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SPELLCRAFTING: A Practical Guide to Crafting Personalized Spells for Magickal Mastery (2024 Crash Course)
SPELLCRAFTING: A Practical Guide to Crafting Personalized Spells for Magickal Mastery (2024 Crash Course)
SPELLCRAFTING: A Practical Guide to Crafting Personalized Spells for Magickal Mastery (2024 Crash Course)
Ebook211 pages2 hours

SPELLCRAFTING: A Practical Guide to Crafting Personalized Spells for Magickal Mastery (2024 Crash Course)

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"Spellcrafting" is your key to unlocking the art of personalized magick, providing a comprehensive guide to creating spells tailored to your intentions, desires, and unique energy. From the basics of spellcasting to advanced techniques, this book empowers you to cultivate your magickal practice and manifest your intentions with precision and pot

Release dateDec 2, 2023
SPELLCRAFTING: A Practical Guide to Crafting Personalized Spells for Magickal Mastery (2024 Crash Course)


Edie Morton, residing in the vibrant city of Albany, is a seasoned practitioner of magick and spellcrafting. With a passion for teaching, Morton has crafted a crash course guide to spellcrafting, providing readers with practical insights into mastering the art of personalized spells.


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    This beginner’s guide was prepared in basic language to make it easy for you to approach and work on utilizing your own capacity to complete individual goals. This book is written using simple, essential language because often we muddle things up and make them more difficult than they need to be, which causes chaos. Utilizing your own force requires concentration, repetition, and purpose. Keep it simple and to the point; avoid using phrasings that may overwhelm or stall your message. Practice your specialty as well.

    If what you’re doing is working for you, keep doing it. Consider whatever you want to be your specialization. Utilizing the many methods in this collection to achieve your goals tends to favor nature-based beliefs, therefore it can fall under the purview of Paganism or Wicca. You can also consider yourself a skilled practitioner of black magic who makes use of divination and wizardry. You might actually think of yourself as a witch. In my opinion, I am an eclectic witch. I create all of my own plans, rituals, drones, affirmations, chants, and ceremonies. Since I apply the fundamentals that experts in the field have long used, but in my own unique way, I don’t really stray from conventionally reliable techniques. Candles, spices, flavors, oils, and trinkets are all necessary for me to be an eclectic witch. Moon patterns for spells.

    Understanding how different kinds of sorcery operate in divination ensures that the instruction is consistent. You will get more refined the more you use and put into practice the nuts and bolts. Additionally, you’ll feel prepared and safe using your own abilities to achieve your goals. As you achieve your primary goals, your wizardry will advance more than before.

    Discovering your direction while practicing the specialization can help you learn how to cast powerful spells, practicing what works and what doesn’t work, and it may even lead you down a different path.

    When you break things down, it is all fundamental. Remember the most important rule in all black magic: do no harm, hurt no one, do no mischief. You are accountable for the messages you send out into the world.

    When someone starts to frame a concept about your objective for you, your spells begin. At that point, projection commences. Ensure your goals, put together your tools, tidy up your workspace, center yourself, and go to work!

    Chapter 1: Spellcasting and Spellcrafting defined

    Have you ever needed to do magic and after searching online or in a book located one, only to find it to some extent lacking and not what you needed? Unsure about how to create your own? Fear not! Here, I’ll outline 10 fundamental steps you can take to project your own security spell that is specifically tailored to your needs. Avoid being duped by expensive online retailers selling spell units, candles, books, and other items. These are generally respectable sources of spells, which are completely satisfactory to use and are most honestly sold by legitimate society.

    Regardless, they are not YOURS! Any spell or petition is most effective when it is written from the heart; it should be a unique expression of who you are, your wants and needs, your experience, and your life. Only you know what you need or want in a certain situation. Therefore, only YOU can effectively project the best spell for your needs. This is the key:

    Decide whether to perform a candle spell or another type (constructed, container, boxed, ties, etc.)

    Choose the appropriate colors, such as blue for health, green for money, and red for vigor.

    Choose the appropriate deity or deities (such as Hecate for the home, Venus for love, or Mercury for business).

    Choose a date. If at all possible, wait till the new moon for spells of development or increase. For spells that decrease or perish, choose the full moon. After casting the ritual, as the moon changes, so will your desired outcome, such as abundance. As the moon stage shrivels, so will the intended outcome, such as the disappearance of a disease or terrible impact.

    Pick a location. a unique raised area in your home or outside, depending on your needs and strategy. Note: If you decide to do it outside, choose a common area where you have permission and won’t cause any trouble. Try not to destroy, remove, or in any way damage anything nearby. Don’t trash, and gather your own supplies. Be environmentally friendly! Make use of everyday items whenever possible. Remember the creed’s opening line: And harm to none.

    Choose herbs, rocks, and other ingredients for your spell. You can consult a book of magical correspondences to help you choose, but items that are important to you personally and are connected to your needs are best.

    As you work, sanctify all spell components by asking your chosen gods, holy messengers, nature spirits, progenitors, etc. for a plain gift.

    Create a phrase from your spell. Take as much time as necessary, taking into account your specific requests. As you compose, keep reasonable anticipation in your heart. It doesn’t have to rhyme like a sonnet, so try to keep it as brief as is reasonable while focusing on the desired outcome.

    Write a spell on ripped paper or a piece of light. sprinkle spices and oils on the area and the flame. numerous times with the spelling side in. Place in a flame-resistant plate or on an elevated, designated location. Cast a circle with ocean salt and desired spices around the spelling zone, going clockwise for increment spells and counterclockwise for abatement spells.

    Repeat your illuminate several times in succession, igniting the flame as needed. If at all possible, make sure everyone can hear you. Complete the spell by saying, For the best outcome and no mischief. Then let it be! Use as much emotion as is reasonable to expect because it will give the spell vital energy and make it more powerful. Think about what your spell is meant to demonstrate. Express yourself honestly.

    Leave the spell alone for at least 60 minutes, and if it can be done, for a month. If you’re in a rush, let the light naturally smother or put out (choke) a candle fire in an hour. Instead of fighting the fire, use something combustible to put it out. Try to avoid discussing the spell with anyone as doing so reduces the effectiveness of your strategy.

    If you decide to cast your spell on others, wait until the desired outcome happens before doing so.

    In particular, don’t worry if you lack the specific ingredients needed for magic because the main force behind a spell is your INTENT, not the ingredients themselves. Being creative and making use of resources close by is frequently more effective because you are giving the spell your own personality.

    Describe a spell.

    Basically, a spell is a tool used to entice or alter a state of affairs, person, event, or object. Spells are a way of manipulating energy to bring about the perfect result or change the course of life events. It should be possible to cast spells to heal, attract, banish, or find love. Basically, everything you can conjure spells is projectible. Most spells adhere to a formula that is familiar to the person casting the spell. If you practice alone, your spell work will differ from what it would be if you practiced with others or in a coven. Spells are supernatural and ritualistic.

    Either you or another person can use enchantment. If you’re projecting for someone else, they usually give you permission to do so, but this isn’t always the case. You are free to use banishing, limiting, reviling, or hexing to practice the darker aspects of enchantment without the target of the spell’s knowledge or consent. See The Colors of Magic, my book. Black, Gray, and White represent the various magic types and what they entail. Some covens and groups are opposed to dark and shadowy enchantments like hexing, reviling, banning, and restraining. As I write in my book Banishing, Binding, Cursing, and Hexing, I personally generally favor wizardry’s more esoteric aspects. You occasionally have no other choice except to let pessimism go.

    Spells typically follow an equation that is unique to the expert, as was stated above. I use chants that I’ve created repeatedly till I feel my energy level increasing and the only thing on my mind is what I’m trying to do. Briefly put, in order to be viable, you must accept and increase your energy level till your purpose is obvious.

    Spells can be projected using a variety of methods and tools, such as sigils or poppets. See Chaos Magic and Sigils, my book. Along with your spells, you might benefit from using some of your witch’s toolbox. Sigils address conditions or attractions, whereas puppets can speak to a real person. When casting spells, some witches scry using mirrors and employ sticks for divination.

    Additionally, you might use talismans of your choice as well as candles, poppets (see the glossary), spices, rocks, and oils in your spellwork. Every witch uses certain basic tools; for more information, see my book Altars, Circles, and Sacred Spaces. The casting of spells must be possible whenever you wish to enchant something, but it must also be completed during the phases of the moon. Given that each phase of the moon has its unique force, it is crucial to know what kinds of spells are completed during those times. The fading and waxing phases, as well as potential benefits, are covered in my book Moon Phase Rituals Made Easy.

    Spells are also completed during Esbats and Sabbats. For spells used on those occasions and monthly full moons, see my book Sabbats and Esbats.

    Why do spells work?

    We cast spells for ourselves or others to accomplish specific tasks. At the most basic level, casting spells involves directing energy toward a goal. Casting spells can be done on purpose or by mistake. You develop deliberate spellcasting when you set out to direct energy toward a specific goal. The majority of unexpected spellcasting takes place in the warmth of a second. For instance, you get irritated when someone cuts you off in rush hour traffic. Without hesitation, you utter the phrase bite the dust butt sphincter. Traffic abruptly comes to a standstill because there is an accident up ahead. You realize the accident was caused by the guy who cut you off when he hit a center concrete divider as your car snakes through the only open path. Did you mean to say fail spectacularly butt sphincter in that way? Or is this just a coincidence brought on by that driver’s aggressiveness when driving?

    Spellcasting must be possible either jointly or solely. Additionally, there are as many different types of spells as spellcasters. A lone witch, for example, may cast spells differently than a coven part, and she may do magic that a coven part wouldn’t transmit since her coven doesn’t cast certain kinds of spells.

    Practically speaking, though, the two or three things that competent spellcasters have in common are intent and rationale. A spell needs a purpose, and that purpose is your plan, which serves as the spell’s motivation.

    Furthermore, after casting a spell, you should do some additional work—this is a crucial part of spellcasting! For instance, if you cast a charm to attract your ideal spouse, you should at least try to put yourself in situations where you will encounter them. In the unlikely event that you’re looking for a male, check out the local ballpark, the gym, or the home improvement store. You get the idea: wherever males are most likely to be, go there!

    How do spells function?

    Casting spells involves gathering your inner energy and having the ability to direct it toward some form of global advancement. Spell projecting ought to be feasible in an unanticipated manner, much like a habit.

    Witches can get their energy through thinking about it, burning candles, crafting homemade or gem jewelry, or from the mystical force all around them.

    Anybody can perform magic, but if you want it to be effective, you need knowledge, practice, and focus. You use your fixation on your goals, develop sensitivity to your own inner energy and the energy around you, and communicate with your Higher Self to achieve your goals. Your spell might not function at that moment if you have not succeeded in doing so. You must be aware of the ‘rules’ of witchcraft before casting spells. These requirements are in place to protect you against unintended consequences and terrible things coming back to haunt you. Think about reaching out to a successful person who can assist and direct you.

    There are many different types of spells, including insurance, restraining, and love spells. Given that you wouldn’t want to force someone to fall in love with you, you would use the adoring spell to make them glitter even more brilliantly than usual. Since Wicca is about inspiration, you should normally use the spell projecting you are doing for acceptable, not horrible, since you will need to be extremely cautious with the Law of Threefold Return. In light of this, you should cast an insurance magic that will be used rather than a limiting spell if you intend to use it to drive someone away

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