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Tide of Fate
Tide of Fate
Tide of Fate
Ebook57 pages48 minutes

Tide of Fate

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Dive into "Tide of Fate," where the relentless sea meets the unyielding shore, weaving a tale of forbidden love, ancient magic, and a storm powerful enough to tear worlds apart. Meet Lena, the mermaid princess, bound by tradition but drawn to the world above, and Tom, the solitary lighthouse keeper, whose heart echoes Lena's own solitude and dreams. When fate throws them together, they discover a love that defies the laws of land and sea, a love that faces its ultimate test as an otherworldly tempest threatens to destroy everything they hold dear.


As they embark on a daring quest to stop the tempest and unite their divided realms, Lena and Tom unravel the secrets of ancient magic and the power of love to change destiny. "Tide of Fate" is not just a story; it's an adventure that will pull you into its depths, challenging everything you know about sacrifice, duty, and the strength of the human heart. Will love be enough to calm the storm and bridge the gap between two disparate worlds?


Open the pages of "Tide of Fate" and set sail on an epic journey where the fate of entire kingdoms rests in the hands of two lovers. Amidst treacherous waters and political intrigue, discover if their love can indeed turn the tide of fate. This is a story that promises to captivate your heart, stir your soul, and leave you yearning for more. Don't just read about magic—experience a love so powerful it transcends the boundaries of worlds.

Release dateMar 2, 2024
Tide of Fate

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    Book preview

    Tide of Fate - Eleanor V. Masterson

    Tide of Fate

    Sea's Whisper, Love's Echo

    Eleanor V. Masterson

    Copyright © 2023 by Eleanor V. Masterson

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, or products is intended or should be inferred.


    1.The Call of the Sea

    2.Forbidden Shores

    3.Whispers of War


    5.The Pact

    6.Tides of Treachery

    7.The Storm Rises

    8.Depths of Despair

    9. The Power of Love

    10.A New Dawn

    Chapter 1

    The Call of the Sea

    The night was alive with the fury of the storm. Lightning forked across the sky, illuminating the rugged cliffs that cradled Tom's lighthouse. The sea roared as it hurled itself against the rocks, a relentless force of nature in its untamed glory. Inside, the lighthouse stood as a solitary beacon, its light piercing through the darkness, a symbol of hope amidst the tempest.

    Tom peered out from the safety of his tower, his eyes tracing the chaos of the waves. He had always felt a kinship with the sea, its vastness echoing the solitude that filled his own heart. Yet tonight, the storm spoke to him, whispering secrets in the wind that he couldn't quite grasp.

    Suddenly, a voice cut through the noise—a melody so pure and enchanting, that it seemed to command the storm itself. Tom's heart raced. He knew the tales of sailors lured to their doom by mermaids' calls, but this voice stirred something within him—a longing he couldn't ignore.

    He grabbed his coat and lantern, stepping into the maelstrom. The wind lashed at him, rain pelting his face as he made his way down the cliffside path to the beach below. The voice grew clearer and more insistent, guiding him.

    As he reached the shoreline, his lantern revealed a figure caught in the tumultuous embrace of the waves—a woman, her hair a cascade of silver under the moonlight, her eyes a reflection of the stormy sea.

    Help me, she gasped, the waves crashing around her. Her voice was the melody he had heard, now frail and filled with desperation.

    Without a second thought, Tom waded into the churning waters, reaching out to her. Hold on! he shouted over the roar of the sea.

    Their hands met, and a jolt of energy surged through him as if the storm itself were acknowledging their connection. He pulled her to safety, back to the path that led to the warmth of the lighthouse.

    Inside, by the fire, the woman's shivers subsided, and her true form became apparent. Scales shimmered on her skin, and her legs were a tail, now cloaked in the fabric of her dress.

    I am Lena, she whispered, her eyes meeting his with an intensity that held all the mysteries of the deep. And you have saved me.

    Tom was speechless, caught between disbelief and the undeniable truth before him. A mermaid is here, in his lighthouse. The tales were real.

    Why were you in the storm? he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

    Lena looked towards the window, where the storm raged on, less fierce now. I was searching for someone who could help me, she began, her voice a melody once more, but laced with sorrow. My world is in danger, and I believe... I believe you are the key.

    Tom sat beside her, the fire casting shadows on their faces. Tell me how I can help, he said, the decision already made in his heart.

    As the storm outside began to wane, the sound of rain against the lighthouse windows softened to a gentle patter. The fire crackled, its warmth filling the room and casting a comforting glow on their faces. Lena, wrapped in a blanket beside Tom, seemed to be contemplating her next words carefully.

    The sea does not call out lightly, Lena began, her voice steady despite the weight of her

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