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Thoughts from Inside the Whale: Why the Book of Jonah isn't about Jonah or a Whale
Thoughts from Inside the Whale: Why the Book of Jonah isn't about Jonah or a Whale
Thoughts from Inside the Whale: Why the Book of Jonah isn't about Jonah or a Whale
Ebook80 pages1 hour

Thoughts from Inside the Whale: Why the Book of Jonah isn't about Jonah or a Whale

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What happens when you hear a story you've heard your whole life and realize it's not about who you thought, but it actually answers the biggest question you've ever asked, "Why?"

At first glance, we think we know everything necessary to know about Jonah, don't we? We've heard the story over and over since we were three years old. What coul

Release dateMar 26, 2024
Thoughts from Inside the Whale: Why the Book of Jonah isn't about Jonah or a Whale

Susie G.

Susie G. is a mother working hard to be the example her children need and the person God has made her to be. She isn't perfect and knows it, but she does desire to help others in any way she can and to follow and trust God through it all. She aims to help others who are going through what she has already experienced and to give them a resource that points them to God and let's them know they are loved and not alone.

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    Thoughts from Inside the Whale - Susie G.


    I would like to dedicate this (and all my books) to my children. Lily and Will, anything I do, I do in hopes of being able to lead you toward God and help you learn to rely on Him. I am still learning all of this alongside you, and you are not yet old enough to understand, but someday you will understand what I am talking about. I pray you will see all God has done for us. I hope you will learn to trust God for everything, and that I will be able to be an example of this in your lives. I love you both so much and pray that you will continue to grow into amazing, kindhearted, and godly individuals.

    Love, Mom


    There are so many good friends and family who have helped me through the last few years. I am grateful for every one of you. My publisher probably knows they are taking a chance on me, and I am so grateful for it. For this book, however, I feel it is necessary to focus on acknowledging God. Every book that has been inspired by God is a gift from Him. This one seems different though. I never really set out to write a chapter book. It was actually something I did not think was even possible for me. God had other plans, and it was just my job to say yes. I had the publishing deal almost before it was even written, and even though I wanted to say no and tried to say no several times, God insisted. I found myself panic-writing to get it done before a phone call with the publisher. Don’t get me wrong—I think this is very important information that is often overlooked. I felt like someone needed to write a book about it, just not me! God is still working on me, and I am so grateful He has not given up on me. He could have had anyone write this. I know writers who are so much better at writing, significantly more talented, and wiser, and yet for some reason, He chose me. I don’t know why He chose me, and I may never know, but I am just so glad He gave me this opportunity. I know He is showing His love for me in this, just as I hope this book will show His love to others. The story of Jonah spoke to me in some of my darkest days. I know God can use it to speak to all of you in yours. Thank You so much, God, for being here for me when I could not hear or feel You. When I had no words and felt like nothing I said or did mattered. Thank You for loving all of us equally and unconditionally. Thank You for everything I have and everything I do not have.

    Thank You.


    Before we get started, I feel we need a little more background on who I am and why I feel the need to write this book about a guy who got swallowed by a whale. I don’t see why we should not be talking about it. We will also talk about a few of the other main themes—yes, there are other main themes—and lessons in the book of Jonah. In addition, I will address why I don’t want to leave Jonah as a cautionary tale about disobeying God. Spoiler alert: it’s because that is not why God put it in the Bible. Ready? Excellent. Let’s get started.

    Hi, my name is Susie G. I only use my last initial because, well, if I am being honest, it’s because it makes my name rhyme and I enjoy that way more than I should. A little about me and why I am writing this: I am a divorced single mom, and during one of the hardest times in my life, I felt incredibly hopeless. Not even just hopeless—useless. I had wanted to be a missionary and got married with the idea that we would be missionaries together. A lot happens in life. I don’t claim to know the exact reason for every moment or life event. I will say that I never became a missionary, nor did I want to be divorced; however, here I am. I will not go into detail about what happened because I have two children—two amazing and loving children—who are also going to be impacted by what I write. They are not yet old enough to read. Someday they will be, though, and I do not want them to realize their lives are out and open to the public, possibly even learning more about the situation than they need too. I will, however, do my best to write honestly. I want you to know that I may use examples of divorce, abuse, or other familial and relational dysfunctions in this book. Some may be personal to me, and some may not be. At times, I will not differentiate between what stories are mine and which are not for the sake of the people involved. I want you to know, however, that I have experienced those things, and I truly, fully, and painfully understand what you are going through. I just may not be able to fully express it to protect the privacy of my family.

    With that, I will also admit that when it comes to reading introductions, I’m the type of person who occasionally skips them (I know, it’s probably a rule somewhere that I broke. I am so sorry). With this knowledge that not everyone reads the introduction, I will be repeating some of the information as the book goes on to make sure everyone is on the same page (pun intended!).

    Chapter 1


    "My salvation and my honor depend on God;

    He is my mighty rock, my refuge.

    Trust in Him at all times, you people;

    pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge."

    Psalms 62:7-8 (NLT)

    It’s only a few hours away from New Year’s Eve and I’m sitting on the couch trying to picture what next year will bring. This year was full of changes for me—mostly good ones, I think. The last few months really came in hot though, and November brought surprises I never saw coming. Both surprises involved writing, one being this book getting a publishing deal. Prior to writing this book, I was really struggling. I was trying to trust God, but my efforts fell short, and I didn’t know why. Turns out I was relying too much on myself and expecting to regain control of my life with my own efforts. Instead, I

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