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Bitsy's Babies: Loving Bitsy Series, #3
Bitsy's Babies: Loving Bitsy Series, #3
Bitsy's Babies: Loving Bitsy Series, #3
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Bitsy's Babies: Loving Bitsy Series, #3

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About this ebook

Bitsy and Simon Levine volunteered to foster dogs for survivors of domestic abuse seeking help at a shelter that is not pet-friendly. When they are asked to foster a cat, their elderly neighbor Annie Cooper steps in to help. Due to their lease's no-pet policy, they are all evicted. Annie reveals she owns a farm in upstate New York, and they decide to live together. Simon remains dedicated to supporting women leaving abusive relationships. Tragically, one of his clients is fatally shot in front of him at court. The Levines take in the woman's three children while their aunt prepares to become their guardian while attempting to seduce Simon. Follow the Levines as they navigate life's challenges and obstacles with resilience.

PublisherKathy Broggy
Release dateFeb 25, 2024
Bitsy's Babies: Loving Bitsy Series, #3

Virginia Dare

After spending most of my life in Queens, New York, where I locate most of my stories, I  retired from a career in Healthcare and moved to a small house in upstate New York.  I live with a multitude of pets including but not limited to a couple of cats, three dogs and a goat.  When I'm not busy writing, I enjoy reading, crocheting, gardening, cooking and baking.  The Loving Bitsy series addresses many of the issues I dealt with as a healthcare professional.

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    Book preview

    Bitsy's Babies - Virginia Dare

    Chapter 1

    On his way home from work, Simon stopped at the bakery and picked up the cake he’d ordered.  He couldn’t believe the baby was six months old already.  The days flew by, measured by Lexie’s milestones.  The day she rolled over.  The night she slept straight through. Her first taste of solid food.  Cutting her first tooth, well, that hadn’t quite happened yet.  She’d been cutting that tooth for the longest time, but it was still just under the gum. 

    Loving Bitsy from the first time he set eyes on her, he’d fought it for months. Instead of acting on his feelings, he chose to work on saving his marriage to Tiffani.  While Tiffani was away at what Simon thought was a spa vacation, he finally saw that their marriage was over.  Filled with guilt at the realization that he didn’t love his wife, he decided to leave their home and file for divorce.  It was while he was packing that he discovered the hidden diary and that she was actually on vacation with his friend Jeff. 

    The journal revealed that Tiffani was an opportunist who thought Simon to be her ticket to the good life.  She detailed how she’d seduced him, faked her pregnancy to get him to marry her, then faked the miscarriage and subsequent breakdown she suffered.  Tiffani was disgusted when she realized Simon had no interest in becoming the rich, prestigious lawyer she expected him to be.  Bitterly disappointed, she set her sights on Jeff.  In her diary, Tiffani exposed every detail of her plans. The truth freed Simon to pursue the woman he knew he loved with all his heart.

    At the time, Bitsy was married to an abusive man and Simon was determined to rescue her, but in the end, Bitsy rescued herself.  She divorced Paul, who was now in prison, and finally, she and Simon were married last November.  Now they had a beautiful baby girl, and tonight they would celebrate Lexie’s six-month birthday.

    A sudden gust of cold wind hit him as he turned the corner onto his street.  He picked up his pace and entered the building a couple of minutes later.  After stopping to pick up the mail, he proceeded to Annie Cooper’s door.  She opened it immediately, a huge smile brightening her wrinkled face.  Annie’s face showed her age, but you’d never know she was in her eighties by the way she acted. 

    I’m ready, Simon, but can you carry the present for me?  She indicated a large box behind her, and Simon laughed.

    Annie, you have to stop buying Lexie everything you see.  We can barely fit in the apartment now.

    Pfft, she’s only going to be a baby once, and I intend to completely spoil her, no matter what you and Bitsy tell me.

    I know you will.  He kissed her cheek, handing her the cake box and his briefcase.  He picked up the package. Well, at least it’s not heavy.

    Upstairs, Bitsy was setting the table for dinner.  It was just the four of them tonight.  Her mother declined the invitation, saying she wasn’t feeling well.  Simon’s mother, Edna, and her new husband, Jack were on a cruise, the second one they’d taken in the last six months.  This time they were headed to Greece.  Their gift had been delivered earlier that day, and Bitsy couldn’t wait for Simon to see the slide and the play table that was now taking up even more of the already crowded living room.

    When Simon and Annie entered, Bitsy laughed at the big package Simon was carrying.

    Don’t look at me; it’s from Annie.

    Oh, Annie! she exclaimed.

    Simon already said it, so save your breath!  Annie laughed as she moved to the couch and sat down. 

    Well, the gifts from your mother and Jack are over there. Bitsy pointed to them.  And my mother says she’ll be by next week to bring hers.

    Simon chuckled. So, maybe we need to give Lexie the master bedroom, and we’ll take the nursery.

    Sighing, Bitsy nodded. She’s going to need more space, that’s for sure.

    Simon bent over to pick the baby up and nuzzled her neck.  How’s my baby? he cooed. Lexie laughed and pulled his hair.

    After dinner, they sang Happy Birthday and let Lexie have a small scoop of ice cream with her cake.  Annie’s gift was a huge stuffed Old English Sheepdog that Lexie loved and laid on, hugging its neck. 

    Simon walked Annie back to her apartment while Bitsy bathed the baby and settled her down to sleep.  Simon was back in time to say goodnight to the baby as they tucked her in.

    While he cleaned up from dinner, Bitsy pulled out her laptop to work on a paper due at the end of the week.  Just a few more months and she’d have her bachelor’s degree.  Then she’d have to do post-grad and clinicals, but she knew it was what she wanted to do.  Her original plan was to get a law degree, but after surviving her abusive marriage and meeting so many others dealing with abuse, she decided she wanted to counsel and help victims and survivors.  Now she planned to become a Social Worker. 

    Simon finished cleaning up the kitchen and interrupted her long enough to kiss her goodnight.  He picked up the book he was reading and headed for bed.  It was almost two AM when Bitsy shut down the computer and joined him in their bed.  Simon immediately moved closer, and she laid her head on his chest, falling asleep to the comforting beat of his heart.

    The following week Simon and Bitsy marked their first anniversary with a quiet evening at home with their daughter.  After Lexie was asleep, they enjoyed a candlelight dinner of take-out Chinese food.  They drank champagne and made love until the wee hours of the morning.

    Chapter 2

    THANKSGIVING DAWNED cold, gray and dreary.  There was talk of snow by nightfall.  Bitsy was up early, preparing the feast and remembering the fiasco of their first Thanksgiving.  This year would be better with Lexie getting her first taste of turkey, pureed, of course. Happily, they would be spared the arrival of the uninvited from the previous year. Simon’s ex-wife Tiffani and her husband Jeff surprised them by barging in with Tiffani, supposedly looking for Simon’s help divorcing Jeff, who followed her to beg her to give him another chance.  Simon threw them out, but Simon’s Aunt Zelda and Uncle William showed up shortly after.  Zelda spent their short time there embarrassing and criticizing Simon’s mother.  Simon threw them out, making it clear that they were not welcome that day or in the future.  They hadn’t been heard from since.  Bitsy hoped this holiday would be better.

    The pies were baking, and the turkey was ready for the oven when Simon came in carrying the baby.  She’s changed and ready for you. He grinned at her as she took Lexie from him and went to the sofa to nurse her. 

    They watched the parade while the turkey cooked and the baby napped.  Edna and Jack were first to arrive, and Jack reached out to take Lexie from Simon as soon as they were in the door.  There she is, there’s Grandpa’s girl! he exclaimed as she reached out her arms for him. 

    Edna sighed. It’s like that whenever we babysit.  I swear, my first grandchild, and I can’t get her away from him for a minute. 

    Jack laughed. Sorry, Sweetheart. But he held onto Lexie and sat on the couch.

    Edna grinned I think he married me so that he could be Grandpa.

    Mandy and Jemma arrived next, followed by Annie and Bitsy’s Mom.  Dinner was a huge success this time, with no surprises except for Maeve having a couple of cocktails too many and falling asleep on the couch.

    A week after Thanksgiving, Simon arrived home from work with a small pet carrier.  He held it as far away from him as possible, but the animal inside was still growling.

    He hates me, Bitsy.

    What’s in there, Simon?  She took the carrier from him.

    Oh God, don’t let it out; it’s vicious!  Simon backed away as Bitsy opened the crate, and a tiny blonde Yorkie ran out and went straight for him, teeth bared and growling.  It stopped a foot away from him but continued growling.  Bitsy was laughing as Simon pleaded with her to get the dog.  She reached down and scooped up the five-pound terror, who immediately stopped growling and licked her face. 

    Where did this come from, and why is it here? she asked while she snuggled the little bundle of fur.

    I had a client who desperately needed to go to the shelter.  She refused because they won’t let her bring the dog.   She had nobody to take it, so I offered to keep it for a while.  I remembered you telling me about that woman in your support group who said she couldn’t leave her dog, and then you never saw her again.  I just had to take it, Bitsy, but it hates me.

    Simon, if a man was beating his owner, this dog probably just hates men; it’s nothing personal.

    It wants to rip out my throat Bitsy.  He said forcefully.

    He can’t reach your throat, Simon; he can barely reach your ankle.  She laughed and put the dog down.

    What’s his name? she asked as she picked the baby up from her bouncer and sat on the floor with her to see how they’d get along.  He sniffed at the baby, who squealed with joy and reached for him.  Bitsy let Lexie sit on the floor in front of her, and the dog immediately laid down and rested his head on the baby’s leg.

    Milo, Simon said softly, hoping the dog would ignore him but as soon as he moved to sit on the couch, the little demon was back, growling at him. 

    Bitsy laughed. Simon, I don’t think he’ll hurt you, but I wouldn’t try to pet him if I were you.

    Not a chance in hell, Simon answered.

    Milo settled in almost immediately.  He didn’t like Simon, and the feeling was mutual. They were able to coexist, although Milo always growled at Simon, and Simon gave Milo a wide berth when passing him. 

    Milo quickly decided that Lexie was his person and could always be found wherever she was.  Lexie and Milo were inseparable.  He cried outside her bedroom door at night, and they finally moved his bed next to her crib.  Bitsy worried about the day they’d have to give him back to his owner; she wasn’t sure how Lexie would handle the loss.

    After sharing the story of Milo’s arrival at her support group meeting, Bitsy was approached by a young woman who had recently joined the group.  The woman looked about the same age as Bitsy, tall and slender with light brown hair.  The bruises on her face were fading and almost hidden by her makeup.

    Bitsy, my name is Janet, and I think what you did for Milo’s owner is awesome.  I hope that maybe you can help me too.

    Smiling warmly, Bitsy touched the woman’s arm, hoping to encourage her. I’ll try, Janet.  What’s the problem?

    Is there any chance you could take my puppy for a little while?  I had to get out; things were getting worse. Bill was getting worse.  I left with nothing, just my dog.  I’m at the shelter for now.  I have no family here.  My friend has Daisy right now, but she can’t keep her because her son is allergic.  The woman was sobbing now.  If I can’t find someone to keep her, I’ll have to leave the shelter and go back to Bill. I’m terrified. If I go back, it will be worse than ever because I left him.

    Bitsy never hesitated, immediately agreeing to help.  Surely, they could handle another little dog.  She had to do it; there was no way the woman could return to her abuser.  Bitsy couldn’t live with herself if that happened.

    When they arrived at the friend’s house to pick up Daisy, Bitsy was stunned to find that a huge Old English Sheepdog was the puppy in question.  Daisy was a big furry bundle of love. She nudged Bitsy’s hand to be petted, tail wagging furiously.

    She is housebroken, right? Bitsy asked fearfully.

    Yes, and she won’t pull you when you walk her.  She’s very gentle with small children and other animals but gets excited and jumps on new people.  We’ve been working on that but so far. Janet shrugged. She’s the sweetest thing.  I don’t have any money right now, but there’s a big bag of dog food, and I’ll buy more when I can.

    Janet, don’t worry about that.  You take care of yourself.  We’ll take care of Daisy and make sure you get to see her as often as possible.

    Daisy was well-behaved and walked with Bitsy, never pulling on the leash.  When Bitsy let herself into the apartment, Milo took one look at Daisy and ran to Lexie’s room.  Lexie was sitting on the floor and giggled at the big dog while Annie sat dumbfounded on the couch. 

    This is Daisy. Bitsy smiled at Annie. She’s going to be staying with us for a while.

    Well, this will be fun,  Annie remarked

    Bitsy took the dog over to where Lexie was playing, and Daisy lay beside her.  Lexie made excited little noises and laid her head on Daisy’s neck.  Bitsy sat on the floor and watched them get acquainted.  While Lexie enjoyed pulling Simon’s hair, it amazed Bitsy that she never pulled on the animals’ fur.   Milo came back out of the bedroom and cautiously approached Daisy.  Lexie giggled at the two dogs; within a few minutes, they were friends.

    Bitsy looked at Annie and shrugged. Looks like we’ll be okay for a while.  Would you like a cup of tea?

    No thanks, I think I’ll go on home.  It’s almost time for my story, and you have your hands full.  Don’t get up; I’ll let myself out.  She chuckled as she passed them.

    There were no adjustment issues. By the time Bitsy started dinner, the dogs acted as if they’d always been together.  Lexie obviously loved them both, and now all Bitsy had to do was explain it to Simon.  He’d been in court all day, and she hadn’t had a chance to let him know about Daisy. 

    Simon was exhausted after spending the entire day in court and would be back there again in the morning.  He was worried about this case and was deep in thought as he unlocked and opened the door.  Suddenly he was knocked off balance by Daisy and barely managed to keep from falling over as the giant dog stood on her hind legs with her front paws on his shoulders, licking his face.  Just behind her, Milo stood growling fiercely as always. 

    Bitsy rushed out from the kitchen Daisy, down.  Daisy immediately backed off, tail wagging furiously. 

    Daisy, sit.  The dog sat right in front of Simon, her tongue hanging out, tail wagging, barely able to control herself.  Lexie sat in her bouncer and laughed at the commotion. 

    I’m sorry, Honey. Bitsy took his briefcase. Take your coat off; dinner is almost ready.  Simon looked from her to the enormous dog as he slipped off his coat.  Bitsy took it and hung it in the closet. When she turned back, Simon still stood in the same place, Milo was still growling, and Daisy waited for someone to pet her.

    I guess you’re wondering about Daisy. She said softly. 

    He raised an eyebrow.  I think I need a drink.

    I’ll get you a beer. Bitsy reached for his hand, leading him past the two dogs to the couch. 

    Bitsy, I think I might need something stronger than beer tonight.  He sat down and looked up at her Daisy? he asked, eyebrows raised.

    Bitsy sat next to him. She belongs to a woman in my support group.  She had nowhere else for Daisy to go; if we couldn’t take her, they would return home.  I didn’t know what else to do.  I couldn’t let her go back there.  Daisy is a good dog. She and Milo are friends already.

    Oh sure, Milo’s friends with Godzilla over there, but he still wants to rip my throat out. 

    Lexie loves her already.  She’s very good with the baby.  It’s just for a little while.

    Stop, Darling; I’m not mad. How could I be?  I did the same thing when I brought home the ankle biter.  I was just surprised.  At least this one likes me. He laughed.

    Bitsy sighed, Simon, there seems to be an overwhelming need for a place where people can leave their pets when they escape an abuser.  The love of a pet is just another weapon the abuser can use to keep someone under control.  There has to be something we can do.

    Maybe there will be someday, honey.  It’s something to think about.  He kissed her and smiled, his blue eyes twinkling.  But for now, let’s just do the little bit we can with Daisy and Milo.  At least we can help two women.  He stood up.  I’m going to change and go for a quick run before dinner.  Maybe I’ll take Godzilla with me; give her some exercise.

    Bitsy rose and put her arms around his waist, laying her head on his chest.  I love you so much, Simon.  You amaze me every day. Go on; dinner will be ready when you get back.

    When Simon left with Daisy, Bitsy couldn’t resist watching him run down the street with the big sheepdog running with him.  She stood on the terrace watching him as she had in the days before they were together, and her response was the same.  She wanted him, but now she didn’t have to wish for it; he was hers.  Back inside, she picked up the baby and held her close. Lexie touched her face and laid her head on Bitsy’s shoulder.  Thanking God for her family, Bitsy took the baby to the kitchen to feed her dinner, planning to get her fed, bathed, and ready for bed before Simon returned.  We love you, baby girl, but Mommy and Daddy need some alone time tonight.

    A few days later, Bitsy and Annie were having lunch together when Cindy called from the shelter.

    Bitsy, I know you’ve been taking in pets for people needing to stay here, and I have a woman here who needs someone to keep her cat temporarily.  She’s an older cat and sleeps a lot. She won’t be any trouble.

    Oh gosh, Cindy, I wish we could, but we have a Yorkie and an Old English Sheepdog right now, and I don’t think they’d get along with a cat.  Bitsy felt awful, wanting to help but knowing it would be a mistake to say yes, and then have to give the poor cat back.

    Annie waved at Bitsy and whispered, I’ll take it.

    Cindy, hold on a second, please. Bitsy muted the call.  Annie, are you sure?

    Yes!  Absolutely.  I want to help.  This is perfect, and I love cats.  Please, let me help.

    Bitsy nodded.  Thank you, Annie. 

    She unmuted the call, Cindy, my friend Annie has volunteered to take the cat.  Where is she now?

    Right here, in my office.  She’s in a carrier, and we have everything she’ll need.  Thank you so much, Bitsy.

    I’m glad we could help. I’ll call Simon to stop by on his way home.  Luckily he took the car today. He should get there about five or so.

    After hanging up with Cindy, she called Simon. He picked up immediately, and she could hear the smile in his voice. 

    Hey, Sweetheart, I was just going to call you.  I think I’m going to come home early; my case was postponed.  Do you want me to pick up anything on my way home?

    Bitsy laughed.  Yes, as a matter of fact, I do.  Can you go by the shelter and pick up a cat?  Cindy said she has everything it needs.

    There was a moment of silence then Simon asked softly, A cat? Bitsy, do you think that’s wise with the two dogs?

    Annie’s going to take it.  She volunteered.

    He chuckled. Of course she did.  Okay, I’ll be home in an hour or so.  Love you.

    Love you too.

    Over the next few days, Annie received two more cats to foster.  Bitsy knew this was just the beginning. She was sure there would be more calls from the shelter now that they had started keeping the pets.  There was a tremendous need for pet fosters, and she worried about the day they’d have to say no.  There would be a desperate woman trying to save herself who would stay with her abuser because they couldn’t take the pet.  But they lived in a two-bedroom apartment with a baby.  The space was limited.  She pushed it out of her mind and decided they’d cross that bridge when they came to it.

    Lexie’s first Christmas was a fantastic experience.  There were now more toys than ever since she was showered with gifts from all her grandparents as well as Mandy and Jemma.  Bitsy and Simon had also given her a couple of things, prompting Simon to say, We may need to get another apartment for Lexie.  Everybody laughed, but Bitsy was already figuring out where to put everything.

    The following week, she took toys and baby clothes that Lexie had outgrown to the shelter.  Cindy assured her that she would get them to someone who needed them.  Lexie never missed any of the donated things, and Bitsy felt good knowing they were helping in another way.

    Chapter 3

    On a snowy Saturday afternoon in January, Bitsy took Daisy for a long walk.  Both she and the dog needed some fresh air and exercise.  Simon got Lexie down for a nap. He was about to lie on the couch and take a nap himself when the doorbell rang.  Thinking it was Bitsy coming back, he unlocked the door, chuckling, Did you forget your key again?

    The door was pushed open, and he was almost knocked off his feet. 

    Paul Russo slammed the door and locked it.  Simon saw the gun in his hand, and his blood froze.  All he could think about was the baby sleeping in the next room.

    Get over there, Paul ordered, pointing to the living room. Where is she?

    Simon’s mind was racing, trying to think of a way to diffuse this situation and keep his family safe.  He moved in the direction indicated, standing between Paul and the hallway leading to Lexie. Where’s who? he asked, working hard to control himself and keep his voice steady. Who are you looking for?

    My wife.  You know damn fucking well who I’m looking for.  That little bitch destroyed my life.  My mother’s dead.  Did you know that?  Me going to prison, that’s what killed her.  It’s all her fault, that cheating bitch.  His eyes narrowed.  You!  It was you!  She was okay until you came along. 

    Simon reached behind him, trying to get hold of the fireplace poker or anything he could use as a weapon.  He was sure this guy was going to kill him.  All he could think about was Bitsy and the baby.  What would happen to them?  What would Paul do to them?

    Paul noticed the baby’s toys.  You have a kid?  It’s probably mine, you know.  She’s my wife, and that’s my kid.  You stole my life; this should all be mine, not yours.

    Simon’s hands found the poker, working it out of the holder.

    Paul was utterly unhinged.  He took a step toward Simon, raising the gun level with Simon’s heart.

    Where the fuck is she? Paul demanded again.

    Just then, Bitsy’s key went into the lock, and she opened the door.  Paul turned to look at her.  She was shocked to see him standing there; then she saw the gun.  She let go of Daisy’s leash.  Daisy flew across the room, tail wagging, tongue hanging out; she threw herself on Paul, knocking him to the floor.  Daisy was on top of him, pinning him to the floor as she licked his face happily.  Milo came running from Lexie’s room and began biting at Paul’s legs.  The gun had dropped out of his hand as he fell, and Bitsy picked it up.  She stood over Paul; his gun was now aimed at his head. 

    Bitsy, no Simon’s voice was calm though he was anything but.  The only thing worse than Paul holding a gun on him was Bitsy holding a gun on Paul.  Don’t shoot him. 

    It’s okay, Simon. Her voice was barely a whisper.  I won’t kill him; I just want to hurt him.

    Paul looked at her; seeing the terror in his eyes pleased her. Bitsy was in total control, her hand was steady, and her eyes were cold. 

    Hey baby, I... I...  Paul stammered.  There was no mistaking Bitsy’s ability or desire to pull the trigger.

    Don’t do it, Bitsy. I’m calling 911.  Simon pleaded as he pulled out his phone and dialed the police.  He didn’t move, unsure what might cause Bitsy to shoot Paul. 

    Daisy was suddenly aware that this man wasn’t a friend. He was a threat.  This man was like the one who hurt her Mom.  Daisy tensed.  She stopped licking Paul’s face, her tail stopped wagging, and she growled a dark, guttural growl.  Paul struggled to move, and Daisy growled deeper, baring her teeth, her face inches from his. 

    Paul stopped struggling and lay still, both dogs continued growling, and Bitsy kept the gun aimed at his head.  She laughed a cold, hard sound that was nothing like anything Simon had ever heard from her.  Paul’s face was a study in terror. 

    Bitsy, I’m sorry.  Now Paul was crying. I only came to tell you how sorry I am.

    With a gun pointed at my husband?  With my child asleep in the next room?  You’re sorry?  Bitsy’s voice was shrill. She was at her breaking point.

    Simon moved slowly toward her.  Bitsy, they’re on the way.  Give me the gun.

    Taking a deep breath, Bitsy regained control of herself and responded, her voice low and dangerous.  No. He knows that you don’t have the heart to shoot him.  I won’t hesitate. He knows that too. Don’t you, Paul?  You know I’d kill you in a heartbeat and be glad I did it, don’t you?  She never took her eyes off Paul, taking pleasure in watching his terror grow.  She remembered all the times he had been the one towering over her as she lay on the floor while he kicked her.  She remembered all the times he threw her against a wall. The many times he punched her in the face.  Most vividly, the night he murdered the baby that had been growing inside her.

    Bitsy had never felt so powerful.  She watched the beads of sweat rolling down his face, along with his tears.  She knew with absolute certainty that she would shoot him dead if he even tried to get up.

    It was less than ten minutes later when the police knocked on the door.  Simon opened it, and the cops rushed into the apartment, guns drawn. 

    Simon was terrified; this was the moment when everything could go terribly wrong.  Put the gun down, Ma’am.  the first cop ordered.  Bitsy didn’t move. Simon was holding his breath and praying.

    Ma’am, put the gun down on the floor and step away now.  The cop ordered again.  Bitsy smiled coldly at Paul, put the gun down on the floor, and stepped away.

    Daisy, sit, Bitsy ordered.  Daisy immediately got off Paul and went to sit at Bitsy’s feet.  Bitsy reached down and scooped up Milo just as the policeman ordered Paul to roll over and put the handcuffs on him.  When Bitsy put Milo back down on the floor, he ran into Lexie’s room.

    Watching them roughly pull Paul to his feet, she stood before him.  Do not ever come anywhere near my family or me again or.... 

    Bitsy! Simon cut her off sharply before she could voice the threat.  The pure hatred in her eyes chilled Paul to the bone.  It chilled Bitsy too. She had never felt anything like it before.

    Simon gave the police his statement, and Bitsy answered their questions.  When they were gone, Simon put his arms around her. I was afraid you were going to kill him. He whispered.

    So was I, she said softly.

    He walked away from a work detail this morning. He’s going back to prison, and it won’t be light security this time.  There won’t be any more work details. He’s in for good. He’ll have to finish his original sentence, and there’ll be new charges for what happened here today.  He won’t be coming back, Bitsy.

    She nodded and held him tight.  "I don’t know what I

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