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Diary of a Piglin Book 2: Under the Golden Sun
Diary of a Piglin Book 2: Under the Golden Sun
Diary of a Piglin Book 2: Under the Golden Sun
Ebook165 pages1 hour

Diary of a Piglin Book 2: Under the Golden Sun

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The prophecy came true. I lost my friends, my family, my home. Steve took everything away from me...

... but I'm not going to let him get away with this. Steve is an evil serial killer - who knows how many more lives will perish because of him? As long as he is alive, not a single mob is safe.

That's why I had

Release dateNov 7, 2023

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    Diary of a Piglin Book 2 - Mini Miner

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    DAY 1

    Dear Diary,

            In my 35 years of living in the Nether World, I have never seen it this sad, empty, and alone. I am haunted by the ghosts of my past. There is not a second that goes by where I do not think about the community I once called home.

            As I walk past the debris of my town that once stood, images of happy, busy piglins trading around the street keep flashing in my mind. I could see young piglins trying to learn how to ride hoglins. I could see the men appreciating one another’s weapons and bragging about their golds. I could see the women talking about their families together. I could see the Piglin Guards surveying the land with their stern eyes. All of this, I could see but only through my imagination. They’re gone. They’re all gone.

            It has been a week since the Armageddon. The prophecy was fulfilled — that’s a sentence I never thought I’d say, but here we are. I gave myself some time to think and grieve, but I don’t think I’ll ever come to terms with this. I don’t think I can ever accept the fact that my family is dead.

            They did not deserve what happened to them. None of us deserved the chaos, the evil that Steve brought with him when he forced himself into our lives. We never asked for this. We had the right to live a life, enjoy it with the people we love, and grow old with them. But Steve took that away from us.

            He’s going to pay for all of this. I’m going to find him, and I’m going to make him regret every single thing he did to us. But even then, it’s not enough. Even an eternity of torture would not compare to the pain I’m going through. There are no words to describe it. How I wish I could make Steve feel the same way.

            I’m currently on my way to the cliff where my family spent their last moments. It’s only been seven days, but those were the most painful seven days I’ve ever had in my entire life. I’m exhausted. I don’t want to live another week without my son and my wife. I admit there have been days where I feel like I should just give up and let life take its course, wherever it may take me. There are days where I would cry and beg for the universe to give me another chance at life with them.

            But I’m still here, staying strong because I’ve got a promise to keep. This is the last promise I ever made to my family, and I will not break it. No matter what it takes.

            I prepared a speech for both my wife and son, which I will read to them after I offer the mushroom soup that I cooked just for this occasion. Here’s what I wrote:

            My love. I know how much you hate romantic speeches because of how cheesy they are, but give your old man a pass, will you? I just miss you so much. You’re my soul, my strength, and my life. You are always there for me, and you never failed to support me. I may not have been a perfect husband to you and a perfect father to Peter, but you still loved me with all your heart. I have made many mistakes in the past, yet you still stayed by my side. I don’t know how you did that, but I am grateful to have had such an amazing woman in my life. Our time together was cut short, but every single day with you has been the best of my life. My only wish is that you’ll forgive me for being so absent. There is nothing I would change about you. My love, you are perfect just the way you are. I will always choose to be with you. They may put me in different worlds and different timelines, but my home will always be you. Always.

            My dearest boy, Peter. You had so much potential. You’re everything I ever wanted to be when I was your age. It pains me to know that I didn’t get to see you graduate, make your first trade, or marry the love of your life. You once told me that I missed out on a lot of things in your life, and you’re right. I will forever regret that. I want to do a lot of stuff with you, but sadly, you were taken from me. I never got the chance to tell you how proud I am of you and how much you mean to me. I love you, son. I haven’t forgotten about that other promise I made to you that night. When we meet again, I promise I will never leave your side. You’ll have all my time and my full attention.

            Please, look after me from up there. You’re my angels. I’ll see you both soon.


            I just got home, and by home, I mean this random piglin’s house that hasn’t been blown up by Steve’s TNT blasts. It’s the only house that’s still standing among the ruins.

            I immediately rushed to the bedroom to check on Manny. The ghasts found him covered in wreckage three days after the Armageddon. He’s been in horrible shape, but I’m glad he’s alive. That’s all that matters.

            When I walked into the room, he was staring blankly at the ceiling. He then asked:

    Manny: Did you give them flowers?

    Me: N-No, I didn’t. There are no flowers around here.

    Manny: Oh, right.

    Me: But I did give them mushroom stew. They probably don’t have that in… well, wherever they are.

    Manny: I hope you made them enough because I’m sure they wouldn’t be the only ones who would be eating it.

    Me: Oh, well. They’re going to have to share.

            Manny and I gave out a light chuckle. It’s the first laugh I had in a long, long time.

            After a brief moment of silence, Manny gripped the bed frame and sat himself up. I knew exactly where he was going, so I took him in my arms and transferred him into the minecart we installed so I wouldn’t have to carry him around.

            We’re going to have one last meeting before we go to the Overworld. We already gathered the materials we need over the past week, so all that’s left for us to do is build ourselves a Nether Portal and find Steve.

    DAY 2

    Dear Diary,

            Today, Manny and I will be attempting to build our very own Nether Portal and finally step into the Overworld. Needless to say, this is our first time. So, we’re not expecting immediate success out of this. But if we do manage to pull this off on the first try, no one can tell me that anything is impossible ever again.

            You might be wondering: how are we going to build a Nether Portal? Manny has a photographic memory. He remembers the exact dimensions of the portal that Steve used to enter this realm. And if you’re looking for a less amusing answer, I actually wrote down the measurements of the portal in one of my diary entries. That is why it pays off to write diaries, kids.

            So, we already got the dimensions. What about the materials? The only material that we were sure of was obsidian. It makes up the frame for the portal. We had to figure out how to make that purple, gelatin-ish substance appear inside of the obsidian frame. This was the part that consumed most of our time. We conducted several experiments and wasted so many hours in research and reading. We tried offering a mature hoglin to the Almighty Notch, pouring ghast tears, and even igniting blazing rods, but nothing worked. We put every single item in the Nether World inside that obsidian frame, but nothing happened. This went on for days, and we were so close to giving up. We actually started to accept the idea that maybe Nether Portals can only be made in the Overworld.

            But then, one day, Manny went outside while I was sleeping to cook breakfast. He was done chopping up the mushrooms and preparing the bowls; all he had to do was make fire. As he was taking out the flint and steel from his pocket, he accidentally dropped it at the base of the obsidian frame. Instead of creating a fire, the flint and steel ignited a thin sheet of purple swirls that filled in the obsidian frame. Manny accidentally created a Nether Portal!

            He immediately ran back to the house to wake me up and tell me the good news. As I had just woken up, my brain was still trying to process what he was saying. Manny kept shaking me while screaming, I made a Nether Portal! over and over again. I didn’t react as I was still half asleep. But eventually, Manny’s words slowly started to dawn on me. As soon as my brain registered Manny’s message, I jolted wide awake and ran to the place where we set up the Nether Portal. As soon as I saw it, I kept rubbing my eyes just to check if I was still dreaming. Luckily, it was real life. We had an actual Nether Portal right in front of us! I was so delighted that I started crying tears of joy. We went through hell for this, and to finally see our hard work pay off, I couldn’t help but cry.

            We celebrated for around ten to fifteen seconds until we realized something: what will we do next? What lies beyond the portal? Are we even ready to face it?

            These questions came rushing to our heads as quickly as the smiles on our faces faded away. Making that portal meant that a more dangerous life was ahead of us. There’s no turning back now.

            Manny and I were so preoccupied with our achievement that we forgot about breakfast. We just spent the whole morning revisiting our plans, making revisions, and brainstorming more backup plans. We had many what-if questions: What if we spawn in a random location?How are we going to find Steve then? What if we encounter hostile mobs as soon as we arrive? What if we fall into a deep ravine? What if we spawn in another world that is not the Overworld? What if someone pretending to be Manny returns to the Nether Portal to fetch me? The more questions we asked, the more prepared we became. It is important to entertain these scenarios directly so you’d know what to do in case they do happen.

            After a few hours of planning and re-planning, it was finally time for us to go through the portal. We emptied our inventories of useless items and made sure to fill them with important ones, like weapons, food, and armor. Manny will be going through the portal first. If the coast is clear, he’ll be returning to the Nether World to fetch me. If he doesn’t come back after a minute, that means that he’s either dead or unable to return. Either way, I wouldn’t be going after him. I know it sounds selfish, and I have tried convincing Manny that he shouldn’t do this sacrifice stunt. Still, if we both end up getting killed because I went after him, then no one would be getting justice. I will have to continue the mission without Manny. But hopefully, we won’t have to go through that.

            Manny’s stepping inside the portal now. See you in a minute.


            Those thirty-six seconds of waiting for Manny’s body to pop back into the portal were the longest, most anxious, and nail-biting seconds of my life. During that period, so many awful scenarios that might have happened to

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