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Journey of Legends
Journey of Legends
Journey of Legends
Ebook215 pages3 hours

Journey of Legends

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My mind tends to mess with me as I compare my life to another, and needs your assistance. Amon, my best friend lives with his girlfriend and works a full time job. I, on the other hand, am single and remain in college. It has felt like my life hasn't gone anywhere. 

That is until we discovered supposed maps to locations of legend. Would this be a fresh start for me or an abondonement yet again?

Release dateMar 30, 2024
Journey of Legends

Michael Mythos

MIchael Mythos grew up getting lost amongst the tales of myths and legends. He thought he'd take his first full length novel as the way to go on journey's he imagined as a child.   Michael lives with his signicant other and their two pets. When he's not lost amongst a book or RPG, he's out amongst the public parks or out playing pickleball. 

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    Book preview

    Journey of Legends - Michael Mythos

    Chapter 1

    The Journey Ahead

    MY EMOTIONS DID NOT match the sunlight that blinded my eyes. I walked out of my local college, having completed my spring semester with a set of A's, hooray. My mind had sarcastically thought. Yes, it was a success, and yet I did not feel that my life had been that successful as of late. I had just lost my job the other day.

    The company had to have layoffs. I was at least not at fault, and the job was just for gathering some savings. However, left me with nothing to do for summer break. I was still taking courses at college in the hopes to become a high school history teacher one day. My obsessions having been in ancient history, due to my Greek heritage. However, my best friend in comparison, was much further along in life.

    Amon and I had been in our early 20's. He'd been working as a photographer for our local London newspaper company and lived with a girl he dated since high school. I, on the hand, haven't had a girlfriend since then. My mind was something I had to regularly fight off. It kept comparing my life to his.

    My cellphone vibrated from within my pocket. Amon had sent me a text. Hey, taking Alice to the beach. You just finished up right? Why don't I bring you with us? I honestly took a moment to respond. His girlfriend was a short haired brunette Greek like myself and made me assume I'd end up with her. Amon was an adopted black and didn't know his true bloodline.

    I decided to accept his offer. The two of us used to get together all the time, prior to him and Alice dating. He had definitely decided to reach out to me, due to my recent job conundrum. Amon had arrived soon after in his white suv. It took us about an hour to get over to Camber Sands.

    The drive over involved many romantic tunes blasting through the car. I sat in the backseats and noticed how Amon drove with one hand as he held Alice's with the other. It was rare to see their hands empty. The combination of the music and sight of that, had already started to get to me. I remained relatively quiet during the drive.

    We still had a few hours of daylight left, as we made our way onto the sand. Alice and Amon placed their chairs down rather quickly. My desire was to bring mine right before the current. This way I'd feel the nice cool water hit my toes. The two of them ran past me and dipped into the sea. They obviously wanted time to themselves.

    I sat down and pulled my tablet out to read. My obsession with mythology tended to stop me from reading other genres. The irony of it all, was how I had been reading a story involving Poseidon and his sea creatures. Reflecting back on it, Alice explained to me how, while her and Amon were out swimming, he came off as one within her mind. He swam around her like a real circus performer. My friend would swim under, burst out, and pull Alice back down with him.

    Her attractions to him would cause her to reimagine the man. Alice's mind would cause her to picture Amon, when he leapt out of the water, as if he was a dolphin. Although, at times when the sky got dark, his jump would make her imagine him as a storm cloud. She told me how guilty she felt about her mind easily changing to that due to his very dark skin. Back when Alice and I had that talk, I made her feel relief in telling her that it was her mind showing how magical he was to her. My eyes could see, that during our time together here, she continued to feel her emotions for Amon.

    I had gotten my mind stuck in the past, thinking of their relationship, yet again. My memories reminded me of how I was similar with my ex. I'd imagine her as different pieces of beautiful art, whenever we were out together. My mind made me wonder if I had been longing for that kind of feeling, from Alice. Thankfully, they had called me back into the world.

    C'mon Conall, come join us, said Alice.

    We'll even play that ocean tennis game you came up with as a kid, said Amon."

    I haven't played that game in years. I sighed. Just let me read and have your fun in the water.

    I had gotten lost within the story I had been reading, for the remainder of the time. The sun had begun to set. Alice and Amon had gotten their feet back on the sand. They took a moment to wrap blue towels around them and dried off.  The two came to either side of me, and placed a hand on my shoulders.

    Hey bro, you wanna join us for a sunset walk? asked Amon.

    I sighed but agreed to do so. We walked off to the right, in the direction of the sunset. However, didn't do so for very long. I had been walking directly behind them. My eyes remained stuck on their hands held firmly together.

    My emotions had gotten to me again. I had grown jealous, weak, and just couldn't handle the matter. It was through my failed attempts to become more than just friends with Alice, that the two had met and connected with one another. I was happy for them, but couldn't handle myself, and stood still. It took them a moment to realize this and turned around.

    Everything okay? asked Alice.

    Guys, you two enjoy your walk by yourselves. I'll just walk the other side of the beach. We'll meet back up where our stuff is at.

    I had taken off before they could say another word. It didn't take that long to go by our chairs. I had a momentary desire to sit back down, but continued to walk. My decision was soon regretted. To continue my journey, I ended up side stepping around multiple washed-up dead crabs and jellyfish.

    This section must have been affected by red tide. Not that my lack of sense of smell, could detect it. Once I had gotten to a more open location, I came to a stop. Reflecting back on the day, it had not been an improvement in the slightest. It had been nice to be on the beach and feel the nice cool water of the ocean. However, wasn't enough to distract myself from what I was going through.

    Some more time passed and as the sun began to fully set, a thought came to mind. I’m such a failure. It doesn’t feel like I’m truly moving forward with my life. I’m studying in school, what I’m interested in, it... it, just doesn’t feel like it’s enough. Amon has moved forward with his life and I have not.

    The area had become dim, with the only light having come from the further back parking lot. I made my way back over to our chairs. Alice and Amon had been waiting for me. Or had they been. They seemed to have been sitting deep in thought and communication with one another. What, are you regretting including me in this trip? I know I'm feeling that.

    Hey guys, what's the matter? I asked.

    Oh, let's just say that my girl and I have some things to discuss with one another, said Amon.

    Oh? What in the world. He never behaves like this. So... something you need to keep secret from me?

    Alice got up. Hey, why don't we call it for today. Amon and I will finish our chat tonight. We can meet up for breakfast tomorrow and give you the full run down. Sound good?

    I didn't exactly like the idea of something being kept from me but accepted it. We packed up and returned to the car. They didn't have music playing on our return to our home town. My curiosity and confusion had been building up more and more. They dropped me off and I had to reluctantly wait for the get together, not the following Saturday morning, but on Monday.

    It had finally become the late weekday morning. I had just gotten together with Alice and Amon at our favorite restaurant. Best of the Bunch. We were to have a nice brunch together. However, I couldn't hold back on my anticipation building and questioned them right away.

    Hey, do I finally get to hear about what that big deal out on the beach was?

    Conall, bro you won't believe what we just found, said Amon as he gave me a reluctant look from across the table.

    Oh, and what would that be?

    Heh, I'm willing to bet you won't even believe me.

    I placed my hand to my face. Good god Amon, just tell me already.

    Alice exchanged looks between Amon and I, You know how they say people would leave messages within a bottle? We happened upon one that appeared to contain a collection of maps. Those of locations of legend. Ones you'll be teaching one day to your students.

    Umm, alright. Thanks, but have plenty of those in published books.

    No, you don't understand. These show them as being in completely different locations, said Amon. He pointed at me. Could explain why we've never found them.

    I lifted my hands up. What? They can't exist. My mind was all over the place, in not comprehending what they were trying to suggest. C'mon, let's drop this nonsense and just enjoy our brunch together.

    Amon slapped the table. Hey wait, give me a moment to speak here. Now I know the chances are low, but why don't we give these a shot. It could be a nice adventure together, just the three of us. Why don't we try to find El Dorado?

    This did sound like an interesting idea to me. However, my mind pictured what it would have been like. We were in a jungle area as the sun began to set. I had become exhausted from all of the traveling. Amon needed my help to get a fire pit set up safely.

    I was still able to do so. Although, I did grow a little frustrated as he did not have Alice do anything. She stood off to the side as the two of us set things up. Once done, him and her sat together by the fire. I sat across from them, on the other side of it.

    The two held hands and cuddled up with one another. I, on the other hand, had my arms wrapped tight and tried to warm up. That, was what I had at least been telling myself. My body was tired and mind was everywhere as always. I set up my private tent and tried to get rest within. My lonesomeness continued to eat away at me and my interest immediately died back down.

    I had broken back in from my vision. No thanks Amon. I don't want to risk ruining your journey out into the wild with your girlfriend. Why don't you make this a couple's adventure together?

    Amon looked to Alice, See, he's a scaredy cat. That was just trying to make an excuse to back out from this. He crossed his arms and looked back over to me. Or... aww you worried that you'll make her lose interest in me and fall for you? he smirked.

    I flipped my head back. Wow bro, just wow.

    Alice shook her head. No, I doubt that'd be the reason. Hey, I know that I've been taking a lot of time out of your two's friendship, for a couple of years now. Why don't the two of you get back to your old hangout days. Make this just the two of you?

    Amon turned to Conall. Well, what do yah say?

    I had quickly exchanged eye contact between the two of them. Amon looked just as shocked as I was. Damn my mind is just making things up again. They can't be serious about this... I looked down and back up at Amon. Alright, if you're sure about this. Let's do it.

    So Conall, tell your parents that we're going on a trip together.

    Alright, I'll say that we're going to go visit your other family members outside the country. They’ve met your parents on multiple occasions, so they trust you and your family.

    Hey, that's great to hear.

    So, what are you going to tell your parents exactly?

    Well since I work as a photographer, I'll basically tell them that they gave me a special assignment. Where if I did an excellent job then the company would promote me.

    Wow, I was one to judge Amon and his words. Although, I did tend to find him to be entertaining. I couldn't help but giggle to myself. Geez Amon, that's what you'll tell them?

    Yeah, well hey we really find this place and take official pictures, hell yeah, they’ll promote me. Hahahaha!

    Alice looked over at him and smirked. Oh my god, you are such a cute ridiculous guy.

    They both cracked up as the waitress served us our food. Amon had ordered the double chocolate pancakes. Alice's meal was that day's soup special. I, on the other hand, stuck with my usual lunch meal and ordered a gyro. My appetite was part of my cultural obsession.

    Amon gave my meal a stern look. Huh, why didn't you order a breakfast food like the two of us?

    Well this is brunch, isn't it? I asked.

    Sure, but why you always ordering that jyro?

    I slapped my forehead. Oh my god Amon. You know how it's pronounced. It's year-o.

    Alice stopped eating and rolled her eyes. Alright guys enough. Amon, you know that's his favorite food. Leave him alone about that. She turned to me. You however, need to remember that the English translation looks absolutely nothing like how it's spoken.

    I crossed my arms. Oh, I suppose so. Let's talk about something else then. Amon, when are we leaving, and what should I bring with us?

    Oh, I  already looked into the flight schedule actually, said Amon. Let's take our flight out to South Africa, Friday morning.

    Nice, would have preferred a little bit more time to prepare but still exciting to hear.

    Oh you bet. Now, don't worry about bringing too much. I'll bring the hunting gear to be able to catch out meals mid travel.

    It took me a moment to respond. Whoah, that's your plan? Remember we are going out of country. It's hard enough to fly around here with stuff like that.

    Amon raised his hand. Hey, no worries. I'll get myself registered for the trip and all that. My adoptive military dad may have trained me all these years for a whole other reason... But still, I'll be well prepared for our hunting needs.

    Alright, would you mind if we added my fishing gear to your set?

    Hehe sure. You are a real fisherman. I can recall your obsession with your grandfather's set. Just don't get too excited. I'm sure we'll be needing my skills over yours.

    I shook my head. Wow bro, you sure are excited for all of this.

    Amon raised his nearly empty glass of water, as if I still had one to tap his with. You bet. Well I'm full and Alice and I have some plans before heading out on this trip. He turned to her. You ready sweetie?

    Alice locked eyes with him and smiled. Sure. She swung back over to me. Hey, so I don't think I'll get to see you again until after the trip. I hope the two of you have a real fun time together... Alice leaned in and whispered in my ear. You better stop him from going too far while out there.

    I flicked my head back and laughed. Hah, no worries.

    Amon got up and crossed his arms. He squinted his eyes between the two of us. "Hmm, probably shouldn't

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