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The Maguk Well
The Maguk Well
The Maguk Well
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The Maguk Well

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The author goes by the nom de plume Leoni Robens, loves writing poems of love, valour, knights in shining armour, giants, mermaids and all sorts of fairy folks. She has won a scholarship in English and won certificates for elocution, drama, singing and handwriting. The author loves cooking, gardening, painting and singing and has sung in her mot

Release dateDec 26, 2023
The Maguk Well

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    The Maguk Well - Leoni Robens


    Leoni Robens

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    This book ‘The Maguk Well’ by Leoni Robens

    is self-published by the author.

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    Copyright © 2023 by Leoni Robens

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    First Published in November, 2023

    Version 1.00

    ISBN: 978-81-964745-2-2

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    A concoction of dreams

    Like fairies lullabies

    A conundrum for Alice

    And her pet by and by

    A story poetry book for keeps

    Called ‘Maguk World’

    I dedicate this book to all

    Dreaming Alice’s

    With their supercilious pets

    Behaving superior than ordinary ones


    Day dreaming

    To take them far beyond earth

    To a magic realm

    Myth, legend and razzle-dazzle

    All tumbling down

    In a topsy-turvy

    Upside down twisty hole

    ‘Maguk Well’

    ‘Avrah k’dabrah’ (Abracadabra)

    Beyond earth and universe…..

    ‘Adarna’ and ‘ye Kom’

    In my mystical book

    One can taste

    Cherubim tree of knowledge

    Keruvim Ets ha Darat (Hebrew words)

    Enjoy all you Alices out there

    With your dreamy fishy adorable pesky little pets

    By Leoni Robens


    Babble is to speak rapidly and randomly as did the people at the tower of Babel when they lost their ability to speak to one another.  Here in my babbling book of poetry I unite together foreign languages of different worlds scattered far and wide

    To well describe and depict another realm far better than best-Good, Gooder and Goodest…. A ‘Maguk Kingdom’ of babbling towers, brooks, spires and domes, one of my marvellous stories ‘Maguk World of Princess Cardinal Fairy Alice with her Lil’ cat Papillon pet Fairy Dinah’, falling through an endless Maguk Well, who travel in an ethereal adventure to the bottomless pits of the world in an unparalleled universe beyond countless Giga bytes and Decimbleters (my own made up words of poetic art) including so many funny poems inside short poetry story. One will thoroughly enjoy reading with great gusto and cherishing Alice through another spiritual perspective.

    Therefore concluding one last example the Hebrew word ‘ayin’ which is not only the name of a Hebrew letter but also the Hebrew term for eye. My audience be like the Hebrew Eye- "Eyes that are windows to the soul. Looking at these poetically charged organs one may proceed to read into ‘Magic world!’- ‘THE MAGUK WELL’


    Pennies granting wishes

    Fell inside this magic well

    Man repented

    Sins changed to goodwill

    And good wishes

    Evil to love hence

    Meanness to goodness

    Greedy to generous spirits as well

    Far from further

    Further away from farther

    Rough hewn hedges

    And coal tar wedges

    The kingdom lay in a hemisphere divided

    Apart from earth

    Full of tainted sin and martyrdom

    Yet stood apart from all rest

    Material things

    Hidden inside a twisty and snaky path

    Upon a strange hill

    Inside a hidden strange Magic Well

    Called Maguk

    Furthermore further thus apart

    It wedged and divided

    Earth and

    The earth’s crust

    Upon a grassy knoll and hilly tussock

    Stood hollow magnificent strange Maguk well

    Downtrodden though

    Firmly built with stones, mortar and cement


    A well in which everything sank

    Woes, pleasures

    Trinkets, toys

    Dogs with clavicle collar bones and haunting treasure maps on their backs

    Cats with dreamy fishes and delicious milk saucers on their coats

    Bulls, cocks, hens

    Mourning, Laughing, Diamond doves

    Fan tailed, crested, green, crowned pigeons

    Columbidae of every kind and types

    As well pigeon chested, v-shaped

    Herculean Samson’s, Goliath’s

    Gargantuan giants, dwarfs

      Pygmies as well

    Hour glass divas, Cardboard Tarzans

    Fiction with fantasy into it fell

    Specs of fairy dust, atoms, molecules

    Airy-fairies, wishy-washy elves, Gobbledegook goblins

    Pink and purple pixies, magical genies

    Fairy sparklers, fire crackers

    Such stupendous fire works

    Gargoyles and demons

    Camels, pear trees, oxen

    Clocks, lamps, boxes

    Seals and walruses

    Even forbidden apple tree

    The cursed as well blessed indeed all fell

    Angels, cherubs, witches and sorcerers

    Into the well threw and flung themselves

    Like a Pandora’s Box

    Opened one day

    The Maguk well

    Its doors

    At one’s own free will

    And one’s own peril

    Fell again everyone

    Dancers, clowns, ballerinas, actors

    Along with harlequins, gymnasts, buffoons

    Panjandrums, vagabonds, beggars

    Who yearned for truth into its secret chasm

    Strength and valour

    Along with weak, timid as well fickle men

    Steel portcullises, canyons, doors, hinges

    Screws, nails and bracts

    Hammers, chisels, screw drivers

    Pliers, tongs, pincers, drills and bellows

    Fortresses, mountains, bridges, streams

    Cathedrals even thimbles

    Curtsy their sharp pointy needle friends

    Flung heartily and soulfully

    Whole and sound

    Into Maguk well!

    One day a beautiful Princess

    Named Alice

    Purposely put her knees and ankles in shallow waters deep

    Along with her Lil’ cat Dinah

    Fell into the abysmal well

    Purportedly just to see

    What happened beneath the strange receptacle

    A fathomless bucket

    So many had drowned there indeed

    Into a sea bed of glistening pearls

    Buccaneers, Pirates

    Kings, Princes

    Queens, their valises

    Vases with flowers

    Trees with leafy bowers

    Mermaids, castles

    Fishes of the sea

    Even ships with masts and hulls

    Those viewing such things with their telescopes

    And binoculars

    Fell one by one

    Into its deep abyss

    Bleeping cars, aeroplanes with wings, runways

    Helicopters with wind propellers

    Hover boards, hovercrafts

    Skate boards, bicycles, unicycles

    Bullock-carts, palki’s (palanquins), tongas

    Togas, dhotis, kashtis, salwars

    Robes, pin striped or collared gowns

    Swirls, flounces, twirls, harem trousers

    The Sari, kilts, tracht, Maasai, Herero

    Sami, Gho costumes

    Trains, stations, railway tracks

    Even windmills, whistles, wind chimes

    Chimneys, one legged weather vanes

    Roof top scallops, tiles, shingles

    Canals, reservoirs, tanks and dams

    Plunged deep into it

    Snorkelers with scuba diving suits

    Satellites, astronauts, U.F.O’s, U.S.O’s

    Submarines, fighter jets along with astronomers

    Soldiers, sailors, captains, pilots, navy men

    Marching drills in uniforms

    Along with farriers, tinkers and tailors

    Aliens with strange propellers

    Tourists wearing Panama Hats

    Mermen and fishy things

    Oyster pearls, cockles of their hearts

    Mollusc locks and Shelly bolts

    Dived deep inside it

    Raindrops, dew drops

    Fell right into Maguk well

    Good knows whether they splashed

    Along with it waves, mist, fog

    Sugar cubes, salt and pepper shakers

    Even sunshine rays

    With winter

    Freezing snowflakes!

    Crystalline maize’s and labyrinths

    Autumn, fall, spring, summer

    Next season of rain and winter as well

    Right into it they fell

    Hammocks and Braille’s

    Vasco Da Gama through Cape of Good Hope

    Africa, Portuguese, Goa

    Red sea, Mediterranean, Atlantic Oceans

    Baltic sea, Baltimore, Germany, Cape Comorin, Tamil Nadu

    Velankanni, Coromandel Coast, Bay of Bengal

    And Arabian Sea

    Along with it

    Christopher Columbus, Vikings and

    Native American Red Injuns

    Cape Cod Peninsula, Massachusetts

    Russia, Holland, Norway

    Burmese Pagodas

    Caves and Gazebos of Sri Lanka

    Baluchistan, Turkey, Espanola

    Many territories unknown and famous

    Mapped by the explorers

    Hemmed within

    Inside strange Maguk well boundaries

    So vast and endless

    Marshlands, Grass lands, Iceland

    Barrens, Waste lands, Range lands

    Coastlines and Horizons

    Like bee lines even bee hives

    With all of them fell

    Arable lands and pastures

    Grazing upon it farmlands, cattle and sheep

    Stooping stupendously fell below

    Tender baby saplings, stumps

    Even giant Sequoia Trees

    Tendrils, lucky four leaf clovers

    And shamrocks

    Fell right into they Magukcally!

    Alternatively fell inside

    Meadows, stones, rivers

    Skies, seas, heavens

    Stars, planets, meteorites and comets


    Ocean of universes

    Unimaginable multiverses

    Cluster of galaxies

    Horses with blinders

    Strange chariots too

    Cows, calf’s

    Igloos, pyramids

    Even Taj Mahal!

    Prince of Wales museums

    Madam Tussaud’s wax houses

    Art galleries and cinema halls

    Statue of Liberty, Little Mermaid, Manneken Pis

    Many popular bronze, copper or alloy statuettes

    Camels, doe eyed deer’s

    Elephants, hippos, rhinos

    Lions, tigers, camels, giraffes

    Animals in pairs like Noah’s ark

    Octopuses, sea lions, platypuses, whales

    Gargoyle geckoes or hissing snakes

    Turpentine varnished doors

    Domes, spires, tombs, sphinxes

    Fairies with wands, eggs that didn’t shatter

    One couldn’t hear the noise as they fell

    Or even a splatter

    Sea food platters, soups, high teas


    Greeting ‘Guten Morgen‘‘und guten Abend‘

    With tall, twisted, conical or long witchy hats

    On the way whilst falling down


    Cock tails, mock tails

    Wines, whiskeys, Brandies

    Blue berry cordials

    Bailey’s Irish Cream, gins and tonics

    Raising they jugs of frothy beers

    A cheery toast of surf and whim

    One by one odd and even

    Minced beef, corn beef, chicken canapés

    Sardine, tuna tins

    Mayonnaise mustard tongue sandwiches

    Marmalades and blocks of cheese

    Bread sticks, cheese straws

    Harlots and champions

    Many princes too fell much before

    Princess Alice fell

    With her little cat



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