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Dragon Magic: Starfall Grove Book 2
Dragon Magic: Starfall Grove Book 2
Dragon Magic: Starfall Grove Book 2
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Dragon Magic: Starfall Grove Book 2

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Spencer Harris has a magical touch in the kitchen that brings people from miles around to his bakery. But as successful as he is in business, his personal life is a trainwreck...

...until the night he meets a beautiful man whose soul calls to his own. For a few short hours, Spencer’s life is fairy tale perfect...until the next morning when his mate breaks his heart and shatters his dreams.

Raphael Gladstone, prince and heir to his clan, should be living a golden life but darkness and shadows haunt his dreams. He’s a tormented dragon longing for peace...

...which he finds the night his mate stumbles into his arms. For a few magical hours, the burdens on his heart are lifted and his soul knows peace ...until the next morning when he does the unthinkable and sends his mate away.

Caught in a web of danger and deceit, Spencer and Raphael will have to navigate their way to the truth if they’re going to protect each other from the evil trying to destroy them.

PublisherSheri Eleese
Release dateFeb 25, 2024
Dragon Magic: Starfall Grove Book 2

Sheri Eleese

Sheri is an MM Romance writer who believes that love should have no boundaries, in happily-ever-afters, that dragons are real, and in strong leading characters...oh, and bacon; there’s always room for bacon.Sheri is a 1ST Dan Black Belt in Taekwondo. She lives in Alberta, Canada with her husband, two sons, four cats, and one crazy, energetic dog.

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    Book preview

    Dragon Magic - Sheri Eleese

    Dragon Magic

    Starfall Grove - Book Two

    Sheri Eleese

    Dragon Magic

    Starfall Grove - Book Two

    Copyright © Sheri Dwyer 2023

    Written by Sheri Eleese

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This eBook is licensed for your personal pleasure only and may not be modified, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission of the copyright holder. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is strictly coincidental.

    Cover Design: Joe Therasakdhi

    First Edition: February 2024

    ISBN: 978-1- 998864-02-7 (eBook)

    Table of Contents

    About Dragon Magic


    The Beginning


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen


    About Sheri Eleese

    Other books by Sheri Eleese

    About Dragon Magic

    A witch who’s given up on love meets a dragon guarding an ancient power…a power someone will sacrifice both to claim.

    Spencer Harris has a magical touch in the kitchen that brings people from miles around to his bakery. But as successful as he is in business, his personal life is a trainwreck…

    …until the night he meets a beautiful man whose soul calls to his own. For a few short hours, Spencer’s life is fairy tale perfect…until the next morning when his mate breaks his heart and shatters his dreams.

    Raphael Gladstone, prince and heir to his clan, should be living a golden life but darkness and shadows haunt his dreams. He’s a tormented dragon longing for peace...

    …which he finds the night his mate stumbles into his arms. For a few magical hours, the burdens on his heart are lifted and his soul knows peace …until the next morning when he does the unthinkable and sends his mate away.

    Caught in a web of danger and deceit, Spencer and Raphael will have to navigate their way to the truth if they’re going to protect each other from the evil trying to destroy them.



    A special thanks to my readers for your continued support. I appreciate you more than words can say.

    And thanks again to my wonderful team of Lynn, Angela, and James, without whom I wouldn’t be able to do this as well. You guys are my rocks.

    The Beginning

    Philomena—or Mrs. Phife as she was known to the inhabitants of this dimension and time—raised her gaze to the horizon as the sun slowly lowered in the sky, knowing the time for the decision had come. As night’s shadows gathered around them, she turned to Tom, her hand tightening on his arm when he stumbled over the roots of a cherry tree they were passing.

    Do be careful, dearest, before you end up taking a spill, she cautioned.

    No need to fret, Philomena. It wouldn’t be the first time I took a tumble in the dark. Then he gave her a cheeky grin. As I recall, you were with me the last time I took a tumble under the trees.

    Philomena couldn’t help but laugh, which she knew had been his intention, but it lasted only a moment before drowning beneath the grief weighing on her heart. She laid her hand on his chest and looked up at him, his face so familiar and dear, its strong lines softened with age. You know you don’t have to do this. I can find another way.

    Covering her hand with his own, Tom’s eyes filled with the love he held for her. I know. But I’ve had a long and fulfilling life. I’ve outlived my wife and children. And their children. I’ve seen my friends grow old and die four times over. My season has come.

    It doesn’t have to though. We could still have many years together before it’s your time to move on.

    Tom squinted at the trees around them, his chest expanding as he breathed the cool evening air deep into his lungs. Turning back to her, he asked, If not me, then who?

    She held her silence, not having an answer.

    I love this land and the people who live here. If my sacrifice will help save them, I make it gladly. A wistful look crossed Tom’s face as he smiled down at her. The only thing I’ll truly regret is not being able to spend more time with you. I’ll miss the warmth of your beautiful smile.

    She chuckled even though her heart was breaking. You mean you’ll miss the sex.

    Tom’s deep, husky laugh filled the space around them, but underlying it was a thinness, a weakness of age even her power hadn’t been able to fully conquer. His eyes gleamed when he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against her cheek, his breath fluttering the tiny hairs along her hairline as he whispered, I’ll definitely miss the sex. Far more than a proper gentleman should admit. His grin was boyish as he waggled his eyebrows at her. Not that I ever professed to be a gentleman.

    Her hand shook as she lifted it and rested it against his cheek. I’ll miss you, my old friend.

    And I will miss you as well, my dearest Philomena. This time he kissed her tenderly on the lips before gathering her close, his words a soft murmur floating on the breeze. But I won’t really be gone, will I?

    Resting her head against his shoulder, she shook her head. No. But you won’t be here to hold me at night the way I’ve become accustomed to.

    Tom sighed as his arms tightened around her. You’ll just have to think of me holding you as I’ll think of you in my arms until the day we can be together again.

    She looked up at him and nodded, barely able to see him through the film of tears covering her eyes. I promise that you won’t suffer for even a moment.

    And for that, I thank you.

    At his calm acceptance, the tears she’d been struggling to hold back finally spilled over. Tom, I don’t know if I can—

    Shhh. Don’t cry, Philomena. I have no regrets for what is to come but the one. Brushing the tears from beneath her eyes, he kissed her again, then held out his arm. Come. Let us finish our walk before it gets too dark for my old eyes to see.

    She took hold of his arm again, hating herself for her part in the sacrifice of her beloved friend.

    But hating the one who’d forced her hand ten thousand times more.

    They started off again, speaking quietly of nothing, and everything, as the evening breeze swirled around them, walking along the orchard pathways until full darkness fell over them. Then Philomena let Tom take her home for one last night together.

    The following morning the meteorite crashed into the middle of the cherry orchard where Tom was walking with his dog Daisy among the trees he loved so much.

    And true to Philomena’s words, he didn’t suffer for a second.


    Seventy-five years ago…

    Raphael stood silently in the shadows of the cherry grove watching as the young Belmont girl turned from the stone. When she froze, her eyes darting back and forth before landing on his position, he slid further into the trees, then held himself motionless. And though it was impossible that she could see him from this distance, her gaze never moved from his place of concealment. After a long moment in which he was certain he truly had been discovered, and was about to make his presence known, Clarissa Belmont finally looked away. She turned to say something to the meteorite, then darted out of the enclosure surrounding it and took off running through the darkened orchard, leaving the gate open behind her.

    Raphael waited until Clarissa had disappeared from sight before moving from behind the tree he’d been using for cover, his attention now focused on the large rock that had called him to it. He wasn’t sure why it had been so insistent on him being there—perhaps so he could watch over the Belmont girl—but there was no doubt it had because as much as he’d tried to resist its pull, the stone had drawn him there with a ruthless strength he hadn’t been able to stand against.

    Which was as annoying as it was intriguing.

    Moving closer to the stone, he stopped next to the gate and gently pushed it closed, then turned to go. There was a quiet click behind him, the sound of a lock disengaging. Swinging around, he saw the gate was once again standing open. Pushing it closed for a second time, firmly, to make sure it was secure, Raphael had barely taken his hand away when the door popped open again.

    Ahh. So the stone had wanted him there for more than just to watch over the girl. Stepping through the opening, Raphael made his way over to the meteorite, unsurprised when the force that had been pulling at him fell away the moment he stood before it. He stared at it, drawing out the moment—amusement rising when he felt its impatience—then reached out and rested his fingers on its shimmering surface. There was a crack, then a large chunk of stone broke away under his hand. Bringing the piece of silvery-black rock closer to study it, his eyebrows went up when it vibrated in his hand and began conversing with him.

    Though not in a language he’d ever heard before.

    Raphael cocked his head to the side and strained to make sense of the creaks, clicks, and whispers that were just beyond the edge of his understanding. He opened himself up further and focused all of his senses on the stone. There was a sharp pain behind his eyes, then understanding came.

    Images filled his mind, the same ones he’d been dreaming of for centuries. Pain, destruction, fear, darkness. But where before there had been only despair, now there was a feeling of hope, an understanding that the future hadn’t yet been written.

    A realization that they still had a chance.

    Closing his fist around the piece of rock, Raphael rested his other hand on the stone and bowed his head. I willingly accept the task you have given me. I am honored and thankful for the token of power you have provided to aid us in our time of need. The Great Mother it will be sufficient to hold the darkness at bay.

    Warmth flowed from the stone over his body, bringing with it a sense of agelessness. And pride. Bowing his head again, Raphael left the enclosure, shutting the gate behind him.

    This time it stayed closed.

    That night, Raphael’s dreams were filled with visions of the coming darkness and a circle of gleaming rings pulsing with the power of the meteorite. When he awoke, he immediately went to the secret underground bunker he’d built at the far end of his property to house his hoard.

    When Raphael emerged three days later, a ring that had been expertly crafted, molded and shaped with his dragon fire, rested on the third finger of his left hand. It had been fashioned to appear as if it were a solid piece, but when twisted and pressed in a precise manner, would break into two, the slimmer portion destined for the champion of his heart, his mate, whom he had yet to meet.

    Then, if the visions foretold held true, the two of them would stand together with the other champions still to arrive to protect their world from the malevolent force coming to destroy it.

    Chapter One

    Present day…

    It was only chance, or perhaps a greater power looking out for him, that Spencer happened to glance over to the door of the club the exact moment Vick, his last mistake, strolled in. Spencer quickly ducked his head and spun around, then keeping his head down, watched Vick in the mirror on the back of the bar. His ex had paused at the threshold of the club and was standing there with his hands on his hips, glancing around as though looking for someone.

    Hoping like hell it wasn’t him, Spencer hunched over even more. With any luck, Vick hadn’t spotted him and he’d be able to make it back to the safety of his table where Jasper and Gabe were waiting for him to return with their drinks before he did. Then, even though Spencer tried to hold them back, memories of that last night with Vick flooded his mind. His face burned with humiliation as he recalled how stupid he’d been, thinking Vick might be someone he could get serious about. Was someone who would treat him with respect, and who he could introduce to his mother one day. Someone Spencer had foolishly thought was his one.

    He closed his eyes as images of the night everything had gone so horribly wrong lashed at him.

    Two months previously, he’d been in the club with his friend Forrest and a couple of the guys who worked with Forrest at his nursery, with a rare weekend off stretching in front of him. After a couple rounds of drinks to lube them up, they’d laughingly pushed their way to the center of the crowded dance floor and let loose, arms flailing and hips thrusting to the beat of the pounding bass pouring from the speakers. Spencer had been doing a sexy bump and grind with Forrest’s newest employee, a young dark-haired boy with the prettiest blue eyes who blushed every time Spencer flirted with him—which he shamelessly did, those rosy cheeks only encouraging him on—when a pair of arms reached out of the crowd and encircled his waist, pulling him back against a hard muscular body.

    Feeling carefree after the drinks and dancing, and more than a little horny, Spencer had gone easily, blowing kisses at the boy with the pretty eyes as Mr. Hard Body pulled him further into the crowd until he could no longer see his friends. But when he kept going, sanity returned. Spencer dug in his heels, but before he could pull away, one of Mr. Hard Body’s hands slid down and palmed his partial erection, the other moving up to his chin and tilting his head back. He only had time to register glittering hazel eyes before his mouth was taken in a heated kiss as a large, rigid length pressed against his back. Groaning, common sense swept away in a flood of horniness, Spencer had kissed him back, moving his hips against that hardness as he started up a slow grind with his new dance partner. When the song ended, he tore his mouth free and turned around, his breath catching in his throat when he got his first proper look at the smoking-hot, dangerous-looking biker in black leather. Spencer’s kryptonite.

    Blowing sweaty bangs from his eyes, Spencer had plastered his body to the front of Mr. Hot Biker and wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled himself up so he could speak into his ear. What’s your name, big guy? Or should I just call you Sir?

    Hands clamped down on his hips, holding Spencer tight against the huge erection trapped behind black leather pants. Call me Vick for now. You can scream Sir to me later when I take you home and fuck you until you can’t move.

    Spencer had shuddered and fought to keep breathing, the certainty in Vick’s words and the assertive way he’d taken charge of his body pushing every one of Spencer’s buttons.

    What followed was hours of sweaty, heart-pounding sex loosely disguised as dancing as they found every possible way to touch each other that stopped just short of anything that would get them arrested. Except for the one time Vick had maneuvered him over to a dark corner of the club behind a large speaker and turned him to face the wall before reaching into his pants and jacking him off to bone-melting completion, his cum pumping from him at the same driving beat as the music.

    After staggering off to clean himself up in the bathroom, Spencer had exited to find Vick leaning against the wall waiting for him. He hadn’t hesitated in going to him, smiling up at Vick when his arms went around him and pulled him close.

    You ready to get out of here so I can make you scream? Vick asked, his deep husky voice sending shivers down Spencer’s spine.

    Drunk on lust, still horny for more even though he’d just come, and under the influence of more fruity alcoholic drinks than was good for him, Spencer had nodded. After a brief delay to find Forrest and let him know he was leaving and promising to text him when he’d got to where he was going, Spencer had climbed onto the back of Vick’s bike and held tight as they roared off into the night.

    Straddling Vick’s lap on his couch, fresh drinks in hand, they’d dialed the lust back and spent a few minutes talking and getting to know each other. Spencer had just taken another sip of the concoction Vick had made for him, one that was strong enough to make his eyes water, when Vick had drained his beer, then took the glass from Spencer’s hand and placed them on the table next to the couch.

    Spencer grinned. I take it we’re done talking?

    Oh, yeah, Vick rumbled, then moved Spencer off his lap and pushed him down on the couch, coming down on top of him and crushing him into the soft leather cushions.

    Things had heated up again, quickly going incendiary. When they came up for air, they were sweaty, tangled, cum-covered messes. Snorting when he got a look at Vick’s face, Spencer had reached up to wipe a glob of cum from his short beard, the laughter leaving him when Vick had grabbed his hand, his hazel eyes on Spencer’s as he slowly licked the stickiness from his fingers. Then Vick had rolled them off the couch onto the floor and tongued his way down Spencer’s body, licking and sucking until all evidence of their sex was gone from his skin. When Vick was done, he stretched Spencer’s arms over his head, pinning him to the floor as he took his mouth in a heated kiss, feasting on him like he couldn’t get enough of him.

    Which suited Spencer just fine.

    Later, in Vick’s bed, his heart pounding in his chest as he stared up into Vick’s eyes as he slowly stroked deep into Spencer’s body, Spencer had started to wonder if he’d finally, after years of trying, found the man he’d been searching for.

    Friday turned into Saturday, which they spent touring the countryside on Vick’s bike, stopping in the next town over for lunch where Vick treated Spencer to fish chowder from a quaint little restaurant next to the river. They ate their chowder outside, leaning against the railing that looked over the water. Feeling more comfortable with Vick the more time he spent with him—and safe, which was the most important thing of all—Spencer had hesitatingly shared a couple of stories of past boyfriends who’d hurt him badly by using him for sex and then moving on when the next best thing had come along.

    When Vick had immediately gotten angry on his behalf and wanted to know where he could find them so he could kick their asses for hurting him, Spencer’s heart had given a little bump. He stared starry-eyed up at his knight in black leather.

    Could Vick really be the one he could trust his bruised and battered heart with?

    After lunch, they rode up into the mountains along a dirt road too rocky and narrow for a car to go. Partway up, Vick turned off the path and followed an even narrower trail through the trees that opened onto a

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