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Where the Spirit of the Lord Is
Where the Spirit of the Lord Is
Where the Spirit of the Lord Is
Ebook1,090 pages6 hours

Where the Spirit of the Lord Is

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About this ebook

I’m so truly blessed to have this opportunity to share my love for Jesus. In these past five years at Sonrise Mission, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida God has molded me into the man He created me to be. Yes! His child to Praise and Worship His Holy Name.
To give Him all the honor and glory for what He has done and wants to do in my life.

This book of poems is accumulation of many teachers, pastors, evangelist and prophets as well as many residence in the Mission who have shared God’s WORD with me.

God says in His WORD in PSALMS 46:10 Be still and know that I AM God; I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth. That is my purpose for my existence here on earth.

When I’m still and listen, God speaks to the Spirit. In the Mission; God’s sanctuary, The LORD is always present if you seek Him you will find Him in the most peculiar place.

Whether a piece of grass, a coffee pot or paint on the wall. God’s presence in nature or words people say. It’s as though a Holy Spirit switch has been turned on and The Light that is now glowing bringing back experiences of the past that others may relate to, and His lesson; how it pertains to God’s Love; His beautiful WORD.

Yes! these wonderful people who not only share the WORD five and one half hours a day but share their love with us at the Mission supporting God’s WORK.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 21, 2024
Where the Spirit of the Lord Is

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    Where the Spirit of the Lord Is - Timothy Ramiller

    Copyright © 2024 by Timothy Ramiller.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Rev. date: 02/20/2024





    I’m so truly blessed to have this opportunity to share my love for Jesus. In these past five years at Sonrise Mission in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, God has molded me into the man He created me to be. Yes! His child to praise and worship His holy name.

    To give Him all the honor and glory for what He has done and wants to do in my life.

    This book of poems is an accumulation of many teachers, pastors, evangelists, and prophets, as well as many residents in the mission, who have shared God’s Word with me.

    God says in Psalm 46:10, Be still and know that I AM God; I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth. That is my purpose for my existence here on earth.

    When I’m still and listen, God speaks to the Spirit. In the mission, God’s sanctuary, the Lord is always present. If you seek Him, you will find Him in the most peculiar place.

    Whether a piece of grass, a coffeepot, or paint on the wall. God’s presence in nature or words people say. It’s as though a Holy Spirit switch has been turned on, and the light that is now glowing brings back experiences of the past that others may relate to and His lesson—how it pertains to God’s love and His beautiful Word.

    Yes, these wonderful people not only share the Word for five and a half hours a day but also share their love with us at the mission, supporting God’s work.

    Also, businesses in the area—especially Advanced Roofing, under the leadership of Rob Kornahrens—have treated Sonrise Mission like an extended family, inviting us to holiday celebrations. Oh, the wonderful people, like Pastor Sadie Conner and her sheep, not only feed us with the most delicious Jamaican food once a month but also feed us with the Word of God. Jesus Compassion Ministries (JCM) has taken us in like family. So have many churches in the Fort Lauderdale and Miami areas: Victory Church, led by Pastor Don and Cathy Karpinen and so many of their family members in Christ; Dan and Joan Bosser and Spirit & Truth Dave Bosser, Dan Rankin pest graduates who come to share their love of praise and worship music teacher Robert and Barb Grady who not only share a Spirit in the Word but also bring their prayer box for request. (My prayer is being answered in my writings. Thank you all for your prayers.)

    Teacher and friend JoAnn Jackson, who shared her Jesus’s light on Fridays and is now shining her light in Jacksonville. Also a warm thank you to Phil and Kathy Ortiz for sharing the Word and themselves.

    Many Teachers have given so much to my growth:

    Big John

    Pastor Ken and Lori Loring Armor of God

    Ed Kies

    Adurey Colon

    Tom Alford

    Jeffrey Zagaria

    Pastor Ken   Steve Miami

    Pastor Joe and Mary Anne and friends

    Thank you also Church by The Glade under the leadership of David and Linda Hughes and Raul and Heather Palacious and their many volunteers who share their fellowship painting and beautifying the mission, along with Eagle Painting Adrian Pine ever with many of the residents on work projects outside the Mission First Baptist Church from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and their teachers John Harmeling, Felipe, Mike along with their generosity to allow all the residents tickets to their awesome Christmas pageant every year. Thank you for your friendship.

    Harvest Church Thank you to Pastor Dave and wife, Linda Benedict

    The gift packages at Christmastime from volunteers coordinated by Ms. Elenor Marshke

    Teachers Larry Waters and his wife, Phil, always there to greet us at church, Starr Horton who volunteers his time to share the Word, so many wonderful Christian friends who share their love of Jesus with us on Sundays and special occasions.

    John and Lisa Wilson

    Pastor Pablo

    Eddie and JoAnne Diaz

    Marianne Cella

    Pastor Earl Campbell

    Pastor Young

    Frank Graite

    Duffy and Lisa Skinner

    David and Linda Ward, who also open up their house once a year for water baptism in their pool and a whole day of fellowship

    Evangelist, Prophet, and Elder Gregory Hammond

    Pastor Al Scavone and Abundant Life Church

    Tomas Munoz

    Pastor Elaina

    Pete and Karen Foti

    Pastor Wesley and Roselyn Smith

    My Brothers Keeper

    Gus and Maruha Ellis

    Friends at JCM

    Pastor Saddie Conor

    Pastor William and Sonjah Kirkland

    Pastor Pauline Bent

    Pastor Beverly Robinson

    Minister Nellie Johnson

    Minister Alberto and Patricia Marin

    Pastor Rennie Ramdham

    Auntie Joan Lovelace, who just shines her light with song and dance and feeds us with her love for God. She is our sparrow we keep our eye on.

    Also all the members who just have taken us under their loving wing, then taught us to fly and touch the stars.

    The hardest thing about being anywhere for a long period is that you realize life is short, though their Spirit will always be a part of the mission.

    Uncle Pat and his lovely wife, Diana, were ready to share their love of God and themselves every Tuesday, taking numerous buses in any weather to be with us and shine Jesus. Save me a place, Uncle Pat.

    Roosevelt Dawson, a powerful man of God who shared the Word with our Brothers Keeper, went home to be with the Lord. If you’re still, you can still hear him call all saints together.

    Thank you, Pat Cannon, a teacher of great love for God and the mission. Ms. Cannon put much love into her presentation in the Word. Pat, you are greatly missed. You and Linda Harmeling have the greatest seats for our plays. Not at all like the Christmas pageant at First Baptist Church but we try.

    Thank you, Pat and Linda. We truly miss your smiles.

    Life Johansson of Calvary Church left us, though his presence is in the plants and trees, his calligraphy of scripture. I’m sure God has you tending His gardens, my dear friend.

    Pastor Leroy Bent of Jesus Compassion Ministries was a man who was so filled with the Love of Jesus and life itself. Thank you, Brother Leroy, for showing me how to have fun in sharing my love for Jesus. You not only shined like Jesus but also had the heart of Jesus. This book is only made possible by your love.

    Thank you to mission teens and my directors Victor and Marion Adair for your leadership and guidance on my spiritual journey.

    Last but not least, I would love to thank my mother, Emily Ramiller, who instilled in me a love for poetry during many hours on her lap. Her joyful spirit and love for God and children and happy spirit molded me in all things good.


    Ms. Dotie ministered the next day about the Word.

    The Word

    When I look up to heaven

    The clouds pass overhead

    I thought about my Jesus

    What my Jesus said

    He said that "I’ll be with you

    Until the end of age

    Pick up your cross and follow me."

    For my Jesus set the stage

    Yes! In His Word are promises

    God set for me and you

    He has given us the Bible

    To tell us what to do

    So I will love my God

    With all my heart

    With all my soul and mind

    Love my neighbor as myself

    For in the Bible you will find

    Find the living Word of God

    He tells me how to live

    To be kind to others

    To my brothers freely give

    Blessed are the poor in spirit

    Blessed are those that mourn

    Blessed are the pure of heart

    Those who are weary and torn

    For God tells me how to love

    To a world so lost from Him

    Then He sent His only Son

    So I’d be free from sin

    So I will love my God

    With all my heart

    With all my soul and mind

    Love my neighbor as myself

    For in the Bible you will find

    In the beginning was the Word

    And the word was God

    He came down to live with men

    Though stood where no man trod

    For God so loved His children

    There was no other way

    He tried to show us how to love

    With sin man could not pay

    So Jesus told His Father

    They know not what to do

    They do not know the Father’s love

    Or how much His Son loves you

    So I will love my God

    With all my heart

    With all my soul and mind

    Love my neighbor as myself

    For in the Bible you will find

    His Son had to suffer

    So we could live in him

    He then sent His Holy Spirit

    When we are Born Again

    Now I have His Spirit

    Living inside of me

    I can climb my mountain

    I can walk upon the sea

    With His grace and mercy

    I will walk this earth

    For He had these plans for me

    Before my birth

    So I will love my God

    With all my heart

    With all my soul and mind

    Love my neighbor as myself

    For in the Bible you will find


    Inspired by the Holy Spirit

    If the Whole World Was like Jesus

    If the whole world was like Jesus

    What would this world be like?

    The lion and the lamb laid down

    Such a precious sight

    No sin for He was perfect

    In every single way

    We would shine like Jesus

    Every single day

    There would be no sin upon the land

    The way God planned it so

    Satan and his followers

    Would find another place to go

    For we would have Jesus’s Spirit

    Living in our hearts

    Jesus living in us

    He would never part

    No need for police or armies

    No war or crime you see

    Just the love of Jesus

    The way God meant this world to be

    Just the love of Jesus

    Everywhere you’d go

    Glorifying the Father

    Don’t you know

    There would be no death or sickness

    No hungry and no poor

    No abortion in the land

    A life would mean so much more

    There would be no night or darkness

    Just light and love on upon this land

    Everyone on earth

    Would lend a helping hand

    I’ll be singing with His angels

    Praise and glorify His name

    Everyone with me

    Our hearts will be the same

    For we’re living in the Spirit

    The way God planned it so

    We will have the light of Jesus

    Wherever we will go

    Oh! If the whole world was like Jesus

    Such a difference it would be

    Glorifying the Father

    Is where we want to be

    The Creator of the universe

    The One who gave me life

    To give the Father glory

    For eternal life.

    Inspired by the Holy Spirit

    Jesus make the difference


    Inspired by the Holy Spirit

    Flight back

    Done 12/15/19 video

    Your Power You Can Feel

    Sitting on the runway

    Let our praise and worship begin to move

    Taxiing into position

    In a perfect groove

    As we start to find the tempo

    The speed to lift us off the ground

    We take off into the heavens

    To find your Holy Spirit sound

    As we float into the heavens

    My ears begin to pop

    Rising past the clouds

    Let Your praise and worship never stop

    Floating up to heaven

    The power of your spirit

    Roaring like an engine on an airplane

    Your power you can feel and hear it

    The altitude increases

    Where only eagles dare to fly

    High above the clouds

    With angels way up high

    Only let His Spirit lead the music

    In God His perfect sound

    High above the atmosphere

    Other groups are looking for but haven’t found

    These last four days at Mark Tree, Arkansas

    He spoke to the leaders of Mission Teens very clear

    Be led by my Holy Spirit

    Know that I AM here

    Floating up to heaven

    The power of Your Spirit

    Roaring like an engine on an airplane

    Your power you can feel and hear it

    Now take back this sound I showed you

    Only in my Spirit can one feel and hear

    We are overcomers of the world

    In Jesus Christ, there is no fear

    Looking down upon the land

    Moving across the sky not bound

    As though that Spirit sound is floating

    Over villages, cities, and towns

    For all those at the praise and worship conference

    Were filled with the WORD and Spiritual music to hear

    To share with others in the Mission

    That the Love of God is always near

    Floating up to heaven

    The power of Your Spirit

    Roaring like an engine on an airplane

    Your power you can feel and hear it


    Inspired by the Holy Spirit

    From Shallow to Deep

    I pray my faith be deep

    Growing deeper every moment every day

    For it’s only by Your Holy Spirit

    My focus on Christ, Jesus will stay

    I pray my faith is not shallow

    Where I only get my feet wet

    I want to be treading or swimming

    In my faith in the deepest waters

    In Christ Jesus, my salvation is set

    For I’m swimming to the Rock

    Where I know I’ll be safe and free

    I’m not staying in the shallow faith

    His Holy Spirit’s leading me

    I’m putting on Jesus

    In His Spirit, I’m with Him

    He’s my water safety Instructor

    Lifeguard training free from sin

    For He’s the One who guards my life

    He won’t let me drown

    You can find me in the deepest water

    Helping those lost to Jesus can be found

    For I’m swimming to the Rock

    Where I know I’ll be safe and free

    I’m not staying in the shallow faith

    His Holy Spirit leading me

    I’m swimming in deep water

    My head above the waves

    The only time I look down is to pull up

    My sister or brother

    To bring them to Jesus who saves

    Let our sword be like a speargun

    To kill the sharks around

    In the darkness of the Water

    Where now God’s Light is found


    For I’m swimming to the Rock

    Where I know I’ll be safe and free

    I’m not staying in the shallow faith

    His Holy Spirit leading me

    Shallow to deep, shallow to deep

    When you have that shallow Spirit

    You only see the outward appearance around

    But when you have deep faith in the Holy Spirit

    The heart of you and others Jesus will be found

    Now that he has me off the snorkel and mask

    Placed me with a scuba tank that supplies His air

    In his Holy Spirit, we’ll be diving in the deepest waters

    Shining the Light of Jesus everywhere

    He’s my swimming instructor

    He has taught me all I need

    It’s Jesus that I swim with

    He’s the one who leads

    For I’m swimming to the Rock

    Where I know I’ll be safe and free

    I’m not standing in the shallow faith

    His Holy Spirit is leading me

    Shallow to deep. Shallow to deep

    When you have that shallow Spirit

    You only see the outward appearance around

    But when you have deep faith in the Holy Spirit

    The heart of you and others Jesus will be found


    Inspired by the Holy Spirit

    Eph. 6:10–17

    Robert and Barb Victory Church

    I’m Ready for Battle

    I pray to You, God

    Through the Holy Spirit and Jesus Your Son

    That I be made strong in Your mighty power

    I know in Jesus victory is won

    I need the armor of God

    So I can make my stand

    Against the evil rulers of Satan’s air

    That prowl like wolves upon the land

    I will take my stand

    Against the devil’s schemes

    He knows you’re a Child of God

    He will try to attack you in your dream

    So put on God’s armor

    Wear it all the time

    Not to use God’s armor

    Would be a crime

    I’m ready for the battle

    I’m a soldier for God

    I live in the Holy Spirit

    God’s angels are keeping guard

    The belt of Truth around my waist

    With God’s righteousness because of the cross

    The shoes of peace upon my feet

    The Good news came to sinners’ loss

    That God died and shed His blood

    To save us from all sin

    Hold up God’s shield of faith

    Now you’re Born Again

    It will stop the devil’s fiery arm

    That he tries to send your way

    But you’ll be safe in the Word of God

    That coward will run away.

    For the Sword is His Spirit

    The power in this fight

    Remember He was God’s power

    When in the beginning God said,

    Let There Be Light

    I’m ready for the battle

    I’m a soldier for God

    I live in the Holy Spirit

    God’s angels are keeping guard

    So put on salvation

    The helmet for your head

    So when thoughts he throws your way

    You find Jesus’s love instead

    Pray in the Spirit

    God’s will be done if you allow it

    He loves you so much

    Join me let’s praise and shout it

    Let it be carried by God’s angels

    A sweet, sweet sound to heaven’s high

    Let us worship our creator

    Of all the lands and heavenly sky

    For the victory has been won

    Don’t let the devil cause you strife

    Tell that murderer he’s going to hell and

    In God’s Spirit, you have eternal life

    I’m ready for the battle

    I’m a soldier for God

    I live in the Holy Spirit

    God’s angels are keeping guard



    Nick’s class led by the Holy Spirit

    Let My Holy Spirit Fill You Up

    Knock me off my horse, Dear Lord

    I need to humble myself to You

    Take away my pride

    So I can draw closer to You

    Like Humpty Dumpty who sat on the wall

    Up high for all to see

    Then drawing attention to himself,

    He said, Hey, world, look at me.

    As he sat there swinging back and forth

    Looking very tall

    Then his pride got too heavy

    That caused a terrible fall

    For the Lord needs the broken

    So He can fix you up

    Just eat of my body

    Drink my blood from my cup

    Let my Holy Spirit

    Fill you up

    For God’s Word talks about prideful people

    The story of Genesis told

    How they could build a tower to heaven

    Up to the streets of gold

    But the Lord came down from heaven

    Look at the tower that men had built

    He confused their language and scattered them

    And the tower started to tilt

    I can’t use people

    Who think they are a God

    Only sinners and the broken

    With My Word will trod

    For the Lord needs the broken

    So He can fix you up

    Just eat of my body

    Drink my blood from my cup

    Let My Holy Spirit

    Fill you up

    Now Saul of Tarsus walked this land

    For He was filled with pride

    His knowledge of the law was great

    Though God wasn’t on his side

    Jesus said, "I can’t use you now

    I must change your name from Saul

    First, I’ll show you my glory

    Then change your name to Paul

    For once you had no love for Me

    You were filled with so much hate

    Didn’t have the love of Jesus

    You thought that you were great."

    For the Lord needs the broken

    So He can fix you up

    Just eat of my body

    Drink my blood from my cup

    Let My Holy Spirit

    Fill you up

    Now I was lost in this world

    For I was filled with pride

    My accomplishments in the world

    I didn’t try to hide

    You could read my accomplishments

    For they are on my wall

    I was stuck in myself

    Was ready for my fall

    That’s when life came tumbling down

    Came crashing on my head

    I was so broken down

    Each night I cried on my bed

    For the Lord needs the

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