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Amazing Grace - Part 3
Amazing Grace - Part 3
Amazing Grace - Part 3
Ebook79 pages1 hour

Amazing Grace - Part 3

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About this ebook

The gospel message is the good news of God's Grace upon us.


Many people who are unaware of God in their lives, or those who choose to believe that God is not there or is not relevant to them, hear the word Grace and apply it to being graceful, like a ballet dancer or to someone who walks in a graceful way.


Others who believe that they are Christian, attribute Grace to the time we are living in now, they say we are not under the law of Moses as mankind once was, but we are now living in a time of God's Grace, where God allows everything and forgives everything.

Yet others say that Grace is "God's favor toward the unworthy" or "God's benevolence on the undeserving.


But Grace is not an idea, a concept or a time we are living in, Grace is a Person who is alive and alive for evermore having come down from heaven and being born through a woman. Who died on a tree and was raised from the dead by God and who is now alive for all eternity.

This book is Part 3 of a four part series which examines who Grace is and the incredible promises from God that come through Him, to us.

PublisherPastor Ric
Release dateFeb 29, 2024
Amazing Grace - Part 3

Pastor Ric

Having Pastored a mainline Christian Church for many years, I am now producing Mobile apps, ebooks and paperback books on many Christian subjects, you can download them from

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    Book preview

    Amazing Grace - Part 3 - Pastor Ric

    Table of Contents

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    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 - Full of Grace and truth

    Chapter 2 - How to live by Faith.

    Chapter 3 - Speak the fullness of the Gospel.

    Chapter 4 - The Way the Truth and the Life.

    Receiving Salvation

    Receiving the Holy Spirit

    Appendix 1 - God's Plan of Salvation

    Appendix 2 - Two Trees Part 1 reviewed

    Appendix 3 - What happened in the Garden?

    Appendix 4 - The sower sows the Word - 5 stumbling stones.

    Appendix 5 - The sower sows the Word

    Appendix 6 - Fulfilled Prophecies in the Bible

    Chapter 1 - Full of Grace and truth

    I n Part 1 of this series Amazing Grace Part 1 we talked about the Garden that God established on earth in the beginning.   

    And that In the midst of the garden was The tree of life    which was a pathway to living life in God’s Love, expressed in His grace which is complete in one person, Jesus Christ. 

    John 1: tells us that Jesus Christ is the word of God who was made flesh as a person who is Jesus the Christ, Jesus the anointed one, who is full of grace and truth.


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    There is only One person who is full of Grace and truth and that is Jesus Christ, The Word of God made flesh. 

    But here is the wonderful amazing news, we too can be filled with Truth by God's amazing Grace, by abiding or living in Christ in us our Hope of Glory.

    This is our Hope our goal  to be filled with all Truth by Grace and we can achieve this in God's prescribed Way, Jesus Christ the Way to His Truth leading to His eternal Life. 

    How can we do this? in ourselves it is not possible, but in God all things are possible and God has provided us The Way Jesus Christ and this is His Way.

    First we must understand that we are not taking a natural path hat is doing this in our own strength by working to get there, nothing we can do in the natural can achieve this, it will be 

    Line upon line precept upon precept received from the Holy Spirit as revelation from Christ in us through the Holy Spirit into a born again heart.

    So why only through the Holy Spirit?

    Acts 10:38 God has anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with great power; and He went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, because God was with Him.

    God has anointed Jesus Christ (the word Christ means Anointed One) with HIs anointing to be the Only Door of entry into our salvation in God. 

    Christ is the Word of God and the seed (Son) of God who was with God in eternity before anything was created and is God, for God is One God.   So God the Father, Our Father assigned a role for His Word that He should empty Himself of His Godhood and become in the appearance of a servant for us. 

    So He was born on earth through a woman, the seed of God impregnated the woman’s egg through the Holy Spirit and Jesus our Saviour (Jesus means saviour) was born in the flesh, God now in the flesh without sin but born as the Son of man to serve us His Salvation. 

    He then went to the cross took upon Himself all of our sin because the penalty for our sin (a changed mind without God is sin) was death of the body and eternal separation from God.

    But God fulfilled His promise 

    Romans 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

    Romans 8:36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.

    Romans 8:37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

    Romans 8:38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

    Romans 8:39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  and Jesus died in His body as a sacrifice for us, paying the price of our sin in and by His own Blood.

    That is why His precious blood is able to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (sin, changed mind without God) forever. 

    Not only that as marvellous as this is but by and through His blood we may enter into eternal life now reconciled (fully accepted all ransom of sin paid for by the blood) back to abide in God Our Father in eternity, incredible in us but fully credible in God, He is the wonder of wonders too marvellous for our words, but marvellous in His Word Eternal True Just righteous forever, Hallelujah. 

    So then when God raised Jesus from the dead He was anointed and appointed as Jesus The Christ our redeemer and Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to be in all that believe and are born again 

    Having been born from our Fathers seed through our mother we were born into the natural living life from our mind which is a natural mind unrenewed to the Spirit which is why we must be

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