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About this ebook

In 1992, Young Mortimer Drake, age 11, had his first birthday party. After killing his parents and "making his first cake", he is sentenced to psychiatric detention - only for him to escape in the night.

Release dateFeb 6, 2023

Thomas Stewart

"Thomas Stewart is 21 years old with a fascination with the art of terror and the macabre. When he's not watching horror movies, or reading horror novels or stories, he's always crafting his own chilling gospels of horror to terrify and eternally rob you of a peaceful slumber. Currently he publishes most his work to Reddit under his pen name "Corpse Child". Many of his horror stories have been featured and adapted to audio narrations by a wide variety of YouTube narrators - including some of the bigger names in the field - as well as the ones commissioned on the ChillingApp and was featured in the debut issue of IllAdvised Records' "The Dark Door" E-zine and now is the in-house author and artist for the horror magazine, "Eidetic Quarterly".  You can follow him for more of his work through his Facebook and his SubReddit; "r/CorpseChildGospels" as well as purchasing a copy of his books, "Damned Whispers" and "The Other Side" on Amazon.

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    Mortimer - Thomas Stewart

    Copyright © 2022 by Thomas Stewart

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    Part One-Legacy 

    Chapter One 

    Chapter Two 

    Chapter Three 

    Chapter Four 

    Chapter Five 

    Chapter Six 

    Chapter Seven 

    Chapter Eight 

    Chapter Nine 

    Part Two Guest 

    Chapter Ten 

    Chapter Eleven 

    Chapter Twelve 

    Part Three Therapy 

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen 

    Chapter Fifteen 

    Chapter Sixteen 

    Part Four Birthday 

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen



    {Recorded 911 call}

    (Circa. Jan. 12, 1992)

    Operator — 911, what is your Emergency?

    Caller — (Caller’s voice is shaking and in hysterics) M-my s-son just killed his father!

    Operator — Alright Ma’am, stay calm. Can you give me your name and address?

    Caller — (Caller’s voice remains hysterical) I-I’m in the bathroom… He-he’s trying to get in… (caller is heard sobbing)

    Operator — Ma’am, I’m going to need you to calm down and give me your addre-

    (loud crash and petrified screaming is heard)

    Operator — Ma’am? What’s going on? Are you hurt?

    Caller — (Caller is heard screaming) HE’S BREAKING THROUGH THE DOOR!

    Operator — Alright ma’am, stay on the line with me. What’s your address?

    (Second loud crash is heard followed by caller’s screams)


    Operator — Ma’am?! Ma’am, what’s going on?

    Caller — (Caller continues screaming in terror) HE’S INSIDE!

    (Caller begins wailing; young, adolescent voice is heard)

    Unknown — Don’t you want some cake, Mother?

    (Caller lets out another petrified squeal)

    Caller — Please…...Please don’t…

    (Caller is heard wailing again and young, adolescent voice is heard again)

    Unknown — Happy Birthday to me… Happy Birthday to me…

    (Caller’s screams and wails are replaced with animalistic shrieks)

    Operator — Ma’am, are you alright?! Who’s there with you?

    (Animalistic shrieks cease and death rattle is heard)

    Operator — Ma’am?! Ma’am are you there?!

    (Death rattle fades and dial tone is heard)

    [End of Call]

    Part One-Legacy

    Chapter One

    Harlandville Gazette

    (Circa. Jan. 13th, 1992)

    Slum house turned Slaughter house!

    By Debra Walters, Reporter, Journalist

    At approximately 9:00 E.S.T.; authorities arrived at the scene of what has been described as the most brutal and depraved crime scene seen by any resident of Harlandville, New York. Authorities said that they arrived after receiving a phone before from long time resident of Harlandville: Madeline Drake, claiming that her son, 11-year-old Mortimer Drake, had just murdered her husband, Albert Drake.

    Upon arriving at the Drake residence, Harlandville police were greeted to a ghoulish display. Sheriff Owen Micheals, who responded to the initial call, is quoted as saying: When I opened that door, it was like all semblance of good in the world, ended at that doorstep… (see A9)

    The young Mortimer Drake was arraigned and is currently in police custody.


    Harlandville Gazette

    (Circa. March 13th, 1992)

    Drake Boy’s Sentence

    By Debra Walters, Reporter, Journalist

    After the Horrific and brutal killings two months ago; Mortimer Drake, age 11, was sentenced yesterday afternoon to five years in the care of the Harlandville Sanitarium. (See B12)


    Harlandville Gazette

    (Circa. Jan 9th, 1993)

    Bloody Escape?

    By Debra Walters, Reporter, Journalist

    After 11 months of peace, terror once again floods through the town of Harlandville. Authorities rushed to the scene of Harlandville sanitarium, where five patients and three doctors were brutally maimed and murdered. Sheriff Owen Micheals has declined to comment. All that has been deduced concerning the sequence of the horrifying events is that the slayings took place inside the room designated to Mortimer Drake, age 11; who at the time was serving a five-year sentencing in the psychiatric ward for the murders of… (see A13)

    Authorities are hard at work hunting for young Drake. Harlandville P.D. Has issued into effect an 8:00 p.m. curfew for all citizens under 18 years of age.

    The question now is: Where is Drake now? And who may be next on his list of victims?


    Harlandville Gazette

    (Circa. Jan. 11th, 1993)

    Missing Reporter

    By Jonathan Wilcox

    At approximately 9:30 p.m., reporter and journalist for the Harlandville Gazette; Debra Walters, had been reported missing by locals. Witnesses report last sighting Mrs. Walters exiting Mako Park in the downtown Harlandville area. One witness claimed to have seen a young man wearing a white hospital gown and a party hat was following her. This witness remains anonymous.

    Authorities have made a statement strongly urging any who might possess knowledge of either the whereabouts of Debra Walters, or of the possible mystery stalker to contact the anonymous tip hotline at 1(976)555-9163 to submit a tip.

    Chapter Two

    {Recorded phone call to anonymous tip hotline}

    (Circa. Jan. 15th, 1993)

    Caller —Hello?

    Operator — Anonymous tip hotline, how can we assist you?

    Caller — Yes, I’m calling to report about the man from the paper; the one the police are looking for… I... I… (Caller stammers nervously) I think I just saw him five minutes ago…

    Operator — Alright, and where did you see this person?

    Caller — D-down on 5th and Center Street, near the metal refinery.

    Operator — Alright, and Ma’am, you said that you think this is the same man mentioned in the papers. Are you certain?

    Caller — Y-yeah... I-I’m pretty sure… He… He had on a party hat and a white gown, just like the paper said…

    Operator — Alright Ma’am, and was the man doing anything?

    Caller — Y-yeah…. I… I… I think… (Caller stammers in panic) I think he was dragging something behind him… H-he… He had blood all over him… (Caller muffles receiver and begins sobbing) "Oh God…" (Caller continues sobbing)

    Operator — Did you see who it was?

    Caller — (Caller continues sobbing) N-no…... I… I’m so sorry… (Caller continues crying uncontrollably)

    Operator — "Take it easy, Ma’am, authorities will be alerted to your report. Thank you for your tip, and should you see the man again;

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