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第一次見到陳駿,是在她半月灣的農場裡,她忙進忙出,沒停過一分鐘。 一般華人很少做到她經營農場的規模,我們頂多在屋裡種種花,在後院開闢個 菜園,就可以傲視鄰里了,但陳駿的農場都是動輒十幾畝,要翻山越嶺才能到, 買個醬油都要開半個鐘頭的車,陳駿什麼先進的儀器都有,對墾荒這件事甘之如飴。

想到她來美國之前,是個清秀佳人的婦產科醫生,她現在在經營農場、種海神花及黑松露,都是令人瞠目結舌的植物及菌類,她不屈不撓,樂在其中, 讓我領悟到人終究是要追求自己的夢想的。

我後來跟陳駿慢慢熟了,我最佩服她經營婚姻的原則,她和先生之間互相 尊重、互相幫忙,他們 27 年婚姻的成功,陳駿絕對是最大的功臣。

Publisherchang c chen
Release dateMar 1, 2024

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    陳駿:獨步海神花 - 邱彰

    copyright©2022 by Chang C. Chen

    All Rights Reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher.

    Includes bibliographical references.

    Herstory: in her own words

    Oral History of Chinese American Women Series


    Since 1960, many of Taiwan's elite college women graduates began a movement to study at leading American graduate schools. They are called the Overachiever Generation. The situation changed drastically in 2000 when China emerged as a world economic power. American schools were no longer the only option, and most of Taiwan's youth choose to further their studies and work in China where language and culture are not barriers.

    In 2014, I met Dr. Chang Yu-Tung, Director of the National History Museum of Taiwan. Dr. Chang convinced me to curate an exhibition, Herstory—the Legal History of Chinese American Women. It suddenly dawned on me that I should record the oral history of those groundbreaking Chinese American women whenever I had a chance to meet them for the exhibition.

    When I was growing up in Taiwan, I did not see any woman leaders in any profession. But the women I met through the Herstory exhibition were different. They endured the most difficult challenges and they faced hostility and criticism. Eventually, they found creative ways to overcome barriers and made it to the top.

    Now, facing the sunset of their lives, how do they help their American born children understand their extraordinary achievements? How do they pass on their experiences and wisdom? Being a member

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