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Small Talk: A Beginner's Guide to Breaking the Ice, Talking to Strangers, and Turning Acquaintances into Friends
Small Talk: A Beginner's Guide to Breaking the Ice, Talking to Strangers, and Turning Acquaintances into Friends
Small Talk: A Beginner's Guide to Breaking the Ice, Talking to Strangers, and Turning Acquaintances into Friends
Ebook60 pages27 minutes

Small Talk: A Beginner's Guide to Breaking the Ice, Talking to Strangers, and Turning Acquaintances into Friends

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About this ebook

Small Talk is a beginner's guide to breaking the ice, talking to strangers, and turning acquaintances into friends. Tons of opportunities lie in the hands of people you've never met. Let's strike up a conversation with a stranger and see where the dialogue takes us! Every strong social bond started off with

PublisherArmani Talks
Release dateFeb 7, 2024
Small Talk: A Beginner's Guide to Breaking the Ice, Talking to Strangers, and Turning Acquaintances into Friends

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    Book preview

    Small Talk - Armani Talks


    In 2012, I was working in a company called Zingo.

    Zingo was the Uber and Lyft for drunk people.

    Our marketing angle was a driving a tiny scooter to the people who requested our services.

    Let’s say Allison goes to Applebee’s to celebrate a promotion. She drinks one too many drinks.

    She’ll call Zingo.

    That’s when I would drive to Allison in my little scooter. Once greeting her, I would fold my scooter and put it in her trunk. Then I would drive her home.

    Once she is safely back to her location, I would drive my tiny scooter back to Zingo headquarters.

    The difference between Zingo and Lyft/Uber is that you got your car back the next day!

    But want to know what was even cooler?

    Since you’re driving drunk people around, you were capable of getting high tips.

    Alcohol helps a person open their wallet.

    One of my coworkers was a gentleman named Terry.

    Terry was stacking up a lot of tips while I wasn’t stacking up that much.

    I wondered why.

    What was Terry doing that caused him to make so much money?

    Initially, I thought it was because we had different clients.

    But no, occasionally we would drive the same regulars throughout the week. The regulars would pay Terry 3x more than me in tips.

    What’s going on??

    One day, I asked Terry:

    Yo, how are you getting all these tips? I’m barely getting anything. ‘

    Terry responds back:

    ‘Are you creating small talk with the passengers?’

    I said, ‘not really.’

    Terry looked shocked.

    He said:

    ‘Wait. So, you’re just sitting in the car without saying a word?’

    I responded:

    ‘Every now and then, they initiate conversation. Then I will talk to them. But I never initiate the conversation.’

    Terry said:

    ‘Initiate the small talk and see what happens.’

    I was doubtful this tip would work. But decided to try it anyways.

    It felt uncomfortable starting the interaction.

    But I pushed past the discomfort.

    When I began to initiate the conversation, things changed.

    Granted, there were a couple of people who were too buzzed or drunk to respond back.

    But every now and then, these people who were sitting quietly in the car

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