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A whole new love - Aston
A whole new love - Aston
A whole new love - Aston
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A whole new love - Aston

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About this ebook

Aston Cane the son of Preston cane, the head of the Cane family, discovers what true feelings are like and have to face his fears if he want to win over the young and intelligent bookstore girl.
Will he succumb and let his feelings take over or is he going to scare her away?
Is she strong and loyal enough to be allowed into the family, or will she be his downfall?
PublisherSaxo Publish
Release dateFeb 14, 2024
A whole new love - Aston

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    A whole new love - Aston - Olga Alison

    A whole new love - Aston

    A whole new love - Aston

    Olga Alison

    Forfatter: Olga Alison

    Dækdesigner: Olga Alison

    ISBN: 9788771967555


    The meeting

    Pulling up to the curb in front of the antiquarium, I grab my jacket from the passenger seat. It doesn't look like the rain is going to stop any time soon.

    Walking up to the door, I hold the jacket over my head to shield myself, the little bell over the door jingles as I rush in. I love coming in here, the dusty smell of old books lined up on shelfs, everything neatly organised.

    Walking up to the counter it isn't James behind it. Unless he has gotten radical plastic surgery making him a young girl. A rather cute looking young girl, with dark tight fitting jeans hugging her curves and a pair of glasses, giving her a little sprinkle of sexy librarian.

    Hi, I had James order a book for me. He said I could get it today

    She pushes a button on the machine Of course, under which name did you order it? 

    Aston Cane.. I don't believe I have seen you before

    I started here a week ago She scrolls on the mouse.

    Studying her features, she has lovely blue eyes in contrast to her dark brown hair. 

    Do you like working here? James doesn't take in just anybody, maybe she is family.

    Yes, it’s nice and quiet compared to the library She turns off the screen again The book is out back, so if you just wait here a moment I’ll go and get it

    Thank you She has a nice butt in those jeans, down right spankable. 

    As she walks into the back room, I can hear her shuffling around.

    Don't they have a system in there? Maybe it is as chaotic as his house, boxes everywhere. He claims there is a system to the madness, but honestly I only see the madness.

    Just standing around and waiting, it seems like it is taking forever, making me grow impatient.

    I walk over to the shelves and start to look through the books. Maybe there is something good in there, a light read for travels.

    I found it. Sorry it took some time, James doesn’t have the best system She giggles.

    You found it, that’s what matters... Maybe as a compensation for the waiting time, you can drink a cup of coffee with me I smile at her, placing my card down to pay.

    Often the shy and quiet ones are the most fun in the bed, and with Irina breaking our contract I won't mind a substitute.

    I’m not sure that’s a good idea mr. Cane 

    Scanning my card, she accepts the payment and places it down on the package with the book.

    I won't bite, you can pick the place 

    Putting the card back in my wallet, I take the book. No harm in drinking coffee, I didn't ask her to a swinger club.

    I’ll think about it. How can I tell you where it is, if it’s a yes?

    Taking the receipt, I take the pen from the holder next to the screen, writing down my number.

    There you go, don't let me wait too long Giving her a smile, I walk out to the car. The rain has almost stopped. The sky is clearing up on the horizon.

    If I hurry a little, I can still reach the coffee shop and my appointment with Alex on time. I just need to make a brief stop in the green club on the way.

    Jake is standing outside, looking unusually grumpy with his wet hair clinging to his face.

    Can’t handle a little rain, big guy?

    I chose the rain over those nutcases inside, the Maddox brothers are in there, acting like they own the place He sighs.

    Great I grumble, going past Jake to get inside. 

    I just have to give Rita the package, and I can be on my way. No reason to pick a fight with them today.

    Standing in the bar, she almost looks more like a whore than the girls stripping. Why does she always dress like that? If she gets rid of those dreadful fake nails and covers up just a little she can find a nice guy.

    I got a gift for you Rita 

    Holding the package towards her, I glance over my shoulder. 

    At Least the Maddox brothers are paying the girls well for putting up with them, but if they start trashing the furniture again they are out.

    For me? You shouldn't. Is it diamonds? 

    Shaking the box, Rita gives me a teasing smile.

    Not yet, but if you do well, it can become diamonds 

    Laughing, she opens the box and looks in it before placing it under the counter.

    No roofies? The Maddox boys will be disappointed, they have been asking me for it the whole damn week

    Like I give a shit, they can just fuck off and find somewhere else to do dumb shit 

    If they can't get pussy without drugging the girl they can pay for it instead, there will always be a whore hungry enough to put up with them.

    Yeah, you go tell them that.. Do you want anything?

    No, I have a meeting with Alex in less than an hour 

    Sweet boy Alex, is he still single? Rita bites her lip.

    Yeah, and he stays like that 

    At least when she is the one asking.

    Sitting down on a stool, I lean over the bar to grab a bag of chips. I haven't eaten since yesterday. Even barbecue chips will taste good by now.

    You are such a boring man sometimes, I could have fun with him She pouts her lip.

    Yeah nothing spells fun like you ending up heart broken, it would be like you and that broker dude all over again 

    Giving Rita's hand a small squeeze, I stand up to leave. 

    I am stealing the chips, if the Maddox boys keeps acting up kick them out, this is not a place to act like animals

    Someone should bury them in a shallow unmarked grave.

    Sitting down with Alex, my phone beeps. Taking it up, it is a text from an unknown number:

    Hi Mr. Cane, not sure you remember but you talked about coffee. The old shop, just around the corner from The tale whale tomorrow at 4 pm. 

    Smiling, I take a sip of my coffee.

    I had a feeling she would end up saying yes, and I was right. This is going to be fun.

    What are you smiling about? Alex tries to look at the screen.

    Moving it away, I start to reply. He is so nosy, and it is none of his business.

    Hi book girl. I remember. I will see you tomorrow.

    Sending it, I look back at Alex.

    James have hired some cute young girl, I asked her for coffee as compensation for being slow 

    Is she hot? Maybe I should buy more books That's the joke of the century, if painting doesn't work for him he can become a comedian.

    Why buy them if you can't read them? 

    Alex laughs You are such an ass, I hope she stands you up

    I shake my head She won't.. Firstly, look at me.. I chuckle.

    ..Secondly, I never got her number. She wants that date, I didn't push it down her throat 

    He throws his head back laughing Pun intended?

    I smile, gesturing at the waiter. I really need something real to eat.

    Coffee date

    Wiping the table off with a napkin, I sit down. It would be much more tempting to sit down in a place like this if they made sure the tables were cleaned between customers, but beside that it is a nice enough place.

    The style is vintage, and the dimmed light creates a nice and relaxing atmosphere. 

    A waiter comes down to the table Would you like to order?

    Yes, a coffee please 

    Might as well get something while I wait, I am a tad early.

    It doesn't take long before the coffee is placed in front of me. Taking small sips from it, I look out the window at people passing by.

    Why does people walking always look like they just got really bad news?

    Valerie walks up to the door, adjusting her shirt a little before she enters and looks a little around. 

    A little early too, that's nice. I don't like when people are late.

    Apparently her everyday style is rather similar to the clothes she was wearing yesterday at work.

    She looks really young in this light, too young momma will say but there is just something intriguing about her. Maybe it is the innocence radiating from her, beckoning me.

    Coming up to the table she smiles and sits down.


    Hey, I didn't know what you drink 

    I make a small gesture for the waiter to come down.

    Can I help you?

    Yes, I would like a black coffee please

    I will get that for you, would you like a refill mr? 

    Yes, thank you

    The waiter takes my cup and walks off.

    I never got your name yesterday? 

    I did consider looking her up, but the risk of me slipping up and starting to mention things I shouldn't be knowing anything about is too big.

    Valerie, but Nona calls me Val most of the time, so you can use which one you find best

    I will stick to Valerie until I know you better... Is Nona your grandma?

    The waiter returns, placing the coffees in front of us, along with a small bowl of biscottis.

    No, she’s my foster mom, but she isn’t young anymore

    You grew up in foster care? 

    Taking a biscotti, I dip it in my coffee before taking a bite of it. 

    It’s nice there are people to take care of kids that don't have a home, roaming the streets ain’t safe.

    Yes, since I was five 

    Taking a sip of her coffee, she looks out at the sky.

    I suppose you were in a nice family, still keeping in touch with them 

    It is a little difficult to determine her age, but around 20 will be a good guess.

    Oh, I still live with Nona, so I suppose it’s easy to keep contact She chuckles.

    I guess you are right I smile at her, she has a cute laugh. 

    How did you start to work at the tale whale? If she is a niece or something of James’ I better check in with him before going too far.

    The librarian at the library recommended me to James and he invited me over to the shop for a try out day to see if I would like it

    He is a great guy, I am sure you will like working there

    Thank you… So, Aston Cane, that’s a fancy name and it wasn’t a cheap book you ordered… Who are you?

    I lean a little back on my chair.

    Who am I? That is a big question

    I sip my coffee, buying a little time. Well I am a gangster, but killing people isn't really a first date answer.

    Yes, I find it a little strange that a random guy walks into an expensive antiquarian and ask a girl out for coffee

    I can solve that mystery.. James is an old family friend, I buy all my books from him. He always makes sure the books I get are of the best quality. And then I was just lucky that James had been replaced by a lovely girl

    Mhm Taking a sip of her coffee, she takes a biscotti and takes a bite from it.

    I am not all that mysterious, I help my dad with our family business, and I like books.. Now you know more about me, than I do about you 

    That might not be the case, but I can't really share a lot of details about my life.

    And I suppose you want compensation for that? She raises her brow at me.

    Can I have that? I chuckle. I like her, she has a bit of humour.

    Depends on what you want She shrugs her shoulders and takes a sip of her coffee, looking at me. In this light her eyes have a deep blue colour, calming and enticing.

    Dinner maybe? It would give you more time to tell me about yourself 

    That seems fair… What would you like to know? I’ve never really had any coffee dates before or dinner dates

    How old are you?.. A date you say, I like the sound of that I smile teasingly.

    18… and a half to be precise, and we can call it a date if you want

    I wasn’t way off in my guess, not too young.

    Let us call it that.. Do you have a boy waiting for you when you go home? 

    She laughs No… It’s not like boys line up to date weird bookstore girls

    There are a lot of ways to be weird, some of them more fun than others.. How much time would you need to get ready for dinner? 

    I am free the rest of the day, and spending it on getting to know her seems appealing.

    Depends on the place, and it’s easy for you to say that being weird is fun… You have money and therefore it is okay

    Not sure she had been around that many rich people, they can be pretty judgmental.

    Le colibri, they have a very nice seafood menu 

    What? She nearly chokes on her coffee That’s a really expensive place

    A girl that doesn't expect luxury is refreshing. I have grown tired of dating spoiled rich girls, thinking the world owes them something. 

    I suppose.. Would you need something to wear? 

    Jeans aren't the right thing to wear when we go there, and it seems like she is really fond of wearing casual clothes.

    Taking the last sip of my coffee, I place the cup to the side.

    Those eyes, I can get lost looking into them, discovering new nuances of blue as the light around us changes slightly.

    No, I’m sure I can find something

    Should we say.. at 7?

    Today or…? 

    Today, I have plans tomorrow 

    Family dinner is more of a commitment than a plan.

    Okay, I might be there a little after, I don’t know how well the bus fits with the restaurant

    That's sweet, wanting to take the bus. There aren't any buses in that part of town though.

    I will pick you up, it isn’t weather to walk around outside 

    The wind is still picking up, and the sky just keeps getting darker.

    Thank you, I’ll send the address when I get home then

    You do that 

    It will make her nervous if I tell

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