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The Blueprint For Bliss: Scientific and Spirtitual Keys to a Happy Life
The Blueprint For Bliss: Scientific and Spirtitual Keys to a Happy Life
The Blueprint For Bliss: Scientific and Spirtitual Keys to a Happy Life
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The Blueprint For Bliss: Scientific and Spirtitual Keys to a Happy Life

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Embark on an Exhilarating Quest for Joy with "The Blueprint for Bliss"

Imagine waking up each day with an energized spirit, a calm mind, and a heart brimming with happiness. "The Blueprint for Bliss: Scientific and Spiritual Keys to a Happy Life" is your personal guide to unlocking the serene and joyous life th

PublisherPrimary Self
Release dateFeb 23, 2024

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    The Blueprint For Bliss - Richard Gibson

    The Blueprint

    for Bliss

    Scientific and Spiritual Keys to a Happy Life


    Richard Gibson

    Copyright 2024 Richard Gibson. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

    Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.

    This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information concerning the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher does not render professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

    The fact that an organisation or website is referred to in this work as a citation and/or a potential source of further information does not mean that the author or the publisher endorses the information the organisation or website may provide or recommendations it may make.

    Please remember that Internet websites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared between when this work was written and when it was read.

    Cover designed by Get Covers

    This book is dedicated to shining a light on those who may feel lost or overlooked, reminding them that their presence and purpose are valuable and meaningful.

    I see you





    Chapter 1: The Foundation to Bliss

    Chapter 2: Mastering Breathwork

    Chapter 3: The Power of Meditation

    Chapter 4: Conducting a Health Check

    Chapter 5: Nourishment for Happiness

    Chapter 6: Enhancing Life Through Sleep

    Chapter 7: Discovering Purpose

    Chapter 8: Rewiring Subconscious Beliefs

    Chapter 9: Integrating Body, Mind, and Spirit

    Chapter 10: Cultivating Self Love

    Chapter 11: The Gratitude Attitude

    Chapter 12: Do Not Worry, Be Happy

    Chapter 13: Living the Blueprint for Bliss

    About the Author




    ost will agree that when it comes to life, quality is far more important than quantity. Yet we miss the quality every day. Quality of life comes from being present and enjoying the moment. All that matters is here and now. Without presence, there is no quality. You may feel that this is out of reach, but relax; I am here to help. You are on your way to that quality of life you seek. It has many steps, but each step makes life more enjoyable.

    There is a Japanese word, Kaizen, which means continuous and constant improvement. Subscribe to this to improve your life continuously and constantly.



    y life started out pretty standard, so I thought.

    It turns out, early on things were going south; I just couldn’t see it.

    By my early 40s, I was divorced, and with no contact with my four children, I was crushed. My bank account was empty; I had to walk away from the company I co-founded. I hit rock bottom. I started again, but my mindset was the same, and eight years later, I found myself ending another relationship with a dearly loving partner. I lost my home, and crippling bills left me unable to afford rent or a mortgage.

    At the age of 47, I was reliant on the charity of my family, or I literally would have been on the street.

    This all could be blamed on others, but the reality is that my own poor choices brought me here.

    Don’t get me wrong; I have always acted with integrity despite being faced with strong opposition from those who lack it.

    I didn’t always know something was wrong. It took a great many years to see the impending train wreck, and even then, it took many more years to understand there was change required.

    I was always of the opinion that I was the one in control. Turns out that part was correct. Others can provide help. But only I could fix myself. Trouble is when you are really hurting, you don’t want to have to rely on yourself.

    I felt alone and isolated. I had people that loved me deeply, but they did not understand what I was going through. I thought I was the only one whose biggest enemy was inside their head. I was trapped in a mental hell.

    It turns out many people feel or have felt like I did. This is why this book exists.

    I spent a decade knowing there was nothing at all ok about my normal, and I spent those years in a desperate search for answers. The answers were easy to come by, but unfortunately, it took a lot of sifting to remove the noise. The more significant issue was that my demons were multi-faceted, requiring different angles of attack.

    The answers lay in nuggets across many books, but I hope to apply the critical points of many sources here to cut down your search time.

    If you are hurting right now. I encourage you to stay strong. This book is not a quick fix. You will need to work. And you will need to make some changes.

    This is an overhaul of mind, body and spirit. You do not need to do everything, but the more you embrace, the faster and more effective your results could be.

    Your best is yet to come.



    elcome to the gateway of your next big adventure – the grand journey towards living your best life. Now, I know that might sound like a hefty promise, a towering order of the tallest sort. But let me assure you, this isn’t just another self-help spiel that leaves you flexing your happiness muscles in front of a mirror, hoping for a transformative wink from the universe. No siree, we’re diving deep, and we’ve got science, spirit, and a sprinkle of sass to guide us through.

    Think of this book as your all-access pass to the concert of your life - where you’re not just in the audience, but the star act, the headliner. That’s right; we’re cranking up the volume on your potential and lighting up the stage for an encore-worthy performance in the art of living blissfully.

    Before we stride forth towards chapters filled with wisdom nuggets and life hacks, let’s take a moment to talk about what you won’t find here. There will be no labyrinthine jargon that makes you feel like you’re decoding an ancient scroll. No unreachable standards have you chasing after a bliss that’s forever just one self-improvement book away. Can you feel that? That’s the weight of expectations dropping off your shoulders.

    Look at this not just as a book but as a companion, a chatty guide that’s been through the highs and lows and is all about sharing that cumulative wisdom with you. So, put on your explorer’s hat, adjust your curiosity goggles, and let’s embark on a riveting escapade that’s all about celebrating the brilliant, beautiful life you deserve. Ready to turn the page? Let’s do this!

    Chapter 1:

    The Foundation to Bliss


    o, let’s dive heart-first into what you’re here for: building the foundation for a blissed-out existence. Imagine our lives are like houses, and before we start slapping on some bold-coloured paint or hanging those twinkly lights, we gotta make sure that the foundation is rock-solid. Now, I’m not about to throw a load of bricks and mortar at you; nah, we’re talking about the blueprint of your very own joy palace.

    Before we even whisper about breathwork or meditate on, well, meditation, let’s talk groundwork. It’s that unsexy but oh-so-crucial foundation. Think about it – if your smile isn’t built on something sturdy, it will wobble faster than a Jenga tower at a toddler’s birthday party. And while it might sound like a tall order, I promise you, this is where the magic starts – where science shakes hands with spirituality, and we start sketching out the grand plans for your best life. So, grab your hard hat (just kidding, wear whatever makes you feel fabulous), and let’s get to building!

    Understanding the Blueprint

    Might sound like you’re about to tackle a complex architectural drawing, but we’re discussing something more exciting and personal: the master plan for your best life. Imagine this blueprint as less about rigid steel beams and more about guidelines sketched in the sand. It’s a map of sorts, fine-tuned by your own footsteps as you journey through it.

    The essence of any blueprint lies in its details—yet for your best life, these aren’t measured in inches or feet but in moments and feelings. The biggest misconception? That this blueprint is universal. Spoiler alert: it’s not. Everyone’s blueprint is unique and tailored to individual aspirations, values, and quirks. Yes, quirks—we’re keeping it real because perfection is the killer of joy and,

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