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How Tarot Actually Works: The Answer From A Seasoned Reader's 40 Years Of Experience
How Tarot Actually Works: The Answer From A Seasoned Reader's 40 Years Of Experience
How Tarot Actually Works: The Answer From A Seasoned Reader's 40 Years Of Experience
Ebook33 pages24 minutes

How Tarot Actually Works: The Answer From A Seasoned Reader's 40 Years Of Experience

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About this ebook

Get the edge on other readers and seekers of the Tarot. The secret in how the Tarot functions that not many, if any are talking about!
This book is the answer to why Tarot may not be working for you as a seeker or a reader. There's a secret or two that most modern readers don't know. You're about to find out what they are and how to get the right answers out of the Tarot.

No, It's not about your intuition or Tarot meanings.

You'll Learn:
Why does nothing or the opposite happen to you after you get a reading?
What is a default answer from the Universe and why it's important to know?
Learn how to approach a reading.
How to tell when you are influencing the cards and the solution.
My Personal documentation of those Tarot Secrets
Framing questions counterintuitively
Using the secrets to run your Tarot business like successful readers
Getting the vampires off your channel!

The Ultimate Guide for everyone who wants to understand how the hell these things work, why can't they get it right, or why their clients complain that the readings don't resonate.

You'll take away wisdom and actionable steps on how to approach readings in the most effective way. In other words, how to speak the language of the Tarot in a way that no one is talking about.

This comes from 40 years of Tarot reading, research, and documentation. Stop flying blind and get the edge on your competition. If you're a person who loves to get a reading, this book is the edge you need.

Learn how to swiftly turn around a frustrating, energetically vampiric client base. As a seeker, learn how to use the Tarot for every area of life effectively, and never be conned by an unethical tarot reader.
Release dateNov 20, 2022
How Tarot Actually Works: The Answer From A Seasoned Reader's 40 Years Of Experience

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    How Tarot Actually Works - Alura Di Lanna

    Copyright Page

    All rights reserved for PKentletonⓇ and the Author Alura P DiLanna

    In no way shall anyone copy any portion of this book, including line spinning or copying, using for classes, copy pasting or distributing in whole or in part in any way without the express written notification from the author.



    Hey there, I’m Alura, a veteran of the Tarot for 41 years; a teacher; guide, and most importantly; a researcher. In my research, using both myself and over 2,100 clients in four decades, and further research using pick-a-card readings I have discovered proof of how the Tarot really works. I’ve heard a select few readers brush over this information because the more you use the Tarot the more they speak to you–if–you’re paying attention and it’s more than just a business.

    No shade to those who have a Tarot business, after all I have one too for decades. However, I want to approach you with the truth as I know it. I believe that the more we peel back the layers of the Universe using the tools we are given, the better we can help others, and by default we thrive too.

    One of the main tenets of a true mystic is that none of us know anything for sure. We all seek and we all must research in order to be the best readers and leaders that we can be. I  create tools for spiritual research for readers and the general public.

    This is my legacy. Today, I have opened up a portal of truth that you may only come to know here or from the handful of people who already discovered this–at least in-part.  I ask that you take from it what resonates, but do not close yourself to the information without researching it for yourself.

    Read on to find out exactly how Tarot actually works…

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