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We Would Have To Rely On Her Income Until
We Would Have To Rely On Her Income Until
We Would Have To Rely On Her Income Until
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We Would Have To Rely On Her Income Until

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The conflict between the private central bank and the independent financial system has become more tense since the death of President Harrison. In 1841, the Whig Party chaired by Henry Clay twice proposed restoring a private central bank and abolishing independent finance. Both times the results were vetoed by President Harrison's successor, Vic

PublisherPatrick Hanna
Release dateFeb 1, 2024
We Would Have To Rely On Her Income Until

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    We Would Have To Rely On Her Income Until - Patrick Hanna

    We Would Have To Rely On Her Income Until

    We Would Have To Rely On Her Income Until

    Copyright © 2023 by Patrick Hanna

    All rights reserved








    In 1837, Martin Van Buren - the successor supported by President Jackson - took over the White House. Buren's biggest challenge is how to overcome the risk of a serious crisis due to the tightening of the money supply by the International Bank. His pioneering strategy is to build an independent financial system (Independent Treasury System), withdraw all currency controlled by the Ministry of Finance from the private banking system, and then deposit it into his system in The financial. Historians call this move the divorce between finance and banking.

    The origin of the independent financial system was when President Jackson vetoed the extension of the Second Bank's business term and ordered the withdrawal of all government funds from this banking system. , transferred to deposit in state banks. Unexpectedly, bankers used government money as reserves, then issued credit in large quantities for speculation. This was another cause of the crisis of 1837. The source of government money proposed by Martin Van Buren must be released from the financial system to protect the government's capital while also considering the possibility of banks using taxpayer money to issue credit at reasonable rates. Large quantities create imbalance in the economy.

    Another characteristic of an independent financial system is that all funds entering the financial system need to be expressed in terms of gold and silver.

    Thus, the government had a fulcrum to regulate and control the country's gold coin supply to control the conflict between European banks over the issuance of US currency. This way of thinking can be said to be a ruse if viewed from a long-term perspective, but if considered in the short term, it can detonate the credit risk bomb of many banks, just like dumping Add fuel to the fire in the conflict with America's second bank, and the crisis will become uncontrollable.

    In this process, Henry Clay was a very important figure. He was an important successor to Hamilton's idea of establishing a private central bank and was a popular figure among bankers. He is talented in speaking, has a rigorous way of thinking and is charismatic. He gathered with him a group of pro-banking parliamentarians and was supported by the banks. He founded the Whig party (predecessor of the British liberal party) - a party that firmly opposed President Jackson's banking policy - and devoted his efforts to restoring a privately owned central bank.

    In the 1840 presidential election, the Whig party nominated war hero William Henry Harrison, and due to a change in people's thinking about the economic danger, Harrison easily won and became the 9th president of the United States.

    As leader of the Whig party, Henry Clay repeatedly directed Harrison how to run politics. After Harrison became president, the conflict between the two became increasingly fierce.

    Henry Clay summoned the incoming president to his home in Lexington. Because of thinking about the big picture, Harrison patiently went to Henry Clay's house, but because of the national bank issue, independent financial regime and many other issues, the two men quarreled with each other. The reason was because Henry Clay thought he could use his status as emperor to give orders. Although he did not have Harrison's consent, he asked a writer to write the inauguration speech on behalf of the president and Harrison refused. After that, Harrison also personally wrote a few inauguration speeches longer than 8,000 words. . The document summarizing Harrison's ideology of governing the country refuted the argument of private central banking and abolished the independent financial policy advocated by Henry Clay, creating a bone-crunching blow to the opposition. with the interests of the bank(26).

    March 4, 1841 was a cold day. President Harrison delivered his inaugural address in the cold wind, and then caught a cold. For President Harrison, who spent his life in battle, this was no big deal. Unexpectedly, his illness became increasingly more serious than usual, and on April 4, the president passed away. die. The alert and lively president had just taken office and was preparing to implement many great plans when he suddenly suddenly died. Either way, it's extremely suspicious. Some historians believe that the president was poisoned, possibly on March 30, and 6 days later, President Harrison died.

    The conflict between the private central bank and the independent financial system has become more tense since the death of President Harrison. In 1841, the Whig Party chaired by Henry Clay twice proposed restoring a private central bank and abolishing independent finance. Both times the results were vetoed by President Harrison's successor, Vice President John Tyler. Angry and embarrassed Henry Clay ordered John Tyler to be expelled from the Whig Party, resulting in President John Tyler luckily becoming the only orphan president in American history to be expelled. from the Party.

    By 1849, after being elected president, Zachary Tayler - another Whig Party figure - restored the hopes of the Central Bank. Building a private central bank on the model of the Bank of England is the ultimate dream of bankers, and it means that the bank ultimately decides the fate of the nation and its people. . Looking at President Harrison's previous mistakes, Tayler always appeared indifferent to this very important central banking issue, however, he was also not willing to become a puppet in the hands of Henry Clay. Historian Michael Holt said that President Tayler once implicitly expressed like this: The intention to build a Central Bank has been decided, and it is not an issue that needs to be considered by me during my term of office. myself(27). As a result, what was decided here was not the attention of the Central Bank but rather President Taylor himself.

    On July 4, 1850, President Tayler attended the National Day ceremony held in front of the Washington Monument. The weather that day was extremely hot, Tayler drank some iced milk and ate some cherries, resulting in a stomach ache. On July 9, this handsome and muscular president also mysteriously passed away.

    The mysterious sudden death due to unknown illnesses of both presidents with military backgrounds naturally caused a stir in public opinion. Historians have debated this topic for centuries. In 1991, after receiving the consent of President Tayler's family, his body was exhumed. People took samples of the president's fingernails and hair for testing. Results showed that he died of poisoning. Of course, the investigation agency quickly concealed that the amount of poisoning was very small and was not enough to cause death, then hastily ended the investigation. To this day, no one knows why the president's body has those toxins.

    7. International banks created the crisis of 1857

    Because the Second Bank of America closed in 1836, international banking tycoons suddenly withdrew all the metal currency circulating in the United States, creating a serious economic crisis. took place continuously for 5 years in this country. Although in 1841, representatives of international banking tycoons tried twice to restore a private central banking system, but both times they failed, and the relationship between the two sides fell apart. The frozen state, the state of US monetary tightening, lasted until 1848 before it began to be released.

    The reason for the positive change of the situation is of course not because the international banking tycoons were too lenient, but because in 1848, the United States discovered a very large gold mine: the San Francisco gold mine.

    America's gold supply for nine consecutive years since 1848 has skyrocketed unprecedentedly. California alone produces gold coins worth up to $5 billion. In 1851, a large gold mine was also discovered in Australia. The world gold supply jumped from 144 million shillings in 1851 to 376 million shillings in 1861. And America's domestic gold flow from 83 million dollars in 1840 increased jumped to $253 million in 1860(28).

    The discovery of large gold mines in the US and Australia broke the absolute control of European financiers over the world gold supply. The US government breathed a sigh of relief because it was able to escape the situation of having to tighten its currency. The supply of money with good quality and large quantity has increased market confidence, banks have begun to expand credit activities on a large scale. The most important basis of America's wealth is that many important American industries such as industry, minerals, transportation, and machinery were all rapidly restored during this golden period.

    Seeing that financial control is no longer effective, international banking tycoons have launched new policies. That is the policy of financial control and political division.

    Before the crisis ended, banking tycoons began to buy valuable wealth from the people at dirt cheap prices. By 1853, when the American economy was booming, foreign capital, especially British capital, owned 46% of all federal bonds, 58% of all state bonds, and 26% of all state bonds. US railway bonds (29). Thus, once the central banking regime is in place, the US economy will be controlled by banking tycoons like other European countries.

    International banking tycoons expanded credit activities, causing the economy to grow at a bubble-like speed so that people and other businesses could try to create wealth, then quickly stepped on the credit brakes. , causing most businesses and people to go bankrupt, while banks enjoyed a bumper harvest. Sure enough, while seeing the harvest season coming, international bankers and their representatives in the US tightened credit, causing the crisis of 1857. But things went beyond expectations. Their opinion is that the strength of the US economy is no longer the same as it was 20 years ago. The crisis of 1857 cannot seriously traumatize the US economy again, but it only lasts for a short time. years, America has quelled the crisis.

    Seeing that America's strength is getting stronger and finance is becoming more and more difficult to control, international banking tycoons set their central task: inciting civil war and dividing America.

    8. Origin of the American Civil War: European international financial power

    There is no doubt that the civil war that divided America into two federal halves with relatively weak strength was planned by European financial entities very early on.

    Bismarck - Prime Minister of Germany.

    The history of America's development is associated with the intervention and conspiracy of international forces. What surprises people the most is the penetration and subversion of the United States by international financial forces. However, these are also the least known things.

    The largest war occurring on its own territory in America's history certainly belongs to the North-South civil war. This four-year bloody war involved 3 million people, accounting for 10% of America's population, 600,000 people died, countless people were disabled, and a huge amount of wealth was destroyed in the process. The flames of war, and the wounds this war left on the people, have still not been completely recovered after more than 140 years.

    Today, debates related to the causes of the North-South civil war largely revolve around the morality of the war, that is, eliminating the existence of slavery, just as Sydney E. Ahlstrom said. (If there were no slavery, there would be no war. If there were no moral condemnation of slavery, there would be no war"(30).

    But in fact, regarding slavery in America in the 19th century, economic interests ranked first, while moral issues ranked second. The mainstay of the Southern economy at that time was cotton production and slavery, and if slavery were abolished, farm owners would be forced to pay the original slaves according to their value. white public labor market, and thus, the entire industry will suffer, the social and economic structure will collapse. If war is said to be the continuation of political struggle, then behind the conflict of political interests is the calculation of economic interests. On the surface of this calculation of economic benefits, there is a difference in economic benefits between the North and South, but its essence is still the strategy of playing the divide and rule game of the financial forces. international.

    Bismarck - the German Chancellor, who was closely related to the Rothschild family - said very accurately that "There is no doubt that the civil war that divided America into two federal halves with relatively weak strength was planned very early by European financial powers.

    In fact, it is the London - Paris - Frankfurt axis bankers who throw stones behind the US North-South war.

    To incite civil war in America, international bankers conducted long-term, careful and thorough planning. After the American War of Independence, the British textile industry and the slave-owning classes in the American South gradually built a close business relationship with each other. European financiers immediately seized this opportunity, secretly developing a network of key figures who could incite a future North-South conflict. In the south at that time, representatives of all types of British financiers were present everywhere, and together with local political forces, they participated in planning plots, creating all kinds of news and stories. as public opinion wants to separate from the federation. They skillfully took advantage of the conflict of economic interests on the issue of slavery in the North and South, constantly creating tension, conflict and making the problem more serious than it was. finally succeeded in pushing the issue of slavery into a fierce contradiction that could not be reconciled like water and fire between the two regions.

    International banks are prepared, just waiting for war to break out so they can reap big profits. In the process of inciting war, the tactic they are accustomed to using is two-timing, regardless of who wins.

    The huge debts the government had to pay for the war were the most sumptuous feast of the banks.

    In the fall of 1859, as a traveler, the famous French banking tycoon Salomon de Rothschild came to America from Paris. He was the general coordinator of all existing plans, traveling between the North and South, contacting important figures in the American political and financial world, bringing all collected intelligence

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