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Tiny Tales: Coffee Brown Version [A Collection of Short-Short Stories on Soft Skills
Tiny Tales: Coffee Brown Version [A Collection of Short-Short Stories on Soft Skills
Tiny Tales: Coffee Brown Version [A Collection of Short-Short Stories on Soft Skills
Ebook74 pages29 minutes

Tiny Tales: Coffee Brown Version [A Collection of Short-Short Stories on Soft Skills

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About this ebook

Tiny Tales is a collection of short-short stories which deal with:


Emotional resilience

Content creation

PublisherArmani Talks
Release dateFeb 8, 2024
Tiny Tales: Coffee Brown Version [A Collection of Short-Short Stories on Soft Skills

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    Book preview

    Tiny Tales - Armani Talks

    Street Smarts

    Book smarts is learned from another person’s knowledge

    Street smarts is learned from your own screwups

    Leverage both

    'How come we aren't taught street smarts growing up?'

    Because street smarts aren’t taught

    It is uncovered

    Life isn't like school

    School is structured

    Life is chaotic

    Which is why book smarts alone won't have you winning

    My philosophy is to lead with street smarts & back it up with book smarts

    Strategic risks are what uncovers your hidden street smarts

    Don't go off robbing a bank because it’s risky

    Rather let your gut lead you & your brain verify

    If all the boxes check out, then pull the trigger

    The sharper your street smarts the more you can leverage book smarts

    Because now you can tell which knowledge will help you in your journey & which is just fluff

    The real world favors the brave ones who are well informed

    Not the brute who just takes risks

    Or the nerd who hides behind his IQ score all day

    But the brave ones who are well informed

    Blue Sky

    Emotional Intelligence in a Nutshell:

    -Emotions come in waves

    -It's not a life sentence

    When you learn this, you can look at emotions as a 3rd party observer vs. a 1st party participant

    If you haven't picked up the lesson, I'm teaching you the art of detachment

    When you become emotionally intelligent, you see life from a different angle

    You work WITH your emotions rather than AGAINST them

    This melts your internal tension

    Working against your emotions is like trying to swim against a tsunami

    It'll ALWAYS end bad for you

    But when you learn to tame the tsunami, then you learn to ride the waves

    This is key to reaching peace

    Detachment is huge because you become more strategic vs. impulsive

    Your emotions aren't the boogeyman

    Rather, it's just a compass

    Your emotions are a gateway to building self-awareness

    Things that scare you are a compass of thing that you should be doing

    Things that make you happy are things that you should be grateful for

    Your emotions are just data, not a life sentence

    Emotions are just waves

    Just clouds that come & go

    But ultimately, the sky remains

    The sky is you

    Never forget that

    Selfish to Selfless

    In order

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