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The Virus
The Virus
The Virus
Ebook44 pages38 minutes

The Virus

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In "The Virus," Dr. Sam Kilpratrick and his wife Claire embark on a journey to Washington D.C. to warn the government about a deadly virus. However, as they travel, a dark secret unfolds: Dr. Kilpratrick is secretly carrying the very virus they are trying to stop, and Claire remains unaware of the danger lurking within her own husband. 


As the couple navigates the desolate landscape of a world gripped by fear and uncertainty, the story explores themes of deception, betrayal, and the inherent meaninglessness of life. With every step towards their destination, the tension mounts as Dr. Kilpratrick struggles to reconcile his duty to humanity with the guilt of harboring the very threat he seeks to eradicate.


"The Virus" is a gripping tale that will keep readers on the edge of their seats, questioning the nature of existence and the fragility of trust. Dive into this thrilling narrative of love, betrayal, and the fight for survival in a world plagued by uncertainty.

PublisherKold Aeon
Release dateMar 1, 2024
The Virus

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    The Virus - Kold Aeon

    The Virus

    Kold Aeon

    Copyright © 2024 Aeon Kold

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    This book, The Virus, is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 1

    AS THE FIRST SNOWFLAKE settled, it whispered secrets of a winter tale waiting to unfold.

    The words of some long-forgotten Christmas story glared at me from the leaflet. I wasn't paying attention – my mind was consumed by a desperate plea:  I wish I had more time.  Lying on the frozen ground, I wondered if my wish was too much to ask. Perhaps some god had heard – or a devil.  Should I scan the sky for a falling star? A scientist knows the futility of such wishes... but desperate men defy logic. Even their own. My wish was simple: just to live longer.  Not with some vain desire for immortality, but because I knew with absolute certainty that today, I would die.

    I shifted my gaze from the heavens to Claire beside me, sleeping peacefully, unaware of the day's terrible significance.  My watch ticked – 5:12 am.  The air was frigid, the landscape lifeless, her snores a strangely comforting echo. Tears welled as I smiled, imagining the monstrous transformation that awaited me. I'd seen the viral infection ravage others, and there was no escape.  I pictured myself inflicting horrors on her, on anyone. Then, I nodded off....

    His hands rustling the blanket by my feet jolted me awake. His breath, calm and steady. I sat bolt upright, tearing away the dry, ragged shirt. It must have blown over my face in the wind. I ripped it off, desperate, the fabric scraping my skin, cool air rushing against my cheeks. All I wanted was to see if he was there; he wasn't.

    Sam, what's wrong? Another nightmare? Claire mumbled through her sleep.

    I ignored her. My eyes weren't looking any longer for the stranger that tormented me nightly; instead, they were swallowing whole the white glow that surrounded us — blood dripped from my nose.


    This time she sounded hoarse, which meant she was awake.

    Babe, what's wrong... is that ash?

    I pulled my face away from her so she couldn't see my affliction.

    Get up. We need to go.

    The air hung cold and brittle, stinging our lungs with

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