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Omega Chronicles (Volume 3)
Omega Chronicles (Volume 3)
Omega Chronicles (Volume 3)
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Omega Chronicles (Volume 3)

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You would think it strange for a teenage boy to get a doll in the mail from his parents. But it's even stranger when this doll comes to life, saying that she was made for him by his scientist parents before they disappeared in a lab accident. At the same time, a man comes after him and the android in hope

Release dateJan 31, 2024
Omega Chronicles (Volume 3)

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    Omega Chronicles (Volume 3) - Mack Wells



    Technical, Intelligence, Networking, Archetype

    By Mack W. Wells

    Lightning is primal, dangerous and powerful, capable of destroying everything in its path, but there is one thing that the storm teaches us, that no matter how great the storm, or how powerful the lighting strikes, when the sky clears it leaves behind its symbol of hope for a brighter tomorrow, a rainbow.


    Terry runs through the streets, he was free running, a type of urban gymnastics, he did this to clear his head, and after leaping over a trashcan he continued to jump and spin over objects.

    He was doing his best to get his mind off things that had transpired, over the past few weeks, for his parents both were killed in a lab accident, they were both top notch scientist for the government, so they were gone a lot, but it still hit him pretty hard, though now he lived on his own in a large house.

    Though he lived alone now, the neighbors helped him out quite a bit for he was friends with the daughters, of the two households, Stacy and Tracy the twins lived in the house on the left side of his house, and Andrea and Heather lived on the right side of his house, and they all went to the same school together.

    Terry was a good student as well as a good athlete but what he really interested in was Anime and Manga he loved the stuff he had a large collection of it and ordered a lot of it off the Net.

    Though things were good for him something big was about to about to change, in his life, as he continued his free running, he started to feel better though it still didn't help the fact that he was living in a large empty house and his neighbors taking care of him he still felt something was missing in his life a void that could never be filled again.

    Terry returned to his home after his running to find a large package sitting on his front doorstep, he knew he wasn't expecting anything today, so he wondered what it was.

    After bringing it in the house he noticed that it was from his parents, and it was dated two days before they died.

    He didn’t know what to think, as he opened, the box to see what was inside first there was a letter that read.

    "Dear Terry if you are reading this then both your father and I are gone, we want you to know that we both love you so much.

    Inside this box you’ll find enclosed our final project the Technical, Intelligence, Networking, Archetype, and a few other items for it, like clothing and as well as a few gadgets for her."

    We hope that this little assist will make your life a little easier, we want you to take care of her as it will take care of you, because we know how good you take care of the neighbor girls, so we know you'll take care of this one.

    We love you very much love your mom and dad.

    Terry wiped away a tear after reading the letter, he looked though the box, but all he find in the box was a few doll clothes, and the doll for them, he picked it up, and looked it over she was at least 10 inches tall and was wearing a T-shirt that said anime freak, and a little blue skirt, Terry also noticed the odd headset that she was on top of her head and if he didn't know any better he could swear that she had just stepped out of one the animes he watches.

    Why did they seem me a doll? Terry asked himself, I know I love anime and such but why would mom and dad send me a doll like this?

    He also noted that it didn’t looked to advanced, to be one of his parents designs and if they did make it why did it look like a doll, but as he thought about this the dolls eyes shot open as it said. Hiya.

    Terry freaked out as he dropped the doll back in the box and fell back on the floor, as he yelled out.

    What the heck was that?

    The box started to move as the doll slowly started to climb out of the box. Ouch, why did you do that? Your mother told me that you were real nice to the lady’s. said the little doll as she rubbed her head and then jumped to the ground, still keeping herself proper as she dusted off her clothes.

    She walked over to him got down on her knees and bowed. I am the Technical, Intelligence, Networking, Archetype but you can call me Tina I am now your devoted assist ask anything of me and I shell endeavor to do my best to accomplish it.

    Terry didn’t know what to think a little doll had just came to life and walked over to him and said that she was his assist.

    Terry crawled over to her on his hands and knees thinking this has to be a joke?

    Tina cocked her head to the side as she looked up to him.

    This is not a joke.

    If this isn’t a joke then... Wait a minute did I say that or just think it?

    She laughed saying. "You thought it.

    You can read minds? Terry asked her.

    No just yours, I’m programmed to respond to your brainwaves so I know what you need before you say it, making me the prefect personal assist, your parents designed me that way.

    You have got to be kidding me, how are you going to assist me when your so small?

    Tina looked away in a huff crossing her arms saying. I didn’t think of myself as small, besides I can control and manipulate any machine or mechanical devise making it easy for me to do large jobs not only that but I‘m as strong as ten men.

    Terry at first didn’t believe her, but then she snapped her figures, and could hear the TV in the other room he went in he saw that not only the TV but every electric devise was on, Tina then walked over to him as she snapped again, and everything turned off.

    He looked down at her and told her you might be useful after all.

    The little doll then looked up at Terry and ask could you do me a favor before I get started in assisting you.

    Name it.

    Could you carry the box with my things to your room.

    Why my room, there are lots of other rooms in this house that you could use?

    I have to stay close to you at all times that’s what your parents wanted me to do.

    Terry didn’t think there would be much harm in it so he went back and carried the box to his room.

    After he put the box in his room Tina looked around at Terry’s room it was relativity clean, but there were stacks of animes and manga’s all over the place, Tina though went over to the stacks of manga’s and picked one up and started to read it.

    Terry saw this, and took it she turned up at him saying. Hay I was reading that and I haven't read that one yet!

    Terry turned to her and asked do you like manga and anime too?

    I love manga and anime just as much as you do, in fact I like a lot of the things you like, like that volume of Naruto I was reading that you took is one of faves.

    Really? Terry asked.

    Yeah it is.

    But before Terry could ask her anything else his stomach growled Tina smiled and asked do you want me to make you some dinner?

    Terry nodded and took her to the kitchen there isn’t much to work with I was planning on order something out.

    That wont be necessary, she told him I can make a fest out of anything, they both looked in the fridge but there wasn’t much she dug though some stuff that didn’t even look edible but she managed to dig out something's that was good, and Terry asked How are you going to make any of that you can't even reach the stove?

    Just have a seat, and watch. She finished with a whistle, and a small flying disk came out of the box she came in, and flew over to her.

    She jumped on and it flew around the kitchen where she turned on everything, just by holding out her hands and within a few minutes Terry had a fantastic fest in front of him, he was shocked to find that Tina‘s strength really was as great as ten men.

    When he took the first bit he was amazed at good it was, he hadn’t had a decent meal sense his sister moved out, he thanked her for the meal as he continued to eat, he thought that he would near have to have to eat out again with having someone that could cook this good.

    As he was eating Tina just stared and watched as she sat on her knees on the table, it was making it hard for him to concentrate on eating for she was just staring at him.

    Ah Tina do you have stare at me like that, while I’m eating?

    What’s wrong with watching you enjoy the meal I made?

    Nothing but... He trailed off ah don't you need to eat to?

    Yeas I do but I will eat later after you have gone to bed.

    Terry continued to eat and right after he said that he was done Tina whistled for the flying disk she put the dices on it and took them to the sink and then came back and sat on the table on her knees again and waited eagerly for him to give her, her next order and right as he started to get up Tina seemed to get excited, but he told her you can relax and call it a day I'm going to take a bath and call it a night.

    He stood and walked off to the bathroom as he was relaxing in the bath thinking Tina was something else that she seems to want to be useful to him in any way she can, he wondered why his parents sent him Tina in the first place though?

    Right as the thought hit him he felt something scrubbing his back and heard Tina’s voice say to him maybe they thought you needed someone special to look after you.

    Without thinking he says no that can't be it I can take care of myself the only thing I'm not good at is cook and.. he realized who was talking to and he turned around in the tub to see Tina setting on the edge of the tub with a washcloth around her small body.

    What the heck are you doing here? He asked and she told him I'm taking a bath like you silly.

    Terry looked her over and for an odd reason he wasn’t mad or embarrassed ever though she was a girl just seeing her sit there with her innocent smile seemed to make all of his problem go away so he didn’t ague or protest though he was a little freak out about her sneaking up on him but he figured that sense she was a robot that it didn't really matter, so he just relaxed and let her scrub his back.

    After their bath they were both in their night clothes and Terry had just sat Tina’s bed on his night stand next to his bed and they both said good and both went to bed.

    Later on that night when Tina was sure Terry was asleep she got out of her bed and jumped over to his, climbed on his chest and her little body began to glow and then she put her hands on Terry’s bare chest and they both began to glow in a beautiful blue light.

    When Terry wake up the next mourning he felt strangely energized but when he looked at Tina’s bed she was gone he looked around the house and found her in the kitchen making breakfast she turned when she heard him coming and said good mourning did you sleep well?

    I did in fact I haven't felt this good in a long time. He said with a stretch.

    Good, Tina said as her flying disk slid his breakfast in front of him and after breakfast he said goodbye as he headed off to school and Tina then started the house work but as she was clearing she realized that Terry forgot his desert for his lunch so she whistled for her disk and flew skyward to Terry‘s school.

    As Terry met up with the neighbor girls Andrea, and Heather who lived on one side of his house and the twins Stacey and Tracy that lived on the other side of his house the five of them had been his friends sense they were kids.

    The five were rarely apart and the four girls tried their best to help Terry though the rough times he had been having for after he heard that his mother and father died they he had taken it pretty hard.

    Today though as they waited outside his house they overheard him talking to someone and Heather thought she heard a girls voice.

    But before they could go into a conversion about it Terry came running out and they started to suspect that he was hiding something for he seemed to be more ready today then he had been for the past few days.

    As he came out they were about to ask if he had someone in their but he avoided the question stating that they where going to be late if they don't hurry, and he took off into a run school.

    Leaving the girls to wonder what he was hiding form them, and it wasn't until lunch came around did they really start to suspect something was up for he had brought his lunch and they all knew that he couldn't cook one bit, it was always one of them to make him something at night.

    As Terry started his meal Tracy moved over by him and took a small bite of his lunch when he wasn't looking that was when she realized that there was no way that this was made by Terry.

    Terry turned to Tracy as she was took the bit of his lunch shock seem to move through him as she did this but she was the more forceful of the twins for she would do things like this to him all the time.

    Tracy finished her bit of Terry's lunch then turned to him and getting right in his face as she said, All right Terry fess up this lunch is way to good to be made by you?

    This got the attention of others as they stared right at him determined to get some answers.

    Terry sighed in defeat he just couldn't lie to them when they got on him like that he knew that he would have to tell them eventually but he just wished they would of given him a day to get though the shock of it all first.

    Alright girls I'll show you who made it after school okay I don't feel to comfortable telling you, this all I can say is it is something my parents left me.

    They all got quite after that for they all knew talking about Terry's parents right now was something that got them all worked up and they left it at that.

    The next class was gym and something unexpected happened to Terry as they all were running there laps for he was not known for his physical abilities that is until he hit the track out running everyone even the teachers.

    And after it was done he didn't even seem winded it was like he hadn’t even gotten started yet it was truly insane, and yet at the sometime amazing even Terry couldn't figure out how he did it but at the moment he didn't care, because for the first time in his life he felt alive.

    But some of the others didn't think this was that big a deal as they were members of the track team and some of them didn't care to be out-shined by the school outcast for Terry wasn't what you would call the coolest guy in school, and he wasn't that athletic witch is why it didn't go well with these guys and they were planing on fixing him for good.

    After school was out Terry was leading the girls to his house where he was going to show them Tina though he still felt uneasy about this even if they were close friends what would they think of the doll sized android.

    But all his thoughts where throw out the window as something came running at him at full speed, the object that hit him turned out to be one of the guys that was on the track team he had come out of no where and slammed into Terry like a rocket.

    Terry fell to he ground hard shocking the four that was with him, the twins Stacy and Tracy ran to see if was all right the other two turned to see who pushed him down.

    One of the teens was still standing with his arms out showing that, he was the one that pushed Terry down, Heather recognized them as some of the guys on the track team she also recognized the guy that pushed Terry down as they used to date, but she dumped him for he was creep and a jerk, he always treated people like dirt, and just because he was not only on the track team, but he was on the football team.

    Not only that, but sense, his dad was a lawyer he thought he could get away with anything he wanted even attack people right in front of their own house just to get, even for the smallest thing, like out running him in gym class.

    Hey Alex what's wrong with you, just cause, Terry out did you today doesn't give you the right to just push him down.

    Alex glared at her as he stood straight up and cracked his knuckles, You don't get it Heather guys like Terry wont amount to anything, he's a pussy, just look at him he needs a bunch of girls to look out for him.

    Terry was being helped up by the twins Stacy and Tracy when two of the others guys that came with Alex pushed them out of the way and grabbed Terry and held him down on his knees as Alex moved up to him cracked his knuckles one last time and then punched Terry across the face.

    The others cheered him on as Alex continued to beat Terry until Andrea come up behind Alex and smashed a trash can over his head, and she then knocked him over the other guys seeing this dropped Terry and headed for there fallen friend, and as they did Andrea grabbed Terry and then turned to the others and yelled out for them to help her.

    This knocked them out of there of shock of seeing the three big guys beat Terry, and then ran over and helped Terry and got him to his house, they locked the doors behind them.

    Alex throw the trashcan off himself stood up furious at what happened, his friend asked him what he planned to do he turned to them, then stared at the house they ran into, he took a breath and said lets give them a another day, then were going to teach them all even that whore of ex-friend of mine and her sister, not to fuck with me.

    once the doors were locked Andrea and Stacy put Terry on the couch in the living room of the house Tracy and Heather both breathed a sigh of relieve when they the three guys walk away, they then turned to the unconscious form of Terry, who Stacy was checking for injuries for their mother was a nurse so she knew a little of what to do, she was about to call home when a voice rang though the, house.

    Terry is that you, I've just about got dinner really.

    Heather was the first to get up and little around the room for the source of the voice until she walked into the kitchen and there standing on the counter near the stove was what she had to described as a doll walking around the counter making dinner, she seemed to jump with ease form one area to anther, until she spotted Heather standing by the doorway.

    Oh hello, the small girl stated calmly, are you some of Terry's friends, you are welcomed to join us for dinner if you like I'm almost done.

    When the doll spoke it seemed to snap her out of her stupor, and she pointed to the living and mumbled out Terry was hurt.

    When Tina heard, that Terry was hurt she jumped form the counter bonded off Heather's shoulder and then landed right on the couch where the others were making them all jump back in shock at the doll sized girl.

    Tina looked at Terry a moment and saw what shape that he was in and without a word she jumped down unto his chest and clapped both her hands together and placed them on his chest within seconds all his wounds heal and a peaceful smile appeared on his face.

    After she was sure Terry was out of danger she turned to the others around her anger clearly on her face. You guys mind telling me what happened to him?

    the girls where shocked again but Andrea then said before we answer your questions how about answering some of ours like who or what are you?

    Tina sighed knowing these girls they wont answer her questions until she answered there's so after she took a deep breath she started to tell them about how Terry's parents had made her and that they sent her to him before they died so she would be safe and that she could help and watch out for Terry.

    Now that I have explained about myself how about you guys tell me what happened to Terry.

    And so the four of them explained about how Terry easily beat some of the guys that where on the track team and how they didn't take losing to Terry to well so they decided to jumped him on there way home.

    I see you girls don't worry about Terry he'll be fine in the morning you should head home..

    The girls looked at each other uneasy as they didn't know if those guys were still out there, but Tina seemed to look around but didn't look out a window or open a door, as she seemed to looking at nothing until she looked back to everyone else and said its safe to go now, there all gone and besides you only live next door.

    The four of them looked at each other before coming to a decision and Andrea stood and walked over to the phone and called home telling them what happened for Andrea, and Heather's mother and father where both Lawyers by the names of Jake and Molly Thomson and they were real good ones too.

    After hearing what happened they raced over to them, and when they opened the door to the house they saw Terry laying on the couch and the small doll sized android.

    Their father shook his head at this witched confused the others, and where about to ask what was up when Andrea and heathers father spoke up I can't believe they sent that android to Terry.

    Well, you know how they were when they made up there minds they did it no matter what the consequences. their mother answered, as if what they come over for didn't matter anymore senses they saw Tina.

    "Mom, Dad mind telling us what your talking about a minute ago

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