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Kapalkundala is a painful love story, full of intrigue and suspense, penned by one of the most iconic Bengali writers, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee. Kapalik, who is a tantric, has raised Kapalkundala like the daughter he never had. One fateful day, Nabakumar enters into their lives. Kapalkundala, who had remained under the protection of Kapalik until then, falls for the man. When she comes to know that Kapalik plans to sacrifice Nabakumar in the hope of gaining boons from a goddess, Kapalkundala saves his life. They both profess their love for each other, and begin to live together as husband and wife. Unable to tolerate this transgression, Kapalik gets plans to avenge this betrayal of trust. He weaves a web of lies and manipulates Nabakumar, making him cast aspersions on Kapalkundala' s character. His fury mounts, so much so that thoughts of killing her begin to invade his mind. What lies in store for Kapalkundala? Will she die at the hands of the one she loves? Will Kapalik be able to fulfil his revenge?

Release dateDec 1, 2019

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    Kapalkundala - Bankimchandra Chatterjee

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