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The Right In Our Wrong: Act I, #1
The Right In Our Wrong: Act I, #1
The Right In Our Wrong: Act I, #1
Ebook52 pages40 minutes

The Right In Our Wrong: Act I, #1

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About this ebook

Dive into a world where societal expectations clash with forbidden love and the fight for self-discovery.


In "The Right In Our Wrongs: Where Love Defies The Righteous," Olivia navigates a life dictated by appearances, her every move a reflection of societal norms. Yearning for a freedom she only dares to dream of, she finds herself infatuated by Emmet, a captivating artist whose defiance paints a vibrant contrast to her world. Their paths collide, igniting a forbidden romance that challenges them to confront buried truths and societal pressures.


As they navigate a minefield of betrayal and personal battles, their journey becomes a testament to the strength of the human spirit. Through self-discovery, emotional awakening, and the relentless pursuit of self-truth, Olivia and Emmet grapple with their own internal demons and the courage to break free. This raw exploration of love's transformative power delves into the complexities of mental health, offering solace and understanding to anyone fighting their own silent battles.


"The Right In Our Wrongs" is more than just a love story; it's a celebration of individuality and the resilience of the human spirit. It's a captivating tale for anyone who has ever yearned for a love that defies expectations, dared to dream beyond societal constraints, and sought the courage to embrace their true selves.

Release dateFeb 26, 2024
The Right In Our Wrong: Act I, #1

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    Book preview

    The Right In Our Wrong - Nicholas Vaughn

    The Right In Our Wrongs: Where Love Defies The Righteous

    By: Nicholas A Vaughn


    Under the cloak of a starlit sky, Olivia and Emmet found themselves alone in the world's silence, the sprawling park around them an ocean of shadow and light. The air, crisp with the promise of winter, carried with it the scent of change, of impending decisions that hovered at the edge of consciousness. They had wandered, as if by fate's design, to a secluded bench, where a partial statue stood guard, its unfinished portions spread wide in a type of silent and complex benediction.

    Their conversation, a delicate dance around the truths they dared not voice, had dwindled to a whisper of words, each syllable heavy with meaning. The layers of their defenses, worn thin by the night's confessions, left them exposed, raw in their need for understanding, for a connection that transcended the ordinary.

    It was Olivia who looked up first, her gaze catching Emmet's in a moment charged with an intensity that neither could escape. The world seemed to hold its breath, the only sound the distant call of the night. And then, as if drawn by a force greater than themselves, their lips met, a tentative touch that spoke of shared vulnerabilities, of a hunger for something just beyond reach.

    The kiss deepened, a confluence of fear and desire, a silent acknowledgment of the precipice upon which they stood. To part now would mean to face the reality of their actions, to acknowledge the storm they were courting with open eyes. Yet, the thought of stepping back, of untangling their lives from this singular moment, was a loss too great to contemplate.

    They pulled away, the night air a cold caress against their flushed skin. This isn't something we can just walk away from, Emmet murmured, the weight of his words a tangible thing between them.

    I know, Olivia replied, her voice a soft echo of his turmoil. You could lose everything... And me, I'd be lost, adrift in the fallout.

    The silence that followed was a canvas for their fears, painting vivid images of scandal, of whispered accusations, and the irrevocable change that loomed on the horizon. Yet, as they leaned in for another kiss, there was a defiance in their embrace, a determination to face whatever may come, together.

    This moment, fragile and fleeting, was theirs alone—a spark in the darkness, a memory to be cherished and feared in equal measure. For in their decision to explore the depths of their connection, Olivia and Emmet had set in motion events that would test the very fabric of their beings, leaving them forever altered.

    Chapter 1: A Winter's Start - January

    The university campus lay draped in a pristine blanket of snow, each flake a silent witness to the world's slumber. The morning light, weak and distant, struggled to pierce through the gray canopy of the sky, casting a pallid glow over the ivory landscape.

    Olivia moved through this monochrome world, her footsteps the only disturbance in the untouched snow. Wrapped in her heavy coat, she appeared almost spectral, a lone figure gliding across the canvas of white. Her breath materialized in the frigid air, a series of fleeting clouds that dissipated as quickly as they formed, much like

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