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" God's 007"? Installment 7 Why Do You Serve God?
" God's 007"? Installment 7 Why Do You Serve God?
" God's 007"? Installment 7 Why Do You Serve God?
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" God's 007"? Installment 7 Why Do You Serve God?

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The title of this book is not indicative of the content. For most Christians the question posed would be a no-brainer. Yet this question was posed to me by a non- Christian. In fact a non- Human Being. It was a demanding question asked while I was in the grips of a Night Terror sleep disorder attack.
The loud, authoritative voice was relentless in its’ assault. It wanted, demanded—perhaps “needed” an answer.
My only reply: “I Love God and only God”.
While this was one of the most terrifying experiences in my life, it did serve a purpose. It was further testimony to me that God truly exists or why else would I be under this intensive attack?
But again, I must assert , this book was not intended to be a definitive statement about God or Evil. It is a book about doing Good—giving Hope.
This may very well be my last installment in this series. I am 77 years old and my health is failing. Obviously, I won’t live another 77 years.
A psychic once read my palm years ago and gave me a number of 92. Although, I do not believe I will reach that age, God has the last sayso not the psychic nor me.
I entitled this series “God’s 007”? I explained why in the first installment. Even though people over a period of years have compared me to Jesus—God—and perhaps “Mahatma Ghandi or the Asian that reincarnates every so many years.... I doubt these but cannot totally deny them either.
If God truly picked me to communicate, then there is hope for us all. God will have once again chosen an individual that is quite flawed but perhaps the flaws to some degree make me a vital receptacle to deliver “The Word”.
One thing for sure : God did not choose me to interpret the Holy Bible. In fact, in this seventh installment I will pose a number of questions and challenges to the Holy Bible itself and how it portrays God “Himself”.
Throughout this series for my readers, I hope that I entertained as well as educate.
In addition to the usual text to this book I added a "Wish Dream Team To Help The Less Fortunate In The World". The Criteria : Your "Life Path Number " or Birth Number should when reduced add up to seven. For instance my date of birth 4-19-1946 = 4+19 = 23 +1= 24 +9= 33 +4 = 37 + 6 = 43 . Then 4 +3 = 7. I found some of my celebrities who qualified. Among them C. J. Stroud, QB of the Houston, Texans; Jill Biden, current First Lady; Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House; Stephen Curry, NBA super star; Terry Crews of AGT; Governor of Alabama Kay Ivey who just signed an anti- diversity bill. You reckon she might be interested in this group? Caitlyn Jenner formerly known as Bruce Jenner. Somehow I believe Caitlyn might be interested, Patrick Mahomes Sr. (father of the NFL star QB), Taylor Swift and others. Of course, this "Dream Team" will most likely never materialize, but who knows-- maybe God will WILL IT !!

Release dateFeb 11, 2024
" God's 007"? Installment 7 Why Do You Serve God?

Namref H. Tims

Namref H. Tims email : namrefhtims@gmail.comWho am I?.A creative spirit.Depends on your perspective.For one I was a sorry " S.O.B,"Another compared me to Jesus.One called me "Cretin" ( Female National Merit Semi- Finalist)Another beheld "pure genius". ( Different Female National Merit Semi-Finalist)I am athletic yet clumsy.Am sensitive yet at times mindless.Truth : I am all that is enlisted .Have a degree in Accounting, although I never worked a day as one. I served in the US Army Security Agency for four years as a Morse Code Interceptor. I have worked for the U.S. Postal Service and also a major refinery.Met and verbally sparred with Muhammad Ali.Competed in the 100 yard dash against the co-holder of the world record. Ran the 40 yard dash in 4 seconds flat.Competed for a short while in world long drive competition. When I saw the disparity of pay between Open division and Senior Division ( $135,000 for first place Open division and $9800 Senior Div.) I retired even though I was hitting balls on the driving range (with limited flight golf balls) farther than the best in the world in my age group.Sent an email to harass Marilyn vos Savant that my IQ was higher than hers. In her column she tells you : " Use the highest score ". My highest score was 235. For the story on that you will have to read my upcoming book, "Extraordinary Performances In Sports And LIfe-- The Numbers That Influence Them".In 1972 I experimented and achieved success with Telekinesis. Later In 1972 I abandoned pursuit of these abilities.In 2014 I resumed experimenting with paranormal abilities. Mainly because, I read about the James Randi org, which offered a 1 million dollar prize to someone who could demonstrate these abilities exist.As of 2015 this prize no longer exists.Sporadically now I practice paranormal abilities, since there is no longer a substantial prize incentive. My objective : If I can use them to heal people, I will put them to great service.I have beaten and drawn top rated computer chess programs at blitz chess-- Famed Grand Master Lev Alburt told me this was IMPOSSIBLE for an amateur player of less strength than a super GM rated 2650 Elo.World Infamous "Woe- Class" Psychic Maria Duval told me : " You Are Sent By The Supreme Forces Of The Universe..."I write mostly for fulfillment not edification.Most writers don't make much money. This so far, holds true for me.

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    Book preview

    " God's 007"? Installment 7 Why Do You Serve God? - Namref H. Tims

    God’s 007?

    Installment 7

    Why Do You Serve God?

    By Namref H. Tims

    Copyright 2024


    This was a provocative question posed to me many years ago. It was not asked by a Human Being. I was in the grips of a Night Terror attack. I was caught in the limbo between sleep and awake. I lay there in bed completely terrified—completely helpless. The voice was relentless—"He only brings you Pain! Yet you serve him… Why?"I was saying prayers incessantly. I Love God! I only love God!

    While I lay there desperately, I tried to tune in mentally to my Attacker.A very bright light shone through my mind, it was if someone had just turned on the light switch in my bedroom. The image in the bright light was Not Human. The image had the face of a dog but also features of a pig. The Voice was loud --authoritative. The Voice kept pounding me with demanding questions. A minute…. Three minutes… Five minutes… Finally after Seven minutes my prayers succeeded-- the attack ended. I woke up in a cold sweat. Who and What was it?

    Lucifer—The Angel of Light? Truthfully, I cannot answer that question. The intruder never identified himself.The attack forceful and terrifying – did ask a very relevant question in our world today.

    Why do we serve God? Lately, I have been fathoming this question daily.


    I have been now thinking: "I serve Good and hopefully that includes God also. In this installment of God’s 007? I will endeavor to answer: Why I serve God. I also hope this sheds light for many Christians on why exactly they serve God as well.

    In this installment which may very well be my last, we shall tackle another perplexing, multi-faceted question that face Christians. God, Mental Illness and Suicide. How does God address Mental Illness—And-- Is Suicide an Unforgivable Sin? There are a number of articles and videos on You Tube addressing these topics. In this installment I will give their take as well as mine on these subjects.

    Also in this installment I will take a look at some popular Evangelists such as Tiff Shuttlesworth—Rick Warren and family— Joseph Z, a non- Evangelist , the late- Steve Allen, Bill Maher, and others and their takes on God, Mental Illness and Suicide.Tough questions--- intriguing answers!

    Table Of Contents

    Part I

    Chapter 1 We Live In A Broken World

    Chapter 2 God And Mental Illness

    Chapter 3 God, Mental Illness And Suicide : Matthew, Rick And Kay Warren

    Chapter 4 Joke Contract With The Devil

    Chapter 5 Apologize!

    Chapter 6 Psychiatry, Sleep Disorders And A Holistic Approach To Family Therapy

    Chapter 7 Mental Illness And Quality Of Life

    Part II Heaven And Hell

    Chapter 8 The One Unforgivable Sin And—Can You Have Major Differences With The Bible Yet Still Go To Heaven?

    Chapter 9 The Four Major Religions, The Dali Lama And God

    Chapter 10 Can There Be A Heaven Without A Hell?

    Part III Smorgasboard

    Chapter 11 Exactly How Much Leeway Does God Give Evil In Its’ Transgressions Against Us?

    Chapter12 C. J. Stroud IV And Free Choice

    Chapter 13 Arguments You Cannot Win

    Part IV

    Chapter 14 Lake Of Fire : One Man’s Dread—Another Man’s Training Ground

    Chapter 15 Death Is Always Ugly

    Chapter 16 Steve Allen And Einstein

    Chapter 17 Modern Day Evangelists And Donald Trump

    Chapter 18 Nature And Evolution Of Evil Attackers

    Chapter 19 The Bible Says

    Chapter20 Bill Maher, Steve Allen and God

    Chapter21 In The Beginng Was The Word

    Chapter 22 Why Do You Serve God?

    After Word


    Part I God And Mental Illness

    Chapter 1 We Live In A Broken World

    The statement: We live in a broken world I took note of for the first time when Rick Warren on TBN(Trinity Broadcasting Network). This was several years ago( 2020 or 2021). Kay Warren was not present, Matt and Laurie Crouch were the hosts, Rick was intermittently talking about his beloved son’s suicide in 2013 at the age of 27 and his award-winning book, "The Purpose- Driven Life". I must confess my ignorance : I knew of Rick Warren from an inaugural speech he gave for Barack Obama in 2009. I was not familiar with his book nor have I read it. I knew nothing of his family or his son’s suicide. Yet, I was deeply saddened on many levels. I have two disabled children who are both now adults. I always wondered whether if adequate resources were available if a full recovery for both off them might be a reality. The Warrens I assumed would have more than adequate resources yet their beloved-son Matthew committed suicide. Why? I wrote an email to Rick Warren and of course, I never heard from him. I imagine Rick Warren gets hundreds of mail and emails a week. Yet I was very curious about the circumstances of Matthew Warren’s suicide. Could not find very much on the Internet about him except his date of birth, which was July 18,1985.

    From that I went to a website that generated an astrological reading for Matthew. I eventually wrote a book in this series God’s 007? addressing Matthew’s mental illness and suicide. The book is basically free—you, the reader sets the price. I will return to the Warrens in another chapter as we discuss God and mental illness.

    But let’s return to : We live in a broken world… Pretty simple and obvious statement. But is it profound? We could just as easily say this: "God gave man Free Will". Another simple and obvious statement. Yet there is yet another profound observation – God did Not give man Free Choice. This is my own phrase. God did NOT give us a choice in who exactly our parents would be !!How do these three statements intersect, collide or merge?

    Recently, I began reading a book written by the late, former talk show host Steve Allen. Surprisingly for me, he wrote thirty-five books. He was truly a prolific writer. Some of the questions he posed in his book Steve Allen on the Bible , Religion, & Morality, would probably sound similar to the statement :We live in a broken world… Yet many of Steve’s questions are quite different. Unlike Rick Warren and other Evangelical leaders/pastors, Allen does not believe in the traditional Bible the way most Christians were raised. He sees marked problems and issues with the Old, as well as the New Testaments.

    For Steve Allen, former TV host and prolific writer, it is more than: We live in a broken world.His view might very well be: Our perception of the Bible and the World is broken. Steve Allen puts a lot of Critical Thinking in his analysis of the Bible and how a Christian views the world depending on his upbringing . After reading the long foreword and introduction to Steve Allen’s book, I was thoroughly impressed. After I began reading the body of the book I was less impressed. It became apparent to me, that even though Allen was using the process of Critical Thinking in his historical analysis of the Bible—that you reach a point where it becomes what a person wants to believe, even if you endeavor to use Critical Thinking process. It becomes also a point of the person’s individual experiences and how the person perceived those experiences. Yet for me and the late Steve Allen—We live in a broken world"— does not solve or explain very much. We will explore some of Steve Allen’s well- taken viewpoints later.

    As for now : We live in a broken world, sometimes seems like a cure-all some pastors use for our problems when people feel God has failed them. In this seventh installment, I am going to address some of those issues: Why it seems God did not respond in some instances in which He actually did respond. Of course, this is based on my own experiences and how I perceived them. Read along and see if you agree with my assessments.

    Chapter 2 God and Mental Illness

    I will start first with my own mental illness. Oh yes, I like many others have suffered with mental illness.I began suffering with Night Terror sleep disorder in 1979. Let me give you a little history about the onset. I began a journey in 1976 to discover

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