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The Word Volume 7: 1989-1992: Mystical Revelations of Jesus Christ through His Two Witnesses
The Word Volume 7: 1989-1992: Mystical Revelations of Jesus Christ through His Two Witnesses
The Word Volume 7: 1989-1992: Mystical Revelations of Jesus Christ through His Two Witnesses
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The Word Volume 7: 1989-1992: Mystical Revelations of Jesus Christ through His Two Witnesses

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Jesus Christ is the avatar of the ages-the same yesterday, today and forever. We knew him when he walked the streets of Atlantis and Lemuria. We also knew him in eras of darkness, when he sought to lead men to the light. His message did not begin with the Bible, nor did it end with the Book of Revelation. He has never stopped speaking to his own.

Two thousand years ago, he foretold a time of tribulation-the end of an age. That time has come. It is the era when the mystery of God should be finished, when the Two Witnesses should prophecy "a thousand two hundred and threescore days."

And so Jesus once more delivers his Word to a world in transition. As always, the message is one of judgement to the fallen angels, admonishment to those who would walk in the light, hope for all who are striving on the path, and the vision of golden age to come.

This volume includes dictations by Jesus Christ through Elizabeth Clare Prophet given from 1989 to 1992.
Release dateJan 1, 2020
The Word Volume 7: 1989-1992: Mystical Revelations of Jesus Christ through His Two Witnesses

Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Elizabeth Clare Prophet is a world-renowned author, spiritual teacher, and pioneer in practical spirituality. Her groundbreaking books have been published in more than thirty languages and over three million copies have been sold worldwide.

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    The Word Volume 7 - Elizabeth Clare Prophet


    Mystical Revelations of Jesus Christ through His Two Witnesses

    Volume 7 (1989–1992)

    by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

    Copyright © 2022 The Summit Lighthouse, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Except for a single copy for your personal, noncommercial use, no part of this work may be used, reproduced, stored, posted or transmitted in any manner or medium whatsoever without written permission, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

    For information, contact

    The Summit Lighthouse, 63 Summit Way, Gardiner, MT 59030 USA

    Tel: 1-800-245-5445 or 1 406-848-9500

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021941025

    ISBN: 978-1-60988-385-0 (softbound)

    ISBN: 978-1-60988-386-7 (eBook)

    The Summit Lighthouse, Summit University, Summit University Press, flame in bowl logo, Church Universal and Triumphant, Keepers of the Flame, and Pearls of Wisdom are trademarks registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All rights reserved.




    An Easter Convocation for Cosmic Christ Illumination

    (March 26, 1989)


    The Second Coming of Christ

    Receive Me and Become Who You Are

    (November 23, 1989)


    The Way Is Cleared for the Saints to Occupy the Earth!

    Take Back unto Yourself the Karma I Have Borne for You These Two Thousand Years

    (December 25, 1989)


    To the Called of God with Me in the Temple of Initiation

    The Path of the Rose Cross

    (April 15, 1990)


    Ascend to the Level of Your I AM Presence with Jesus

    Coming into Consonance with the Living Word of Your Own Being

    (May 28, 1990)


    The Gift of Resurrection’s Flame

    I Come as Your Friend and Comforter

    (July 8, 1990)


    The Marriage of the Lamb Is Come

    We Come to Raise Up the Christ of Woman

    (November 22, 1990)


    Become Agents of the Cosmic Christ!

    I, Jesus, Have Called You

    (December 25, 1990)


    Drink This Cup of My Christhood

    Let Us Get On with the Science of Being!

    (February 15, 1991)

    CHAPTER 10

    Rise to the Higher Calling in God!

    Salvation through My Sacred Heart

    (March 31, 1991)

    CHAPTER 11

    The Hour of the Choice

    (April 28, 1991)

    CHAPTER 12

    I Love You!

    My Heart/Thy Heart

    (July 5, 1991)

    CHAPTER 13

    The Call of Love

    In Preparation for the Wedding Day

    (October 14, 1991)

    CHAPTER 14

    The Descent into Hell

    (November 28, 1991)

    CHAPTER 15

    The Christmas Rose

    I Call You to the Heart of God

    (December 25, 1991)

    CHAPTER 16

    The Descent of the Crystal Fire Mist

    From My Sacred Heart I Pour Out the Vial

    (April 19, 1992)

    CHAPTER 17

    Are You Ready for the Second Coming?

    Walk the Earth as My Twin

    (October 12, 1992)

    CHAPTER 18

    The Igniting of Joy

    Come to the Heart of the Little Child

    (November 26, 1992)

    CHAPTER 19

    The Point of Dazzling Joy

    I Will Let No Man Take My Crown of Joy

    (December 25, 1992)


    Ritual of the Resurrection Flame



    Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ appeared in the Middle East—an event of such import that we divide history into the epochs before and after his coming. He walked the Holy Land performing miracles, preaching to the multitudes, and imparting an inner teaching to the Apostles and the Holy Women.

    After three short years, he ascended from Bethany’s Hill. Yet that was not the end of Jesus’ mission—nor the end of his teaching.

    Paul proclaimed that he received his knowledge of Jesus’ teaching not from the Apostles, but directly by the revelation of Jesus Christ.¹

    John received the Revelation of Jesus Christ² while in a cave on the island of Patmos fifty years after Bethany’s Hill.

    In fact, Jesus has never ceased teaching. Through all the centuries since his departure from that scene, Jesus has spoken directly to the heart of his disciples.

    Some, like Francis of Assisi and Catherine of Siena, were empowered by the Master for a very public mission. They were true spiritual revolutionaries.

    Others found their lives transformed by his very personal impartation of the keys to their spiritual path. They have kept the flame by their profound inner communion with the Master.

    Today, once more Jesus brings a new public revelation of his Truth. For more than forty years, he released his teachings through Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, messengers for the ascended masters. And along with this new revelation, he also brings a torch of responsibility that he would pass to those who are ready to receive it.

    Two thousand years ago, he told us that the kingdom of God is within you.³ Today he brings a more profound understanding of what this really means.

    He told us then of the time of judgment that must come at the end of the age.⁴ He tells us now that we are living through the fulfillment of that prophecy. He tells us that we have a key role to play in that judgment, and he tells us how to pass through it unscathed.

    He demonstrated miracles then as proof of the promises he made. Today he explains the spiritual science behind those miracles. And he shows us how we can also work the greater works⁵ that he promised those who follow in his footsteps.

    The image in many churches is of Jesus on the cross—as if that were the defining moment of his mission. Jesus himself has reminded us that he was on the cross only a few brief hours. In fact, his life was not one of suffering but of great joy and a profound communion with God.

    He bids us experience that communion.

    He bids us experience the resurrection—a gift intended for the many, not the few.

    He bids us embrace our sacred labor and become on earth, as he was, an agent of the Cosmic Christ.

    And he offers the full cup of joy that he experienced, the abundant life promised to all who follow in his footsteps.




    Peace be unto you, my beloved. For my heart is with you this day, and my Spirit and my Presence.

    I AM Jesus the Christ. I come in the fullness of resurrection’s flame that I might transfer to the aura of each one, so carefully prepared by yourselves in these days, that momentum of the resurrection that can give all the atoms a spin, the cosmic atoms a cosmic spin so that you may win and win your Victory in this life. May that spinning and that throwing off of humanly misqualified substance of karma, beloved, create evermore the concentration of the sacred fire in each sun center that does comprise the vast body of God that you are.

    May you bask in this flame for the duration of my message and be seated in the joy not only of my resurrection but of your own, beloved. For you are also resurrected this day and this is my Easter message! For the resurrection of your Real Self, of who you really are, can be the most transforming experience of your life.

    You have lived so long with the adoptive self, the adaptive self, the accommodating self, the not-self, and the dweller-on-the-threshold, that sometimes what you think is your very best self is but a conglomerate of all of these and a habit.¹ But when the habit is consumed by the living fires of God and you step forth from that tomb and see who you are, blessed ones, you will never again argue in defense of that old posture, that old reason, that old ego.

    Now then, it is springtime. Step forth into newness of life! I have counseled many of my disciples in this community to become your Real Self and so I do it again. For it is a step-by-step, a day-by-day process and sometimes it is necessary to take out the old photograph album and to see just how far you have removed yourself from those other years and lesser spheres of manifestation.

    I impart to you, then, the love of our oneness. For, beloved, I tell you, whether you have identified with me or not in this life you have gravitated toward this activity of service to set the record straight, to resolve to enter fully and finally into the heart-to-heart relationship with myself, precisely the one that I shared with John.

    Beloved hearts, know, then, that this Christ that I AM and that I declare—for I AM the Son of God—is your Christ, is your Sonship. And though this Sonship may be at times more evident where I AM, whether when I was upon earth two thousand years ago or in the ascended octaves as I AM today, yet, beloved, this Christ of my and your Sonship is the Rock of your divine Reality. Cling to it as though all the waves of the roaring seas of hell should beat against it and you should hold on to that rock for life! Seeking and finding the true Reality of oneself is like mining the gold of the divine image until one comes to the golden image of the golden-age man and woman.

    I come for restoration! I come for re-storation, beloved! Let there be a new story! Let the sacred fire consume the old coil! Be done with it! Have done with it!

    Blessed heart, there is a new spiral and a new man and a new woman and it is the glory of the living Christ within you. This joy I bring you, this understanding I tell you. For newness of life and resurrection is the only way to survive in a dead and dying world, is the only way to come apart to infuse new life into those who are the sick—the maimed, the halt, the blind. By the resurrection flame and through prayer and fasting know that that divine Reality can come forth.

    The image divine of your Holy Christ Self is impressed upon every cell of your being. In some lifetimes and also for some in this one, one would scarcely be able to compare the outer self with that inner image. The body elemental works hardest of all to outpicture that image against all odds. Have you thought that the body elemental works to outpicture a genetic code? I tell you it is not so. The body elemental does behold this divine image and does seek to bring it forth into manifestation.


    Thus, may I have your cooperation, beloved? [Yes!] For I have work for you to do and it does begin with the feeding of my sheep.² Thus John’s last recorded encounter of myself with my disciples illustrates the message: that the One has come and the fact that the One has delivered the Path and the teaching is not at all the victory but that the some and then the many do retrace it carefully, almost as divine artists and artisans would, to be certain that the Path and the teaching and the profile of a personal discipleship unto Christhood be not lost.

    Feed my sheep. Was I not concerned with food? Indeed, the perfect balance of food. Was I not concerned with the nourishment of souls? Indeed. The false pastors of this day have neglected both—the spiritual meat as well as the physical. Thus they are heady and as though drunk and have not an attunement by bodies held up as chalices, by minds held up, by the soul raised up unto the living Word to deliver that unto others.

    Thus a false pastor may only be false by the failure to bow to the divine will, to the divine principle, to the Father-Mother God, to the oneness of life. Thus those who meditate upon the law of God must come to the internalization of that law, but only if in their desiring the desiring be so great that all of their desiring is sent forth unto a cosmos and the cosmos must return the fulfillment of that desiring to be God in manifestation!

    Will you not say it, beloved? I will be God in manifestation!

    [Congregation affirms with Jesus:]

    I will be God in manifestation! I will be God in manifestation!

    So help me, God!

    [Congregation affirms with Jesus:]

    So help me, God!

    Fear not, then, to cry out unto your God, to plead your own case and cause and to say, I am thus and such and I am ashamed, O my LORD, that this is the meager offering I may bring to you when you have endowed me with all of thy glory and opportunity and causal body, and my Holy Christ Self is so near! Therefore, O God, I desire no longer to continue in a path that does shame you before men and before heaven. I will to be thyself in manifestation, O my Father-Mother God!

    Blessed hearts, when you desire this as nothing else and set about doing it as the true Work of the LORD, the building of the temple—the building of the temple in three days,³ blessed hearts!—it is the realization of the sacred mystery of being God’s Self in manifestation. They cannot tear down the temple of the living God or the living Christ.

    But these are three days in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, three days by the power, wisdom, and love of the Trinity and the threefold flame, three days as cycles of healing, resurrection, restoration—even the restoration of the light in the sacred centers and the restoration of the soul to the body. Blessed ones, this temple is the temple of the living God⁴ and you can in three days as three cycles in the LORD’S body so transform it by the observance of the laws that have been made known to you.


    May you be self-emptied that you might be filled. Let all error of all orthodoxy, let all error of all planetary systems ever foisted upon you be taken from you in this hour by the Great Central Sun Magnet focused within my Sacred Heart! May you be emptied that light! light! light! light! may fill all of thy members, all of thy house. May it be so, for we would see the transformation of your individual worlds.

    And as the dispensations are to the lightbearers and as it has been said throughout this conference, let us see the example of the lightbearer that another lightbearer upon earth might recognize in you, "That is what I must be. That is what I will to be! That is what I must be."

    Blessed ones, see, then, and remember when you have recognized a friend, or the teacher, or the master you may almost see dictating through the messenger, remember how you knew in a moment, when you saw, that this was the Path for you. Some physical sign was there, some expression of love, some fire of the eye, someone who also could perceive your need.

    As never before men are surfeited in their karma. Their eyes are covered with scales. They cannot recognize a lightbearer from a member of a cult, glassy-eyed and hypnotized by autohypnosis and self-indulgence. They cannot see the difference between those infired with the Holy Spirit and the nonentity and the godless. This is the decay of mankind.

    But all who have the Spirit of the LORD upon this earth know that Spirit in each and every one who does have it. And it is true, beloved, there are no lines of separation. Across the board on the planetary home in every religion there are those who have the Holy Spirit and there are those who do not. And those who do not have it have not been willing to sacrifice to receive it, for it does require surrender unto the Spirit, service unto the Spirit, selflessness unto the Spirit, sacrifice. The ruby ray cross is the key to enter in.

    Thus you will understand that true pastors of Christian churches have wondered as they remarked and saw that your messenger is filled with the Holy Spirit, yet they could not understand the teaching. And some convinced themselves against the evidence and did follow the way of accusing this Church to be of Satan. But those who truly have the Holy Spirit, beloved, do not cry out and rail against her.

    Precious hearts, my body is One universally and the seed of Satan is also scattered in their midst. May you call for their binding, for these are always the ones who perpetuate the flesh-and-blood doctrine that does not lead to everlasting life but to the astral plane.

    May you know that progress is made, whether here or in etheric octaves, and that the souls of light who understand my person as their Lord and Master and Saviour are progressing in footsteps of discipleship. Many have come to the place, beloved, where they must have the teaching that is set forth in the books of the messengers whereby they may learn the Christian mysteries. Many of them have been held back in centuries past for want of this self-knowledge in Christ. And their karma did not allow it to be given to them except through the dispensation of the two witnesses.

    Others whose karma was lighter did receive the mysteries, became the saints, were ostracized in their time, such as Saint John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, and many others. They were too holy for the other brothers and sisters. Thus they suffered at the hand of the members of their own orders, beloved, for their light was too great. Yet their light was the light of the whole blessed Church. May it be so of you that your light does ignite the universal body of God and quicken, quicken many hearts to a vigil with me in this hour.

    For I come to announce to you, beloved, that from this moment of this Easter 1989 until the end of the age, according to a certain timetable I have given to this messenger, I am keeping the watch with those of my own who are now in their turn in the Garden of Gethsemane and who must pray through the night of returning karma:

    Father, if thou be willing, let this cup pass from me!

    Nevertheless, not my will but thine be done!

    I will keep the watch. I will not fall asleep.⁵ I will be there. And my Father has given to me this dispensation to be evermore close* to each and every one of you.


    My closeness this day to the physical octave has profoundly moved the messenger almost to the point of not being able to deliver this dictation. But I have strengthened her, for it is as the meeting of heaven and earth where she stands. And so long have my own waited for this embrace, beloved, for the hour and the moment when there should be no veils between us!

    Beloved hearts, the veils remain even when individuals pass on until they are able to accelerate the light to some level. Thus those who move on according to their Christian teachings are taught by holy angels and must receive that training in my teachings set forth by the messengers and learn to decree and to call forth the violet flame before they are able even to be in my presence. Understand, then, that being in or out of physical embodiment is not what is telling in whether or not you will meet the masters. What is telling, beloved, is the preparation.

    Thus, in my profound love for my own and for all who are my own and know it not (for there are many of these who have been turned off by the present forms of Christianity), out of concern for all of every religion and every race and every nation who must emerge into their Christhood if they would survive the judgments, the chastisements coming upon the earth, and the returning karma—I, Jesus, have sought and been given this dispensation to be closer to my disciples and closer to the physical octave until the end of the age of Pisces, beloved, because I AM the heart and the life and the heartbeat of the age of Pisces. As I began in the physical octave, so I finish as close as the Great Law does allow.


    But I tell you something, beloved, as you give your Watch With Me⁶ and the new recording thereof infused with a greater power of sound and mantra and heart investment, you will enable me to come closer and closer in a vibratory action to the physical where some who are devoted to me may be more aware of me than they ever have been. Thus never has there been a time when the Watch has been more important.

    Beloved ones, I seek the healing, the healing of their minds and souls and hearts from the deep grooves and the dyed fabric of consciousness where orthodoxy has been almost as the recitation of fairy tales time and again and over again until for sentimentality’s sake alone and not for salvation’s sake they are unable to surrender those things that they have been given since childhood when seated upon their father’s knee. Therefore, beloved, understand that the surrendering of a lifetime of belief in a teaching that is incomplete in some cases and erroneous in others is not easy.

    Thus remember that the Wednesday evening service is a healing service. And I am accorded, therefore, the deference of Lord Lanto and the chohans that there might now be given the rerecording of the Jesus’ Watch and a ninety-minute audio on the fifth ray of healing and science and in the All-Seeing Eye of God, that those of you who desire to do so may complete your service of this Watch with the calls for healing—the healing of the entire body of God upon earth, all seed of light, especially the healing of their minds and hearts of false doctrine, the healing of their bodies from all manner of impure substances whereby they are truly, desperately, physically ill and succumb to the maladies of the times and do pass on, not having fulfilled even the best portion of their life’s mission.

    This, then, will be our Wednesday agenda any time you can observe it in the twenty-four hours. And if you have a heart and a desire to see these souls who are our own once and for all after these two thousand years come into the fold of the Great Shepherd, so I say, may you delight in this ritual.

    Blessed ones, your responsibilities are great. And therefore I would not so much compel you as I would infuse you with my love and my compassion and the very healing flame that I desire to see you record so that you may be healed, so that you may take up the calling to be the strong ones who stand for the weak until they are able. As the Lord Maha Chohan, the great and holy one of God, who wears the mantle of the Holy Spirit, has said, I AM keeping the flame for you until you are able. And so Gautama Buddha has also said, "I AM keeping the flame for you until you are able."

    Realize, then, beloved, that you are in that position this day. You can be Simon the Cyrenian. You can bear the cross of world karma with me and for me and for my own as you do each and every time you offer calls to the violet flame.

    But, beloved, this is a wondrous bearing of the cross, for the cross you bear in that moment is transmuted and another is taken. It is as though you walk into the court* with a great wooden cross on your back. It is dissolved by the violet flame. And as you go out another cross is placed upon you until you return again. Is this not the wondrous, joyous opportunity to balance our karma on the cross of the ruby ray in such divine love, knowing that we do hold back the cycles of personal and planetary karma that mark the end of the age of Pisces and more until all is in readiness?


    Rejoice, then, beloved, for all that must come to pass is for the restoration of personal and planetary balance. Therefore not to be resigned to it, not to resist it, not to become depressed, and not to become overjoyed but to go into

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