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Pine Secrets
Pine Secrets
Pine Secrets
Ebook61 pages50 minutes

Pine Secrets

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"Pine Secrets" unveils the eerie tranquility of Pine Creek, a town shadowed by a decades-old mystery. Thirty years ago, a group of teenagers vanished into the dense forest, leaving only Mia Harper behind, her memories obscured by trauma. Now a detective, Mia faces a chillingly similar case, thrusting her into the heart of Pine Creek's darkest secrets alongside Noah Bennett, a forensic psychologist with a keen interest in survival psychology. Together, they uncover a tangled web of old vendettas, hidden motives, and a sinister cult lurking at the town's core. As they peel back layers of deceit, the duo edges closer to a shocking truth, threatening to unravel Pine Creek's fabric. With time running out, Mia and Noah embark on a perilous journey to unlock Mia's suppressed memories, confronting a past that links ancient rituals to the recent disappearances. "Pine Secrets" is a gripping tale of resilience, betrayal, and the unyielding pursuit of truth, exploring the intricate dance between past and present, and the lengths one will go to uncover what lies hidden beneath the serene facade of a small town.

Release dateFeb 28, 2024
Pine Secrets

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    Book preview

    Pine Secrets - Evelyn Hart


    The Unraveling Of Hidden Truths


    Copyright © 2024 by Evelyn Hart

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.


    CHAPTER 1 Return to Pine Creek

    CHAPTER 2 The Vanishing

    CHAPTER 3 Reluctant Partners

    CHAPTER 4 Shadows of the Past

    CHAPTER 5 Buried Secrets

    CHAPTER 6  Breakthrough

    CHAPTER 7  Into the Woods

    CHAPTER 8  Unraveling the Web

    CHAPTER 9 Revelations

    CHAPTER 10 The Night of Reckoning

    CHAPTER 11 The Final Confrontation

    CHAPTER 12  Pine Creek Renewed


    Return to Pine Creek

    Mia Harper's car crested the final hill, revealing Pine Creek nestled below as if the town itself was a secret kept from the rest of the world. Years had passed since she last drove this road, yet every bend and tree seemed to whisper memories, some comforting, others chilling. The late afternoon sun cast long shadows over the town, a picturesque scene that belied the undercurrent of mystery Mia knew all too well.

    Pulling into the nearly empty parking lot of the Pine Creek Police Department, Mia took a moment to gather her thoughts. This was her first time back in an official capacity, no longer just the girl who got away, but now a detective determined to uncover the truth behind a hauntingly familiar case.

    As she entered the precinct, the familiar yet changed interior struck her. The walls, once bright and welcoming, now seemed to hold secrets, the air tinged with an anticipation of revelations yet to come. Sergeant Bill Dawson, a fixture in the department since Mia could remember, looked up from his desk, his face breaking into a grin.

    Mia Harper, as I live and breathe! Pine Creek's very own has come back to us, he exclaimed, rising to greet her with a hearty handshake.

    Bill, it's good to see you, Mia replied, the warmth in her voice genuine. I wish it were under better circumstances, though.

    Ah, yes, the disappearances. A strange case, indeed. Reminds me too much of... well, you know, Bill said, his voice trailing off, a shadow passing over his features.

    Mia nodded, the weight of her memories pressing down. That's why I'm here. I need to see everything we have on the case so far.

    Of course, of course. Let's get you settled in. We've set up a space for you in the back. Not much, but it'll do for now, Bill said, leading Mia through the precinct to a small office, the walls adorned with maps of Pine Creek and its surrounding forests, and a whiteboard already filled with notes and question marks.

    As Mia set down her bag and took in her temporary workspace, Detective James Keller, Pine Creek PD's lead on the case, walked in. A man in his mid-thirties, Keller had the look of someone who had seen more than his fair share of Pine Creek's darker side.

    Detective Harper, welcome back. I'm James Keller. I've been leading the investigation into the hikers' disappearance, he said, extending a hand.

    Thank you, Detective Keller. I've read the files you sent over, but I need to hear it from you. What's the current status? Mia asked, getting straight to the point.

    Keller leaned against the edge of the desk, his expression serious. Three hikers, gone without a trace. No sign of a struggle, no leads on where they might have gone. The only clue is a message we found carved into a tree near their last known location. It's... cryptic, to say the least.

    Mia's interest was piqued. What does the message say?

    It reads, 'Return what was taken.' That's it. We've combed the area, but nothing else stands out. It's like they vanished into thin air, Keller explained, his frustration evident.

    Mia pondered the message, her mind racing with possibilities. Has anything similar happened before? Apart from... my case?

    "Not exactly. There have been rumors, and stories passed down about the forests around Pine Creek, but nothing concrete. You know how it

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