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13 Naughty Tales
13 Naughty Tales
13 Naughty Tales
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13 Naughty Tales

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A woman giving in to her most secret fantasy. A couple looking to add some spice to their relationship. Short stories, one shots, and sexual desires. You'll find them all here in 13 Naughty Tales, a collection of scenarios that range from mild to downright dirty. Read about two co-workers trapped in an elevator, a lonely man looking to connect with someone at a club, and more. Each tale will bring you satisfaction and leave you wanting to read more. So change into something a little more comfortable and get ready to feel the heat as you dive into 13 Naughty Tales.

Release dateFeb 23, 2024
13 Naughty Tales

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    13 Naughty Tales - Beth Hale

    Other books by Beth Hale

    The Magnolia Series

    Magnolia Secrets

    Magnolia Flames

    The Unexpected Emotions Duet

    Trusting Jack

    Taming James

    Office Mistakes

    Bad Romance

    Red Hot Reunion

    Bourbon Street Heat

    Copyright © Beth Hale 2020 All rights reserved. 13 Naughty Tales©

    Beth Hale has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

    Editing by Haylee Mathers

    Cover Art by Haelah Rice Covers

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    This is for the ones who like their stories short and dirty.

    13 naughty tales

    Sugar and Salt

    Julia wiped her brow with the back of her flour-stained hand. She pulled a tray of almond crescents from the oven, quickly shoving in a new still-unbaked batch. Carefully, she began rolling the hot cookies in vanilla sugar, concentrating hard so as not to break the fragile crescents.

    She jumped a little as Mike wrapped his arms around her, his beard grazing the soft skin behind her ear as he purred, Mmm, almond crescents. My favorite. Besides you, of course.

    Julia turned her head a little so she could face him. Her mouth set in a mock scowl, she continued turning the little almond moons in the sugar. Give me ten more minutes, and I’ll be finished. You don’t want me to mess up the last batch, do you?

    His voice was muffled as he buried his face between her neck and shoulder. I don’t know if I can wait that long.

    She jumped, breaking one of the fragile cookies, when his hands squeezed her breasts. See? What did I tell you? Squirming under his touch, she tried half-heartedly to break free from his embrace. At least help me with the rest.

    MIke’s long arms reached around her, and she took his hands with her sugar-coated fingers, guiding them into the pan.

    See, that’s how you do it. Turn the cookies around carefully and cover them on all sides. Be careful; they’re still hot and will break easily.

    Oww, he gasped, shaking his hand to cool his fingers.

    Men. Why are all of you so sensitive when it comes to touching hot stuff? Julia teased, taking his burned hand and covering his fingers with soft kisses.

    Not true, Mike grumbled. His other hand darted suddenly down between her legs, his middle finger pushing at her clit through her yoga pants. See? It’s very hot there, and I don’t mind.

    She gasped as the unexpected touch sent a pleasant shiver down her spine. Her arousal was already coiling itself up into a tight, white-hot ball.

    Julia pushed her hips back at Mike’s growing erection while trying to save the almond crescents, still coating them with sugar. All the while, he continued to tease her with his hand between her legs.

    Searching successfully for the broken cookie in the sugar pan with the other hand, he popped one of the halves into his mouth before feeding her the other half.

    Delicious, he pronounced. Almost as delicious as you.

    Julia turned, trapped between the kitchen counter and Mike’s tall frame. He leaned down to kiss her and left over grains of sugar melted between her lips. His tongue tasted of himself and almonds and vanilla as it explored her mouth. Her sugar-coated hands grabbed at his hair, pulling him hungrily toward her, the force of her movement causing her teeth to clash with his. Mike chuckled at her rough attitude.

    He moaned into her mouth as his hands moved underneath her t-shirt to unclasp her bra. Breaking the kiss, he pulled her flour-stained shirt and the bra over her head in one swift movement.

    Wait a second, she panted, lips red from the passionate kiss. There’s another tray in the oven.

    She quickly took out the last batch and let them slide—as carefully as she could, given the state Mike had gotten her into—into the pan, covering them with vanilla sugar and letting them cool. Before she turned around, she took a little sugar between each of her thumbs and forefingers.

    Now. Where were we? Julia smiled at Mike as she let the sugar trickle onto her naked breasts, a thin sheen of sweat making the grains stick to her skin and sparkle in the kitchen light.

    Mike licked his lips before diving down to take the bait, cupping her breasts with his hands, thumbs flicking her hardening nipples while he lapped up the sugar with his tongue.

    She buried her hands in his hair again, guiding him along her breasts and up to her neck, where he continued licking, adding little delicious bites to his ministrations. His hands found their way underneath the waistband of her pants, fingers hooking in and pulling them down over her ass.

    Having prepared her, he lifted her up onto the kitchen counter, where he was finally able to comfortably remove her panties, and took the chance to get rid of his shirt too. Julia leaned back on her elbows to watch as he pulls the gray shirt over his head, revealing his well-toned chest.

    Mike spread her legs, starting with his hands on her knees, moving slowly over her thighs, his

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