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Drowning Lake
Drowning Lake
Drowning Lake
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Drowning Lake

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Oak Shadow was the nation's best quarterback during his college years. Set to be a first pick after graduation he surprised everyone when he needed to take time off. Now two years later he's joined the New York Jets. 

All too eager to prove his name and skills are top of his game he's willing to do whatever necessary. Whic

Release dateFeb 13, 2024
Drowning Lake

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    Book preview

    Drowning Lake - Michelle R Cline

    Chapter One


    You are in control, I remind myself over and over as I’m finishing up painting my face. Leaning away from the mirror when I hear Shay close our front door. Hoping she doesn’t need to shower.

    We always could arrive separately. Meeting new clients we make it a rule to always be together. One of our many rules we apply for our protection.

    A fucking ball, our venue for the evening. If only I were a princess, not a dressed up whore. Too bad I can’t just meet this guy afterwards at his hotel, give him a good fuck and be on my way.

    But their pretty pennies pay for the show, the dance, and the exit stage left.

    Lake, I’m just showering and we can go. I can only huff a laugh, of fucking course she does.

    Leaning back on my bathroom counter to finish my liner, pulling it straight across my lid before chuckling to myself. Sure thing I think of answering Shay letting myself laugh a little louder. Sure thing, ha, we definitely are.

    Moving into my bedroom, I check my bed for the barely there sexy black bra and thong set. The incredibly tight long midnight blue dress with the silver heels. Okay all that’s good. Just need to fix my hair before wrapping myself into the part of a high class hoe this man can unwrap later.

    Even if I’m not sure this guy will want the happy ending. When Chesl called with my new listing I wasn’t sure what to expect. I haven’t had a new client in months, ten to be exact. I keep a short, circulating roster. Guys who regularly come to town for benefits or in need of a couple of dates while on lonely business trips.

    The shorter the list the less likely to run into a client while with another who may attend the same events. Keeps the illusion to a man he’s the only one. And if I know anything about men, they need to be the only one - even when they have many.

    We are set to meet the guys at Highlife, a high class bar before we walk the event carpet together. I’m silently hoping to step aside for pictures.

    A good way we can get the nerves over with, agreeing what’s what. Usually helps first time clients feel more at ease throughout the night. Sometimes we decide before meeting how the night will go depending on what the client wants. These guys were a last minute booking and the money made it an easy yes for Shay and I.

    While we don’t have a ton of rules the main two were one, don’t go alone on the first meet and two never, ever let them have our home address. We always, always met them out somewhere, public. Or on occasion, if they were a standing client we would meet them at their hotel if they were in the mood for one thing only.

    We did try adding the whole pretty woman sham with no kissing as a rule but most clients were not having that. Which surprised the hell out of me. Shay and I also would add a special with long time clients for a fun time with both of us. If we were lucky the client would just lay back and watch. Which I preferred, much rather play with Shay than them any day of the week.

    The first time we realized we needed our own set of rules for each other was when the next morning I found Shay between my legs. Now I’m not complaining about my pussy getting licked. And goddamn if her tongue isn’t magical but she’s been my best friend since middle school. And I can’t afford to lose her.

    Thus we set rules. If she’s horny, wanting a taste she has to ask and if she’s in my bed already from the night before, fine. No kissing on the lips unless it’s a show for a client.

    We are still meeting them at Highlife? She comes walking straight into my bathroom, where I’m standing in my underwear set just finishing my hair. Wearing her black lacy thong. She catches me checking out her firm ass, tone body, incredibly perky tits and winks at me when I meet her green eyes. See something you like?

    I mean I could use a ride if they don’t pan out. I joke, instantly regretting it as her eyes rake over my body.

    She runs her lips over her red lipstick, I could let you ride my face now.

    We don’t have time, as much as I need it. Most of the men on my client roster can’t get me off. Faking it is fucking awful at times but it’s better than making them feel inadequate. That is not how to keep clients.

    She pouts, making me smile more. I do love her, at least I think I do. Not sure if I’ve ever known love to be able to give it. I don’t think I’m made for relationships, girls or guys. But I love dick too much to try a relationship with Shay. Strong arms too, muscles. Fuck, nothing like a solid man.

    Instantly hoping this guy is on board for at least foreplay tonight. I seem to be horny. Maybe I just need to let off steam. My last year of classes will begin soon and the thought of change is clawing my insides.

    I’m actually intrigued with how the night may play out, especially since he’s an athlete. They can be so fucking yummy. Though the ones closer to my age are most of the time unattached. It can be the worst.

    I know, home wrecker. Whatever. They are going to cheat anyway. I might as well make my money while I’m young enough. Plus their wives get the security. A home, food all the time, never having to worry if their power will be cut off on the coldest night of the year. The prices paid for security blankets.

    Probably shouldn't have this train of thoughts as I know more than the next woman, not all is what it seems most of the time.

    Plus the unattached ones can be scarier as they tend to get caught up in the act. And the younger ones always want a ride bareback. The attached ones probably want the same but they have more to lose. One of the girls had chlamydia for three months before she finally got rid of it. Then the guy blamed her and his wife came after her. Therefore, condoms.

    Chesl told me once that I miss a lot of potential clients before, I’m one of the few who won’t take a man for a ride bareback. I’m going to protect myself though, the clients don’t care about us. I make plenty with the ones I have willing to wear protection on my roster. Then once they have a taste, they are easily willing to come back no matter what my rules involve.

    Most just want to play, having a wild set of fantasies their wives are too uptight to let them experience. As long as they are willing to follow the rules I let them play. My mom would be so proud. Gritting my teeth thinking about her. You are in control, I repeat to myself, over and over.

    Straightening my bra, pulling my thong strings over my hips slightly. Checking myself in the mirror, I see Shay move behind me, let me just lick those perfect nipples. Shay’s black hair is all I see as she’s already helping herself. Lowering my straps from behind her thumbs skims over my hardening nipples. She moves around to face me, lowering herself until I feel her warm breath blowing across my sensitive skin. Fuck it feels good.

    Her slender, wet tongue comes out and slowly twirls while her hands hold my shoulders in place. My pussy is aching. I drop my head, back arching instinctively into her mouth. Needing more contact.

    I can make you come this way, wouldn’t be the first time. She moves to the other nipple. Repeating the process.

    We don’t have time. I moan, pulling away slowly. Now I’m gonna jump this guy as soon as I can. Needy bitch that I am now. Thanks Shay. She bites her lip fighting a twitch, as if she knows she’s torturing me.

    If my guy isn’t interested in a nightcap and yours is, maybe he’ll want to add one. Or better he’ll just sit and watch.

    Maybe, when they are new we never know if they just need a date or if they will want the whole package. Either way they pay for all of it. Or vice versa. I wink at her as I pull my bra back in place. Leaving the bathroom to pour myself into my satin dress.

    Checking the time, I shout over my shoulder, hurry up.

    What’s your guy’s name?

    I wasn’t given that information. Just said he’s a 25 year-old and famous in the sports world. We don’t always get a name. I think it’s to keep us from Googling them beforehand. Going in blind is not always ideal. An age with the event setting, sometimes a pinch of background. Maybe it’s a protection for them, in case at the last minute if they end up backing out we don’t have an idea who is stepping out on their family. Or who might be a dirty politician, spoiler: all of them.

    I could care less. Just in and out. Don’t trust people, don’t care to dive into anything other than the surface anyway.

    I wonder if they are teammates. She walks out of the bathroom heading for the door, probably heading to her room. I step into the living room grabbing my silver clutch, to put my cell phone and lipstick in. Probably should grab some cash too. Just in case I need to get myself a drink or ride home.

    Whoever they are, I'm sure this wasn’t an ideal last minute set up. Probably would have liked to get their own dates. I have two guys under thirty on my client roster and they were met by a last minute function. But they stayed because they like my pussy and dick sucking skills.

    Well, I turn to see Shay throwing her arms up spinning to let me take her in. Her hair is loose around her face like mine; thick and in soft waves down her back. Her dress is long, no back with a plunging neckline. Tits on display. Sparkling sheer color, looking absolutely amazing against her olive skin.

    Gorgeous. I open the door holding it for her. Showtime.

    Chapter Two


    Highlife is dimly lit. High class lightning crystals hang from the ceiling over the round tables scattered throughout. West and I stand at the bar with small glass globes housing three skinny candles.

    The room is bathed in light shades of gray and greens. I feel ridiculous in a tux. At least West is with me in this sham of a situation. Sutton and Hayes got out of it by not being in the city when Krista came into this event last minute.

    If West weren’t here I would bail. He made a point to remind me to play the outside game as much as the inside game. And this is an outside game event. I need to make appearances, especially since I took two years off.

    I should be thankful that people remember my name.

    Deck of halls. It’s pretty private and no one in their first year of sports gets an invite. However, I’m not just anyone. My last name paired with my college stats pull heavy weight. Then there’s Krista, my PR rep, who works extra hard for her clients. Most likely deep throating everyone to get her way.

    West has shared stories, by the way she talks at times I’m sure I could have a few of my own. Not interested though, maybe a time I would have been. Like my college days, but then my dad turned out to be a fallen hero and I can’t look at women the same.

    Krista insists tonight is a must and made sure West and I know we need to work the room. Best way to do that - arm candy. The best kind. The professional kind. The kind to ensure I score endorsements as they are key to a long career, even when I can’t throw a ball around.

    Fuck the thought has my hands sweating, my heart is racing, stomach tightening. I throw back the rest of my gin and tonic. Holding it up with a point signaling to the bartender for another one.

    Dude, get it together. West pulls up to my side. I’ve used plenty of dates for show. Nothing is going to happen. She’s not meeting your grandmother.

    Seeing how both have passed I can see that being the truth. I point out. There’s not even a television at the bar. Fancy as fuck bar. I’ve never had to pay for a date.

    Well you’re in the big leagues now meaning you can’t bring Becky from last night because she can’t be trusted. He takes a sip of his beer. He’s only been on the team for the two years I took off, which means he knows a lot of the in’s and outs I don’t. You’re paying for a girl without a motive and for her to keep quiet tomorrow if a reporter comes knocking. She’ll say how wonderful you were and not that you fucked her and left before she turned over.

    Got it. I know it’s one night but in hindsight it seems it will happen more often than not. I’ll make sure Krista understands this is a one time deal. I know tonight is big and I can’t blow it. But I’d rather work a room alone than pay for dates regularly.

    Now I’m going back down to my side, just breathe. She won’t bite. His smirk suggests more but he walks away before either of us say so. Nodding a thanks to the bartender as he places my refill in front of me. I check my watch, trying not to fidget. I take in the sights more deeply.

    Small tables scattered around no more than two at one. Half moon booths line the three walls. Tonight seems slow. Not too many people around. I loosen a breath taking a small sip. I glance at the door….holy fuck.

    Midnight waves dip into the door. Another girl is with her. I think. Everything seems to stop. I don’t hear the low music hum, not the ice hitting glasses, or the pour of beer from the taps anymore. It’s quiet as I drink her in.

    Thick blonde hair melts down her back, washing over her shoulders settling right below her breasts. Huge, perky tits that suddenly I can’t stop picture hiding behind her hair. Only her hair. Her dainty shoulders are pushed back, her dress hangs all the way down her body. I can’t help but see it pull tight around her small waist and round out around a nice size set of hips. My fingertips itch to grip them, idly I wonder about the ass she has hidden from my line of sight.

    My eyes move back up her body and I meet her smile as she catches me trying to pick my jaw up off the floor. I smirk and hold a few fingers up. I try to swallow but can’t seem to gather enough moisture in my mouth.

    My eyes can’t be bothered to pull away from her. Leading me to know she’s catching more than my eyes in the room. As she begins gliding towards me and I take in her face.

    Jesus fuck she’s breathtaking. If her body is a fifteen her face doesn’t even hit the register. With high cheeks, a soft, round chin, sharp nose. Eyes a million shade of blues catching the dim light and brightening the entire space.

    She pulls right up beside me, without saying a word she grabs my drink and swallows it down in one go. Those full lips return wetter. Her tongue pops out to collect the moisture from her top lip, almost making me come in my pants.

    Gin and tonic, not bad. She smiles. I would have pictured whiskey but not everyone can be a gentleman eh? Fuck. I’m in serious trouble. Winter. She says with straight white teeth appearing.

    Uh. Clearing my throat. Oak. I try to find myself in this second. Where the fuck did I put the few manners I have. Would you like a drink before we leave? She’s still holding my empty glass. Or another drink. She continues smiling, standing so close I can feel her warm breath. She smells so good. Like a field full of purple flowers, with a hint of ocean breeze.

    She’s summer.

    What? Did I conjure that thought?

    If you want to, her voice washes over me and all I want is to hear how she moans. God she doesn’t want to know the rest of what I want.

    Let’s have another, have a minute or so to get the basics. Yeah? I turn to wave for the bartender. A little afraid to take my eyes off of her. I’ve never seen such a woman and I’m not sure she’s real. What would you like? I ask as the bartender makes her way down.

    Tall sex on the beach, please. She sweetly says to the girl behind the bar. She also seems taken back by Winter.

    I’ll have another.

    Ye- yes of course. The young girl says still staring at Winter as she smiles back. The bartender goes to start our drinks but quickly turns back. What was your drink again?

    Tall sex on the beach. If that’s okay, Winter repeats herself as nice as the first time.

    Yes ma’am.

    Thank you. Winter turns to me. Oak, what kind of function are we attending?

    Okay right to business. I forgot for a minute she’s not here for me. She’s here for five figures Krista paid.

    I paid.

    It’s called Deck the Halls. An event for a select amount of people. Only a handful of athletes get an invite but the room has an enormous number of connections to expand a career in sports.

    It’s almost as if we are getting invited to play poker with the president, leader of the mafia, and a lion all at once. It was almost a legend when we heard about it in college. Companies and people use it to load their hand with promising players.

    Well I am honored to be the lucky lady for the evening. I’m here for whatever you need. Lowering her tone for the last word sending signals straight to my cock. She thanks the bartender for our drinks and takes a small sip. Do I need to know anything before we play?

    Goddamn her terms are making my cock want to come out and play. Whatever I need. Before we play. Fuck I want to play naked and for more than a night. Forget the event.

    What. The. Fuck. Focus Oaky boy.

    No, well I mean. I guess do we need a story?

    Not necessarily. Most people at extremely nice events don’t care about your story. Just about where you’re going. She takes another drink. Licking those plump lips again. I bet they taste like candy. A cherry jolly rancher. However, if it makes you feel more confident. We knew each other in high school. Only recently reconnecting and there’s no promises for a future but we are hopeful. Her sparkling eyes are beautifully dancing with whatever she’s reading on my face.

    I know I’m smiling. She’s so beautiful. I bet she’s soft. Her skin looks to be smooth and warm. Fuck I want to touch her. Do we touch? And kiss? My last word cracks. Am I in seventh grade? The hell.

    We can, she leans in. We get to do whatever you want. Chills break out across my skin like wild fire. Burning, I am burning from the inside out.

    She finishes her drink and looks around the bar while I throw mine back. She eyes the girl she came in with down the bar with West.

    Friend of yours?

    Her lips curl. She can be quite friendly. Asked earlier if she could join if we happen to end the evening in a bed. Or you could just watch. She winks. Fucking winks at me. My chest tightens. Am I having a heart attack?

    For some reason two beautiful women doesn’t sound like the worst way to end the night but Winter, I want all my attention on her. Vice versa.

    Can we, for the night, pretend I’m not paying you? Her smile falls for the first time tonight. I mean, I didn’t mean. Fuck.

    No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. Her shoulders fold slightly inward. I can definitely just be your date. Her soft eyes meet mine and a small smile is placed on her face.

    I just don’t want you to think I’m expecting you to end up in my bed. I wave for the check to the sweet, young bartender - who hasn’t stopped stealing eyes at my very stunning date - can’t blame her. Though I’m used to grabbing all the attention from women. Sometimes men.

    As gorgeous as Winter is, I can’t help but think it’s not just outward appearance. The small interaction with the bartender outlines she wants to make others feel comfortable. Just ordering her drink, it wasn’t a demand more of a request. I’ve had lots of women order around servers and wait staff. It’s an uncomfortable feeling to expect someone to serve and get whatever is told of them.

    She looks over while I tip and sign. I can leave the tip. She tucks her hand in her silver clutch.

    Did I not leave enough? I look at my amount. Doing the math in my head.

    Oh no, I didn’t mean that. I see her sink her teeth into her fat bottom lip and I choke on a groan. Just paying my way. Her smile tugs her lip free. After laying twenty five in addition to my tip I wonder if maybe I was shorting the girl. It leaves a sour taste. And there’s two of them, they might have to split the tips. Damn forgot about the guy who gave me my first two drinks.

    She turns to head to the door and I instinctively place my hand on the small of back and guide her. She’s relaxed and feels as though she belongs. I remind myself she’s a professional. This is an act and fuck if she’s not a pro.

    Getting into the car I ordered - in case I drink too much, which from the bar seems to be the case - I settle in beside her. I leave cash for tips always. Just in case they spilt tips or if they have to claim them for taxes. I wasn’t saying you were cheap. I’m sorry if I spoke out of turn.

    Placing my hand over hers. Never feel sorry for asking I leave more. I can’t help but smile at her thoughtful gesture. Her respect for the young girl warms my chest. And I know my words hint that I would see Winter in the future. In a small dark corner in my mind I dance the idea around.

    Thank you. She flips her hand around and laced our fingers. The tiny movement drives tingles on my skin. A numbing feeling where I know the skin is more awake than ever before. Completely aware of her warmth. What sport do you play?

    I laugh, deep in my chest awarding me a soft laugh from her. It’s musical and light in the small space. I immediately want to bottle it along with her scent to have for later. Especially when I feel as though this night is a dream.

    Football. I’m the quarterback for the Jets.

    So you live in New York? My eye brows shoot up as I look her over. I know some sports, she chuckles.

    I do. I used to want to live there for the season then live in Florida for the off season. But our off season doesn’t last long enough to matter. It’s better just to rent a place for a month or so. She makes a noise. What?

    Renting is the worst. At least a house is an investment. Her matter of fact tone catches me by surprise. I take her words and stomach them.

    Tell me about yourself. She cocks an eyebrow at me. What? I mean don’t paint the lie for me. Tell me about you.

    Oh baby, you don’t want that. We can talk about you but I’m off limits. She takes a beat. Well that way anyway. Okay I see this is going to be one sided unless I fix this before we get to our destination.

    How much will it take to pretend? I toss to the table.


    What can I offer for you to make this a fake date?

    It is a fake date, she deadpans.

    No, I mean a real fake date. Not a whatever I need date.

    She thinks it over biting a teeth mask into her full lip. She is trying to kill me. I haven’t decided to take her to bed or just kiss her. I’m doing one for sure. Just don’t know if I’ll kiss her then fuck her or leave her at her door step. Decisions, decisions.

    Double the amount. Her tone is almost funny sounding. As though she really tried to think of something I would say no to.

    Done. I pull my phone out. Do I need to send it through where I sent the other or can I send it to you directly? As bitter as that comment was thinking about someone getting a cut of her money tastes just as bad.

    Wait, really.

    Yeah, Winter I want to know about you too. I run my thumb over her knuckles as we are still locked with our hands on her lap.

    Don’t worry, I’ll answer what questions I can. Just um, she takes a shaky breath. Forget what I said. I nod, putting my phone back in my pocket. I’ll figure out a way to get it to her.

    This night just got extremely interesting and I’m not sure how I’ll jungle her and winning the room but I know she’ll win out. Fuck. I’m in the best kind of trouble.

    Chapter Three


    Lies. More lies. Confusing lies. This is why I don’t talk about myself. I always invest in the guy. Deflect. It’s my defense. And if he wasn’t so goddamn gorgeous with his stupid jade eyes shining brightly at me every turn I could push for him to worry about himself.

    But I want him to like me. Though he won’t be liking the real me. He’ll be liking Winter and all her made up bullshit. I try to tell myself maybe for one night walls could be invisible. Maybe open the gates and let him see in. I won’t see him again.

    I just want the real Winter experience. He holds his hands in front of him as if he’s holding an invisible gift box. Little does he know he’s paying for the real Winter experience. Not a full Lake option.

    I’m not sure I’m following. For some odd reason I want to hear the words.

    If we were on a real date, trying to get to know each other. Because we want to, his full lips pull into a breathtaking smile when he finally looks over at me.

    That will be some what hard to do, truthfully answering his request.

    I know it’ll be weird because the set up for us tonight is we already know each other. But I figure while no one is paying us any mind we can trade a truth for a truth.

    How about you trade truths and I’ll butter you up. Not that he would need any shots of confidence. His dazing smile and the way his tux hugs his perfect body do him plenty good.

    Nah, I think I want more of your truths. Don’t get me wrong you can still shower me with compliments. He flashes his straight white teeth with a wink. I’m positive my panties have evaporated at the sight. I’ll go first. What do you do in day light hours?

    I sleep, I give him my sexy smile. Because I’m out during the night time hours. His smile drops and I regret my joke. I roll my eyes. I am a student. So I’m either in class or studying. Unless I do have work later then I try to get a nap in so I don’t pull twenty four hour stunt. I did it once and then it turned into forty eight hours and let’s just say the second night the man could have been fucking the dead. He didn’t seem to mind. Scary.

    I leave all that information in my dark mind. Oak doesn’t need details. I’m still on the fence whether I hope he uses the bed time pass. I’d love to climb him. But something softly whispers he’s dynamite in the sack over and over. I cannot have a spell placed on my pussy. She needs to stay an active kitty for whoever as long as the price is right.

    Student? College was a few years ago. I can still remember the wild parties. He leans back, staring off as if maybe he’s dreaming up a specific moment. Then a darkness seems to pass over him and his lips pull tight briefly. Don’t miss those days. Shaking his head, Do you go to any parties?

    No, I don’t really have the time. I shouldn’t have answered. I realize too late he just got two over on him. Think Lake, Jesus is this your first night. Doesn’t matter, back to you Oak. I believe you owe me two now. I rub my hands together, he throws me a boyish grin. You don’t seem the type to need my services. What gives?

    I shouldn’t ask. I shouldn’t be curious. I should stick to something normal. Family. Friends. Hobbies. But I like to go in for the gut stab. Sure to twist it later.

    Honestly I didn’t have time to work a girl in. But I don’t date. In reality it’s too much to try to get to know someone especially when I’m gone 85% of the time. He seems defeated. As though he’ll just be a lone bachelor. I’m not too worried I do okay. He chuckles, seeming to force it out. Not like his others that have deeply vibrated from his chest. This one works his throat.

    I don’t doubt that. I huff a small laugh. He smells delicious. Wild pines and body wash. Expensive body wash. I hope it lingers on my dress maybe even my skin for days. I shake my head. Get that thought out right now.

    Satan is working hard tonight it would seem.

    If you weren’t doing what you do, in a fantasy game, what would you do with your free time?

    I would do something with art. I say without thinking. The fuck. Could I not lie? Is this a joke? Maybe the car is set up with an honesty cloud. Like that Jim Carey movie. Liar liar. I think.

    Drawing? Painting?

    No, no, I throw my hands up trying to laugh. You are cheating Oak. Shouldn’t you be into rules here. We pull to a stop. He looks out of his window to bright lights and a lot of cameras pointing our way.

    Ready? He asks grabbing the doors handle. Like I have a choice. I smile and nod, afraid to trust this mouth. It may open up a can of worms, doing something crazy like begging him to take me to his hotel room and fuck me.

    His free hand grabs mine and he steps out. Stepping to the side to allow me space to exit. He shuts the door and places a hand dangerously low on my back. Zaps of shocking stings circulate throughout my body under his warmth. We walk into the zone for pictures. I wait for his lead as he pauses I pause and lean in. Smiling, placing my hand in his chest for some. 

    It’s bright. The flashes keep popping off and I’m sure by now I’m blind. How the hell am I supposed to walk? All I see are spots. Dear lord. But Oak is right there to help guide me. Not rushing or pushing.

    He leans in every now and again whispering stupid facts about history. Or maybe it’s made up. I’m not a history buff. But it makes me laugh. And his warm breath against my ear and in my hair have me feeling a tad drunk and maybe stoned.

    A few reports ask who he’s with and he always says my girl and leaves off a name. Thank goodness because if they try to Google Winter. Well good luck. If they find her and she has a better life than me I’ll claim it.

    But that’s just me wishful thinking and that shit will only water board me.

    Chapter Four


    Once inside it’s every bit of wealth. The crystals, lights, fancy settings for when we dine. Placed on large round tables with dark purple table clothes. Most importantly champagne circulating on the silver trays of waitstaff. Gladly grabbing one right away.

    I know I need to keep a check on how many. Drunk on the job is not acceptable, well for me. Another rule. I need to remember what I do even if I want to forget sometimes. I have to be in control.

    Even though I’m a paid whore I still can say no and need a man to know I’m serious.

    Oak talks to a few circles and the richie riches. I’m slightly looking around for my girl, in the back of my mind hoping she’s at my table. Deck the Halls spared no expense with decorating the large space. From the name I assumed a theme for Christmas in August, apparently it’s for arranging to fight for the best of the best. Athletes that is. A lot of sponsors here wanting to make pitches to sign players. Agents are here if their members couldn’t come or didn’t get an invite.

    Spaces are set up around the walls of the large ballroom. Sponsors representing their agencies showing the room what they represent and who they have worked with in the past. It’s almost a large fair but extremely dressed up.

    Bingo. I see my girl.

    She’s laughing obnoxiously loud next to an extremely hot brunette. He’s tall, wide shoulders.  His black tux is fitted like Oaks. Perfectly adhering to his form. His eyes are water falling down her body only to climb painfully slow at to her rosy cheeks.

    Shay can work a room. It’s why she is made for our job. She loves the attention and the made up stories. But the money, I used to think she could take or leave. Now I know she is in love with green. She’s shooting for a lawyer. I have questioned her a lot about her profession now shadowing the future one. She doesn’t see a problem. If anything she sees connections.

    Sometimes I think she’ll be a lawyer for children - pro bono. It’ll be her healing moments.

    I make my eyes and mind rejoin my group. Oak is telling ‘our story’ to a judge and his wife? I couldn’t catch what she is to him. She’s young enough to be his daughter however I’m almost positive she said wife. Her name heaven knows. Candy? Cindy? Samantha?

    Well Judge Cannon and Erin- Erin ha I’m dumb, so far off. -it’s been amazing meeting with you both. Oak smiles flashing some impressively

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