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5th Stone: 5 Stones, a Lion, a Bear and a Giant, #5
5th Stone: 5 Stones, a Lion, a Bear and a Giant, #5
5th Stone: 5 Stones, a Lion, a Bear and a Giant, #5
Ebook63 pages27 minutes

5th Stone: 5 Stones, a Lion, a Bear and a Giant, #5

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About this ebook

As high school seniors prepare to graduate, this guide helps them think about their past and their future. It starts by asking them to think about themselves – what they enjoy, what they're good at, and what matters to them. This helps them choose a job that suits them well.


The guide also says congratulations to seniors for finishing 12 years of school and reaching the end of high school. It tells them to enjoy this moment and feel proud of what they've done. For those who have been following the book series, it reminds them that their careers are starting to take shape, and they're ready for what comes next. This is a big moment, and the guide is here to help seniors figure out their next steps.


Finally, the guide gives seniors a pat on the back and tells them to celebrate their success. It encourages them to be excited about the future and all the great things that are waiting for them.

Release dateNov 15, 2023
5th Stone: 5 Stones, a Lion, a Bear and a Giant, #5

Sterling Lavender

Introducing Sterling Lavender, a passionate advocate for education and mentorship, whose roots lie deep in the vibrant landscape of California. Born and raised amidst the sun-soaked valleys and diverse communities of the Golden State, Sterling Lavender has cultivated a deep appreciation for the potential that lies within every individual. Having navigated the waters of mentorship throughout most of his life, Sterling Lavender understands the transformative power of guidance and support. From personal experiences growing up in California to professional endeavors in corporate America, Sterling Lavender has been committed to fostering meaningful mentor/mentee relationships. This dedication extended beyond the boardroom, where he generously shared knowledge by tutoring students, recognizing the importance of giving to the community. Sterling Lavender carries the belief that every child deserves the opportunity to live out their dreams. This sentiment has been a driving force behind his advocacy efforts, influencing his work in both professional and community settings. With a heart dedicated to empowering the younger generation, Sterling Lavender strives to make a lasting impact, ensuring that every child has the support and encouragement needed to realize their full potential.

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    Book preview

    5th Stone - Sterling Lavender

    Proverb 27:6

    Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.


    As you step into your senior year of high school, it's vital to recognize that life is an incredible journey filled with diverse milestones, big and small, waiting to be achieved. Each year, you've grown, learned, and evolved, and now, as you approach this significant chapter, it's essential to acknowledge and celebrate the milestones that come your way. Whether it's acing a challenging exam, getting accepted into a dream college, or simply having a memorable day with friends, these moments contribute to the tapestry of your life. Celebrating them, no matter how small, adds richness and depth to your journey, reminding you of the joy and growth found in the everyday.

    Embrace this last year of high school with open arms and an open heart. Cherish the experiences, the friendships, and the personal growth that it offers. Every milestone you achieve is a testament to your hard work and dedication. Each accomplishment is a stepping stone, guiding you toward a future filled with promise and potential. So, as you move forward, remember to celebrate the journey, appreciating each milestone for what it is – a unique and irreplaceable part of your amazing life story.

    To make the most of the guidance provided in this manual, it's important not to rush through it. Take it one chapter at a time, allowing the knowledge to sink in and become a part of your academic and personal growth journey. Consider these key guidelines:

    Pacing is Key

    Develop your own schedule for completing chapters, every two weeks or every month is recommended using one week for reading and the following week for reflection. Dedicate 30 minutes to 1 hour of your time per session, ideally on the weekend, to explore the material.This way, you can truly absorb the content and reflect on it.

    Active Engagement

    When you engage with the exercises within each chapter, invest time in contemplation. Thoughtfully considering the questions presented will empower you to gain the most from this guide and support your personal and academic growth.

    Chapter 1: Self Assessment

    As a high school senior, you stand at the threshold of an exciting phase in your life - the transition to college or

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