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Ebook125 pages7 minutes


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The Bold and the Beautiful        作者:邱彰


1963 年,紀政去了美國培訓,因為台灣體壇認識到她是一顆可以造就的新星。

她到了美國,就住在教練瑞爾家裡。那年紀政 19 歲,高挑、清純,全身散發出耀眼的青春。老實說,沒有幾個男人可以抵擋,49 歲的瑞爾更不行。


Publisherchang c chen
Release dateMar 4, 2024

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    勇者無懼:紀政口述歷史 - 邱彰

    copyright©2023 by Chang C. Chen

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    Includes bibliographical references.

    Herstory: in her own words

    Oral History of Chinese American Women Series


    Since 1960, many of Taiwan's elite college women graduates began a movement to study at leading American graduate schools. They are called the Overachiever Generation. The situation changed drastically in 2000 when China emerged as a world economic power. American schools were no longer the only option, and most of Taiwan's youth choose to further their studies and work in China where language and culture are not barriers.

    In 2014, I met Dr. Chang Yu-Tung, Director of the National History Museum of Taiwan. Dr. Chang convinced me

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