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Build A Reputation For Speed And Reliability
Build A Reputation For Speed And Reliability
Build A Reputation For Speed And Reliability
Ebook168 pages2 hours

Build A Reputation For Speed And Reliability

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Develop a long-term perspective. Take a longer view in everything you do. Plan two, three, four, five years for the future and don't allow yourself to fall into an emotionally unstable state with the short-term ups and downs of daily life.

Keep in mind that everything in your life moves in its cycles and trends. Be calm, confident, and com

PublisherPatrick Hanna
Release dateFeb 1, 2024
Build A Reputation For Speed And Reliability

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    Build A Reputation For Speed And Reliability - Patrick Hanna

    Build A Reputation For Speed And Reliability

    Build A Reputation For Speed And Reliability

    Copyright © 2023 by Patrick Hanna

    All rights reserved








    You can get everything you want if you help others get what they want.

    The rewards you receive in life are always directly proportional to your service to others. Millionaires have always been obsessed with serving customers. They think about their customers anytime, anywhere. They are constantly finding new and better ways to serve their customers.

    Ask yourself these questions: What do customers really want? What do customers appreciate? What can I do for my customers better than others? Why are my customers buying someone else's product today and what do I have to do to get them to buy from me?

    Your success in life will be directly proportional to what you do after you do what is expected of you. Always look for opportunities to do more than you get paid. Always look for ways to go the extra mile to make the client more than what is required and compensated. Because remember that on this extra mile you will never encounter a traffic jam.

    Your customers are the people on whom your success depends. This means that your superiors and colleagues are just as customers as the people who buy

    given time. Identifying the most valuable thing you spend your time doing and then getting right to work is key to financial success.

    Finally, be dedicated to one task, the most important task and stick with it until it is 100% complete. Be patient and don't get sidetracked or distracted. Push yourself into the work until it's done.

    If you consistently identify priorities and focus on the highest-value task, you'll be most likely to perform at your best. Gradually, this habit will become automatic and will guarantee success in life. Just this habit can help you become a millionaire.


    Identify the most important thing you can do right now to achieve your most important goal, and then train yourself to do it, just that,  until it's 100% complete.  The ability to do this job, this job alone can change your entire life.

    13. Build a reputation for speed and reliability

    Do your job, but don't just

    Time is the money of the 21st century. Everyone today is living in an unusual hurry.

    Customers don't even know right now that they want a product or service they wanted yesterday. People are getting less and less patient. Loyal customers will change suppliers overnight, if someone else serves them faster than the current supplier. Today, instant gratification is not fast enough as one might expect.

    Your job is to build a reputation for speed. Develop a sense of urgency. Develop a penchant for action. Act fast to seize opportunities. Act fast when people want or need something. Act fast when you see something that needs to be done.

    When your boss or client asks you to do something, put everything aside and make the request so fast that it surprises them. You've heard someone say, Whenever you want something done, give it to a busy person. Celebrities who are agile attract more opportunities and are more likely to come to them. They have more opportunities to do more things and do them faster than those who only work when they feel inspired.

    When you combine your abilities to choose the task to prioritize the most with a commitment to do it the fastest and best, you'll find yourself moving forward. More opportunities will open up for you, more than you can imagine.


    Choose an important task that you can't put off to work on or complete, and stick to doing it immediately. Repeat the mantra over and over again: Do it now! Must do it now! Gotta do it now!

    14. Prepare to climb from one peak to another

    Winning is not at one moment but at every

    Like a climber, after climbing one peak, he or she will have to descend into a valley before climbing another, your life and career will also be a series of ups and downs. Have you ever heard the saying, Life is a process of taking two steps forward, one step back?

    Business also has cycles and trends. There are down cycles and up cycles. Often, trends in business can lead to a complete change in the entire business industry. We see through the example of the Internet today. The Internet and technological developments in every way are changing many ideas and beliefs about how business has long been shaped.

    Develop a long-term perspective. Take a longer view in everything you do. Plan two, three, four, five years for the future and don't allow yourself to fall into an emotionally unstable state with the short-term ups and downs of daily life.

    Keep in mind that everything in your life moves in its cycles and trends. Be calm, confident, and comfortable with momentary fluctuations in your career. When you have clear goals and plans that you are working on daily, gradually the general trend in your life will be forward and upward.


    Identify important cycles and trends in your business. Where is the market going? What's changing and how do you adapt to it? What do you need to do today to be ready to take advantage of tomorrow's new world? Whatever the answer,  let's do it now.

    15. Self-discipline in all things

    Self-discipline is

    Self-education is the most important quality for success in life and for becoming a millionaire. If you can train yourself to do the things you need to do, in the moment when it is necessary to do them, regardless of whether you like it or not, then success will surely come to you.

    The key to becoming a millionaire is having a long-term perspective combined with the ability to delay immediate gratification. It's the ability to set long-term goals so that you become financially independent, then discipline yourself with each day, every purchase, and spend to focus on doing what ensures you will eventually achieve your long-term goals.

    Self-discipline requires self-control, self-control, self-responsibility, and self-guidance. The difference between successful people and losers is that successful people have a habit of doing things that losers don't like to do. What are those? The things that losers don't like to do are also the things that successful people don't like to do. But successful people do things they don't like anyway because they realize that this is the price they have to pay for the success they crave.

    Successful people focus more on  satisfying outcomes, while losers are more interested  in ways to  deliver pleasure. Successful people take action to achieve their goals, while failures act to relieve stress. Successful people do hard, necessary, and important things. On the contrary, people who fail like to do these things for fun, giving them instant gratification.

    The great thing is that when you train yourself in one area, your spirit of self-training in other areas also increases. Each time you practice self-training, your self-esteem also multiplies. You love and respect yourself more. The more discipline you practice in small things, the more likely you will be to implement the tough discipline necessary for you to seize great opportunities and overcome life's tough challenges.

    Remember, everything in life is a test. Every day, every hour, every minute, you check – your self-control, control, and self-training. Test to see if you can do the most important things yourself and stick with them until they are completed. Check to see if you can focus on what you want and where you're going, rather than just thinking or talking about things you don't want or problems you've had in the past. As you pass each of these tests, move forward and go to class next. When you pass this test, you have also moved forward in life. Success requires tons of discipline. Because as Jim Rohn said, Discipline weighs a pound, while failure weighs a ton.


    Change one thing at a time.  Identify an area of your life that you find if lack of discipline will have an impact on your success. Today, improve your discipline in that area. Warm up resolutely. Tell others about your decision. No exceptions should be allowed until the new habit is firmly established. This decision can change your life.

    16. Unleash your natural creativity

    Imagination is more important than

    There's some better news here. You are a hidden genius. You are smarter than you imagine. You have more intelligence and creativity than you've ever used.

    Your brain has 10 billion cells, each of which is connected to about 20,000 other cells by a complex network of neurons and branches. This means that there are more combinations and permutations of cells in your brain than there are known molecules in the universe. Therefore, the possibilities to develop ideas to help you succeed are endless, meaning that the possibilities for you to succeed are endless.

    Your creativity is stimulated by three factors: first, strong goals; second, pressing issues; Third, the central questions. The more you focus your mind on achieving goals, solving problems, or answering difficult questions in your personal or business life, the smarter and better you will become intellectually focused on your future work.

    Your brain and creativity are like muscles. The more you use them, the stronger and more resilient they will be. You can boost your intelligence and IQ by exercising your ability to think creatively on a daily basis. And remember, creativity is just another word for innovation. Whenever you have the idea to innovate part of your work to find a newer, better, faster, cheaper, and easier way to do things, you're at the highest level of creativity.

    Just as you train your muscles by training with bodybuilding exercises, you can also develop your mind by training, here is an exercise that helps you develop your brain and helps you discover the hidden genius within you.

    Take a blank sheet of paper, write on top of the page the most important goal and the most outstanding issue in the form of a question. For example, you could write, How can I double my income in two to three years?

    Now, write down at least 20 different answers to that question yourself. Choose one of those answers and do it immediately. You will be amazed at the results you achieve.


    Write down the most outstanding problem or goal you most want to achieve. Then  imagine that this problem has been solved perfectly or that this goal has been achieved with excellent results. What is the solution or achievement? What will you do immediately to bring about this result? Remember, action is everything.

    17. Socialize with the right people

    Five years from now you'll still be the person you are today, unless you meet friends and read books.

    85% of your success and happiness in life is determined by the quality of the relationships you develop in your personal and professional activities. The more people you get to know and the more people who know you in a positive relationship, the faster you are likely to succeed and move forward.

    It seems that in every landmark moment in life, there will always be someone who will either help you or hinder you. Successful people have a habit of building and maintaining networks of trusting relationships. As a result, they get more done than people who come home from work and watch TV every night.

    Everything has a relationship. Nearly every problem you have in life arises as a result of you putting inappropriate relationships with inappropriate people. All your great success comes from good relationships with good people — people with whom you and they help each other.

    More than 90% of your success is determined by your networking team. Networking groups are defined as people with whom you regularly bond and are with them.

    You're like a chameleon in that you'll be influenced by your attitudes, behaviors, values, and beliefs from the people you spend most of your time with. If you want to be a successful person, reach out and surround yourself with positive people. Make friends with people who are optimistic, happy, purposeful and constantly rising in life. At the same time, stay away from negative, critical, complaining people. If you want to fly with eagles, you can't find turkeys.

    Millionaires are constantly growing their networks. They participate in trade and industry associations, attend all meetings, and are interested in the activities of groups. They introduce themselves to people at social and business events, hand out business cards, and talk about things they do.

    And this is one of the best strategies. Whenever you meet new people, ask them to

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