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The Quest - The Snow Labyrinth Book 7: A Place of Legend
The Quest - The Snow Labyrinth Book 7: A Place of Legend
The Quest - The Snow Labyrinth Book 7: A Place of Legend
Ebook46 pages36 minutes

The Quest - The Snow Labyrinth Book 7: A Place of Legend

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About this ebook

Steve is hoping for a quiet life in Minecraft. After saving Herobrine and the game he loves from the Scarlet Hero, he wants nothing more than to enjoy the game.

But everything changes the day he stumbles across a village full of diamonds. There he is attacked by something he has never seen before - red creepers. On top of that,

PublisherMark Mulle
Release dateMar 1, 2024
The Quest - The Snow Labyrinth Book 7: A Place of Legend

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    Book preview

    The Quest - The Snow Labyrinth Book 7 - Mark Mulle

    The Quest: The Snow Labyrinth

    Book 7: A Place of Legend

    Mark Mulle


    Mark Mulle

    Copyright © 2016


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter One

    Steve tossed his things on his bed and yawned. It had been a long week and he was glad it was over. The summer had passed by in a blur and now it was back to business.

    He glanced over at his computer. The fact that things were busy again meant that he hadn’t had any time to play Minecraft. His summer had been full of long days on the game, going on adventures and learning skills from Herobrine.

    Yet school had taken up most of his time, leaving him unable to log in lately. He stared at the computer. It was the weekend, after all. Surely, Steve could spare some time for his game.

    He sat down at his computer and turned it on. As his computer booted up, he found himself remembering the last big adventure he had gone on with Herobrine. Herobrine, once someone Steve had thought was an enemy, had now become his mentor and closest friend in the game. He was part of the game, just like Herobrine was. The two of them were the strongest people in the game.

    That had rubbed some people the wrong way. In fact, it ended up driving one person by the user name Scarlet Hero to try to take over Minecraft completely. He didn’t care about fun or anyone enjoying themselves. He had only cared about becoming the most powerful player in the game.

    Herobrine had vanished shortly after the Scarlet Hero had been taken care of. Steve hadn’t heard from him since. As he logged into Minecraft, he wondered what his friend had been up to.

    His file loaded him into his house. He had rebuilt it after Scarlet Hero had burnt it down. Everything seemed to be in order. There was no sign from Herobrine.

    Steve played for a little while but was tired and soon logged out. As he curled up in to bed, he told himself that he would play more this weekend.


    Steve sat down and loaded up Minecraft. His Saturday had been busy but he had made sure to carve out some time to jump back into the game again. He was anticipating for something exciting. He waited as his game loaded, wondering what he was going to do in the game.

    When the game loaded, he spawned in his house. Gathering his gear from the chests in the main room, he left and looked around his map. Going north would take him into a thick jungle. That could be interesting. Perhaps he would find a jungle temple.

    Deciding to go there, Steve put away his map. He was about to set off when something caught his eye in the distance.

    There was a small pond near his home. It had always been there. There

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