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Twin Flame Sacred Sexuality: My Awakening Experience
Twin Flame Sacred Sexuality: My Awakening Experience
Twin Flame Sacred Sexuality: My Awakening Experience
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Twin Flame Sacred Sexuality: My Awakening Experience

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A romantic twin flame pair can find each other and stay together harmoniously without any rifts and frustrations that most twin flames go through when there is no more healing. Some twin flames find each other when they have both gone through some healing phases that their encounter only heals them further and binds them into a Spiritual and physical Union. Those are the couples that you when watching them as they are together heal you. Being in their space and sharing energy with a twin flame pair is blissful. Twin flame love is potent, pure, and effortless. Whenever you meet your divine partner, you automatically know they are the one. You know you have found what your soul was searching for even though you previously had no idea who it was. You feel content and peaceful within. You know that everything will eventually be alright. Every painful experience you have ever gone through seems to fade away and all that is left is healing and unconditional love. A twin flame connection frees you from any fears, insecurities, guilt, shame, and worthlessness. For the first time in your life, you feel important because you are inspired to pursue meaningful life prospects. You start caring about the human collective — you know you can't save the world but you desire to create meaningful changes in your little corner of the world. The beauty of it all is; that the twin flame connection inspires you to become your best highest self through spiritual, psychological, emotional, and physical transformations.
Release dateFeb 10, 2024
Twin Flame Sacred Sexuality: My Awakening Experience

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    Book preview

    Twin Flame Sacred Sexuality - Silvia Moon

    Twin Flame Sacred Sexuality

    My Awakening Experience

    Silvia Moon

    Moon Publishing Media

    Copyright © 2024 Silvia Moon

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    ISBN 9781304625717

    Printed in the United States of America

    To you dear reader. May you find your twin flame


    Title Page



    My Journey

    The Journey to finding inner peace

    The initial encounter

    Missing a Twin Flame

    The Married Twin Flame issues

    Surrender Journey

    Running into Relationships

    Soul to Soul

    Life after healing

    Feeling lost and helpless

    When a twin flame runs

    Losing interest in a twin flame

    The lonely journey

    Twin flame runner advice

    Dealing with obsessions

    Crying to release emotional pain

    When you are blocked

    Energetic Clearing


    Running triggers

    Feeling numb

    Twin Flame prayers

    Are we re-incarnated?

    Twin Flame Dreams

    Feeling Lovesick

    Signs of Healing

    Signs of a Reunion

    Is telepathy real?

    Healing with feeling lost

    Facing running fears

    Separating from your twin flame emotionally

    Speeding up a reunion

    Dreaming of the Future and setting Goals

    Feeling like a Victim

    Strong Signs of a Twin Flame

    Wounded masculine and feminine energy

    Why does the runner need to leave?

    Dealing with insomnia and restlessness

    If you are growing, is your twin flame growing too?

    Shifting your energy to focus on yourself

    How do I know if someone is my twin flame as opposed to other types of soul connections?

    About The Author

    Books By This Author

    My Journey

    When I did not understand what was happening to me! I felt angry and disappointed with myself for not having a grip on what was going on. I desperately wanted to be in control of my situation and I felt frustrated by my twin flame responsiveness. I am the one who blocked him first — it felt like a cry for help indeed. I desperately wanted to feel acknowledged that my choice was his.

    After blocking my twin flame, I felt the craziest energetic share ever since I felt the twin flame awakening. I felt intense quick double heartbeats I felt as if my heart was popping out of my chest. I had spaghetti legs and I felt weak in the knees to walk. I started sweating rapidly and I broke down into tears because I felt helpless. Suddenly I threw up and it automatically released the pressure. I had to see a doctor first to make sure I was healthy and okay. Nothing was wrong with me. I knew that it was because I had just blocked my twin flame two days before. Within two minutes of finding inner peace, my twin flame texted and asked; Everything Okay?

    No one can understand the nature of your twin flame spiritual processes. Sometimes feeling connected to someone is haunting, unimaginable that sometimes you wonder if you are just obsessed. Sometimes you go outside yourself to look for answers just because you do not know how to understand the overwhelming connection. Feeling connected to a twin flame is without a choice.

    I hope my perspective and twin flame journey experiences inspire you to keep moving forward in yours. I wish you love and light. Stay Blessed!

    The Journey to finding inner peace

    Sometimes I wished I had never met my twin flame especially when things seemed like nothing was working and going nowhere. Whenever you are not in harmony with your twin flame, it hurts like crazy because any disconnection affects your moods and energy levels. It is worse when you are not yet settled into your twin flame's shared energy: You always feel mood swings and energetically irritable. You prefer solitude and your friends think you are a loner. Oh, what a journey! Anyway, when it comes to mirror exercises, I am not comfortable talking about it because I am also trying to understand it myself. I stopped believing in what others think works — I believe in "Balancing my Spiritual connection with the Physical reality.

    Once I tested endless inner peace and harmony within myself in my twin flame’s physical presence, I learned to be that person in the absence of my twin flame. There is a sense of total inner harmony and balance a twin flame brings to you just by being in your life.

    Whenever we are in physical separation, we focus on the physicality of things rather than accepting that Separation is an illusion because you are always with them in essence. If you haven't embraced your connection within and let it be part of who you are, you struggle to move on with your life. You struggle with believing and with Loving yourself. You must understand that a twin flame is You. Love yourself the way a twin flame loves you and you will see how you transform to become your best highest self. Twin Flame love inspires us to become our authentic version because love is pure and profound and you are inspired to become Love itself by honoring your true self. It is simple yet very complicated. You already know within you that your Twin Flame is you. Maybe it's your internal dialogue that hasn't changed. No matter how true your feelings are, your mind can try to convince you otherwise if you feel any inner resistance to what you are experiencing.

    The initial encounter

    It is such an earth-moving experience when telepathic communication is triggered during your encounter. You know right away that there is a Soul merging experience going on even though you don't know about the twin flame phenomenon. You are both in awe of what is happening and you feel dreamy — your mind is also baffled by how you feel. The twin flame connection breaks your heart open so that Light can reach the darkest corners of your Soul.

    There is so much I can say about my twin flame's telepathic experience —

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