Filled with wisdom and understanding.

    Twenty years ago.

    John thought back to when he worked for a paper bag company, and found himself in the boss’ office again. John didn’t know if he would get fired or not. What would he tell his wife Angela? She would leave him if he ended up without a job. She had threatened him that he better not get fired, or she would divorce him.

    John, I heard you have been stealing some of the products from the company, and I want to know if it is true? David, his boss asked.

    John looking down at the floor glances up and says, No sir, I haven’t.

    Well, John, I’m not going to fire you right now, because I don’t have proof that you stole anything, even though we are short in our inventory count. I don’t want to blame you, John, but I do warn you that it won't be tolerated! I don’t want to see you fired John. You work hard, and keep your production above expectations, but we cannot allow stealing from the company. Do you understand John?

    Yes, sir, Mr. Stanley.

    John, you would make your father and grandfather proud, don’t go down the wrong path to please others.

    I wish they were around to say that Mr. Stanley, but I guess God had another plan to leave me without either of them.

    Don’t blame God, son, He is a Father to us, even if you don't know it.

    Mr. Stanley no disrespect, but He hasn’t been much of a Father to me. I thank you and the church for all you have done for my family, but that is not the life for me. My Father and grandfather gave their lives to God, and now they are gone. Why didn’t God protect them? Why didn’t He stop it? He could have! Where is the love of the Father in their murders?

    John, I pray you will experience it like your father and grandfather did.

    If that is part of His love, He can keep it!

    John heads out the door in a hurry and sees his co-worker Adam McKinley watching as he exits the boss’ office.

    Dude?! I know it was you that lied on me, and was hoping they’d fire me?

    Well, after stealing those boxes of paper towels you should be leaving with cuffs on. Snarled Adam

    Only in your twisted imagination! You would love to see that, huh? But, not today bro, so go try again to get me fired. Yeah, I knew it was you, it is always you, stirring up trouble. I don’t know when, but your day is coming, John replied.

    Stop stealing, and you will not have to worry about it! snaps back Adam with a smirk.

    At the end of his shift, John goes outside to wait on his wife to pick him up. A car pulls up speeding nearly driving up on the curb. John opens the car door as Angela begins to yell. Adam watching it all unfold begins to grin in delight at John’s misfortune.

    How you going to go and get fired today?! yelled Angela.

    I didn’t get fired! John exclaimed.

    Well, I heard you did, and I was so waiting to file those divorce papers.

    Who told you I got fired?

    It doesn’t matter, you better not get fired or I’m gone!

    Well, don’t be looking for any free products soon, because they are sure to be watching me now! Thanks to my awesome co-worker.

    Don’t blame this on your co-workers, I’m not divorcing them.

    Angela drives off in a hurry almost hitting a parked car. John didn’t know how to take, Angela. She was very encouraging when they met. Despite his mom’s disapproval of her, Angela was there for him to vent to. However, after the wedding, all of that changed. She became bossy, negative and threatening. The love and care she portrayed she had for him was a distant memory. It had been two years of marriage, and John was still angry with God about losing his father and grandfather. Angela used it to control him every day to manipulate him into believing God didn’t care about him and neither did his family. He lived through that tragic shooting, but his own faith had died.

    John thought it would be good for them to get away to remind her of their love for each other. He planned a trip to the mountains in Tennessee. Hoping they could focus on their marriage without the regular day to day stresses. When the weekend came, Angela refused to go.

    I am not going to no mountains with bears and lions, you can forget that! 

    "It is

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