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The Needs of a Lady: Naughty Fairytale Series, #1
The Needs of a Lady: Naughty Fairytale Series, #1
The Needs of a Lady: Naughty Fairytale Series, #1
Ebook55 pages45 minutes

The Needs of a Lady: Naughty Fairytale Series, #1

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Esme Fontini may be a princess born, but she has the desires of a courtesan. Her father banishes her to a tower to reflect on her sins while he tries to broker a marriage deal that will benefit him. Terrified, she spends her lonely days singing and looking out at the forest surrounding her prison. 


Lord Simon Allard's heart is captured by the mysterious beauty locked away in a tower. When he discovers it's Princess Esme, he takes it as fate—he was on his way to ask her father for her hand in marriage. 


Will Esme drive Simon away once he discovers her shameful secret? Will she be repulsed by his forward manner? Or will these two forge a love to span a lifetime?


Release dateMay 28, 2024
The Needs of a Lady: Naughty Fairytale Series, #1

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    The Needs of a Lady - Sophia Poe



    Kingdom of Cadell, 1425

    Please, Papa. Esme’s young voice trembled. Please do not banish me, do not put me in the tower. Tears slipped down her face as she went to her knees, her rose-colored skirts puddling prettily around her. 

    King Guy Fontini heaved a sigh of regret as he gazed upon his only child. Esme already knew he would grant her no mercy, no matter how much she pleaded for it.

    How can such wanton evil hide behind the face of an angel? the king asked, his tone cold. Alas, it was the same with your mother. You even look the same. The same golden waves of hair, and those damned blue eyes. It as if I am looking at the harlot herself. His words struck her right at her core. Up with you, Esme. I shall have no more of your female hysterics. You will bear your punishment with good grace and bide your time reflecting on your sins. 

    Making love with a man is no sin, Esme responded before she could stop herself. The sharp slap her father administered echoed in the room, and she clutched her cheek. More tears blurred her version as she bit back a sob.

    Not another word, Esme, her father ordered. Your trunks have been packed, and you will leave as soon as the carriages are ready. Mabel will go with your trunks in one, you shall travel in the second, and food will be delivered once daily, around midday. Any messages you may have for me, or me for you, will be delivered then. 

    Papa, please, she tried again, scrambling to her feet. Her mind was slipping into a state of hysteria. I am sorry for my indiscretions, and I will gladly suffer my punishment—but not the tower. You know my fear, you know I don’t want to be shut away like Mother was. 

    Then you should not have succumbed to the sins of the flesh as she did, daughter. That was my mistake—not recognizing that trait in you before it was too late. A footman entered the hall and nodded to the king. Come, Esme, and I shall escort you to your carriage. Do not think to cozen the men traveling with you. They are under strict orders to guard you well and make sure the tower door is locked tight before returning to the castle. 

    Esme swallowed the lump in her throat as she struggled to her feet. Her heart was pounding with fear, but she tried not to let it show. How long must I stay there? 

    Until I am sure your indiscretion shall not result in a child, her father replied bluntly. Three months at the very least, and that is if your courses all arrive in a timely manner. Then we shall discuss your formal betrothal with Duke Edwin Tyrell. He has made discrete inquiries, and I can only hope your dalliances will not cause a scandal.  

    Fresh panic spurted through her, but Esme calmly nodded. Going against his word now was pointless, he would not listen to reason.

    Yes, Papa. She placed her hand on his arm and let him lead her into the courtyard, deserted except for the entourage preparing to depart.  

    She took in the two traveling coaches, one already loaded with trunks and bags, and her old nursemaid, Mabel. The other was hitched to four perfectly matched bays, the door open, and a footman was waiting to help her inside. Half a dozen outriders were mounted, ready to escort her to the tower deep in the forest beyond the castle gate. Esme wanted to weep for her fate, but she would not do so until she found her solace. It would only anger her father further.

    Esme curtsied

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