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Science Fiction Short Story Collection Volume 4: 5 Sci-Fi Short Stories
Science Fiction Short Story Collection Volume 4: 5 Sci-Fi Short Stories
Science Fiction Short Story Collection Volume 4: 5 Sci-Fi Short Stories
Ebook58 pages44 minutes

Science Fiction Short Story Collection Volume 4: 5 Sci-Fi Short Stories

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About this ebook

5 suspenseful, gripping science fiction short stories from the imagination of Connor Whiteley. An International Bestselling writer, Connor presents 5 very fun and outstanding sci-fi stories in this one volume.


  • Future Lifesavers
  • A Magical Run To The Moon
  • And The Fat Just Walks Away: A Science Fiction Humor Short Story
  • Creating Ithane
  • Future Fashion: A Science Fiction Near Future Short Story

Love gripping science fiction? Love great stories? Connor gives you both layered on thick in this amazingly fun collection.


Release dateJun 28, 2024
Science Fiction Short Story Collection Volume 4: 5 Sci-Fi Short Stories

Connor Whiteley

Hello, I'm Connor Whiteley, I am an 18-year-old who loves to write creatively, and I wrote my Brownsea trilogy when I was 14 years old after I went to Brownsea Island on a scout camp. At the camp, I started to think about how all the broken tiles and pottery got there and somehow a trilogy got created.Moreover, I love writing fantasy and sci-fi novels because you’re only limited by your imagination.In addition, I'm was an Explorer Scout and I love camping, sailing and other outdoor activities as well as cooking.Furthermore, I do quite a bit of charity work as well. For example: in early 2018 I was a part of a youth panel which was involved in creating a report with research to try and get government funding for organised youth groups and through this panel. I was invited to Prince Charles’ 70th birthday party and how some of us got in the royal photograph.Finally, I am going to university and I hope to get my doctorate in clinical psychology in a few years.

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    Science Fiction Short Story Collection Volume 4 - Connor Whiteley


    My heart pounded in my chest.

    Everyone I had ever met in the lifeguarding community already hated the first few moments whenever the pager went off and we all instantly knew that a life was in grave danger and without our people someone was going to die.

    I always hated those moments because it was always such a deadly race against time. If we were too slow then a corpse would wash up on a beach shortly. Too fast and we risked making a mistake that would make us accidentally kill someone through our own stupid mistakes.

    I stood proudly in the large box-room of the driving cabin of our immense bright orange hovercraft stretching tens of metres in all directions. We were a beast of the seas around the UK and we only ever got called in when some serious shit was going down and tons of lives depended on us.

    Immense gusts of wind smashed into our hovercraft and whilst the holo-shields tried to keep the worst of it from impacting us. The shields were failing today.

    Waves tens of metres tall rose up and down out of the dark blue sea like claws stretching out to pull us down to its foul depths and I had no idea how the hell we were meant to help anyone out here.

    The reason why we had been called out was because the conditions were way too bad for the small lifeboats even with their holo-suspension that made it next to impossible for them to capsize.

    I wasn’t sure we were going to be any better.

    The howling, roaring and screaming of the wind wrapped around us and I knew it was far too dangerous to go outside in these conditions. And I knew it was dangerous enough on deck with the worst of the weather being filtered through the holo-shields.

    I had a sick feeling that if the holo-shields weren’t there then we would simply fly off the deck as soon as we stepped outside.

    It was that dangerous.

    The rich wonderful smell of coffee, Danish pastries and salty sea air filled my senses and I was glad that I hadn’t had breakfast yet because judging by the face of Victoria our helm she was about to lose hers.

    I suppose not having breakfast was the only advantage of early morning calls.

    Hovercraft, this is Eastbourne Coastguard do you copy, over,

    As soon as the coastguard came over on the radio and a small holographic woman appeared on the hard wooden console where Victoria was driving the hovercraft from everyone else fell silent.

    I really wanted to know exactly what we were getting involved in.

    Confirmed Eastbourne Coastguard. This is Hovercraft, over, Victoria said.

    Hovercraft we have reports of a Cargo Ship losing all power, engines and shipping containers have become loose in the storm. The ship is approaching rocks and the ship is carrying explosives too, over,

    As Victoria relayed her response saying that we understood everything I looked at my best friends Jeremy, Claire and William. They were all gripping on grey metal bars for dear life and I didn’t blame them.

    We had to save the lives of everyone on that ship but we also had to arrange a tow line because if the explosives went off (something that still happened way too regularly for my liking in the 2100s) then everyone on that ship would die and the ocean ecosystem would be damaged for centuries.

    We had to help them.

    Thank you Eastbourne Coastguard, we will be at target in ten minutes, over, Victoria said.

    My stomach tightened and my entire body tensed as I imagined what on Earth could happen in those ten

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