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Hotwife Car Lot
Hotwife Car Lot
Hotwife Car Lot
Ebook55 pages43 minutes

Hotwife Car Lot

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Jack needs to sell some cars if he's going to keep his business. Honey needs a different man in her bed to keep her libido under control. And Tyler needs a new car. Can Honey's plan to trade her body and an afternoon of no-strings sex for a car sale really work? Find out in "Hotwife Car Lot" today!

~~~~~ PG Excerpt ~~~~~

“Jack!” a light, female voice called. A woman appeared around a corner, walking toward them. “That Henderson woman called again about the red Taurus. She wants to know if we’re willing to knock anything off the price.”

“No. We’re not. In fact,” Jack continued, “you can tell her we’re bumping the price up by a hundred bucks every time she calls.”

“But...” Honey swallowed her words as Jack sent a look her way. Tyler followed his gaze.

And then he looked again.

Rex had told him about the secretary at the dealership. But he had thought his friend had been exaggerating. Rex had always been a guy who stretched the truth, especially if it could make him look better. But this time, Tyler thought, Rex had, for the first time in his life, actually understated the secretary’s allure. She had the face of a girl and the body of a woman. A woman in her absolute prime.

But she flushed and averted her eyes at Jack’s harsh words. Tyler took the opportunity to drink her in. Black hair. Sweet, full-lipped mouth. Full-breasted, lean-hipped, and with a winsome face with high, arching brows. She was dressed professionally, but the black, tight-wrapped pencil-skirt was just a little too short, the crimson, plunging v-neck sweater just a little too tight, with far too much of the inner curves of Honey’s breasts visible to the eager eye.

“Um. Hi,” Tyler said.

“Hello,” Honey said. A flash of dark eyes, wise and wicked, and then she lowered her gaze again. Tyler felt a rush of heat in his groin, and fought to keep it under control.

“Fifty-eight hundred is the price we’re asking, but there’s other things to take into account. Taxes, tags, title and plates. That’s going to bump things up a bit.” He scrawled on a bit of paper. Purely for effect, Tyler thought. “That’s going to take the closing price to somewhere...” He looked up. “Just under sixty-seven hundred. Sorry.”

Tyler’s lips tightened. But his father had taught him a thing or two about bargaining for a car. And the most important lesson was the ability, the sheer guts to say-

“That’s out of my budget. Sorry. No.”

Tyler stood up. “I can go up a bit. But not that much.” He nodded at Honey, then at Jack. “Sorry for wasting your time.”

“Whoa. Hey!” Jack stood up in turn, his hands spread wide. “Don’t be so hasty, Tyler. I’m a reasonable man. Let me sweeten the pot a bit.”

“I can’t go over six grand,” Tyler said stubbornly. Though, to himself, he had decided he would go as high as sixty-two hundred. Maybe sixty-three. “Sorry. But that’s the way it is.”

“Is it?” He exchanged a glance at Honey, who had been watching the entire proceedings with a slightly amused expression. He cocked an eyebrow. She gave a shallow nod in reply. “What do you think of our Tyler, Honey?” he asked, standing behind her chair, his hands on her shoulders.

The woman licked her lips, the pink arrow of her tongue emerging for a moment. “Impressive. Most impressive, especially for a man as...young... as he is.”

“I thought you might say so.” Jack cocked his head and looked at Tyler. “What do you say, kid?” He reached down, spreading the neckline of Honey’s sweater. The sight made Tyler's mouth go dry.

“Sixty-five hundred. And I’ll let you screw my wife.”

Release dateFeb 23, 2024
Hotwife Car Lot

Alana Church

Born and raised in Illinois, Alana attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, graduating with a degree in Education in 1994. She soon found out that the teaching life was not for her, and after a series of adventures has settled down in the Chicago suburbs, where she works for a telecommunications company.Alana lives alone, surrounded by books, pictures, a pile of story ideas, and a turtle named Pedro.

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    Book preview

    Hotwife Car Lot - Alana Church

    Hotwife Car Lot

    By Alana Church

    Artwork by Moira Nelligar

    == || < > || ==

    ~~ All characters in this book are over 18. ~~

    == || < > || ==

    Chapter One

    Hey, babe! Honey Tucker kissed her husband as he came through the front door. How was work today?

    Jack rolled his eyes as he tossed his sports coat onto the back of a chair. Freaking high-school kids, he grumbled. That’s all I see, every damn Saturday. They come in, roam around, ask me a bunch of stupid-ass questions, then drive off. I couldn’t close a sale today if Jesus Christ Himself came down from heaven to offer them two tickets to paradise. And the parents are even worse. Every single one of them tries to chisel me down on the price. He snorted. Am I supposed to sell a car for less than what I paid for it? That’s a great way to stay in business.

    I’m sorry. She hugged him, then gave him a deeper kiss, promising some fun later in the evening. From the stress lines around his mouth, Jack definitely needed to let off some steam. Why don’t you go upstairs and take a nice cool shower. When you get down, I’ll have dinner ready for you. And after, she lowered her voice suggestively, you might get a treat.

    Jack smiled down at her, and his arms tightened. What if I want my treat now?

    Honey smacked his arm with the flat of her hand and spun out of his grasp with a flirtatious twist. Then you’ll just have to be patient. Do you want your daughter walking into the bedroom while we’re making love?

    Making love? Jack blinked down at her with a look of vacant stupidity on his face. I thought we were having chocolate cake for dessert. He grinned at Honey’s outraged expression. Or maybe a trip to Dairy Queen. That’s my idea of a special treat.

    You…you… Honey shook her head and laughed and pointed up the stairs. Go on, you goof.

    Why is Daddy a goof? Kari, their daughter, toddled in. She looked up at Honey, her round face creased in confusion.

    Honey picked her up and kissed her cheek. All boys are goofs, she assured her.

    Even Daddy? She giggled as Jack plucked her out of Honey’s arms, blew a raspberry on her belly, then handed her back to her mother.

    Especially Daddy. She jiggled the four-year-old on her hip as she watched her husband climb the stairs. Damn. The man might be over thirty, but his ass still looks fine.

    Supper was slow-cooked ribs, which had been simmering in the crock-pot all day, with baked fries and green beans on the side. Kari ate well, and even managed to get most of her meal into her mouth rather than her face. But Jack just pushed his food around on his plate. Honey frowned. Are you feeling all right, babe?

    Jack sighed. It’s been a slow month. A slow couple of months, really. I was making good money with Buck and Shannon, back home. Maybe setting up on my own wasn’t the smartest choice we could have made. He took a drink of tea and wiped his mouth. People don’t really know me here. They don’t trust me.

    Give them time, Honey urged, more worried than she showed. "Didn’t you hate working for a dealership? All the high-pressure bullshit you got from the boss, and the politics

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