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Spirit Voices in the Wind: A Venture into Mysticism, Mediumships, and Magic
Spirit Voices in the Wind: A Venture into Mysticism, Mediumships, and Magic
Spirit Voices in the Wind: A Venture into Mysticism, Mediumships, and Magic
Ebook237 pages2 hours

Spirit Voices in the Wind: A Venture into Mysticism, Mediumships, and Magic

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"Our existence in this world is not as it appears."

Thus begins this remarkable story of a young married couple living in Southern California in the 1980s who discover that the true nature of their existence is more than what it seems.

United by their own natural psychic abilities, James and Theresa Pratt begin to explore New Age spiritual awareness and are soon visited by an array of mysterious spirit beings who communicate with them through hypnotic trances. Some are protective guardians who have known the couple in past lives and mystical realms, while others are intent on harming them and their unborn first child.

Their fascinating conversations and interactions involve psychic travels, magical rituals, dreams, trances, elemental creatures, extraterrestrial beings, spirit boards, and encounters with other mystic practitioners. As they venture further into these worlds and dimensions, James and Theresa soon find themselves caught up in the formidable conflict between entities of chaos and beings of light, as well as the staggering power of the Divine.

This story chronicles the experiences of an everyday, average family who explored mediumship and lived side by side with the occult and the paranormal. Along the way, they found this world not only keenly risky and troubling, but also profoundly rewarding—and fantastic beyond their imagination.
Release dateMar 6, 2024
Spirit Voices in the Wind: A Venture into Mysticism, Mediumships, and Magic

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    Spirit Voices in the Wind - J. Montgomery Pratt



    Theresa and I always enjoyed our morning yoga and meditation practice. We had both grown up in families that regarded these practices as somewhat different from the kinds of things teenagers usually did, so we found solace and acceptance in each other. On one particular Sunday morning in the spring of 1980, we showered, put down our yoga mats, and performed our asanas. Then I turned on relaxing music.

    As I began to savor the meditation, I sensed a warm, glowing, golden light enveloping my body. As usual, I emerged from my session before Theresa—she could comfortably meditate for an exceptionally long time.

    I made some noise, hoping to rouse her so we could get on with our day.

    Theresa, I said gently.

    She didn’t move or stir.

    Theresa, I said again, this time nudging her.

    Not Theresa, she replied, her eyes closed. Her voice sounded markedly different, and it startled me.

    What? I asked.

    Not Theresa, she repeated.

    Who are you?


    El-Sa, I repeated.

    Yes, said the one speaking through Theresa.

    Who are you, and why are you here? I asked. It worried me that an unknown being had taken over Theresa’s body and was speaking through her. But I didn’t (or did not know how to) stop it—and I was also very curious.

    You need guidance on your path. I have come to help you, El-Sa said. Her words seemed kind and reassuring. I sensed that the being was female.

    Are you a guardian? I asked.

    Yes, she said, tilting Theresa’s head and making her smile softly.

    What is this path you speak of?

    You wish to know much. I can help. You seek spiritual knowledge. I will guide you on the right path. There are others willing to help as well.

    I was stunned by her words and the promise of other beings open to helping us. What others? I asked.

    "The host," she said, as though this was something I should have known.

    Host? Who is that?

    On our side, there is a host of many, many beings wishing to communicate with people in this physical realm. We wait for a door to open; it is like a light, a thread of light. Many come to it; many wish to speak. Today, I found the thread, but others are waiting, too.

    Would too many beings trying to communicate all at once cause a problem? I asked, trying to comprehend all this newfound information.

    No need for alarm—there are guardians who watch. Many come, but few are chosen to speak because one must have the capacity to hear. Do not be alarmed; Theresa is guarded. El-Sa reassured me with a nod when she said guarded.

    Did you live on this planet? Who were you in life?

    It’s been over a hundred years since I lived here. I was Swiss. My life was very hard. An avalanche destroyed my village, and the few of us who remained had to travel treacherous roads to safety. My parents and brother were lost, but I was among those who survived. After my life was over, I was allowed to become a guardian. El-Sa spoke with a slight sadness in her voice.

    Did you know Theresa in that life?

    Not then. El-Sa paused.

    When? I asked.

    In the spirit world. We agreed that I would come to help. You should remember that, James. You were there, too.

    I’m sorry, I don’t remember. I smiled, although I wasn’t sure if El-Sa could see me.

    El-Sa, the first spirit guardian being to speak during our spirit-trance sessions.

    I know. They never do. She seemed to reflect on what she stated, as though she were hoping I would remember. But you’ve kept up your end of the contract, she concluded, referring to the agreement for spirit communication. Her voice trailed off.

    Are you okay? I asked.

    I am okay, El-Sa said. But it is exhausting to remain speaking through another body, you know?

    How do you mean? Do you feel the pressures of the body? I was astounded by this idea.

    Oh, yes. She paused. We must be very strong to stay for any length of time.

    What is it like?

    "Well, there is a constant blowing of the wind, and the flesh is heavy to talk. Her voice faded, and she seemed distracted; then she focused her attention back to me. To talk takes much concentration and focus."

    Then, as if mentally speaking to someone else in the room, El-Sa turned Theresa’s head toward a spot on the ceiling.

    I grow weary; I must go, she said. She nodded and then faced me again, her eyes still closed. I must go. Theresa will return.

    Everything fell incredibly silent. I didn’t know what to do, so I waited impatiently, unsure if I should touch Theresa. Finally, consciousness slowly swept over her face, and she opened her eyes as if awakening from a deep sleep. She was disoriented.

    What happened? I asked, taking her hand. It felt icy.

    I’m so cold, Theresa whispered, hugging her arms.

    I went to get a heavy blanket and wrapped it around her.

    Theresa was trembling. I’m cold, and I can’t stop shaking. What’s happening to me, James?

    Should I tell her? I had to. Theresa, you are a medium.

    "What?" Her voice reflected shock and doubt.

    While you were meditating, a being entered this world through you and…spoke.

    Theresa rubbed her face. She was still trembling. What? What did it say?

    She said something about helping us on our path to spiritual growth and something about a contract or agreement to engage in spirit communication.

    Theresa was suspicious. What’s her name, then?


    I don’t like this freezing feeling. Will she return?

    I think so. I hope so. It’s wonderful, don’t you think? I asked.

    I don’t know, James. This is weird.

    What did you feel?

    Weirdness, Theresa replied.

    This was Theresa’s first experience with a spirit being in a trance session. I still had many questions, but I didn’t want to tax Theresa too much. So that afternoon, we went to a bookstore, seeking any information about mediumship we could find.



    I first read about hypnosis in middle school. For a few years, I practiced doing hypnotic inductions with my friends and family members. When I was attending high school, I had an instructor who used hypnosis. As I mentioned before, Theresa and I joined the school’s ESP club, of which he was the faculty leader. At one meeting, this teacher requested volunteers for a trance session. Quite a few students were rather sensitive to hypnotic suggestions, most of them girls in our experimental group. Our teacher managed to regress five of the students to the age of six and told them to print their names on the chalkboard, which they did. This group included Theresa, who appeared to be the most readily influenced.

    After our first encounter with El-Sa, I thought Theresa might still be susceptible to hypnotic suggestions, and this is when I decided to do an experiment. First, I developed a code word that only she and I would know to help her enter her trance states quickly. I also devised a numbering system to track the trance’s depth—a trance scale, if you will, from the shallowest to the deepest level, from 1 to 100.

    Having decided to further pursue the connection with El-Sa, we began our second session.

    Theresa sat rigidly on the couch, waiting for me to say the code word.

    Starlight, I said.

    She relaxed her shoulders, began deep exhalations, and closed her eyes. Her eyelids fluttered a little, and her breathing became slow and even.

    What level are you? I asked.

    Theresa whispered, 44.

    Relax. Relax.

    After a few moments, she stirred, straightened, and waved her left hand slightly, beckoning me to start.

    El-Sa, I said.

    The room began to feel light and warm, and I sensed El-Sa’s presence.

    Yes, she said. "There are many here who want to speak; the area is charged with their energy. But today, we must talk about the circle."

    Circle? What do you mean?

    I want you to direct Theresa to a circle when she goes into a trance. It will help her stay safe and help us stay longer, El-Sa replied.

    How shall I draw this circle? I asked.

    It should look like a mosaic pattern on a marble floor; it will purify her space.

    I understand. I am making the circle now!

    El-Sa stayed silent as I mentally drew a circle around the couch where Theresa sat. Then I sensed El-Sa had disengaged and gone away. I watched Theresa’s face closely to detect signs of El-Sa’s return. After some moments passed, El-Sa appeared to be back, and I re-engaged the conversation.

    It is done, I said.

    You see, many beings are around, but not all are of the Light, El-Sa warned.

    "Oh, that’s why I drew the circle. What do you see now?"

    The hosts!

    I assumed that the hosts were our spirit guardians. But what about beings from other realms? I asked.

    One from the other realms will come today. I have a friend who has been waiting a long time to speak with you, James. El-Sa sounded delighted, but her voice was fading.

    I would later coin the term intertrance communication (ITC) to describe spirit beings taking turns talking through a medium without losing control of the trance. I had no words for what was happening at that moment, but I could tell that an entirely new being was emerging through Theresa.

    While this spirit’s energy field was powerful, it felt soothing, like rushing waves. Theresa later told me she felt very comfortable with this being.

    Ah! The being sighed as if it were finally able to fit into Theresa’s body, like a hand in a glove. Theresa’s posture changed noticeably; she looked like one of those ancient Egyptian pharaoh statues sitting on a throne.

    Circle: A geometric psychic construction that is used for magical protection and for monitoring and controlling spirit beings during trance communications.

    Can you please tell me who you are? I asked, concerned.

    "Ah, my son, I am…I am called Mafeth. I’ve waited so long to come here to speak," said the being, who seemed masculine.

    Then you know of our work?

    We all know of you and your work!

    And how is this?

    In your world, it would be like a public telephone system, Mafeth said, putting a delighted grin on Theresa’s face.

    So, you all see Theresa when she enters a trance?

    In a way, we see her energy. It touches two worlds like a wire or a cable.

    Does everyone touch two worlds?

    Yes, but in a small degree of awareness. Some are aware of the other world only when asleep, others are aware at death, and others must be reawakened after their deaths. But you and many others are aware in sleeping and waking states.

    Interesting, I said. He was confirming what I had read in books about the afterlife.

    Yes, this is interesting, Mafeth said, nodding Theresa’s head.

    What interests you?

    Sitting here, it feels quite different, a lot heavier.

    When did you last live on Earth? I asked.

    "I was the king of a land called Ur around 4000 BCE."

    I thought you might be of nobility because of how you sit.

    You observe well, my son, Mafeth said.

    Why do you call me ‘son’? I asked.

    I do not wish to offend.

    You are not offending me.

    Your wife was one of my daughters during my time.

    Oh, I see.

    Good, good. Mafeth laughed, making Theresa’s voice sound heavy.

    You seem happy to be here.

    I am. He seemed genuinely pleased.

    When you link with Theresa’s mind, are you here or in your sphere?

    I am in my place, he answered. I would not come here because it takes a lot out of Theresa and much of my energy to do that at this time. She would quickly tire. So, I use the telephone method for now.

    Okay. Well, I have no more questions for now. Would you come back again?

    Certainly, my son. Farewell for now, Mafeth said, putting another delighted smile on Theresa’s face.

    Thank you, I said. Go in peace. I ended the session and brought Theresa out of her trance.

    Although I wanted to keep going, I was mindful of Theresa’s lack of experience with trance states, plus I did not want to tax her or exhaust our guest. I was also apprehensive about Theresa’s abilities and felt she needed time to grow and adjust before we attempted more.



    On a calm spring morning, Theresa and I held another trance session after our meditation. It had been two weeks since our last session, and I wanted us to ease into our next conversation with the spirit slowly, even though we were both eager to know more about the spirit realm.

    Theresa, I want you to enter a deep level of trance and wait for communication from El-Sa, I told her.

    Once again, I drew the circle around us that El-Sa had instructed me to construct in our second trance session. Theresa settled into the chair, closed her eyes, and relaxed her body to prepare for the trance. As she started transitioning, she described what she was intuitively observing. She admired the circle I was drawing, describing it as a mosaic pattern on a marble floor around which many beings were standing at a respectful distance, wearing long, beautiful white-and-gold robes.

    When El-Sa began to communicate, they came closer to the circle and their garments dimmed. Theresa saw them but could not identify any of them.

    After a long pause, El-Sa spoke. Okay, I’m at a good level to communicate.

    I wish to know what abilities you have and to learn more about you, I said.

    Yes, you know about my personality in a former life, she said.

    Please go on.

    What else do you wish to know? El-Sa asked.

    Do you possess any psychic powers? I asked hopefully.

    I can enter and leave this body. I can feel many different vibrations, and I can identify beings as dark or light. I can also sense the vibration of an object.

    I have a few objects here, I said. I would like you to tell me what you sense from them. It was hard to contain my excitement over this new step.

    I will try, El-Sa said.

    I placed a geomancy wand, which I had created a few years ago, in Theresa’s hands. It held special meaning for me, and I was eager

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